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Kinematika Partikel
2.3 Gerak 2 Dimensi (Parabolis)
2.4 Gerak Melingkar
Gerak Dua Dimensi
If velocity is constant, motion is along a straight line:
Gerak Parabola

• ignore air resistance
• g = 9.81 m/s2, downward
• ignore Earth’s rotation
If y-axis points upward, acceleration in
x-direction is zero and acceleration in
y-direction is -9.81 m/s2
The acceleration is independent of the direction of
the velocity:
Zero Launch Angle (sudut awal nol)
Launch angle: direction of initial velocity with respect
to horizontal
In this case, the initial velocity in the y-direction is
zero. Here are the equations of motion, with x0 = 0
and y0 = h:
General Launch Angle

In general, v0x = v0 cos θ and v0y = v0 sin θ

Sumbu X GLB

Perpaduan gerak dua sumbu yang

saling tegak lurus
Sumbu Y GLBB

Lintasannya memyerupai parabola

Komponen gerak pada Komponen gerak pada
sumbu x sumbu y
vx = v0 cos  vy = v0 sin  - gt

x = x0 + (v0 cos ) t y = y0 + (v0 sin ) t - ½ gt2

vy2 = (v0 sin )2 - 2gy

𝑉𝑜 2 sin 2𝜃 𝑉𝑜 2 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝜃
𝑥𝑚𝑎𝑥 = 𝑦𝑚𝑎𝑥 =
𝑔 2𝑔
Soal 1
Let’s work an example that is a launch angle different from 0,
but it returns to the same height that it is launched.
A pirate ship is 560 m from a fort defending the harbor
entrance of an island. A defense cannon, located at sea
level, fires balls at initial speed v0 = 82 m/s

At what angle,  from the horizontal must a ball be fired to hit

the ship?
Soal 2
Now let’s look at an example of projectile motion where the
projectile lands at a different elevation from it’s launch height.

A stone is projected at a cliff of height h with an initial speed of 42 m/s

directed at angle 0 = 600 above the horizontal. The stone strikes A 5.5 s
after launching. Find: h, the speed of the stone just before impacting A, and
the maximum height H reached above the ground.
Jawaban Soal Nomor 1
Let’s work an example that is a launch angle different from 0,
but it returns to the same height that it is launched.
A pirate ship is 560 m from a fort defending the harbor
entrance of an island. A defense cannon, located at sea
level, fires balls at initial speed v0 = 82 m/s

At what angle,  from the horizontal must a ball be fired to hit

the ship?
x  v0 x t
 v0 cos t We need an expression for the time, t
x  v0 x t
 v0 cos t We need an expression for the time, t
1 2
h  y  y0  v0 y t  gt since the projectile will
return to the same height that it left from,
h = y –y0 = 0 so our equation becomes:
1 2 1 2
0  v0 y t  gt  v0 sin  t  gt
2 2

1 2
0  v0 sin  t  gt from here we can solve for time, t
1 1
factor out a t, and it cancels: 0  v0 sin   gt  gt  v0 sin 
2 2
2v0 sin 
gt  2v0 sin   t 
now substitute this back into:
g x  v0 cos t
 2v0 sin   2v02
x  v0 cos t  v0 cos    cos sin 
 g  g
from trigonometry: sin 2  2 sin  cos

x  sin 2 this is called the Range equation!
DANGER WILL ROBINSON: This equation only works if the projectile
returns to the same height that it was launched!!!
v02 gx 9.8m / s 2 560m
x  sin 2  sin 2  2 
g v0 82m / s 2
 0.816

2  sin 1 0.816
 54.6 or 180  54.6  125.3
  27 o or 63o
Jawaban Soal Nomor 2
Now let’s look at an example of projectile motion where the
projectile lands at a different elevation from it’s launch height.

A stone is projected at a cliff of height h with an initial speed

of 42 m/s directed at angle 0 = 600 above the horizontal. The
stone strikes A 5.5 s after launching. Find: h, the speed of the
stone just before impacting A, and the maximum height H reached
above the ground.
total time, t = 5.5 s
v0= 42 m/s

= 600

Let’s start by finding the x and y components of the initial velocity,

v0 (Note: this is always a good place to start!!)

opp v0 y  m m
sin     v0 y  v0 sin    42  sin 60  36.4

hyp v0  s s
adj v0 x  m m
cos    v0 x  v0 cos   42  cos60  21

hyp v0  s s

m m
v0 y  36.4 v0 x  21 Now we can proceed with
finding the height of the cliff!
s s
total time, t = 5.5 s
v0= 42 m/s

v0y=36.4 m/s

= 600

v0x=21 m/s

m m
v0 y  36.4 v0 x  21
s s
1 2  m 1 m
h  v0 y t  gt   36.4 5.5s   9.8 2 5.5s 

2  s 2 s 
 200.2m  148.2m  52m
Now let’s try and find the speed of the rock just before impact.
Remember that this will be the magnitude of the final velocity
vector. And this vector has both an x and y component.
total time, t = 5.5 s
v0= 42 m/s vf

v0y=36.4 m/s
= 600

v0x=21 m/s

Because there is no acceleration along the x axis: v0x=vfx=21 m/s

However in the y-direction there is acceleration so we must find
the y component of the final velocity:
This negative
 m  m m
v fy  v0 y  gt   36.4    9.8 2 5.5s  17.5 sign means the
 s  s  s is downward!

2 2

vf  v   v 
2  m  m
   17.5    21   27.3
 s  s s
total time, t = 5.5 s
v0= 42 m/s vf=27.3 m/s

v0y=36.4 m/s
= 600

v0x=21 m/s

Now let’s find the maximum height, H! To do this you have to know
that the instant the stone is at it’s maximum height the y component
of the velocity equals zero, vyMAV H = 0. Using this information we can

v2fy  v02 y  2 gH  0  v02 y  2 gH

 m
2  36.4 
v0 y  s
2 gH  v02 y  H   67.5m
2g m
2  9.8 2
= 350

= 3.3 km

= 9.4 km

During volcano eruptions, chunks of solid rock can be blasted out of the volcano;
these projectiles are called volcanic bombs. At what initial speed would a bomb have
to be ejected, at angle 0=350 to the horizontal, from the vent at A in order to fall at
the foot of the volcano at B, at vertical distance h=3.3 km and horizontal distance
d=9.4 km ?

So we need to do is figure at what the initial speed of the

bombs need to be in order to hit point B.
Gerak yang lintasannya berbentuk
Benda/partikel bergerak dari A ke B menempuh :
Jarak ds atau Sudut dθ

Besaran LINIER Besaran ANGULER

Kecepatan linier Kecepatan sudut :

(tangensial) : V m/s ω rad/s

Percepatan Percepatan sudut :

tangensial : aT m/s α rad/s2

V konstan V tidak konstan


Ada percepatan a

as = ar = konstan as = ar = tidak konstan

𝒂𝒕 = 𝟎 𝒂𝒕 = 𝜶 R
(Mengubah besar kecepatan)
(Mengubah besar kecepatan)
𝒗𝟐 𝒗𝟐
𝒂𝒔 = 𝒂𝒔 =
𝒓 𝒓
(Mengubah arah kecepatan) Kinematics (Mengubah arah kecepatan) 25
Gerak Melingkar / Anguler
Rotational / Angular Motion

• Gerak sebuah benda titik dengan

lintasan melingkar dengan jari-
jari R

• Persamaan gerak melingkar

• 1 (satu) radian adalah besarnya sudut tengah lingkaran yang
panjang busurnya sama dengan jari-jarinya.

  (radian)
1 putaran  2   rad  360
1rad   57,3
Percepatan dan Gaya Sentripetal
• Percepatan dengan arah tegak lurus kecepatan, yaitu menuju pusat lingkaran
• Gaya yang menyebabkan benda bergerak melingkar dengan arah menjauhi pusat
lingkaran F  m  a
r r

Misalkan kita memiliki lingkaran dengan sudut θ

dan jari-jari r. Maka :
s v
s  
 r v
s  arc length in meters s  vt
vt v

v r v

v 2 v
  aR
vo v vo r t

aR  radialacceleration
• Kecepatan total

• Komponen-komponen

• Besar
Linier / Translasi Anguler / Rotasi
Posisi x (m) Posisi Sudut θ (rad)
x = x0 + v0t + ½ at2 x = Rθ θ = θ0 + ω0t + ½ αt2

Kecepatan v (m/s) Kecepatan Sudut ω (rad/s)

v = v0 + at v = Rω ω = ω0 + αt

Percepatan a (m/s2) Percepatan Tangensial

v2 = v02 +2a(x-x0) a = Rα ω2 = ω02 +2α(θ-θ0)
• Percepatan total

a (t )  ar (t )eˆr  at (t )eˆ

a (t )  ar  at
2 2

a r  percepatan radial
a t  percepatan tangensia l
ê r  vektor satuan arah radial
êθ  vektor satuan arah tange nsial
• Percepatan tangensial

• Percepatan radial

 r 2
Gerak Melingkar Beraturan (GMB)

• Memiliki nilai kecepatan

konstan, tetapi arahnya
berubah, sehingga
konsekuensinya nilai
percepatan tangensial bernilai
nol dan selalu ada percepatan
yang mengarah ke pusat
(percepatan sentripetal)
Gerak Melingkar Berubah Beraturan
• Memiliki besar dan arah kecepatan berubah (tidak konstan)
• Memiliki dua macam percepatan yaitu percepatan tangensial
dan percepatan sentripetal.

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