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88 scone HI (Nedds alone, then Tonio) Andante con moto(d=ss) Nedda (musing) = __ SS ee = é Qual fiam- mag-vea nel guar-do! f His eyes with fire were __ flam. [Pe =e ——— rit, Gli_oc-chiab-bas- sa- -i per fo- ma ch’ei leg- ges - se il T dropt my eyes, fear - ful Jest he should haye read there what itenendo un poco il tempo vroamente pen-sier fe - gre- - -{o hl sei mi sor-pren- se = eret =} think -_- ing! Ah! if he were to be. COR MOTE. f, P bra- fa-fe co- mee - glial the cru-el brute he ist ‘Ma ba-sti, _or- vi- a, Son que-sti_ so-gni pa- u-ro-sir fo- le! Enough then! Have done now! That's but a hor- rid dream, a fool-ish nightmare! col canto 8094 69 C—O > 2 joco rit. Moderato (d= se) O che bel so- le di mez-za-go - — - There thou art shin-ing, bright sun of sum = dolce armontoso arpeggiango, (poco rit con dolce languore « pecitltng RE = 2S lo son pie- -na di vi - ta, e, li in me thrills me, and = the 3S tempo -ta oper ar = me With some rit molto SSS ca - no de-sio, non so che bra - mo! name-less de- sire: yet what, I —— 13988 70 looking to the sky) Oh! che vo - lo @an-gel - li Ah! ye birds with-out num - ber! quan -te stri- da! Che chie- don? do- ve van? What count-less voie - What ask ye? Where a- way? xy = chis - sal La mam-ma mia,ehe Ia buo-na ven-tu-raan-nun - Who knows? My moth - er, she that was skilful at tell - ing one’s 8 com-pren-de - vajl lor un- der- stood what they're n cin to ea ome bam - bi - na co- si can - sing- ing, and in my — child - hood Thus would she 4 Vivace (4.=06) in Uno come uno scherso 8, hisbigtiando * If the singer wishes to omit the trills, the orchestra govs to the bar marked ¥, skipping one measure 998 Rm notin MR? BrHto sense mai affrettare NI = = - no las - sit, on high th cry, =be- = ra - men- free - dom fly - lan- cia-tia vol, _—_ a vol co-me — frec-ce, gliau- Launchid on the — wing, the wing, as like ar- rows they pee 7 a Di - sfi- -da-no le nu- ‘The clouds and een the fierce sso 7 — van - noe - no per te on = ward, - ward thro’ the La To col canto ripigliando il tempo per Vat - mo - thro! a - azure te- Ti va - oem leave them to roam 8 col canto 5034 ” accentato as-se- ta- ev- er — thirst - Wax “zur-ro ai splen - dor: space and —light.__ = guo - ngan-ch'es - too, a dream chi - me - chi - me fra le = mu- > bi = land thro’ their cloud - animando Chein - Storms ven - ~ cal-ni il may be tem - pe - a - round ee la- and winds Ss - te Vadia-per- - - ions, o-pon pin- 76 tut- = to sfi- dar, fi. - ant and free, nul-la mai nothing can van = mae Van has- - ten, has - b, 1934 con anima e passione allarg. la frase eben cantato lag pun pa ee un - known coun - tries gnan for- che cer- - - ca - nojn their dreams, per - chance they seek in- del he-mians of 78 poco rit. xy - = no fo- ter ~~ ing, a pow 2 = -guon Var- ca powr is 2 eal canto Sioed che li so- spin- - - ge where- of they know not tn938

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