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“One of the etiquettes of the masjid is

that whilst one is in the masjid one

should abstain from worldly talks”
(Fatawa Hindiyyah p.321 v.5)

SayidunaAnas bin Malik radyAllaahu ‘anhu (may Allaah be

pleased with Him) narrates that the Prophet of Allah sallallahu
‘alayhiwasallam (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)

“a time will come upon people

when they will sit in circles in
their Masaadjids and their
only concern will be the world
i.e. they will talk about
worldly affairs, Allah is in no
need of such people so do not
sit with them”.
(Narrated by Hakim in al mustadrak and Imam Dahabi declared it authentic)

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