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This book is published in the

scope of Parametric Reciprocal
Structures workshop of design
and fabrication, that took place at
the Architecture School of Minho
University and Guimarães Design
Institute, July 5-25, 2016. The
workshop was organized by Paulo
J. S. Cruz & Bruno Figueiredo and
promoted under the auspices of
ICSA2016 it involved students
of the Special Structures course
from the MIARQ (EAUM), on the
design and fabrication of mutual

structure pavilion.


  Bruno Figueiredo, Paulo J.S. Cruz (eds.)

workshop of
design and

Bruno Figueiredo, Paulo J.S. Cruz (eds.) 

ISBN 978–989–8963–03–1
workshop of
design and
workshop of
design and

Bruno Figueiredo, Paulo J.S. Cruz (eds. 


7 Foreword
Paulo J. S. Cruz & Bruno Figueiredo

11 Reciprocal structures: their importance

to the pedagogy of structures and
construction in an architecture school
Paulo J. S. Cruz

21 Advances in free-form reciprocal

structures: computational tools for
design and fabrication
Dario Parigi

39 Parametric reciprocal strucutres:

workshop of design and fabrication
Bruno Figueiredo

59 Spatial structure shadows:

a photographic survey
Inês Guedes

Paulo J. S. Cruz & Bruno Figueiredo

One of the central challenges that needs to be maintained

throughout new structural and constructional design peda-
gogy is how to impart knowledge about structural and con-
structive concepts in a manner that enhances the capacity
to understand and apply them in design.
Promoted under the auspices of the International Con-
ference on Structures and Architecture — ICSA2016, the
workshop “Parametric Reciprocal Structure: workshop of
design and fabrication” had it genesis in proposals devel-
oped by students of the course of Special Structures of the
Master in Architecture of the School of Architecture of the
University of Minho (EAUM). The solutions designed by the
students focused on the design of a reciprocal structure to
be built at the Design Institute of Guimarães (former Tanning
Factory of Ramada).
The reciprocal structures workshop was organized as
part of the special structures course. The workshop involved
students and staff to implement constructive solutions, in the
manufacturing and in the assembling of the structure.
The initiative aimed to explore architectural and structur-
al design concepts, embracing the research of: methods and
processes of designing thinking; simulation and processing
tools; and manufacturing concepts and materials.
The computational model Reciprocalizer, developed by
Prof. Dario Parigi from the University of Aalborg, was used for
the morphological design exploration. This model allows the
generation of three-dimensional reciprocal grids, character-
ized by a high degree of freedom and formal experimentation.
The proposed combination of creative aspects in the con-
ception and construction of structures, advanced technolo-
gies and complex architectural and structural applications rep-
resents a valuable learning experience of collaborative work.


Paulo Cruz

Researcher of the R&D unit Landscapes,

Heritage and Territory Laboratory /
Full Professor of the School of Architecture
University of Minho

The meaningful changes in design and construction pro-

cesses operated in the recent decades, make pertinent the
weighting of some basic methodologies of the architectural
practice. Effectively, several theoretical frameworks have
changed, namely those associated to materiality, objects,
assemblages and performance of structures and construc-
tions (Nilsson, 2013).

Expanding tools for new pedagogical challenges

In the 1990’s the emergence of computer aided software

brought about the development of digital fabrication tech-
nologies. In our post-digital era, technological developments
in materials, construction techniques and sustainable sys-
tems constitute the many advancements that call for new
approaches to design (Olsen & Mac Namara, 2014).
The legacy of the essentialist approach to architecture
precluded the productive and rich capacity of matter to de-
fine or influence geometry. Allowing this dynamic to operate
is especially important not so much in the realm of new ma-
terials for architecture but as a way of conceiving tectonics
and organization (Reiser & Umemoto, 2006).
By understanding the potential of the materials and of
the respective construction methods used, and by trans-

forming them into a design solution, which reflects the log-
ic of the construction, the appearance of an architectural
structure and the associated process of construction are
united (Bech-Danielsen et al., 2012).
In the last decades tectonics has been brought forward
in relation to a critique of modern production technologies
(Nilsson, 20007) and holds the potential to become an active
and progressive mean to further develop architecture based
on technology and mass production.
Recently the European Commission published an action
plan describing actions endorsed to accelerate the take-up
of design in innovation policies at European, national and
regional levels and to create the capacity and competencies
needed to implement these policies. This document high-
lights the importance of the progressive shift in emphasis
of European innovation policy from exclusive reliance on
technology towards more demand and user-driven innova-
tion (SWD, 2013).
The University has a profound obligation to not only pre-
pare students for professional practice, but to instil values
that define a trajectory and future for each disciplinary field.
For Schools of Architecture that strive to impart creativity
and technical skills to produce innovative design proposals,
interdisciplinary workshops are necessary and crucial in the
effort to achieve a more holistic understanding of the prac-
tice of architecture.
One of the central challenges that need to be maintained
throughout new structural and constructional design pedagogy
is how to impart knowledge about these concepts in a manner
that enhances the capacity to understand and apply them in
the design. One solution to promote visualisation is to engage
students in haptic experiences to enhance their conceptu-
al learning by using physical activity as a cognitive anchor to
comprehend and apply abstract concepts in really situations
(Vilquin, 2013). Haptic learning refers broadly to the importance
of physical engagement to the educational process.
Physical models can be used in order to study the struc-

tural behaviour of an architectural project. Morphology and
proportions are the components of structural design that
can be easily apprehended – which are also the most impor-
tant ones from an architectural point of view.
Therefore, framing of structural systems into uncommon
architectural fields olds a great potential. In an experimen-
tal research framework, older experiences and case studies
can be studied in new situations and renovated configura-
tions (Vrouwe, 2013).
The term Haptic, which derives from the Greek “haptikos”
or “able to touch”, has been used since the early 1930’s to
describe the study of touch and, more broadly, how touch
contributes to human interaction with the environment. Au-
ditory and visual channels have traditionally made up the
bulk of university education, but studies suggest that over
one-third of our world-knowledge is obtained through some
form of touch. Haptic ‘channels’ thus offer largely untapped
opportunities for learning, particularly in classes that deal
with physical properties (Dong, K. & Leslie, 2010).
Architectural education uses haptic learning almost by de-
fault in the reliance on models in design studios to explore and
represent physical conditions. However, haptic methods have
potential in technology courses as well, particularly those that
deal with tangible physical properties and processes.
For a long time, craft and computation seemed total
opposites. Where craft strongly resonated with the material
world, computational architecture emulated an immaterial
world of dots, lines, surfaces, scripts and algorithms. Since
digital production techniques have become more acces-
sible, the distinction between design generation and de-
sign production has decreased rapidly (Leach et al., 2004).
Through digital fabrication, the traditional craft, precision
and techniques, former practiced and trained during a great
part of the craftsmen’s existence, became available for com-
putational architects directly (Bonwetsch et al., 2006).
Focusing on geometry, studio design and research exer-
cises often do not prioritise the importance of material and

techniques. In this context, technical aspects are considered
as a neutral set of knowledge that is discussed briefly in lat-
er stages of the design process (Weinand, 2009). However,
decisions in material and fabrication methods are no inno-
cent choices. Integration of material and techniques correct-
ly in earlier design phases often brings forward a more fluent
process and a more cohesive result (Oxman, 2007).
The simultaneity of both material aspects and cultural
dimensions is an important condition behind conceiving and
constructing architecture. Frascari describes the concepts
“constructing” and “construing” in his essay “The Tell-the-tail
Detail” (Frascari, 1984). Constructing relates to the physical
act of building, of assembling building elements, while con-
struing is about creating meaning.
Today, with the advent of digital media technologies and
the ability to conceptualise, express and produce complex
forms using digital means, the question of the status of the
architectural form is once again under consideration. In-
deed, the questions concerning the method of form expres-
sion in contemporary architecture, and its meaning, remains
very much open (Grobman, Y.J & Neuman, 2011).
Vrouwe & Pak (2013) explored “framing” and “frame ex-
perimentation” as a potential method or approach in teach-
ing to accompany this change in learning. In this light, fram-
ing is used as conceptual scaffolding. This scaffolding has
already been used in a different context to organise experi-
ences and guide the trial-and-error approach to meaningful
tacit knowledge (Benford & Snow, 2000).
Frame experimentation is often used to rethink or re-
connect conventions in multidisciplinary social sciences
(Goffman, 1974). However, the use of these conceptual re-
framing strategies in design based studies is less frequent.
Therefore, framing of architectural systems into uncommon
fields holds great potential. By using frame experimentation,
older experiences can be studied in new situations; tacit
unconscious knowledge can become more tactile in action
Vrouwe & Pak (2013).

Bundgaard (2013) proposes the concept of ‘montage’ as
a means for investigating possible strategies and as a gen-
erator for creating architecture, which on an industrial basis
responds to sustainability, and at the same time reflects the
heterogeneity, individualisation and need for adaptation that
characterises today’s society. As an approach, montage gen-
erates alternative contexts. Potentially, current principles
and premises allow an opportunity for architectural exper-
imentation and for developing new formal idioms, architec-
tural hierarchies and expressions.
Tensegrity structures, in addition to their uncommon
structural basis and appearance, are characterised by al-
most no separation between architectural expression and
structural configuration. Accordingly their spatial and tec-
tonic organisation that derives from their structural config-
uration also determines their aesthetic and functional fea-
tures (Liapi, 2013).
The structural principle of mutually supporting beams in
a closed circuit was used in the past in vernacular build-
ings and in studies by Renaissance architects in the form
of 2D and 3D grillages (Thönnissen, 2013). In 1987 the de-
signer Graham Brown rediscovered the structural principle
and its potential in architecture, renaming it the Reciprocal
Frame (Brown, 1989). Other terms used to describe this kind
of spatial structures are: lever-beam structures (Bertin & He-
belstabwerke, 2001); mutually supported element systems
(Rizzuto, 2007) and nexorades (Baverel, 2000).
Structures based on the principle of reciprocity have
been autonomously studied and used since the antiquity
on the basis of different needs and purposes. The applica-
tion of the principle of reciprocity requires the presence of
at least two elements, at the same time both supporting
and being supported by the other with no hierarchy, meet-
ing along their span and never in their vertices. Neolithic
structures and known Indian tipis may be examples of this.
However, the first known written reference to a structure
that can be considered reciprocal comes from Japan when,

in the twelfth century, Buddhist monk Chogen (1121-1206)
described a technique of overlapping spiral wooden beams,
which was used in the construction of temples.
Inspired on folio 899v of the Leonardo Codex Atlanticus,
in 1989 Rinus Roelofs, a Dutch mathematician and architect,
began constructing domes using notched bars assembled
according to a simple rule. This led him to explore planar
constructions based on this rule using fixed length “notched”
linear segments, creating a wide variety of patterns (Roelofs,
2008). Since 1995 he actively promoted a significant number
of dome construction projects, exhibitions and workshops in
Belgium, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia,
Spain, Taiwan and the Netherlands (http://www.rinusroelofs.
Amateur architecture studio was founded in 1998 in
Hangzhou, China, by two of the most outstanding architects
of China. In 2012 Wang Shu was recipient of the Pritzker
Prize, recognising “the exceptional nature and quality of his
executed work, and also for his ongoing commitment to pur-
suing an uncompromising, responsible architecture arising
from a sense of specific culture and place”. By using recy-
cled materials, they are able to send several messages on
the careful use of resources and respect for tradition and
context as well as give a frank appraisal of technology and
the quality of construction today. The “decay of a dome” re-
ciprocal structure they built in the 2010 Architecture Venice
Biennale 2010 is clearly rooted in the architecture’s origins
and Chinese tradition.
Reciprocal structures were first originated as assem-
blies of elongated elements. This typology is low-cost and
relatively simple in fabrication, enabling the possibility to
generate complex free-form shapes with standard elements
and simple jointing techniques; conversely, it requires en-
gaging in a complex non-linear, non-hierarchical, iterative
design process. Their geometry cannot be described with
hierarchical, associative parametric modelling. Instead the
geometry of the network is a property emerging, bottom-up,

from the complex and simultaneous interaction among all
the elements in the network.
The reciprocal systems are usually based on a periodic
mesh, consisting of a set of regular or irregular polygons (tri-
angular, quadrangular, pentagonal, etc.). More complex and
non-periodic compositions result from the combination of
different types of polygons (such as those based on Pen-
rose-like patterns). In the first case, the number of bars that
converge for knots is uniform throughout the mesh. In the
second, the number of bars that are associated in each node
may be variable.
The main challenge of the pedagogy of structures and
construction in an architecture school lies in the process of
transmitting the basic concepts in a way that involves the
students in the learning process and that improves the stu-
dents’ ability to assimilate and apply that knowledge in the
design. For that reason reciprocal structures arouse a grow-
ing interest because they constitute an experimental field
to combine tools of parametric drawing and digital manu-
facturing, with simple structural concepts and materials, to
obtain complex and appealing geometries.


Baverel, O. (2000). Nexorades: a family of interwoven space structures.

PhD Thesis, University of Surrey.

Bech-Danielsen, C., Beim, A., Bundgaard, C., & Madsen, U. (2012).Tectonic

Thinking – Developing a Critical Strategy for a Responsive and Adaptive
Architecture. In M. Voyyatzaki, & C. Spiridonidis (Ed.), Rethinking the
Human in Technology-driven Architecture. Thessaloniki: Charis Ltd.

Benford, R., & Snow, D. (2000). Framing Processes and Social Movements:
An Overview and Assessment. Annual Review of Sociology, 26, 611-639.

Bertin, V. (2001). Hebelstabwerke. Arch+, pp. 159-160.

Bonwetsch, T., Gramazio, F., & Kohler, M. (2006). The informed Wall: apply-
ing additive digital fabrication techniques on architecture.
ACADIA 2006: Synthetic Landscapes Digital Exchange, (pp. 489-495).
Louisville, Kentucky,.

Brown, G. (1989). Three-dimensional structures (Vol. Patent No. 2235479B.
). United Kingdom Patent Office.

Bundgaard, C. (2013). Tectonics of montage. Architectural positions for a

tectonic sustainable building practice. (P. Cruz, Ed.) Structures and Archi-
tecture: Concepts, Applications and Challenges, 391-398.

Dong, K., & Leslie, T. (2010). Breaking stuff: A no frills approach to haptic
learning in structures classes. (C. P.-T. Group, Ed.) Structures and Architec-
ture, 900-907.

Frascari, M. (1984). The Tell-the-Tale-Detail. VIA 7 The Building of Architecture.

Architectural Journal of the Graduate School of Fine Arts.

Goffman, E. (1976). Frame Analysis: An Essay on the Organization

Leach, N. T. (2004). Digital Tectonics. West Sussex: Wiley and Sons.

Liapi, K. (2013). Tensegrity tectonics. Structural concept and architectural
expression. (P. Cruz, Ed.) Structures and Architecture: Concepts, Applica-
tions and Challenges, 268-275.

Neuman, E., & Grobman, Y. (2011). Performalism: Form and Performance

in Digital Architecture. Routledge.

Nilsson, F. (2007). New Technology, New Tectonics? – On Architectural

and Structural Expressions With Digital Tools. Tectonics Making Meanong.
Eindhoven, Netherlands.

Nilsson, F. (2013). Architectural assemblages and materializations. Changing

notions of tectonics and materiality in contemporary architecture. (P. Cruz,
Ed.) Structures and Architecture: Concepts, Applications and Challenges.

Olsen, C. a. (2014). Collaborations in Architecture and Engineering.


Oxman, N. (2007). Digital Craft: Fabrication-Based Design in the Age

of Digital Production. Workshop Proceedings for Ubicomp 2007 (pp.
534-538). Innsbruck, Austria: International Conference on Ubiquitous

Reiser, J., & Umemoto, N. (2006). Atlas of Novel Tectonics. New York: Prince-
ton Architectural Press.

Rizzuto, J. (2007). Rotated Mutually Supported Elements in Truncated

Icosahedric Domes. Journal of the International Association for Shell and
Spatial Structures, 48.

Roelofs, R. (2008). Two and Three-Dimensional Constructions Based on
Leonardo Grids. Nexus Network Journal, 10(1), 17-26.

SWD. (2013). Commission Staff Working Document: Implementing an

Action Plan for Design-Driven Innovation. 380 final. Brussels: European

Thönnissen, U. (2013). Reciprocal-frame structures. A digital design instru-

ment. (P. Cruz, Ed.) Structures and Architecture: Concepts, Applications
and Challenges, 464-471.

Vilquin, T. (2013). Found in translation: physical models as a structural

design tool for architects. (P. Cruz, Ed.) Structures and Architecture:
Concepts, Applications and Challenges, 1287-1294.

Vrouw, I., & Pak, B. (2013). Reframing structures. Frame experimentation

in artistic studies. (P. Cruz, Ed.) Structures and Architecture: Concepts,
Applications and Challenges, 1295-1302.


Dario Parigi

Assistant Professor of the Department of Civil

Engineering, Aalborg University

The principle of reciprocity has been known since antiqui-

ty, and albeit its application in structures as old as the first
domes, slabs and bridges, its presence in the built world has
been somehow limited and sparse. An early investigation of
these structures worth mentioning is the work Folio 899 of
the Codex Atlanticus (figure 1) by Leonardo Da Vinci. More
recently reciprocal structures have sparked a renewed in-
terest among professionals and researchers due to the
unique design opportunities that they offer when combined
with the use of computational form finding tools. From a di-
dactic standpoint, they challenge the traditional sequence
of form definition, structural dimensioning and detailing, as
the shape cannot be defined a priori, rather is the result of
continuous and iterative negotiations between the design-
er’s intention, the detailing and the structural dimensioning.
The Reciprocalizer is a plug-in for Grasshopper — the
parametric interface for McNeel´s Rhinoceros 3D — devel-
oped by the author to solve in real-time the geometry of re-
ciprocal structures based on parameters controlling the way
bars meet in each joint. In doing so, it effectively embeds
the tectonic of construction within the geometrical solver,
and renders the constructive detail an active element in the
design process. It was developed within the Performance
Aided/Assisted Design (PAD) framework, applied within

1. Extract from the fol. 899v
of the Codex Atlanticus by
Leonardo da Vinci

2. A simple three-bars
reciprocal configuration with
superimposition joint

3. A 3D visualization of
Leonardo’s sketch of figure 1
the context of the master programme in Architecture and
Design at Aalborg University. It aimed to investigate the po-
tential of integrating considerations on material, detailing,
and construction in the early stages of the design process.
The Reciprocalizer is a paradigmatic example of the “em-
bedded tectonics” factor in the PAD framework because in
reciprocal structures the constructional aspects cannot be
detached from the geometry, and the joint specification de-
termines the global geometry of the configuration.

In their purest form reciprocal structures are characterised
by a simple, almost elementary, and yet remarkable con-
nective system, which allows for a load-bearing structure to
be created by interlocking through juxtaposition any three
straight standard bars. The elements arranged with this
technique – a superimposition joint - would stand stiff and
be able to hold a load through pure friction without the need
of any additional jointing element (figure 2).
The natural out-of-plane development of reciprocal
structures based on superimposition joints is a well known
morphological aspect caused by un-notched bars sitting on
the top, or in the bottom, of each other [1]. An example can
be drawn from Leonardo da Vinci’s reciprocal arrangement
shown in figure 1. Despite not being evident from his rep-
resentation, once elements are placed on top of each other
(figure 3), they naturally develop into an out-of-plane, dome-
like structure.
The extent of the out-of-plane deviation varies depending
on a set of parameters that describe the superimposition joint
at any connection: the eccentricity, the engagement length,
and the top/bottom position. The effect that any of the pa-
rameter values entails on the overall geometry can be used
to generate a potentially infinite variety of new geometries by
employing the same set of standardised elements. This can
be observed already in a three bars configuration (figure 4, 5).

0.8 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1

0.05 0.1 0.18 0.26 0.34

4. The effect of the

engagement length on
the out-of plane deviation

5. The effect of the

eccentricity on the
out-of plane deviation
The eccentricity value, in the case of a superimposition
joint, is directly dependent on the elements thickness and
shape. However the value can be changed if a different
type of connection is sought (axial connection), or can be
increase/decreased if the distance of the elements axis is
modified with the use of notches or additional joint spacers.


The fundamental simplicity of a reciprocal structure joint
applies to both small and large irregular configurations. The
presence of always two and no more than two bars in any
connection, and regardless of the complexity of the config-
uration, allows to engineer simple, adaptable connections in
full scale real-world projects.
On the other hand, the intrinsic three dimensionality of
reciprocal structures emerges as one of the most interest-
ing but at the same time complex feature of this typology.
The out-of-plane deviation cannot be determined directly
with standard CAD or parametric tools. In fact the intrin-
sic three-dimensionality of reciprocal structures cannot be
separated by the non-hierarchical nature of the principle of
reciprocity. Due to the non-hierarchical nature, the position
of the elements at each joint influences the spatial position
of each and every other element in the configuration. The
resulting geometry cannot be predicted in a straightforward
manner and can only be understood as a characteristic that
emerges from the complex interaction between all the ele-
ments: shape, topology and position [3]. In order to design
a reciprocal structure the geometric compatibility must be
achieved simultaneously for all bars, since the re-adjustment
of one bar’s position would affect the geometric compatibil-
ity of the adjacent elements that in turn should be adjusted
and propagated to the rest of the configuration.

The three-dimensionality and non-hierarchy renders the de-
sign of a reciprocal structure particularly complex. However,
when approached with the use of computational tools, it can
be considered a design opportunity. With the use of straight
bars and superimposition joints any kind of geometry can
be generated.
The Reciprocalizer is a module that embeds the com-
plex, iterative and non-hierarchical tectonic of reciprocal
structures, and therefore allows predicting and controlling
the design and geometry of large networks of reciprocally
connected elements. In a typology where complexity is shift-
ed from manufacturing to design, the Reciprocalizer module
allows to engage in the design of reciprocal structures, at
the same time that it enables the creation of an infinite vari-
ety of complex three-dimensional structures, while employ-
ing standardised wood components.
The Reciprocalizer can handle the three-dimensionality
of reciprocal structures by iteratively finding the geometric
compatibility of elements: the unknown is the geometry, and
the given data are the values of the geometric parameters
(Figure 6). It embodies one of the most interesting features
of reciprocal structures, i.e. the ability to generate the geom-
etry bottom-up from the assembling parameters values set
at the joints. It therefore allows to interactively explore the
influence, often unpredictable, of the joint parameters val-
ues on the overall geometry, therefore triggering the explo-
ration of the geometrical richness of reciprocal structures
and the emergence of original designs through the modifi-
cation of the Reciprocalizer inputs: the initial mesh topology,
and the fundamental joints parameters.

The geometry of a reciprocal structure depends on the
topology of the initial mesh, on the fixed end points, and
the set of fundamental parameters at each superimposition

6. Schematics of the
Reciprocalizer inputs
and outputs

joint. For a connection between two elements bi and bj the

parameters are computed:
– the eccentricity eij, that measure the distance between el-
ements axes;
– the engagement ratio lij = gji / lj , that measures the position
in which elements bi meets element bj along its span;
– the engagement ratio lij = gij / li , that measures the position
in which elements bj meets element bi along its span
– the specification of whether element bi sits on the top or on
the bottom of element bj with respect to a reference vector
rj whose tip indicates the top position tij = êij ∙ êrij (figure 7).

For a three-bar reciprocal configuration a total of 12 param-

eters are needed (figure 8, table 1). After computing the pa-
rameters values the solver generates an overall configuration
while shifting the elements position accordingly. Due to the

7. The computation of the
geometric parameters at each
iteration and connection

8. The 12 parameters involved in

a three-bar fan

9. The measure of distance and

angle for each bar

10. The Reciprocalizer Robot

no-hierarchical nature of the configuration, the process must
be iterative and will stop when a tolerance value or the max-
imum iterations number is reached. The calculation depth
input allows definition of the number of iterations in the cal-
culations and, therefore, allows a choice between faster and
less precise solutions or slower and more precise solutions.

The Reciprocalizer module outputs the data for Finite Element
Method (FEM) analysis and for the fabrication. The output for
FEM analysis takes into consideration the need to introduce
an additional element at each joint with a fictitious high stiff-
ness that connects the elements axis of the elements.
The output for fabrication consists on the data needed
to identify, for each bar bi, the point Pij in which it meets the
connected bar bj. Each point Pij is located along the element
bi surface and its position can be described with two values:
the distance Dij from the bar start point, and the angle αij
that it creates with a reference origin line arbitrarily set on
the side element, measured from the element axes and in a
perpendicular plane (figure 9).

Because the whole geometry is the result of the local inter-
action between bars, precision at the joint level is crucial in
order to obtain the goal geometry and to maintain the ge-
ometric compatibility during the construction process. The
Reciprocalizer Robot was designed in order to transfer the
necessary information from the digital model to the wooden
bars (figure 10).


The Reciprocalizer has been used in a workshop series co-
ordinated by the author from 2012 to 2015 for the Master of

11. The structure realized
in the reciprocal structure
workshop, fall 2013

12. The joint detailing

Science in Architecture and Design at Aalborg University, as
part of the course “Performance-Aided Design: form, materi-
al, structure acoustic and fabrication”. The PAD workshop en-
abled the students with a hands-on experience on the chang-
ing relationship between form, structural behaviour, detailing
and construction in a digital design environment. Each of the
one week long workshops explored the design and fabrica-
tion processes of a reciprocal structure. This typology was
chosen because it required dealing with the geometry, the
structural dimensioning, and the detailing all at once and
from the initial design stages. It was also considered to be
an ideal typology to investigate an innovative approach to
design and construction in a digital design environment.
Each year the workshop incorporated the latest findings
and developments of the research program carried on Recip-
rocal structures by the author at the department of Civil Engi-
neering at Aalborg University. The outcome of the workshop
in turn stimulated further development in critical areas of the
design process from conception to production.
The design brief since 2013 is the development of a
roof for the cafe terrace in Have i Hune, a flower garden
started in 1991 by the artist Anne Just and the architect
Claus Bonderup in Hune. The roof should integrate with the
elegant and balanced composition of both architectural
and natural elements of the Have, including the trees grow-
ing from the terrace.
A small structure has been realised in 2013 for a prelim-
inary testing of the digital design and manufacturing tools.
The prototype is constituted by three connected tree-like
columns, each one based on Fibonacci spirals, often found
within flowers, embracing one of the existing trees. The pa-
vilion constitutes the first application of the Reciprocalizer
robot (figure 11,12 and 13) [3].
In 2014 an additional requirement was to include design
explorations aimed at improving the structural behaviour.
Those could be achieved by variations on the initial mesh
density, on the number and length of elements and on the

dmax = 1.2cm dmax = 0.63cm dmax =0.045 cm

13. The initial mesh (the thicker

lines have correspondance to the
realzied part of the structure)

14. Effect of engagement length

on the structural stiffness

15. The reciprocal structure

realized in 2014
reciprocal structure geometric parameters: engagement, ec-
centricity and top/bottom position (figure 15). The aim was
to achieve a balance between the requirements posed by
the spatial, constructional and structural issues. Improved
efficiency in the construction process allowed building a
larger structure (figure 14).
In 2015 different bars size were introduced to optimise
the structural performance. Three timber member size
- 22mmØ, 33mmØ and 43mmØ were assigned to the ele-
ments according to the utilisation ratio under load condition.
Additionally the Reciprocalizer could now have an unlimited
number of converging bars in a single node, enabling the
possibility to generate and design an infinitely large set of
reciprocal structures patterns.


The design process experimented in the workshops chal-
lenged the traditional sequence of form definition, structural
dimensioning and construction and it became a paradigmat-
ic experience on fabrication-aware design. The designer has
no direct control on the shape - instead it has control on a
series of parameters related to structural dimensioning and
construction / joint detailing that in turn generate the shape.
On the one hand, since the shape is not designed directly,
the adjustment of the parameters to fit a specific design re-
quirement might require several attempts and back and forth
action. Especially with large configurations, the speed of the
solver is not fast enough to allow a real-time manipulation of
the shape, rendering fine adjustments more difficult to achieve.
On the other hand the designer must accept becoming
part of an iterative process where form rather than imposed
is gradually discovered, as a result of several negotiations un-
dertaken at the interplay of the mesh and joint definition, plus
structural analysis. Through this process, the shape driven by
a construction detail that allows for a short time assemblage
of the whole the structure based on a uniform adaptable

16. Drone´s eye view of the
pavilion in Have i Hune, 2015

17. Joint detail

joint, allows for a new creative input from the part of the
designer. Furthermore, as a by-product, this process triggers
a novel exploration of the geometry of reciprocal structures,
and the emergence of original, unexpected shapes.

The advances in design and fabrication of free-form Recipro-
cal Structures were presented, together with their application
during several one-week long workshops held with the stu-
dents of the 1st semester of the Master of Science in Archi-
tecture and Design, from 2012 to 2015, at Aalborg University.
Triggered by the use of the Reciprocalizer, the design
process of reciprocal structures requires engaging in iter-
ative processes between global shape, mesh definition and
detail development. Such a design process challenges the
traditional sequence of form definition- structural dimen-
sioning and construction, as the shape is the result of con-
tinuous negotiations between a variety of geometric param-
eters, structural performance and intended spatial effects.
This design experience becomes almost paradigmatic
for exemplifying the PAD framework, towards a “poetic of
performance”, a design approach that explores the com-
plexity intrinsic in the design process, and uses that com-
plexity as a source of inspiration for creative work in archi-
tectural design.

1. Parigi, D. (2014). Design and Fabrication of a Reciprocal Trees Pavilion.
Proceedings of the IASS-SLTE 2014 symposium. Brasilia.

2. Parigi, D. (2016). Advances in Design and Fabrication of Free-Form Recip-

rocal Structures. (P. Cruz, Ed.) Structure and Architecture.

3. Parigi, D., & Kirkegaard, P. H. (2014). The Reciprocalizer: an agile design

tool for reciprocal structures. Nexus Network Journal, 16(1), 61-68.

4. Parigi, D., & Pugnale, A. (2014). Three-dimensionality in reciprocal struc-

tures: concepts and generative rules. Nexus Network Journal, 16(1), 151-177.


Bruno Figueiredo

Researcher of the R&D unit Landscapes,

Heritage and Territory Laboratory/
Assistant Professor of the School of
Architecture University of Minho

One of the main pedagogical challenges in teaching struc-

tures and construction in an architecture school lies in the
process of transmitting concepts in a way that engages the
students in learning proceedings while promoting their abil-
ity to assimilate and apply knowledge in the design process.
For this to happen it is essential to provide them with
the capacity to combine and synthesize concepts of archi-
tectural and structural design, comprising knowledge on
design thinking methods and processes, simulation models
and parametric design tools, as well as concepts and mate-
rials of manufacture.
This text presents a parametric reciprocal structure built
in Guimarães in the Summer of 2016, during the workshop
“Reciprocal Parametric Structures — Project and Manufac-
turing”, held under the auspices of ICSA2016, the Third In-
ternational Conference on Structures and Architecture. The
workshop took place under the scope of the Special Struc-
tures course of the Master in Architecture of the School of
Architecture of the University of Minho, coordinated by Prof.
Paulo Cruz.
The workshop was held in two moments. In the initial
phase, concepts inherent to reciprocal structures and the
use of computational models were exposed and explored,
followed by the development of design project proposals.

The second phase involved the selection of a design project
to be developed and built. At this stage, and after design
refinements, the students defined all the structural compo-
nents, as well as the manufacture and assembly process of
a real scale wood structure.


Proposed by Graham Brown in the 1980’s, the term “recipro-
cal structures” refers to structural systems of self-supported
elements in a closed circuit in which, from the delicate inter-
action and dependence of these elements, stable structures
are achieved.
Similar concepts can be found in many ancestral con-
structions. Some Neolithic structures and the well-known
Indian tepees can be examples of this. However, the first
known written reference to a structure that can be consid-
ered reciprocal comes from Japan when, in the 12th century,
the Buddhist monk Chogen described a technique of super-
imposing wooden beams in spiral relation, which was used
in construction of temples [1]. Also relevant are the studies
developed by Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century where he
explores such geometries.
Reciprocal systems are usually based on a periodic
mesh, being constituted by a set of regular or irregular poly-
gons (triangular, quadrangular, pentagonal, etc.). More com-
plex and non-periodic compositions result from the combi-
nation of different types of polygons (such as those based on
Penrose-type patterns). In the first case, the number of bars
that converge in the knots is uniform throughout the entire
mesh. In the second, the number of bars that are associated
in each node can be variable (figure 1).
The workshop began with the exploration of mechanisms
for the operation of reciprocal structures. The approach tak-
en also considered the fact of the participants being students
of architecture, without deep knowledge of the calculations

1. Patterns for the definition
of reciprocal structures

inherent to this typology of structures. The possibility of de-

signing and constructing large-scale structures, besides pro-
viding the students with haptic feedback, allowed to acquire
a better grasp of the different types of three-dimensional
spatial meshes and the main parameters that define them.
Most importantly it was essential that the students
honed the design of their initial mesh and ably controlled
the parameters that constrained the junction knots between
bars in order to generate their three-dimensional structures.
As shown in figure 2, the union by superposition of two
bars (bi and bj) is conditioned by: the eccentricity of the
bars (eij), the distance in which the bars are supported (lij),
the positional relationship of the bars, in a sequence up-
down or down-up, and the sense of arrangement of the
bars in the nodes, being able to adopt the clockwise or an-
ti-clockwise direction.

2. Parameters for the definition
of a union node of reciprocal
Although is possible to synthesize reciprocal structures
behaviour in very few parametric rules, the geometrical pat-
tern and solutions that can be achieved are endless.
In recent years several researchers developed different
form-finding computational models with the aim of explor-
ing and automating the generation of this type of structures.
Baverel et al. (2004) proposed the use of genetic algorithm
to configure nexorades or multireciprocal structures [3].
More recently, Alan Song-Ching Tai (2012) also recurred to
genetic algorithm and graph searching algorithms to find op-
timized notching configurations that guarantee an assembly
sequence [4]. Within the framework of Grasshopper®, Daniel
Piker developed Kangaroo — a live physics engine for the
simulation, form-finding, optimization and constraint solver
— that lets to implement a set of interactive computational
methods for the simulation of structures under valid force
equilibrium, allowing to test the generation of reciprocal
structures from an initial mesh [5]. Or the researches of Udo
Thönnissen [6] at ETH in Zurich and Dario Parigi et al. [7-8] at
Aalborg University and by the development of computation-
al models for the morphogenesis of reciprocal structures.


The computational model Reciprocalizer was used for the
exploration of different morphological possibilities achiev-
able with reciprocal structures. Developed by Dario Parigi,
Reciprocalizer is implemented in Grasshopper®. Its program-
ming paradigm allows the visual development of parametric
models whose result corresponds to a wide universe of solu-
tions (figure 3). As aforementioned in the previous chapter,
departing from the definition of an initial mesh, the Recip-
rocalizer allows: to generate interactively three-dimensional
reciprocal grids, characterized by a high degree of freedom
and formal experimentation; to define the geometric pattern
of the mesh, y easily adapting to context constrains; to the
design of the components of the structure.

3. Rhinoceros Graphical inter-
face and Grasshopper using
Reciprocalizer. Simulation of the
generation of a reciprocal struc-
ture based on a Penrose mesh
In addition to the presentation of basic concepts related
to reciprocal structures, the workshop focused on specific
aspects of this type of structure and on the use of visual pro-
gramming languages dedicated to design generative systems.
Subsequently, and starting from the hypothesis of using para-
metric computational models, the principles for the derivation
of this type of structures were presented through the Recip-
rocalizer. This process was undertaken in two stages.
The first stage, prior to the generation of the reciprocal
structure, consists in the definition of a set of geometric
meshes, varying between regular and irregular polygonal
patterns. Its objective is to regulate the overall composition
of the structure, to establish the quantity of linear elements
(bars), their relative positioning and that of the joint knots.
Figure 1 shows some of the possible geometric meshes de-
fined, varying between triangular, quadrangular, hexagonal
and Penrose patterns.
In the second stage, different design solutions were ex-
plored, based on previously defined meshes. The geometry
results from the manipulation of parameters related to the
definition of knots and bars. Any variation of the parameters
presented in figure 2 — eccentricity, engagement ratio and
the direction and order of positioning of the linear elements
— affects the configuration of the overall structure, resulting
in more or less convex structure segments.


Once introduced the basic concepts inherent to the use of
parametric models and the generative principles underlying
the Reciprocalizer, students were asked to develop proposals
for a reciprocal structure that would be built in the courtyard
of the Design Institute of Guimarães (IDEGUI).
The syllabus asked each working group to define a design
project strategy that took into consideration the location, the
morphology of the spatial structural mesh and its feasibility.

4. Proposals presented by the
students for reciprocal structures
based on three geometries:
hexagonal (left), Penrose (center),
quadrangular (right)
In order to explore the morphological potential of the re-
ciprocal structures, each group was in charge of exploring
the derivation of proposals according to a specific type of ge-
ometric pattern — varying between triangular, quadrangular,
hexagonal and Penrose meshes. In addition to the geometric
composition of the grid, its density and volume. The enunci-
ate also requested an analysis of the diversity of solutions
that would be obtained through the variation of the values
attributed to the different parameters underlying the genera-
tion of the general structure.

The universe of solutions proposed by the students show the
variety of approaches and the flexibility that this type of struc-
ture allows for. Figure 4 illustrate some of those proposals.
The structure made from an hexagonal mesh consists of
a large-scale structure that practically occupied the entire
IDEGUI courtyard. The morphology of the structure is char-
acterized by a curvilinear perimeter, with empty areas on the
northwest and southwest in order to mark the entry points
of the inner space of the structure. The majority of the an-
choring points are located in the central space of the patio,
surrounding an existing small tree, liberating altimetricaly a
large part of the structural grid, resulting in a surface with a
shape similar to a mushroom cap.
The proposal derived from the Penrose mesh is defined
by a concentric movement with a circular perimeter and a
central void space where the tree is located. The volume
also aims to create an internal circulation around that void.
The structure is supported along its outer perimeter, both
on the ground and on the south-west limit wall of the court-
yard. Contrary to what happened in the previous strategy,
the alternation of the Penrose mesh, between quadrangu-
lar and triangular polygons, results in knots with three and
five joints, forming a more complex structural scheme than
the previous solution. Although there was a large number of

5. Axonometric view from
the (a) initial mesh, (b) the
foundations parts and
(c) the spatial structure
bars in the hexagonal structure with a relatively slim profile,
the Penrose uses fewer larger bars, and is smaller in the
overall size.
Finally, the structure generated based on the quad-
rangular mesh is characterized by a rectangular perimeter
that is developed by lines parallel to the building limits. This
design option had the purpose of unifying the building and
the courtyard volumes, proposing the existence of support
points in the northwest and northeast façades, in the south-
west wall and in the ground in the southeast front of the pa-
tio. The structure is characterized by a large span that covers
the most of the courtyard, and by being composed by a large
number of bars with reduced dimensions (similar to the hex-
agonal structure). Although proposes a thin mesh the size of
the span hinders its ability of self-support.


The second phase of the workshop was focused on refining
and detailing the design project and ultimately in building
the reciprocal structure in the IDEGUI courtyard. For this pur-
pose, the reciprocal structure proposal based on the hexag-
onal mesh was selected.
In order to adequate this proposal to some feasibility
constrains, we started by reducing the number of bars and
the global dimension, approaching it, in a certain way, to the
structure generated from the Penrose mesh. The principles
of implantation of a curvilinear perimeter and the placement
of two access points to the interior of the structure were
maintained, allowing its circulation around the tree (figure
7). Having as an objective the execution of the structure, it
was relevant that all the knots of the hexagonal grid con-
nected only 3 bars, as opposed, for example, to the quadran-
gular and Penrose grids.

6. Plan implantation of the struc-
ture on the courtyard of IDEGUI

7. Elevation view illustrating the

final version of the structure

8. Axonometric view illustrating

the final version of the structure
Once the initial mesh was defined (figure 5.a), it was decided
that the positioning of the three constituent bars of each of
the nodes would adopt the clockwise direction — the first
bar would be set above the second, and so on. The gener-
ation of the reciprocal structure based on the Reciprocal-
izer was also constrained by the physical properties of the
components of the bars — round pine-wood posts, normally
used in the construction of wooden fences or stakes: max-
imum length of 3 meters, diameters of 4 cm, for the short-
er bars, and 6 cm for the longer bars. This characteristics
allowed to assign values to the parameters related to the
eccentricity of the bars (eij = 4 cm) and the connection ratio
(lji = 0,3) for positioning of the connections.

9. Schema and components used
for the bars fixations/joints

10. Axonometry of the apparatus

designed to mark the positions
and angle of the drilling

11. CNC milling machine with

of 4 degrees of freedom with
automatic rotation axis
One of the syllabus goal was to demonstrate the capac-
ity of this type of structures to define volumes with a high
degree of formal freedom, capable of adapting to a specific
context and of integrating an internal circulation. The initial
mesh adopted and the solution generated allowed the re-
ciprocal structure to inscribe in its interior a pathway with
variable height that circumscribes the existing tree. And also
to provide two porticos where is possible to enter and exit
the structure.

A system of foundations that could be easily assembled and
disassembled was built to ensure that the anchor points
did not move due to the structure’s own weight. This also
helped to compensate the unevenness of the patio pave-
ment. The system consisted in a reticular grid with modules
of approximately 80 x 80 cm, that followed the perimeter
of the structure, where the anchor points were located. For
this purpose it was conceived a system of boxes made from
oriented strand board (OSB) filled with gravel. A fitting sys-
tem without the need of mechanical joints was designed to
speed up the manufacture and assembly tasks. As illustrated
in figure 5.b the modular system considered variations in
the components lengths in order to optimize the amount of
material necessary for the execution of all the foundations.


­­The manufacture of the wood bars — linear components
— was a process of three tasks: (1) systematization of the
data relative to the dimensions of each joining elements; (2)
marking of cut lines and drilling points for the entry of the
fixing screws; (3) cutting, drilling and labelling the bars.
The first stage was realized with the help of a computa-
tional model developed in Grasshopper® that was able to
gather all the information needed to produce the compo-

12. Plan showing the grid
structure divided moduls
and clusters
nents. The output was a list defining each bar, containing
the following data: length; connections position; angle of the
four holes to be drilled at each node.
An apparatus was built in order to speed up the task of
marking all the components (figure 10), a number of 242 bars
of different dimensions, each containing four holes with dif-
ferent angles (888 in total). Subsequently, the operation was
automated by installing a rotation axis in the IDEGUI 3-axis
numerical control (CNC) milling machine (figure 11). The cut-
ting of the posts was made by using a bench disk saw.
The cutting of OSB plates to manufacture the 123 parts
that composed the foundation boxes was also performed
with the help of the CNC milling machine.

A schema was depoyed for the planning of the subdivision of
the overall structure into modules, nodes and fixing points.
Since it is a light modular structure, most of the manufactur-
ing and assembly tasks could be carried out by a group of 2
or 3 participants. Considering the large scale of the structure,
prior to its assembly on the allocated site, a pre-assembly of
modules was carried out. In general, each hexagonal module
of the structural grid was constituted by six knots.
The fixing system of the joints was composed of M10
screws, in class 8.8 steel, and respective hexagonal nuts.
In addition to metal washers at the ends, a rubber washer
was included between the bars at the joint. Also in order
to absorb any vibrations and torsions and to avoid loosen-
ing rotation of the screws, special washers for fixation were
used containing internal teeth in the opposite direction of
the slackening of the nuts.
The 53 foundation boxes provided a grid to locate the
structure anchor points. Its assembly consisted in fitting the
sliding joints from the 123 OSB panels. After the construc-
tion of the modules, the assembly of the structure started by
taking as reference the location of the anchor points in the

13. Photos from the
construction process
ground. As illustrated in figure 12, at the time of fixing a set of
modules, while a group of participants holds and guides the
modules, a second group hold and guide a second module. A
third group is responsible for screwing the bars in the joint
knots. This process began with the construction of three au-
tonomous clusters (figure 13), which were coupled in the final
phase of the assembly. Finally, after the construction of the
overall structure, the foundation boxes were filled with gravel.

The main challenges and achievements for the conception
and construction of a large-scale parametric reciprocal
structure are presented in detail. In all the phases of this
process a significant number of students of the Master in
Architecture of the School of Architecture of the Universi-
ty of Minho, were involved. The aim of the initiative was to
explore innovative concepts of architectural and structural
design, including: research into methods and processes of
design thinking mediated by parametric design processes,
the use of advanced simulation tools and the exploration of
concepts of fabrication and material handling.
Reciprocal structures arouse a growing interest in archi-
tectural schools because they constitute an experimental
field of excellence. This event is intrinsic to the fact of their
principles being suited to combine parametric de-sign tools
and digital manufacturing with simple structural concepts
allowing to achieve spatial structures with an high degree
of complexity and appeal. In the workshop “Reciprocal Par-
ametric Structures: Project and Manufacturing”, a specific
computational model was used to explore the generation
of reciprocal structures from meshes with regular and irreg-
ular configurations — triangular, quadrangular, hexagonal,
Penrose and other basic patterns. On the other hand, by
the definition of computational models that automatically
measure and quantify all the constituent components of
the structure and through the use of digital manufacturing,

14. Final structure, photo
by Inês Guedes

a process of mass customization was produced. The work-
shop allowed the students to experience the formal poten-
tial of reciprocal structures, and to learn how to manipulate
a new design methodology mediated by digital tools. Also
this project offered the students a complete approach to a
design process that promotes a linear integration of all the
design stages from conception to construction.
The workshop allowed the students to experience the
formal potential of reciprocal structures, and to learn how
to manipulate a new design methodology mediated by dig-
ital tools. Also this project offered the students a complete
approach to a design process that promotes a linear integra-
tion of all the design stages from conception to construction.

1. O. P. Larsen, Reciprocal Frame Structures, Elsevier Science and Tech-
nology (2008).

2. A. Pugnale, D. Parigi, M. Sasone, P. Kirkegaard, The principle of structur-

al reciprocity: history, properties and design isues, IABSE-IAS Symposiun
2011: Taller, Longer, Lighter (2011).

3. O. Baverel, H. Nooshin, Y. Kuroiwa, Configuration processing of nexo-

rades using genetic algorithms, Journal of the International Association for
Shell and Spatial Structures, Vol. 45, no. 142 (2004) 99-108.

4. A. Song-Ching Tai, Design For Assembly: A Computational Approach to

Construct Interlocking Wooden Frames, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology (June 2012).

5. D. Piker, Reciprocal structures —

­ example definition (2017, 10 15), re-
trieved from

6. U. Thönnissen, A Form-Finding Instrument for Reciprocal Structures,

Nexus Network Journal, Vol.16, no.1 (2014) 89–107.

7. D. Parigi, P.H. Kirkegaard, The Reciprocalizer: an agile design tool for

reciprocal structures, Nexus Network Journal, Vol.16, no.1 (2014) 61-68.

8. D. Parigi, Advances in design and fabrication of free-forn reciprocal

structures, Structures and Architecture: Beyond their Limits, CRC Pres
(2016) 290–297.

Design Institute
Spatial Structure

photographs by
Inês Guedes


The editors want to acknowledge Professor Dario Parigi for

developing Reciprocalizer computer model and encorage
their use on the workshop “Reciprocal Parametric Struc-
tures - Project and Manufacturing” and all the students who
participated in the design and construction of the project,
for their effort and dedication (Alex Rubatto, Ana Fernandes,
António Barbosa, António Gomes, Daniel Costa, David Silva,
Filipa Duarte, João Ferreira, Manuel Romão, Rúben Vieira,
Tânia Ferreira and Tiago Ferreira).
We also want to thank Ivo Barbosa, Lab2PT research
fellow, by his valuable contribution on helping to design
the structure components and assembly schemas. Finally,
acknowledge the technicians Samuel Ribeiro and Henrique
Pizarro for their support in workshop and the Design Insti-
tute of Guimarães for facilitating the use of their facilities
and equipment.
Bruno Figueiredo
Paulo J. S. Cruz

Bruno Figueiredo

Pedro Castelo

Printed and bound

Gráfica Maiadouro, S.A.

ISBN (e-book)

© The authors/School of Architecture of University of Minho/

Landscape, Heritage and Territory Laboratory – Lab2PT

Published in November 2018

Lab2PT, School of Architecture Universidade do Minho
Campus de Azurém
4800–058 Guimarães

This book and workshop had financial support of the Project Lab2PT
— Landscapes, Heritage and Territory laboratory - AUR/04509 with the
financial support from FCT/MCTES through national funds (PIDDAC) and
co-financing from the European Regional Development Fund
(FEDER) POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007528, in the aim of the new partnership
agreement PT2020 throught COMPETE 2020 — Competitiveness and
Internationalization Operational Program (POCI).

University of Minho
School of Architecture

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