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Case chosen-

Malaria is found worldwide- its is spread by insects to other animals in which they cause disease.


malaria is characterized by chills and fever,vomiting,sever headache these symptoms

Alternate in 1 to 3 days cycle, with asymptomatic periods.

The causative organism of malaria spore forming protozoans of the genus plasm ilium.


In humans it leads to muscle weakness, muscle fatigue, respiratory distress, kidney and liver
failure can lead to cardiac myopathic. The effect of malaria is more severe in pregnant women.

Babies young children and elders.


Sir Ronald ross was born in India Almora, India in 1867 and studied medicine in England. He
became interested in malaria and on august 1897 sir Ronald ross made his landmark discovery
and proved the rate of anopheles mosquito in the transmission of malaria parasites in human.

He was awarded the Mughal price for medicine in 1902 for his work on malaria and methods of
combating it.

Because malaria leads to loss of human life and economic loss unless his life cycle has to be plotted
a cure can’t be found this life cycle discovered by Ronald ross is a big service to mankind

This discovery of a disease has led to cure and prevention and reduced the loss of life India is a
tropical country and with heavy rainfall and a major rice growing country in the world as a result
we have a difficult situation for controlling mosquito disease because it is difficult to control
mosquito breeding habits as well as malaria

Who-guides the government in preventions and control of the disease

There are no convertases or dermatitis associated with this.

The work of ross is a major milestone in the country of tropical diarrhea.

Tropical diarrhea control, habitats, breeding

Textbook of medicine by David son

Textbook of microbiology by Tortora

He used microscope and showed that the mosquitos had plasmodium in the stomach

After doing this exercise we realized that we should prevent the disease by controlling mosquito
breeding side as well as following the percussion to prevent the disease.

We have chosen malaria as a disease because it is reviling to loss by human life which was has been observed that there is less incidence of malaria and dengue this year.
There is about 80 percent reduction in the disease by preventing the breeding habitats of

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