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I. preliminary

Hematology is a branch of health science concerning blood, blood-forming organs, and blood-
related diseases. In general there are two main components are blood, namely blood cells and blood
plasma. Blood cells consist of erythrocytes (red blood cells), leukocytes (white blood cells), and platelets.
Blood plasma consists of about 90% of the remaining water in the form of a solution of protein, glucose,
factor congulation, hormones, enzymes, electrolytes, other substrates, and carbon dioxide.

The goal is to find out the number of blood cells. Like red blood cells or Red Blood Cells (RBC), white
blood cells or White Blood Cells (WBC), platelete and other blood parameters. As well as the average
volume of blood cells can be known.

        The principle of measurement and absorption of light due to interactions between light that has a
certain wavelength with the solution or sample in its path. This tool works based on the flow cytometer

Hematology examination is a routine examination carried out on almost all patients who come to
the hospital. Hematological examination is performed on venous blood samples that have been mixed
with EDTA antichogeneous (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid) to prevent blood clots.

       Hematology analyzer tool requires a patient's blood sample for the purpose of counting the number
of blood cells. This tool has several methods and systems for calculating blood cells, namely:

1. Electrial Impedance Method

       The Electrial Impedance method has the ability to count 3 types of blood cells only, namely:

a. Red blood cells (RBC)

b. White blood cells (White Blood Cell / WBC)

c. Thrombocyte cells (platelete / PLT)

2. Flow Cytometer Method

       The method for detecting a sample is based on physical or chemical differences in the sample. So,
the components in the blood will enter with the help of certain electrodes so that they will enter the
device through small gaps and will be read by a beam of light, then will be read by a detector.

       Blood counts using this tool also have limitations, namely when there are abnormal cells, such as
many immature cells in leukemia, sepsis, the cell count is so high that this tool is unable to count them.
Therefore it is also advisable to use manual checks.

      The results issued by this tool are usually already through quality control carried out by internal
laboratories, both hospital and clinical laboratory installations.


A. Tools and Materials


1. Hematology MINDRAY BC 2300

2. Vial
3. EDTA tube

Material :

1. EDTA blood
2. Reagents (Lyse, Probe Cleanser, Diluent, EZ Cleanser)

B. Prosedur



A. Observation Results

B. Discussion

In this practicum discussing hematology analyzer, this tool is used to examine complete blood by
automatically counting other blood cells based on the impedance of electric current or beams of light to
the cells being passed.

       Hematology analyzer is a device used to measure components in the blood. This tool is the main
instrument used in clinical laboratories. This tool is used in pratama laboratories (at the level of
puskesmas) up to the main laboratory or referral laboratory.

       There are three groups of cells in the blood, namely:

1. Red blood cells / erythrocytes / Red Blood Cell (RBC)

Erythrocytes are the most cells in the blood with normal values of 4-5 million per microliter of women's
blood and 5-6 million per microliter of men's blood. Normal erythrocytes have a volume of about 9 fL (9
femtoliters) and one third of the volume is filled with hemoglobin. There are about 270 million
hemoglobin molecules in each cell, where each molecular cell carries four heme groups. This heme is
what functions to carry oxygen to the body's tissues through the blood.

2. White blood cells / leukocytes (WBC)

Leukocytes are cells in the blood that function for the immune system, with a diameter of 7-15 µm. In
normal conditions the amount is 4,000-10,000 per microliter of blood, but in conditions of infection the
number can increase. There are several types of leukocytes in peripheral blood with different forms of
function, namely basophils, eosinophils, stem ethrophils, neutrophil segments, lymphocytes, and
monocytes. Under abnormal conditions (eg leukemia), young leukocytes (such as lymphoblasts,
myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes, and metamyelocytes) in the peripheral blood, whereas these
cells should only be found in the spinal cord.

3. Keeping blood / platelets / platetele (PLT)

Platelets are nucleated cells with irregular shapes and measuring 2-3 µm. The normal value of platelets
in the blood is 15,000-450,000 per microliter. Platelets play a role in the process of hemostasis (blood
clotting) at the cellular level.

Advantages or strengths of the hematology analyzer:

 Time efficiency, faster in the examination only takes 2-3 minutes compared to the manual
method. Because the manual method must be calculated first such as platelets, leukocytes, and
so forth.
 Samples, hematology analyzer examination uses a small sample while using manually required
more blood samples.
 Accuracy of results, the results of this tool have been through quality control carried out by the
internal laboratory, both at the hospital institution or the Pratama clinical laboratory.

Lack of hematology analyzer:

        This tool cannot count abnormal cells, so this examination does not always go well. As in cell count
counts, it could be low because there are countless cells because the cells have an abnormal shape, for
example in platelet or leukocyte count results.

Causes of errors in the results of hematology analyzer include:

1. Wrong method of sampling and specimen selection.

2. Incorrect specimen storage and examination time is delayed for too long so that changes in
morphology of blood cells occur.

3. The error does not homogenize the sample.

4. Run out of lyse reagent so that all cells are not destroyed when measuring certain cells.

        How to overcome errors in the hematology analyzer, namely:

1. Check the sampling technique and type of specimen used.

2. Check the storage method.

3. Homogenize before measuring at least 1 minute.

4. Make sure the tool has been warmed up and a background has been made.

5. check the condition of the volume and packaging of the reagents diluents, lyse and rinse.

6. do maintenance using hypochlorite washer every week.

  7. do it every 2 weeks or once a month by using EZ cleanser to destroy the remaining clots or residual
blood imperfections.

Parts of the hematology analyzer:

1. UPS, to stabilize electricity.

2. On / off button, to turn on or turn off the appliance.

3. Buttons (menus, print, page up, page down, count, enter, etc.), for operating tools.

4. Results screen, to see sample results.

5. Probes are diluents, for mixing reagents.

6. Sample probe, for entering the sample into the hematology analyzer.

        Calibration of this tool every 6 months using Mindray BC2300 series calibrators. As for the
treatment, namely:

1. The temperature must be 18-20ºC, try to use the air conditioner in the room.

2. Place the device on a patent or level table.

3. The device must not be fused with vibrating objects.

4. Always check the condition of the reagents (Diluent and Lyse).

5. Do not include samples that are still cold.

6. Wash using EZ Cleanser, after checking 20 samples must be washed.

7. Samples should not be incubated.


        Hematology analyzer is a tool for blood tests or aids for diagnosing diseases that can be checked
through sarah cells.


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