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Nama : Afifah Farhana

Nim : PO714241171041

Kelas : DIV / Tk.III B

Tugas EBP (Chapter 5: Research Design)

1. Differentiate between the quantitative and qualitative research paradigms and provide
an example of a research question relevant to physical therapist practice that might be
answered in each approach.
• A quantitative research paradigm is based in a positivist philosophy that assumes
that there is an objective truth that can be revealed by investigators who attempt to
conduct their inquiries in a value-free manner.
Example : Objective reality; answers questions such as “how much?” or “how
• A qualitative research paradigm, in contrast, assumes that knowledge and
understanding are contextual and relative to each individual studied. Investigators
and subjects are assumed to influence each other as the researchers gather
information about subjects’ “lived experiences” and worldviews
Example : Subjective reality; answers questions about subjects’ perspectives or
experiences in the natural context
2. Describe the general features of experimental research designs. Include important
strengths and weaknesses. Provide an example relevant to physical therapist practice
of the type of question that is best answered by this approach.
General features of experimental research : Purposeful manipulation of a variable(s);
random assignment of subjects to two or more groups

Strengths :
 Provides researches with a high level of control.
 There is no limit to the subject matter or industry involved.
 Experimental research provides conclusions that are specific.
 The results of experimental research can be duplicated.
 Natural settings can be replicated with faster speeds.
 Experimental research allows cause and effect to be determined.
 Can be combined with other research methods.
Weaknesses :
 Results are highly subjective due to the possibility of human error.
 Experimental research can create situations that are not realistic.
 It is a time-consuming process.
 There may be ethical or practical problems with variable control.
 Experimental research does not provide an actual explanation.
 Extraneous variables cannot always be controlled.
 Participants can be influenced by their current situation.
 Manipulating variables isn’t necessarily an objective standpoint.
 Human responses in experimental research can be difficult to measure.
3. How is an experimental research design different from a quasi-experimental design?
What additional challenges occur as a result of using the quasi-experimental approach?
Provide an example relevant to physical therapist practice to illustrate your points.
4. Describe the general features of nonexperimental research designs. Include important
strengths and weaknesses. Provide an example relevant to physical therapist practice
of the types of questions that are best answered by this approach.
General features of nonexperimental research : Observational without manipulation of
a variable(s); no random assignment to groups; may have only one group
Strengths : Good for problems not able to be studied through experimentation
Weaknesses : Can’t determine causal relationships conclusively

5. Discuss the primary methods of control for extraneous (unwanted) influences in

experimental, quasi-experimental, and nonexperimental research designs. Provide
examples relevant to physical therapist practice to illustrate your points.
6. Differentiate between an impairment measure and a self-report outcomes measure that
reflects the patient or client’s perspective. Provide examples relevant to physical
therapist practice to illustrate your points.
7. Differentiate between narrative reviews and systematic reviews. Why are systematic
reviews the preferred approach to answering questions about the cumulative weight of
the evidence?
• Narrative reviews : A description of prior research without a systematic search and
selection strategy or critical appraisal of the study’s merits.
Systematic reviews : A method by which a collection of individual research studies
is gathered and critically appraised in an effort to reach a conclusion about the
cumulative weight of the evidence on a particular topic; also referred to as a
• Because systematic reviews begin with an introduction and purpose statement,
follow with methods and results sections, and conclude with a discussion and
summary statement about what the cumulative weight of the evidence suggests.
8. Describe the general approaches to qualitative research and the questions they answer.
Provide examples relevant to physical therapist practice to illustrate your points.
• Discourse analysis : Analysis of the form, content and rules of conversations
How do individuals in this setting communicate with one another under these
circumstances or conditions?
• Ethnography : Holistic analysis of a culture
How are individuals’ behaviors shaped by the culture of this setting under these
circumstances or conditions?
• Ethology : Observation of behaviors in a natural context
How do individuals behave in this setting under these circumstances or conditions?
• Grounded theory : Analysis of social, psychological and structural processes
within a social setting
How do individuals make sense of their experiences in this setting under these
circumstances or conditions?
• Historical analysis : Analysis and interpretation of historical events
How did individuals behave or interpret their experiences in this setting under
these previous circumstances or conditions?
• Phenomenology : Analysis of experiences, interpretations, meanings
How do individuals make sense of interactions with others and/or with their setting
under these circumstances or conditions?

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