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Completion Report



Baseco, Port Area
April 19, 2008
OSM Maritime Services Inc. has a history of providing medical assistance to depressed areas,
with successful missions conducted in Laguna and Cavite already. This year was no
exemption, only we wished to reach out to those who are living even closer to us- to the
people we see every day but never really stop to consider the daily struggles and challenges of
life. We know we need not travel far to reach areas where the living standards are far worse
than one could imagine.

That is why OSM decided to conduct its medical mission for the benefit of the inhabitants of
Baseco, Port Area on April 19, 2008. A total of 500 beneficiaries were targeted for the event.

The services provided was medical and optical check-ups, medicine dispensation,
complementary supplies (such as toothbrushes, toothpaste etc), free eyeglasses and

April 19, 2008
9 am – 3 pm

Baseco, Port Area

In Cooperation With:
- The Vice Mayor’s Office
- Philippine Army – 1st Community Development Company
- Kaagpay
- Barangay 649
- NGC Medical Clinic
- Medicard
- Hungry Croco
- Mayor’s Office – Special Drugs Education Center
- Donators (see separate list)

1263 inhabitants of Baseco

Budget: 45.000 pesos

Cash Donations: 71.000 pesos
Actual expenses: 79,079 pesos

This includes medicines, three meals for all volunteers, medical equipment, tables and chairs,
two extra tents, banner and t-shirt printing, transportation expenses, diplomas and frames and
other expenses.
The Mission Details
The Venue:
After doing research in various areas the
choice fell on Barangay 649, Zone 68,
Baseco as the venue of our Medical Mission.
The area is currently under development, but
only half/half. This meaning that half of the
Baseco compound now consists of houses
build by the NGO Habitat for Humanity
while the other half still remains severely
depressed with no structures and only
handmade housings.

All in all there are about 45.000 families in the area, whereas a large proportion of the
inhabitants are children. Baseco has been notorious in the past for daily shootings and murder,
but this is now improving to the better. Still, the area is hard to reach with badly maintained
roads and the lack of almost everything.

The Beneficiaries:
The target number of beneficiaries was set to
500. We had received the names and
personal data of the 500 people to be treated
by the barangay officials in advance and
issued OSM Stamps (see attachment) to give
them entry to the mission venue. As the
mission turned out to be quite famous in the
area the officials also provided us with an
extra list of 300 more names in case we were
to treat additional patients as well. Only
those with the stamp, however, would be allowed inside the venue.

Within the 6 hours of the medical mission the planned procedure seemed to work only in the
beginning stages. After a few hours, however, the number of people approaching the venue
with stamps seemed to be declining. Due to that we decided to admit all those in line – with or
without stamp. To keep track and control of the numbers, we did however ensure names and
birth dates of all those who were given treatment.

All beneficiaries were also required to obtain what we called a “Medical Journal” (see
attachment) – where their name and birth date was stated. At the same time it functioned as a
control measure. Without the journal the beneficiary would not be given freebies, checkups or

All in all as many as 1263 patients were given consultation during the mission. As we were
caught by surprise by the number of patients we were also amazed by the percentage of
children among these.
The Medicines:
In advance we had both received medicine
donations and bought medicines from the
cash donations provided by suppliers and
others. We noticed that the most needed
medications were not actually all medicines
– vitamins, cough syrup and paracetamol
were the supplies we quickly ran out of. At
around 12 pm some of our staff actually had
to go to the nearest drug store to get more of
the most prescribed medication. This was not
really due to the lack of medicines, but because the number of patients exceeded what we has
anticipated when purchasing medicines.

Since most of the patients were infants or young children the syrup and drop versions of the
various medicines were well needed. After the mission we actually had less than 1 box of
syrups left all together – while the tablets (for adults) remained left in bundles.

The Transportation:
Accessibility is not the strongest side of
Baseco. Since it’s located in a somewhat
remote and “unsafe” area bringing vehicles
was not an option. Instead we arranged with
the barangay officials to hire three jeepneys
for us for the day itself. These would be used
to transport all the volunteers to and from the
venue, as well as all the supplies. This
arrangement worked very well!

We also made good use of the OSM van for

bringing the doctors to and from the venue, as well as the lunch/snacks and for other errands.

The Volunteers:
The number of volunteers from the OSM
staff was high. All in all there were 38
volunteers who eagerly participated in the
event. In addition to this there were 13 cadets
who assisted throughout the day at the venue
and for driving.

The participating institutions also provided

assistance in the form of volunteers. The
most important volunteers, the medical
personnel, were as many as 16 doctors and 2 nurses. They came from NGC Medical Clinic
and Medicard. The Philippine Army – more precisely the 1st Community Development
Company – provided security through approximately 40 soldiers, and the Kaagpay and
Barangay officials ensured 25 tanods (local security). Also the Mayor’s Office provided
around 10 tanods.
OSM Staff: 38
Cadets: 13
Doctors: 16
Nurses: 2
Army: 38
Tanods: 35

The Meals:
We provided three meals for all the OSM Volunteers and Doctors. The Army and Tanods
were more than we expected, so we had to order for 60 extra lunch packages when the
mission had already started. This was
completed by the caterer without any

One issue, however, was getting the meals to

the venue in the morning. We arranged for
the morning snack to be delivered to the
office at 8 am, but due to traffic we had to
reroute the delivery to Baseco itself. Since
the meals came from Quezon City, we used
to van to collect the lunch and afternoon
snacks in at around 10am.

The food was good and no complaints at all, although there was as mentioned a shortage of
meals because of the unexpected high number of security personnel. Also, because of the
number of patients there was little time for the volunteers to eat the morning and afternoon
snacks. We did have a lunch break from 12 am – 1 pm for them all to catch their breath and
get something to eat. Water and juice was “flowing” and the cadets were handing out to all
thirsty volunteers continuously.

Morning snacks: Tuna Sandwich, cookies and juice

Lunch: Chicken & Pork Adobo, macaroons and juice
Afternoon snacks: Various cookies and juice

The Services:

We offered weighing of the children at the
mission. The idea was to also provide height and
blood pressure measuring, but this didn’t push
through due to the lack of equipment.

The service proved to be quite popular and even

crowed as we only had one scale available.
Storytelling/Health Promotion
The initial idea was to provide health promotion information and storytelling. Due to the
evolvement of the mission, however, we found it not to be doable. With the big crowds and
also the refusal of the children to leave their parents side this service did not push through.

A stand at the venue offered handout of
toothbrushes and toothpaste to 500 beneficiaries.
The initial idea was to provide a package
including soap and lice shampoo, but due to time
constraint and high costs we decided to go only
with the dental products.

After the 500 was reached and all the freebies

handed out the freebies stand was closed.

Medical/Optical Check-Up
In total 1263 patients received medical attention.
They were given a prescription (see attachment)
for needed medicines to pick up at our medicine
dispensation section.

The number of doctors was actually higher than

we anticipated, and the number of patients
examined was therefore also higher than
expected. In addition, 150 patients received free

Medicine Dispensation
Medicines for common illnesses and symptoms
such as cough, head ache, lack of vitamins and
colds were handed out when prescription and
journal shown.

In the beginning the situation was a bit chaotic,

with volunteers trying to locate the different
boxes and different medication – which we also
almost ran out of before lunch time.

A volunteer had to go out to buy more, but since the medicines ran out we had to cut the
mission short by one hour.

Hair Cutting
The army provided hair cutting for the
patients/beneficiaries in the area.

They also wished to do circumcision and feeding,

but this did not push through.
The Vice Mayor’s Office
We were in touch with the Vice Mayor’s Office already in January when we were scouting
for a venue for the mission. Two staff members, who became our contact personnel, kindly
escorted us to areas in Smokey Mountains, Baseco and San Andres. We were also promised
tents, tables, chairs and security measures for the event. In addition the Chief of Staff wished
to initiate feeding for the children as well as water provision and a portable grocery at another
location in Baseco. Later on we were also given a few minutes with Vice Mayor, Hon. Isko
Moreno, where he acknowledged the event and gave his full support and approval.

As April 19 was approaching we quickly leaned that there patience is a virtue in politics, and
we were often left waiting for hours for meeting, letter handover and inquiries. In the end it
also turned out the tables and chairs could not be provided for, and neither could the number
of tents we wished to put up. We received 11 tents for the activity, and in addition a portable
toilet since the venue itself has limited CR possibilities.

Assistance: Assistance in advance, 11 tents, portable toilet, and security contacts.

Barangay 649
As we were escorted to Baseco by the staff members of the Vice Mayor’s Office we also got
in touch with members of the local Barangay. Sir Domingo “A1” Ramirez and Sir Richard
Laurenciana were more than helpful in providing us information concerning the area. They
located beneficiaries for the mission and filled out the name lists we already provided them
with. Unfortunately the limit of 500 (also stated on the list given to them) was not taken into
consideration and the list was xeroxed to make room for 300 extra names. This was done
without our consent and provided some issues in the planning phase as we had only targeted
500 patients.

Both A1 and Richard were involved throughout the process and assisted in the planning and
set up of the venue. In addition they made sure we had reliable jeepney drivers to drive
volunteers and equipment to and from the area.

Assistance: Planning process guidance, help with name lists, contact personnel, manpower
for preparing the venue, more than 20 tanods, hiring of reliable jeepney drivers, and
pavement of the venue

Philippine Army – 1st Community Development Company

Through the barangay officials we learned about the 1st Community Development Company.
It is an army branch stationed in Baseco that is doing various development projects in Baseco
and Metro Manila. We were urged by the Barangay officials to send Major Nelson Dela Cruz
a letter requesting for security assistance, and after doing so we received an immediate
approval. The Major also suggested feeding through his contact at Channel 2, circumcision of
the boys and handout of clothing.

On April 19 we expected around 10 soldiers from the company, but were surprised when
about 40 were assigned to guard the premises of the mission. Not only that, but the army
provided a tent of their own where they offered free haircuts to the beneficiaries.

Assistance: Soldiers/Security, tent, and hair cutting service

The organization Kaagpay is a Christian Movement with its base in Baseco. It was founded
by pastor Nooli and his wife and they have currently established a church at the Baseco
compound. Part of their daily activities is, aside from those directly connected to the church,
feeding of children in the area. In that way they have a close relationship to the beneficiaries
of the medical mission.

Before the mission the pastor was helpful with gathering names of beneficiaries of the
activity, but we experienced that our clear limit of 500 beneficiaries was not taken into
consideration. More than 700 names were provided and when we shared our concern and
plans for the activity itself it seemed like it was not completely embraced. In a way we felt a
little hindered by the group’s actions.

Nonetheless, on the day itself the group provided around 25 tanods (local security) together
with the barangay. They also assisted in putting up the equipment for the mission and did a
good job in assisting the beneficiaries as the mission was initiated.

Assistance: Help with name lists, manpower for preparing the venue, and more than 20

NGC Medical Clinic

The head of the Nicomedes G. Cruz Medical Clinic, Dr Nicomedes Cruz himself, gave us a
green light in assisting for the medical mission as early as in February. His clinic has
previously been involved with our medical missions and they were interested in teaming up
with us for this mission as well. Not only is it a good way to strengthen the relationship
between the clinic and OSM, but the diplomas handed to the volunteer doctors is quite
valuable to them.

For previous missions the clinic has provided approximately 10 doctors for medical and
optical check ups. In addition they provided free eyeglasses last year. This year was no
exemption, only the number of doctors and nurses reached 16 for the mission in Baseco.

The work of the doctors was efficient and good, and they did quite an effort seeing how they
all just got off their night shift to go straight to Baseco to assist. We picked them up outside
their clinic in the morning and ensured their safe return with the same means of transportation
in the afternoon.

Assistance: 15 doctors and 1 nurse, 1 optometrist, and free eyeglasses

From Medicard one doctor and one nurse were present during the mission. We received
notification two days before the mission that two medical volunteers would be meeting us in
Baseco and we picked them up on the way there in the morning.

Assistance: 1 doctor and 1 nurse

Vizcarra Medical Clinic
For the medical mission we requested donation for supplies from Viszcarra Medical Clinic.
Since the clinic is mainly dealing with vaccinations we received a massive donation of 50
ampoules of Hepatitis-B vaccinations, worth 500.000 pesos. That would be enough to give
500 children 1 dosage each, or 250 children two dosages. Because the vaccination is too close
to expiry to sell anymore, the clinic has decided to donate it instead. Nonetheless, it is still
effective despite the expiry date.

Because of the nature of the donation (needing to be stored cooled) and the extra
doctors/nurses and research needed for the shots we decided to save the vaccinations to
another occasion. Instead we wish to conduct an activity solemnly focusing on the vaccination
– making it a vaccination program.

Assistance: 50 ampoules of Hepatitis-B

Mayor’s Office – Special Drugs Education Center

Our contact at the Mayor’s Office, Sir Mark Gabumpa, managed to gather more than 10
tanods within a few hours on the night before the mission after hearing about the potential
lack of security. We were also told to not be shy about coordinating with the Mayor’s Office
for our next mission.

Assistance: More than 10 tanods

Hungry Croco
For the mission we wished to provide meals from the “outside” for the volunteers. This to
relieve the canteen department and also since it proved to be just as cheap from the restaurant
we found.

Hungry Croco, the restaurant of Sir Cholo Lacson, offered to provide meals for initially 60
volunteers. The day before we changed the order to 70 volunteers and during the mission
itself we had to change it once again to around 140 volunteers (lunch only for the extra order).
Amazingly the small restaurant managed to keep up with our extraordinary order and
provided the meals on time and with the same good quality.

Also, the restaurant donated the initial 80 lunch meals for the mission and the manager herself
stayed at the venue throughout the mission to help out.

Assistance: 80 lunch meals free of charge, great service

Donators (see separate list)

We started sending out letters 2 months in advance to OSM suppliers and various
organizations and institutions for assistance. Although we received a long line of declines, the
response to our letters requesting donations was really overwhelming. All in all we received
71.000 pesos in cash donations and additional medicines from 11 different donators. We also
received donations of toothpaste and toothbrushes, juice, gift certificate, and water.

In return of the generous assistance every donator gets their name mentioned on air during our
radio program every Saturday for one month. Also a plaque of appreciation and a CD
containing the slideshow and photos from the mission will be handed over.
Those who decided to donate were: Clinicomed, Microphase Enterprise Company, NTC
Manila, Faxtron Philippines, Del Rosario & Del Rosario, Bigboard, Hotel Kimberly, JT
Services, VIA Travel, IDESS Training, Aqua Garden, VNP Properties, Mercury Drugs,
Professional Gear, Excellence & Competency Training, Golden Success, Chief Officer Renee
Sanggalang, Maritime Clinic for International Services, Far East Maritime Foundation,
Trinity Insurance, Summit Furnishings, SM Foundation, OSM Family Club, Palbros Printing,
Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila, and Marie Castillo.

Assistance: 71.000 pesos in cash donations, medicines from 11 different donators, toothpaste
& toothbrushes, juices, gift certificate, and water.

The Implications

Most of the implications we experienced is connected to the unexpected high numbers of

beneficiaries. We had enough supplies and equipment for 500 patients, but with a 120%
increase the shortages became evident. We ran out of the following:
- Papers for registration
- Medical Journals
- Prescription notes
- Medicines
A volunteer ran out before lunch time to retrieve more of this for the mission to be as
effective as possible. We also experienced crowding in the registration and waiting area and at
the medicine dispensation.

We had underestimated the number of children living in the area, which also meant we had
too much medicine for adults compared to the younger ones.

Our Gains

Through the medical mission we gained valuable contacts in both the army and the Office of
the Vice Mayor. This can be, as has already been made evident to us, of great importance for
our future projects such as tree planting and coastal cleanup. We also strengthened our
relationship with our suppliers and other organizations through the cooperation with them for
the mission.

The volunteers, both OSM and Medical, had an experience of a life time. They all got to
witness the way of life for many Filipinos and the mission was somewhat of an eye opener to
many. It was also an event that showed us that nothing is impossible. We turned a much
warned venue for a medical mission into a success story.

Most importantly, we managed to provide much needed health care and medical assistance to
people who cannot afford such services for themselves or their families. We received and
experienced a local community’s embrace and will no doubt always be closely connected to
- Budget and list of expenses
- List of donators, donations and medicines (three sheets)
- Samples of map of the venue, banner, t-shirts, stamps and medical journals

Exterior Quantity Cost Total Comment

Pavement - Barangay
Tents 12 - - Vice Mayor
Additional tents 3 750 2250 Pay on delivery
- pluss transport 200 Pay on delivery
Fences - Barangay
Security - Major
SUM 2450

Meals: Quantity Cost Total Comment

Snacks: Sandwich 70 40 2800 Hungry Croc
- Tuna Sandwich
- 1 peanut cookie
- 1 rais. Cookie
- 1 juice
Lunch: Chicken & Pork adobo 70 47 - Hungry Croc Donation
- Adobo
- Macaroons
- Rice
- Juice
Snacks: Cookies 70 47 3290
- 2 macaroons
- 2 raisin cookie
- 2 Peanut cookie
- Juice
Spoon - 0 Hungry Croc
Fork - 0 Hungry Croc
SUM 6090

Equipment - Medical Quantity Cost Total Comment

Gloves 1 70 70
Cotton 2 30 60
Patches 10 15 150
Tape 2 70 140
SUM 420

Equipment - Other Quantity Cost Total Comment

Chairs 150 8 1200
Tables 30 70 2100
- 3 ft by 3 ft 10 40 400
- 3 ft by 6 ft 20 60 1200
Fans 10 200 2000
SUM 6900

Medicin & Vitamins Quantity Cost Total Comment

Cough Syrup 50 40 2000
Vitamin B 50 70 3500
Vitamin C 50 70 3500
Antibiotics 50 55 2750
Paracetamol 100 17 1700
SUM 13450

Volunteers Quantity Cost Total Comment

T-shirts 70
- XS 40 45 1800
-S 5 67 335
-M 15 68 1020
-L 7 69 483
- XXL 3 73 219
Printing 70 32 2240
Diplomas 6 35 10 210
Water 10 28 5 gallons 0 Marie donated
SUM 6307
Suppliers Quantity Cost Total Comment
Diploma 10 40 400
Frame 10 200 2000
Cds - photo 10 7,5 75 Office
SUM 2475

Other Quantity Cost Total Comment

Transportation 3 1200 3600
Phone card 1 200 200
Travel expenses (prior) 1 2000 2000
Banner 2 400 800
Cartolina 16 5 80
SUM 6680

TOTAL 44772
Budget 45000

Post Cost Item Variable Cost Pieces per unit Total Comment

1.0. Exterior
1.1. Additional tents
- Small 1 750 750
- Big 1 1500 1500
- Transport 200
SUM 2450

Post Cost Item Variable Cost Pieces per unit Total Comment

2.0. Meals
2.1. Snacks: Sandwich 80 40 3200 Hungry Croc
- Tuna Sandwich
- 1 peanut cookie
- 1 rais. Cookie
- 1 juice
Snacks: Extra sandwiches 50 35 1750

Lunch: Chicken & Pork adobo 100 - 0 Donation

- Adobo
- Macaroons
- Rice
- Juice
Lunch: Extra Packed lunch 40 15 600

Snacks: Cookies 80 47 3760

- 2 macaroons
- 2 raisin cookie
- 2 Peanut cookie
- Juice
Spoon - - Hungry Croc
Fork - - Hungry Croc
2.2. Tissue paper 1 55 1 55
2.3. Cups 1 135 50 135
- Water 10 28 5 gallons 0 Marie donated
2.4. Ice (for the water) 24 4 1 96
SUM 9596

Post Cost Item Variable Cost Pieces per unit Total Comment

3.0. Equipment - Medical

3.1. Gloves 2 170 100 340
3.2. Masks 1 140 50 140
3.3. Alcohol
- Small 5 20,75 1 103,75
- Large 2 29 1 58
3.4. Paperbags: Medicine 25 9,5 100 237,5
3.5. Paperbags: Freebies 7 28,5 100 199,5

3.1. Equipment - Tents

3.1. Chairs 150 8 1 1200 Discount
3.2. Tables 0 Discount
- 3 ft by 3 ft 10 40 1 400 Discount
- 3 ft by 6 ft 20 60 1 1200 Discount
3.3. Table rope (twine) 1 45 1 45
3.4. Flooring 4 65 1 yard 260
3.5. Fabric (cotton) 11 15 1 yard 165
3.6. Storybooks 2 10 20
3.7. Toilet paper 1 246 246
3.8. Marker Pens 1 84 12 84
3.9. Eagle Ballpens 1 60 50 60
3.10. Banner 1 450 450
3.11. Cartolina 30 3,6 108
3.12. Charts
- Paper 11 5 55
- Plastic 5 20 100
SUM 5471,75

Post Cost Item Variable Cost Pieces per unit Total Comment

4.0. Medicin & Vitamins

Katialis ointment 10 15,75 157,5
Multi Vitamin + Iron 50 101 5050
Multi Vitamin Syrup 100 29 2900
Ascorbic Acid 48 52 2496
Ambroxol Tab 20 65 1300
Abroxol Syrup 40 16 640
Amoxicillin Cap 20 205 4100
Amoxicillin Susp 100 24,5 2450
Amoxicillin Drops 20 18 360
Nifedipine 20 223 4460
Salbutamol Tablet 20 49 980
Salbutamol Syrup 50 12,6 630
Paracetamol Tab 50 23 1150
Paracetamol Syrup 50 12,6 630
Mebendazole Tab 20 202 4040
Mebendazole Susp 50 17,3 865
Chloram Ear Drops 5 79 395
Chloram Eye Drops 5 79 395
Naproxen 10 176 1760
Loperamde 2 44 88
Hyoscine 2 216 432
Ketoconazole Cream 20 59 1180
Ranitidine 2 195 390
Nalidixic Acid 10 30 300
Bisacodyl 1 84 84
Benzyl Ben 25% Lotion 10 34 340
Pregnancy Test 15 30 450
Discount 2271,9
4.1. Additional medicines
Tiki-Tiki drops 41 35 1 1435
Enervon C syrup 27 52 1 1404
Ceenergy drops 3 49,75 1 149,25
Time Cee drops 6 50 1 300
Biogesic Drops 14 49,5 1 693
Ceenegry Powder 4 52,5 1 210
Clusvl Powder 9 49,5 1 445,5
Hrbycin Syrup 3 57,75 1 173,25
Polyvisol Syrup 2 51,75 1 103,5
Tuseran Forte 4 58,75 1 235
Solmux Drops 7 79,5 1 556,5
Solmux Syrup 7 81,25 1 568,75
Solmux Syrup 2 89 1 178
Loviscol 5 88,25 1 441,25
Nutroplex 12 58,75 1 705
Biogesic Syrup 10 59,5 1 595
Alchohol 1 29 1 29
SUM 43972,6

Post Cost Item Variable Cost Pieces per unit Total Comment

5.0. Volunteers
5.1. T-shirts 70
- XS 40 45 1800
-S 5 67 335
-M 15 68 1020
-L 7 69 483
- XXL 3 73 219
Printing 70 32 2240
5.2. Fans 1 328 60 328
5.3. Flutes 1 60 20 60
SUM 6485
Post Cost Item Quantity Cost Pieces per unit Total Comment

6.0. Suppliers
6.1. Special Paper
- Coloured Paper 3 22,75 20 68,25
- Board Paper 6 33,25 10 199,5
6.3. Frame 58 50 2900
SUM 3167,75

Post Cost Item Quantity Cost Pieces per unit Total Comment

7.0. Other
7.1.1 Jeepney rent 3 1200 3600
7.1.2. - Additional Jeepney on April 19 1 600 600
7.2. Travel expenses (prior) 1 3303 3717
7.3. Meal for Barangay officials 1 226 226
7.4. Load 1 100 100
SUM 8243


Expenses as per date
Date Activity Post Quantity Amount Total
30.jan MM 7.2. Jeepney to Pasay 18 18
MM 7.2. Jeepney to RTL 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. RTL to Manila Hall 2 15 30
MM 7.2. Tricycle to the bay 2 25 50
MM 7.2. Jeppney to the office 2 7,5 15
31.jan MM 7.2. Taxi to City Hall 1 60 60
MM 7.2. Jeepney from City Hall 2 7,5 15
01.feb MM 7.2. Jeepney to City Hall 2 9 18
MM 7.2. Jeppney to OSM 2 7,5 15
06.feb MM 7.2. Jeepney 2 7,5 15
21.feb MM 7.2. Taxi 1 50 50
MM 7.2. Jeepney 2 7,5 15
26.feb MM 7.2. Taxi: city hall 1 70 70
11.mar MM 7.2. Baseco: Taxi to City Hall 70 1 70
MM 7.2. Baseco: Taxi to area 60 1 60
MM 7.2. Baseco: Tricycle to jeepney 40 1 40
MM 7.2. Baseco: Jeepney 15 1 15
12.mar MM 7.2. Medicine pickup: bus 11 2 22
MM 7.2. Medicine pickup: jeepney 25 2 50
28.mar MM 7.2. Taxi to City Hall 1 55 55
MM 7.2. Jeepney to Baseco 2 15 30
MM 7.2. Tricycle to the venue 1 40 40
MM 7.2. Tricycle from Venue 1 40 40
MM 7.2. Taxi to NTC 1 150 150
MM 7.2. Taxi from NTC 1 130 130
01.apr MM 7.2. Taxi to Microphase 1 100 100
MM 7.2. Taxi to VIRLANIE 1 60 60
MM 7.2. Tricycle from VIRLANIE 1 20 20
MM 7.2. Taxi to PandiPhil 1 50 50
MM 7.2. Taxi to the office 1 130 130
02.apr MM 7.2. Jeepney to JT Services 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. Jeepney from JT Services 2 7,5 15
04.apr MM 7.2. Taxi to Intramourus 1 60 60
MM 7.3. Meal 1 226 226
MM 7.2. Jeepney to City Hall 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. Jeepney to Divisoria 2 7,5 15
MM 3.12. Charts 11 5 55
MM 7.2. Jeepney to the office 2 7,5 15
MM 5.1. T-shirts: Advance payment 1 2000 2000
10.apr MM 7.2. Jeepney 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. Jeepney 2 7,5 15
11.apr MM 3.1. + 3.2. Rosegan: Tables & Chairs 1 2800 2800
MM 5.1. T-shirts: Remaining payment on pickup 1 4097 4097
MM 3.12. Charts 5 20 100
MM 3.6. Storybooks 2 10 20
MM 3.5. Paperbags: Freebie 1 237,5 237,5
MM 3.4. Paperbags: Medicine 1 199,5 199,5
MM 3.2. Facemasks 1 140 140
MM 3.1. Latex gloves 1 340 340
MM 3.3. Twine rope 1 45 45
MM 3.4. Flooring 1 260 260
MM 3.5. Fabric (cotton) 1 165 165
MM 3.8. Markers (red) 1 84 84
MM 3.11. Cartolina 1 108 108
MM 7.2. Jeepney: Divisoria 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. Taxi: OSM 1 150 150
MM 7.2. Tips (T-shirts) 1 20 20
MM 7.2. Oscar transport: Baseco 1 40 40
14.apr MM 7.2. Jeepney to Taft 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. Taxi to Pacific Pharm. 1 40 40
MM 7.2. Taxi to Mercury 1 140 140
MM 7.2. Jeepney to Ortigas 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. Jeepney to EDSA 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. MRT 2 12 24
MM 7.2. LRT 2 15 30
MM 7.2. Mercury Drugs 1 319 319
15.apr MM 7.2. Taxi to Pacific Pharm. 1 105 105
MM 4.0. Pacific Pharmacy 1 35593,1 35593,1
MM 7.2. Taxi back with medicines 1 200 200
MM 7.2. Jeep to Exact 2 8 16
MM 7.2. Jeep to UN 2 10 20
MM 7.2. Jeep to Malate 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. Jeep to Pedro Gil 2 7,5 15
16.apr MM 7.2. Jeep to Clinic 2 7,5 15
MM 7.2. Taxi from Clinic 1 60 60
18.apr MM 7.2. Taxi from Summit 1 120 120
MM 7.2. Taxi 1 250 250
MM 7.2. Taxi 1 80 80
MM 7.2. Jeep 2 7,5 15
MM 7.1.1. Jeep rent 3 600 1800
MM 5.2. Fans 1 328 328
MM 3.10. Banner 1 450 450
MM 2.2.+2.3. Meals supplies 1 190 190
MM 3.7. Toilet Paper 1 246 246
MM 3.3. Alcohol 1 161,75 161,75
MM 4.0. Ointment 10 15,75 157,5
MM 5.3. Flutes 1 60 60
MM 3.9. Pens 1 60 60
MM 7.2. Oscar transport 1 150 150
MM 7.2. Taxi back from divisoria 1 60 60
19.apr MM 7.1.2. Jeepney to Baseco 1 600 600
MM 2.4. Ice 1 96 96
MM 7.2. Taxi 1 100 100
MM 4.1. Medicines 1 8222 8222
MM 1.1. Tents 1 2450 2450
MM 7.1.1. Jeepney rent 3 600 1800
22.apr MM 6.1. Special Paper: Doctors and Suppliers 1 267,75 267,75
MM 2.1. Meals 1 9310 9310
23.apr MM 7.2. Jeepney 2 8 16
MM 7.2. Train 2 14 28
MM 7.4. Load 1 100 100
MM 7.2. Jeepney 2 8 16
MM 6.3. Frames 58 50 2900
Total 79386,1

Cash Donations Donation: Far Eastern Maritime Foundation 2000

Donation: Palpros Printing 3000
Donation: Renee 3000
Donation: Golden Success 2000
Donation: Exact 3000
Donations: VIA Travel 20500
Donations: IDESS 10000
Donations: Del Rosario & Del Rosario 10000
Donations: Hotel Kimberly 1000
Donations: Aqua Garden 3000
Donations: JT Services 500
Donations: VNP Building 10000
Donations: Microphase 5000
Total 73000
Company OSM Supplier/Partner/Cooperator Trade Donation
1 Microphase Enterprise Company Yes IT 5.000 peso
2 NTC Manila Yes Training Medicines
3 Faxtron Philippines Yes IT - Fax service Medicines
4 NGC Medical Clinic Yes Hospital Eyeglasses
5 Del Rosario & Del Rosario Yes Insurance 10.000 peso
6 Bigboard Yes Billboard Medicines
7 Hotel Kimberly Yes Hotel 1.000 peso
8 JT Services Yes Aircon 500 peso
9 VIA Travel Yes Travel 42.000 peso (for two events)
10 IDESS Yes Training 10.000 peso
11 Aqua Garden Yes Watersupplier 3.000 peso
12 VNP Properties Yes Office Rental 10.000 peso
13 Mercury Drugs No Pharmacy 50 bottles multi-vitamins
14 Professional Gear Yes Traininf Gear Medicines
15 Excellence & Competency Training Yes Training 3.000 peso
16 Golden Success Yes Review Center 2.000 peso
17 Chief Officer Rene Sanggalang Yes Personal 3.000 peso
18 Maritime Clinic for International Services Yes Clinic Toothbrush & paste worth 10.000
19 Far East Maritime Foundation Yes Training Medicines and 2.000
20 Vizcarra Diagnostic Center Yes Clinic Hepatitis-B Vaccination worth 500.000
21 Clinicomed Yes Clinic Medicines
22 Trinity Insurance Yes Insurance Medicines
23 Summit Furnishings Yes Office furniture Medicines
24 Hungry Croco No Restaurant Lunch
25 SM Foundation No Mall Medicines
26 OSM Family Club Yes OSM 150 bottles of juice
27 Palbros Printing Yes Printing 3000 peso
28 Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila Yes Hotel Gift-Certificate
29 Integrated Computer System Yes IT Cash
30 Marie Castillo Yes Personal Water
Donator Brand Type Purpose Amount Quantity per unitUnits
Faxtron RiteMed Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 500 mg 100 tablets 2
Biogesic Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 500 mg 20 tablets 15
Rhea Ferrous Sulfate Anti-Anemic 325 mg 100 tablets 6
Rhea Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C 500 mg 100 tablets 13
Bigboard Biogesic Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 500 mg 20 tablets 5
Guaifenesin Robitussin Caugh 200 mg 100 tablets 1
Revicon Multivitamin Minerals + Amino Acids 1 4 tablets 25
NTC Ce-Vi-Sol Ascorpic Acid Vitamin C 15ml 60mg/0.6ml 8
Solmux Carbocisteine Mucolytic (Caugh) 15ml 40/mg/ml 13
Amoxil Amoxicillin Antibacterial 10ml 100mg/ml 4
Medimoxil Amoxicillin Trihydrate Antibacterial 10ml 100mg/ml 3
Ceelin Ascorbic Acid Vitamins 60ml 100mg/5ml 18
Calpol Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 10ml 100mg/ml 14
Medimoxil Amoxicillin Trihydrate Antibacterial 60ml 250mg per 5ml 6
Ceelin Ascorbic Acid Vitamin C 15ml 100mg/ml 8
Solmux Carbocisteine Mucolytic (Caugh) 60ml 200mg/5ml 9
Solmux Carbocisteine Mucolytic (Caugh) 60ml 100ml/5ml 3
Himox Amoxicillin Antibacterial 10ml 100mg/ml 5
RX Amoxicillin Antibacterial 60ml 250mg/5ml 4
Ferrous Sulfate Ferrous Sulfate Anti-Anemic 325mg 100 tablets 7
Biogesic Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 15ml 100mlg/ml 8
Calpol Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 60ml 120mg/5ml 8
Neozep - Forte Tablet Phenyl.Chlor. Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 527mg 20 tablets 15
Tuseran - Forte Capsule Dext. Phen. Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic ? 10 tablets 11
Mercury Nutrilin Vitamins Vitamins 10ml 50
Professional Gear Cotrimoxazole Cotrimoxazole Antibacterial 60ml 400mg/80mg pr 5ml 10
Carbocisteine Carbocisteine Mucolytic (Caugh) 60ml 250mg/5ml 10
Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic Acid Vitamin 60ml 100mg/5ml 10
Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic Acid Vitamin 500mg 100 tablets 1
Paracetamol Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 500mg 100 tablets 2
Paracetamol Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 60ml 250mg/5ml 10
Amoxixilin Trihydrate Amoxixilin Trihydrate Antibacterial 500mg 100 capsules 2
Timizol Forte Cotrimoxazole Antibacterial 800mg/160mg 100 tablets 1
Multivitamins Multivitamin Vitamin - 100 capsules 1
Multivitamins Multivitamin Vitamin 60ml 10
Far East Maritime Tramadol Hci Dolpaz Opiod Analgesic 50mg 100 capsules 1
Foundation Paracetamol Rapidol Analgestic/Antipyretic 500mg 56 tablets 1
Cefalexin Cefalexin Antibacterial 500mg 56 tablets 1
Prednisone Pred 5 Anti-Inflammatory/Asthmas 5mg 376 tablets 1
Loperamide Loperamide Anti-Diahrreal 2mg 76 tablets 1
Revitaplex Revitaplex Vitamins 105mg 174 tablets 1
Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic Acid Vitamins 500mg 122 tablets 1
Clinicomed Paracetamol Alvedon Analgestic/Antipyretic 500mg 250 tablets 2
Multivitamins Opstres Vitamins 640 mg++ 60 tablets 9
Ambrexol Hydrochloride Atrivex Mucolytic (Caugh) 30mg 100 tablets 5
Trinity Insurance Mefenamic Acid Mefenamic Acid Analgestic/Anti-Inflammatory 60ml 50mg/ml 43
Paracetamol Myremol Analgestic/Antypyretic 60ml 125mg/5ml 46
Amoxicillin Trihydrate Axmel Antibacterial 60ml 125mg/5ml 50
Vitamins Multivitamin Vitamins 60ml - 33
Carbocisteine Carbocisteine Mucolytic (Caugh) 60ml 100mg/5ml 37
Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic Acid Vitamins 60ml 100mg/5ml 13
Salbutamol Salbutamol Anti-Asthma 60ml 2mg/5ml 42
Summit Furnishings Ascorbic Acid Ceelin Vitamins 60ml 100mg/5ml 35
Amroxol HCI Ambroxol HCI Mucolytic (Caugh) 60ml 15mg/5ml 35
Paracetamol Paracetamol Analgesic/Antipyretic 60ml 120mg/5ml 35
Purchase order Multi-Vitamin + Iron Multivitamin Vitamin - 100 capsules 50
Multi-Vitamin + Minerals Multivitamin Vitamin 120ml 100
Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic Acid Vitamin 100mg 100 tablets 48
Ambroxol Hydrochloride Ambroxol Hydrochloride Mucolytic (Caugh) 30 mg 100 tablets 20
Ambroxol Hydrochloride Ambroxol Hydrochloride Mucolytic (Caugh) 60ml 15 mg/5mL 40
Amoxicillin Trihydrate Amoxicillin Antibacterial (500 mg) 100 capsules 20
Amoxicillin Trihydrate Axmel Antibacterial 60ml 250mg/5mL 100
Amoxicillin Axmel Antibacterial 10ml 100mg/ml 20
Paracetamol Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 60ml 125mg/5ml 50
Paracetamol Myremol Analgestic/Antipyretic 500mg 100 tablets 50
Mebendazole Mebendazole Anthelmintic 60ml 100mg/5ml 50
Mebendazole Mebendazole Anthelmintic 500mg 100 tablets 20
Salbutamol Salbutamol Anti-Asthma 60ml 2mg/5ml 50
Nalidixic Acid Nalidixic Acid Antibacterial 60ml 250mg/5ml 10
Benzyl Benzoate Benzyl Benzoate Anti-Scabies 120ml 25% Lotion 10
Nova test Pregnancy test Pregnancy test 1 1 15
Chloramphenicol - Eye Chloramphenicol - Eye Eye Drops 10ml .5% (5mg/ml) 5
Chloramphenicol - Ear Chloramphenicol - Ear Ear Drops 10ml .5% (5mg/ml) 5
Ranitidine Hydrochloride Normaxid Anti-Acid & Ansti-uicerant 150mg 100 tablets 2
Salbutamol Salbutamol Anti-Asthma 4mg 100 tablets 20
Nifedipine Heblopin Anti-Hypertensive 5mg 100 capsules 20
Hyoscine Butylbromide Hyoscine Butylbromide Anti-Spasmodic/Anticholinergic 10mg 100 tablets 2
Loperamide Hydrochloride Diastop Anti-Diarrheal/Anti-Motility 2mg 100 capsules 2
Bisacodyl Bisacodyl Laxative 5mg 100 tablets 1
Ketoconazole Latosil Antifungal 5g 20mg/g cream 20
Naproxen Sodium Naproxen Sodium Analgesics/Anti-inflammatory 250mg 100 tablets 10
SM Foundation Amoxicilin Axmel Antibacterial 60ml 50
Cotrimoxazole Cotrimoxazole Antibacterial 60ml 72
Ferrous Sulfate Ferrous Sulfate Anti-Anemic 60ml 72
Paracetamol Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 60ml 72
Salbutamol Salbutamol Anti-Asthma 60ml 72
Cotrimoxazole Cotrimoxazole Antibacterial 100 tablets 10
Mefenamic Acid Mefenamic Acid Analgestic/Anti-Inflammatory 100 tablets 5
Paracetamol Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 100 tablets 5
Bought during mission Tiki-Tiki Multivitamin Vitamins 15ml 41
Enervon C Ascorbic Acid Vitamin-C 60ml 27
Ceenergy Ascorbic Acid Vitamin-C 15ml 3
Time-Cee Multivitamin Vitamins 15ml 6
Biogesic Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 15ml 14
Ceenergy Multivitamin Vitamins 60ml 4
Clusvl 60ml 9
Hrbycin 60ml 3
Polyvisol 60ml 2
Tuseran Forte Dext. Phen. Paracetamol Analgestic/Antipyretic 60ml 4
Solmux Carbocisteine Mucolytic (Caugh) 15ml 7
Solmux Carbocisteine Mucolytic (Caugh) 60ml 7
Solmux Carbocisteine Mucolytic (Caugh) 60ml 2
Loviscol 15ml 5
Nutroplex 60ml 12
Paracetamol Biogesic Analgesic 60ml 10



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