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running head: THEMATIC ANALYSIS 1

Thematic Analysis: Creating my Vision and Mission Statements

Jesus M Cortes
April 14, 2020
Arizona State University


In this paper, I conduct a thematic analysis where I am the subject and the end
purpose is to create my vision and mission statement. In order to get to that point, I
started by going back and taking a look at self-assessments done throughout the
first half of the OGL 482: Pro-Seminar Course, my Life Story Personal Narrative and
finally interviewing a couple of my very close friends and family. Below is a detailed
list of all the items I used to conduct this thematic analysis about myself, shown as a
code legend in order to make citing my references simpler. (Each code is merely an
acronym of the data source.

Data Source Source Citation Code
o Three Questions (3Q’s)
o Identities Exercise (IE)
o Values and Dreams (VD)
o Life Story Personal Narrative (LSPN)
o O*NET Interest Profiler (OIP)
o Career Anchors Assessment (CAA)
o Humanmetrics Jung Typology
Assessment (HJTA)
o DISC Assessment (DISC)
o Big 5 Self-Assessment (Big5)
o Interviews with Significant Others (ISO)

In order to make the process of creating a vision and mission statement, I created
ten personal reoccurring themes. These themes are discussed below, each with
supporting evidence pulled from the data sources above. Creating these themes took
quite a bit of time as I looked through all the data sources trying to categorize
information in order to find any reoccurring information. My process was a simple one
where if I read something that overlapped with something, I had read from another data
source I wrote statements or sentences in a word doc. The assessments were a bit

easier that my personal narrative as everything was already categorize in the results
page. However, I tried to not let this influence my decision to pick certain themes
without first gathering more data that made it certain it was a reoccurring theme. When
there were too close, I at times overlapped them to look at the bigger picture and merge
them to make one theme instead of having multiple themes that were basically in the
same category.
After all of this I came up with ten themes which are shown below. I was very
satisfied with these themes because they speak to me and represent who I am. I think
that these themes revolve around both my personal life and my professional life as well.

My Themes:

1. I have vision for potential improvement

2. I enjoy socializing and being around people
3. I am persistent
4. I find hands on/ laborious work more satisfying than any other type
5. Family is one of the most valuable things to me
6. I have a very strong will
7. I have a code to always try to do the right thing.
8. I am self-confident
9. I can compartmentalize easily
10. I know how to deal with tough times

1. I have vision for potential improvement


Supporting Evidence:
o “Being a crafter has made me look deeper into appearance as I thrive in
presentation. Being a crafter has made it a priority of mine to look at details
because they do matter.” (IE)

o “I also really enjoy details. I love art and any form of it. I am passionate about
details because it is art to me. Details in anything you do is what gives art
character and I strive to perfect the details when I physically make something for
example.” (3Q’s)

o “I find it easy to look past the struggle and have vision of the end results and
rewards. I am good at pacing myself in order to have this vision and am good at
persisting in working hard.” (3Q’s)

o “The world needs my sense of innovation and creativity.”, “I can always spot
where or how something can be better. I have a good eye for detail, which helps
me be a good critic, but I also have optimism and vision to seek new processes
of innovation.” (3Q’s)

o Two of my values from the Values checklist were change & variety, and growth. I
think these show that I do not like to stay stagnant and seek how I can always be
in a better situation. (VD)

o “Some specific behaviors that I associated with my values is I always strive to merely
live a happy life while appreciating who and what I have, striving to grow mentally,
emotionally and physically, and being positive.” (VD)

o “Not only this, but I can also deeply enjoy working on myself and in fact strive to do so
whenever I see an opportunity.” (VD)

o “I see my identity changing and evolving to a better version of my than I have ever
been.” (IE)

Contradictory Data:
o At times I can be a conformist and or pessimist about certain situations. (ISO)

o I scored the lowest on Compliance in the DISC assessment which has to do with
organization and procedures. I think that these may be vital for improvement.

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:
I have always had vision and the creativity to look ahead and image what something
or someone could be. I believe it is a gift of mine because I have used this ability to be
able to grow and become a better person by always pushing myself to do what I knew I
could accomplish through some hard work. I think that this theme has complimented my
hard work ethic well and has always kept me hungry for more. In a professional sense, I
think that this can be of use in leadership. I can see myself in a management position
using this to help people grow and reach their full potential as well.

2. I enjoy socializing and being around people

Supporting Evidence:
o “Being a Mexican American influenced my priority interest of people and
companionship and comradery” (IE)

o I had a 38% preference of extraversion over intro introversion in the

Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test. (HJTT)

o Extraversion was my highest scoring factor with 78 on the Big 5 personality test.

o Influence was my second highest percentage of my personality factors,

according to the DISC assessment, but only by two percent. I In my mind
influence tied with Dominance, where I scored 39%. (DISC)

o Even though it was not my highest scoring interest, my Social interest in the
O*NET Interest Profiler assessment was decently high. (OIP)

o Two of my values from the Values Checklist were affection and being around
open and honest people. (VD)

o “Some specific behaviors that I associated with my values is I always strive to merely
live a happy life while appreciating who and what I have, striving to grow mentally,
emotionally and physically, and being positive.” (VD)

o “I found that my main characteristic is that I am people person and love to interact and
help others.” (VD)

Contradictory Data:
o “Realistic interest do not like careers that involve paperwork or working closely
with others.” (OIP)

o My third highest interest in the O*Net Interest Profiler assessment was

investigative which is a line of work that deals with ideas and thinking instead of
leading people. (OIP)

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:
Having good interpersonal skills goes a long way in a both a personal and
professional setting. Having such skills, however, does not mean that an individual
necessarily enjoys talking or being around people. Not only do I have goof interpersonal
skills, but I do enjoy the company of other people. I have always been a people person,
and this has helped me make friends and connections in my personal and professional
lives. I think that this theme is one of the major reasons that I decided to go into the
Organizational Leadership field. Managing people and having a good impact in their
lives is something that I have great interest in.

3. I am persistent

Supporting Evidence:
o I was able to learn how to wrestle and get bigger and stronger physically and
mentally despite tough obstacles along the way. (LSPN)

o I was able to reach my goals in my wrestling career no matter how many times I
failed. (LSPN)

o I was able to fight through anxiety attacks and mild depression in recent past
years to get through college. (LSPN)

o I have learned to take life one step at a time because in nothing gets done out of
nowhere. “If you want to break a huge rock you can’t expect it to break with one
blow. One needs to have persistence to keep pounding at that rock, day after day
till it breaks.” (LSPN)

o After months, I was able to tame my pet hedgehog so that it would not be scared
of me and curl up into a ball. (ISO)

o It takes time to beat personal records at the gym however I constantly push
myself through the monotony. “One of my most favorite hobbies for example is
lifting weights. I never go for weight, however. I instead go for middle weight and
strive to do as many reps as I can whenever I am working out. I love going to the
gym and leaving knowing that I did more reps than the last time I was there.”

Contradictory Data:
o I scored low on Steadiness in the DISC assessment which temperament,
patience, persistence and thoughtfulness. (DISC)

o At times I can lose my temper/patience which leads me to quit. Generally, this

can be of frustration, yet I more often than not come back and try again. (ISO)

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:

I think that persistence, very much like patience, is a great quality to have. Being
able to follow a routine over and over seeing very little results in the short term is
inevitable in out lifetimes and it is in these instances where persistence is a virtue. I
attribute my persistence to my father who is a very patient and persistent man himself
and taught me to be the same. This quality of mine has made it possible for me to go
through school, keep jobs, and accomplish countless monotonous tasks in my lifetime.

4. I find hands on/ laborious work more satisfying than any other

Supporting Evidence:
o “Being a Mexican American defines my self-concept because it is my heritage
and culture that have shaped me all my life into who I’ve become. It has defined
my self-views as a hard worker.” (IE)

o “I am most naturally content and happy when I feel accomplished for something I
have physically created.” (3Q’s)

o “I love wood working and can basically make anything. I have built cornhole
boards, custom critter cages, cutting boards, soap holders, shelves, and many
other builds.” (3Q’s)

o One of my identities I talked about in the Identities exercise was being a crafter. I
like making “DIY” project, mainly woodworking projects. I find finishing a product
so satisfying. (IE)

o My top interest in the O*Net Interest Profiler assessment was Realistic which has
to do with practical hands on problem solving and working with real world
material like wood and machinery. (OIP)

Contradictory Data:
o My third highest interest in the O*Net Interest Profiler assessment was
investigative which is a line of work that deals with ideas and thinking instead of
physical ideas. (OIP)

o At times I can be lazy and unmotivated to do shores around the house even.

o I find mind puzzles and games very satisfying at times and can spend hours
solving them. (ISO)

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:
I find creating something with my bare hands really satisfying and it has prompted
me to build countless project over the years. Anything I need around the house I rather
build (if I can) than buy from the store. I would say because of this theme, I have saved
money but at the same time I have spent quite a bit on materials and tools. It has an
impact on my professional life because I do not see myself in a cubicle doing
paperwork. Of course, with any job come this part, however I see myself as a
supervising manager somewhere instead. This theme has also impacted my profession
life because of my experience, I have been able to land multiple temporary/seasonal
jobs to earn some quick cash.

5. Family is one of the most valuable things to me

Supporting Evidence:
o “Being a son guided my path through my young life towards adulthood. It showed
me gratuity. Being a son helps me rethink myself and my situations in terms of
what would make my parents proud.”” Being a son helps me stay in line of what
is publicly ok. Being a son makes me wants to be a better person in appreciation
of my parents’ efforts to aid my success. “(IE)

o “Being a brother showed me trust and companionship. It showed me how to

socialize. Reminds that even though people may have similar backgrounds or
present situations, everyone takes their own paths.”” Being a brother growing up
limited my preferences, mainly because I seeked approval from my sisters. Being
a brother influence my priorities in friendship as well. “(IE)

o “My priorities in family are a direct effect of being Mexican American.” (IE)

o “Some specific behaviors that I associated with my values is I always strive to merely
live a happy life while appreciating who and what I have, striving to grow mentally,
emotionally and physically, and being positive.” (VD)

o Through my family, I have learned the toughest and most valuable lessons which
have made me the man I am today. (LSPN)

o I would rather have a loving caring family than be the richest man on Earth. (ISO)

Contradictory Data:
o In my values for the Values Checklist assignment, I did chose being around open
and honest people, however I did not specifically choose anything about family.

o At times, I forget to stay in touch with family and might go weeks without giving
my parents or sisters a call to catch up. (ISO)

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:

Growing up in a Mexican culture, I was taught that family always comes first. As
a kid this might be something I just said, but now it is something I truly believe. I care so
much about family because it has made me that man I am today. I am thankful for my
values and morals come from the teachings my family has given me which I have used
to go through life. My personal life is centered in having a family of my own someday.
Regarding my professional life, I plan to look for jobs around the Phoenix area to stay
close to my family.


6. I have a very strong will

Supporting Evidence:
o “Something I am good at is working hard.”, “I am also good at getting in the
mindset of working hard.”, “For me, I find it easy to look past the struggle and
have vision of the end results and rewards. I am good at pacing myself in order
to have this vision and am good at persisting in working hard.” (3Q’s)

o I do not quit until I get it done no matter what it is, I am doing. (ISO)

o I was able to reach my goals in my wrestling career no matter how many times I
failed. (LSPN)

o I was able to fight through anxiety attacks and mild depression in recent past
years to get through college. (LSPN)

o After going through my parent’s divorce, and my mom and dad’s sperate
incidents at a young age, I have learned to be strong to get through any though
life situation. (LSPN)

Contradictory Data:
o I have my moment of weakness where I give in yet I still strive to be strong at all
times. (ISO)

o There was a moment in college were life was so hard and I almost quit school.

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:
I believe having a strong will most often than not, comes by breaking down and
hitting rock bottom. For me, I was broken a few times at a young age and even more
recently in life. Now, having a strong will benefits me in my personal life because I am
stronger than ever to pursue happiness and continue my own story. A strong will has
made it possible for me to achieve success in school, sports, with relationships and
even with friends. In my professional life, having a strong will has made it possible to get

promoted to better positions. In the future, having a strong will can potentially take me to
get to wherever I want to go.

7. I have a code to always try to do the right thing

Supporting Evidence:
o At a young age, I took something that did not belong to me yet afterwards, I
confessed to the owner what I did and made things right. This early life lesson
made integrity a value of mine which I keep to the day. (LSPN)

o Inner harmony was one of my values from the Values Checklist which I chose
knowing that I can only have this inner harmony when I am certain I follow my
morals and keep my other values which includes being honest. (VD)

o Influence was my second personality factor from the DISC assessment, which
describes how I deal and communicate with people. I have made it a priority of
mine to do this in the best way I can in order to positively influence those I
interact with for their growth. (DISC)

o Affection was another value of mine from the Values Checklist which I chose
because I like to treat others the way I like to be treated. (VD)

o “I found that my main characteristic is that I am people person and love to

interact and help others. “(3Q’s)

Contradictory Data:
o I like any other individual can be tempted and at times have given in maybe been
unfair to others for example. (ISO)

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:
Doing the right thing has impacted my life in such a good manner because it has
brought me peace. Inner peace and harmony are so precious because it is a good life
filled with happiness and satisfaction. Not only this but doing the right thing has also
benefitted me by being rewarded. I have been in situations where I have been
physically rewarded by others for being a good person. In a professional life, doing the
right thing can also be rewarding both within and in a literal sense. Having integrity and
following ethical code for example can pay off in many businesses whether by monetary
rewards or promotions.

8. I am self-confident

Supporting Evidence:
o “It does not matter what it is I can do it and I can do it good. I have always seen
myself as a Jack of all trades and I believe it is because I will put in the work to
learn whatever new skill, I need to know to get the job done.” (3Q’s)

o “The underlying meaning that I discovered while exploring my dreams and desires was
that I can be what I set out to be. I said it so I believe it means I am confident enough to
proclaim it.” (VD)

o “I had never felt so strong and confident in my life. Wrestling and mixed martial
arts gave me the hope in myself that I had at some point lost.” (LSPN)

o I was classified as an extrovert in both the Big 5 assessment and the

Humanmetrics Jung Typology assessment. In the DISC assessment, dominance
was my main factor. I think I scored the most in these because I am confident to
assert myself and reach out to others. (HJTA, Big5, DISC)

o I always do things without worrying if I am going to fail, which more often than not
helps my performance. (ISO)

Contradictory Data:
o At times I can second guess myself and not be sure of myself. (ISO)

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:
Being self-confident has help me tremendously both in my personal life and in my
professional life. Confidence is key for better performing because things tend to go
better when done with conviction. I believe that being confident has made me also give
my 100% in anything I do without fear of failing. At times when I do fail, I know I tried my
best and do not worry to much about it. I believe that is what confidence is and why it is

9. I can compartmentalize easily

Supporting Evidence:
o “I currently prioritize my roles as the day goes by. I do not believe one has to be
sacrificed over the any other in any given time. I think that as continue to live, life brings
challenges and situations which demands a role more and then we will know to switch
from one to the other.” (IE)

o I was able to separate the situations in my personal life in order to succeed in my sports
career. (LSPN)

o I manage to keep my personal life, professional life and schooling on track. (ISO)

o The stressed and pressure from my everyday work and life do not reduce my
effectiveness and enthusiasm. (DISC)

o I can drop everything and help someone in need even if I have problems of my
own. (ISO)

Contradictory Data:
o I scored the lowest on Compliance in the DISC assessment which has to do with
organization and procedures. Being organized I think is linked with being able to
compartmentalize. (DISC)

o At times, I can take out work stress on my girlfriend and roommates. (ISO)

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:
Being able to compartmentalize in my personal and professional life is huge
because this allows for major focus. When sometime from home is stressing you out, it
can be hard to focus on work; or vise versa. Having the ability to compartmentalize can
be beneficial because it is less draining as you are “putting your problem on pause”.
This skill is not only good when dealing with stress and problems, however, can also
come in handy in many other occasions, like when separating business form pleasure
for example. If you learn to do this, you cannot let friends come in the way of
relationship, or business, or many other scenarios like this.

10. I know how to deal with tough times.

Supporting Evidence:
o I went through my parents’ divorce at the very young age of 12. (LSPN)

o I witness my dad hospitalized for a month and bed ridden for a couple more.

o At a very young age my mom went through brain surgery and I lived without her
for a month. (LSPN)

o I was bullied in school for no reason and receive a potentially life-threatening

injury to my head. (LSPN)

o I got over anxiety attacks and depression while living alone in college. (LSPN)

Thoughts about the impact of this theme on my personal & professional life:
Having the strength to deal with tough times is crucial in both my personal life
and professional life because when everything seems like it is going good, bad news is
right around the corner. Not to sound dramatic but this theme is of great impact because
even though nothing can prepare you for a hard time, knowing that you have gone
through tough times in the past, makes things a little more bearable. I think that of all
the themes this one is the most impactful to me because I know that after all is said and
done, life goes on and things will be ok.

Creating my Vision and Mission Statements

The first step in creating my statements was to create my life themes by looking
back at data sources. Once I had these themes, I opened a new word doc and wrote
them all down so I could see them together. I also answer the list of stimulation
questions for the vision statement from the module four instructions document. Having
both of these together I then continued to concise what it is I truly care about. I then
took a look at examples given in the instruction and from the links. Following these, I
proceeded to write my vision statement, remembering to keep it short and sweet; or
straight to the point. After I completed my vision statement, I then proceeded to think of
ways I would get to accomplish it. I started writing down actions I can do in order to fulfill
my vision, also remembering to write in the first person. Below are both my vision and
mission statements, which I will continue to revise and update as the time goes by.

Vision Statement:
To be an influential figure of care, compassion and hospitality. To be someone
who others look up to for my will to grow as a person while maintaining my values, a
healthy lifestyle, and helping all those around me do the same.

Mission Statement:
I will keep everything in my life taken care of to focus on being with those I love.
I will not settle, but instead I will continue to seek self-betterment and growth every day.
I will strive to be a person who others can look up to.
I will strive to be someone anyone can call a friend.
I will strive to be someone who others know they can come to for help no matter what
the situation might be.
I will strive to be someone people were glad they met.
I will do what I know is right even when the going gets tough.
I will take a look back only to check my progress on my way to fulfill my vision in order
to adjust my path if necessary.

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