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My first day at the High School of Mathematics.

Writing – Daniel Ivanov 12d №12

The school is probably the most important place where we form our identity and character. So
respectively the first day at the school is an event that most of us will probably never forget in their
lifetime. I remember my first day at the High School of Mathematics very clearly and every time I reminisce
about it I am filled with emotion.
It was September 15th 2016. Firstly, I woke up about an hour before my alarm went off. After I saw
the clock I realized the summer was over. Secondly, I went through my morning routine, I got in my
parents’ car and we went straight to the school. On our way there I was extremely nervous. For instance,
my palms were sweaty and I felt really uncomfortable. That was probably due to the fact that I did not
know anyone in my class and overall I had few friends at the school. With this in mind, I was worried that I
would not make any friends and be an outsider. Fortunately, that was not the case and everything went
well. The moment I entered the school building I knew it was the best place for me.
Overall, my first day at high school was an emotional moment that will most likely stay in my mind
forever. Since then my life has changed for the better and reminiscing about it fills me with joy.

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