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5 1 Arrival of guests

Janith A very good evening to you ladies and gentlemen.

Patavi So we are gathered here for the charter installation of the Hutch
toastmasters club, where we can witness the beginning of a brand new
Patavi We Warmly welcome you all to charter installation ceremony of the Hutch
toastmasters club
Patavi A platform to encourage and motivate, the incoming leaders and to
appreciate and acknowledge the outgoing leaders.
Janith We warmly welcome the
Chief Guest Mr. Thirukumar Nadarasa
Program Quality Director ; district 82 TI TM Sarma Mahalingam
Division Director Division A TM Saliya De silva
Area Director A1 TM Shanaka Wijesinghe
Asistant Division Director Program Quality TM Manik Dissanayake
Asistant Division director club growth TM Sitha Kathirgamnathan
All the Area Directors of Division A
Heads Of Departments of Hutch
Presidents of TMasteR clubs of Area A
All toastmasters present and dear friends..

Janith We believe that this beginning would be the start for a memorable evening.
Patavi Please stand for the National Anthem

Patavi :

6.05   Lighting of the oil lamp

Light and brightness has always been equated with positivity and
motivation. Therefore to start us off, in an auspicious note we will
now have the lamp lighting ceremony, and to do the honours I would
now like to invite the following dignitaries to please join us in stage.

Chief Guest Mr. Thirukumar Nadarasa

Program Quality Director ; district 82 TI TM Sarma Mahalingam
Division Director Division A TM Saliya De silva
Area Director A1 TM Shanaka Wijesinghe
HODs of Hutch  
Thank you

A journey of a thousand miles, begin with a single step.

So us in Hutch Tmasters club we had our first step.

And We had a good start. And With a good start we all do great things.

Before we became “Formal” and “Legal” there was a time that we had our toastmasters club
under the radar. Few enthusiasts gathered and focused to learn and express in English in
order to have a robust pedestal in the society.

So I invite TM Nirodha to conduct his presentation on how this all started.

6.1   Presentation – Hutch TMC Initiation


Thank you TM Nirodha for your inspiring presentation.

And like he said in his presentation you all now know that the journey we shared to arrive
at this point was turbulent. But we all had one person, a pillar of strength and motivation,
who was with us to inspire and really take the lead to make this dream a reality from day
one. He is truly the patron of Hutch Toastmasters, and I consider this my special privilege
to invite the General Manager of Network, TM Dhananjaya Ponnamperuma to please
address this gathering.

6.15   Speech by TM Dhananjaya Ponnamperuma (GM Network)

Thank you Mr. Dhananjaya not just for your speech but for the being the godparent of this
club. We cannot stress enough how thankful we are to you.

Ladies and gentleman let me invite the iron fist behind this company. The non-other than
our CEO Mr. Thirukumar Nadarasa to deliver his speech.
6.25   Speech by CEO


Thank you Mr, Thirukumar Nandara for your valuable words, and also for the support and
encouragement you have showed us throughout this endevour.

6.3   Speech by Division Director (TM Saliya De Silva)

Thank you TM Saliya, for your speech, for your support and more so over your caring
affection towards this new born toastmasters club.

Ladies and gentlemen now I invite TM Manik Dissanayaka and TM Sitha Kadirgamnathan to
guide us through, pledge of oath and charter of the members

Charter Member Oath and Charter the members by Assistant

6.35   Division Directors (TM Manik Dissanayake, TM Sitha
Kathirgamnathan) and Distribution of Certificates


Thank you Toast Masters Manik Dissanayaka and Sitha Kadirgamnathan.

We would now like to invite the General Manager of Human Resources and Administration,
Mr. Earnest Perera to please address the gathering.

7   Speech by Mr. Ernest Perera (GM HR and Admin)

Thank you Mr. Earnest. For your swift authorization and continuous support towards us.

7.05   Entertainment

7.1   Key Note Speech by TM Sarma Mahalingam

Thanks TM Sarma Mahalingam.

Next would be the Installation of Exco by TM Shanaka Wijesinghe. The Area Director of
Area A.
TM Shanaka the stage is yours.

7.15   Exco Installation by Area Director (TM Shanaka Wijesinghe)


I think, if there is one thing that all of us can agree, it is that the Madam President of our
club is excellent at her job. She ignited the spark to begin this whole journey, and continues
to bear the torch of leadership with resilience and enthusiasm. So ladies and gentleman
please let me invite our Madam President TM Achini Randeniya to deliver her speech.

7.4   President Acceptance Speech

Thanks you. Madam President,
Hope you are happier than ever about the club you built; from your courage.

7.45   Token of appreciations


As we are nearing the end of this evening, I would now like to call upon the Secretary TM
Melani Fernando to please deliver the vote of thanks.

7.5   Vote of Thanks by Secretary

TM Melani I guess you forgot to deliver the Zumba lesson you promised. Or was it the
gymnastic performance.

Ladies and gentlemen we have reached the end of this ceremony. The refreshments are
ready, And I know you all are starving.
I just want remind That This is the start of a very long journey we are about to embark

Thank you All.

Reminder for the Exco : Please don’t go MIA as we about to have the photos.

7.55   Refreshments

Exco photo
    TM dignitaries photo
All enthusiasts

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