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Good morning! I’m Richie Vila, your student nurse for today.

May I ask for

your name? Firstly, I’ll sanitize my hands. I’ll be doing an assessment of your
head to neck which will be beneficial for your health and this involves a lot
of touching. I have gathered the equipment I’m going to need. Don’t worry
the results of this assessment will be confidential among us doctors and
nurses who will take care of you. Let me close the curtains for your privacy.
Do you mind if I take down notes while assessing you?

First I’m going to assess your head. Is it okay to touch you?

 The head is normally hard and smooth, no presence of lesions.
 The head size and shape is vary, accord with ethnicity.
 It is symmetric and round and appropriately related to body size
 The face is symmetric with oval appearance and no abnormal
movements noted
I’m going to palpate temporal artery and the temporomandibular joint
 The temporal artery is elastic and not tender
 No swelling and tenderness with movement.
 Mouth open and closes normally and the lower jaw moves laterally
I’m going to proceed to the sinuses. I’m going to put pressure, tell me if you
feel any pain.
 No presence of tenderness
I’m going to proceed to the neck,
 Neck is symmetric, with head centered and without bulging masses
 The thyroid cartilage move upward symmetrically as the client
 C7 is visible and palpable
 Neck movement is smooth and controlled with 45 degree flexion
 Trachea is midline which is normal
 Landmarks are position midline
 There’s no swelling or enlargement and no tenderness

That’s it for today. Do you have any questions? Clarifications? If there’s

none, thank you for your cooperation. I hope everything goes well with your

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