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ACT Ill. MEPHL. She is condemned. GOETHE: A prison, THE DEATH OF MARGARET. SCENE: A prison. MARGARET on a heap of straw, singing and wandering. Night. A lighted lamp against ‘the wall. A grating in the back. Andante lento. d = 50. ee legatissima # pp cantabile A 179 # = 40. MARGARET. Jean L’ALTRA not - teinfon - doal ma it mio pe Last night in the deep, — deep Did they in tempo bimbo hanno git - ta*to, or per far drown my Ht-tle one,’ Nowthey say >—— chio * Vabbiaaffo -ga-to. Lauraéfred-da, il earcer fo = co. self thedeedwas done. Lam cold. My cellis dar smorz. = z Se Sapte a Ik ; i sues mia P a my sadheatt stray Lite a Sut = tox inthe er BEES é Eg the pays Iso Bae vege YO vo - ta vo My vo - Ia, yo-la de. flying, fly - ing fly - ing, fly ~ ing, fly-ing @ QD 4 Tn fu- via, Abt di eth! a oath ca Like one sway. ANhaze pity on me. in tempo =~ in tempo ae 2 piacere -ne - re-0 so-po- -re @min ma-dre addormen -tavta, per dead atbreak of day. Lay my mo-ther ‘without a breath. OM tas gee ae . ——— ff = < im + ae foe col-mo del - Yor-ro - - fe di-conchio Tabbiaatto-sea- ta. Liauraé hard of them to say It was myi-self hadcausedher death. am smore, =a et —== 2 4uss3 Isl ji-ma my sadhvart sta il car-cer fo > sco, e ja me My cell is dark__ But 1 Wet. fred ~ da, cold. Be: a come Like a di me!’ pie - ta! hace pi-ty on me. in te —— | less +5 Te 40955,

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