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I am for the use of marijuana in the medical use, but not so for recreational
use because I think if people were to argue what about alcohol and
cigarettes, well everything is good but in moderation.” – Catriona Gray on the
legalization of marijuana

Catriona's statement about the use of marijuana for medical and recreational
uses during the Miss Universe 2018 competition is more or less accurate. Marijuana has
been one of the most controversial drugs because of its medicinal purpose and the
yearning of some countries to legalize it. In fact, there are already countries that have
legalized it for medicinal uses. Cannabis better known as marijuana contains more than
100 different chemicals called cannabinoids. Each one has a different effect on the body.
Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the main chemicals used
in medicine. Marijuana can be beneficial when it comes to medical use because it can be
effective treatment for the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy AIDS, and other
conditions. Using marijuana for medical use can somehow help other people like cancer
patient use marijuana to be able to tolerate their chemotherapy. But more or less people
should know their limits of using it because it has also side effects. When it comes to
recreational use, marijuana is not advisable because using marijuana in terms of you
just use it for enjoyment can increase harmful effect both in physical and mental health.
Legalizing marijuana for recreational use in some way may lead to abuse. A lot of
teenagers nowadays are being rehabilitated because of using drugs. The components of
marijuana are pretty much the same to cigarette use by some people. There is no safer
between the two because both of them can harm our body. More or less you can use
marijuana, cigarette, drinking alcohol but you should know your limitations and the
possible consequences of your decision. Just what Catriona Gray, Miss Universe 2018
said “everything is good but in moderation”

2. A fistfight between one devotee and more than 10 other participants marred.
What could have been an orderly procession of the Black Nazarene?

The Feast of Black Nazarene is yearly event where a lot of devotees gathered
together in Quiapo Church to participate in the Transaction. A fistfight in the middle of
the procession of Black Nazarene is not a proper behaviour of one devotee because if
you are truly devotee of God you should know how to respect the celebration of the
Feast of Black Nazarene. I know that all of the devotees want to hold in the rope and
kiss the statue because that’s their own way of showing their faith and their devotion.
But I think devotees should know the true essence of the celebration and we should not
go beyond on our limitation to the point that we can harm our fellow devotees. We can
also show our faith through silent Prayer and with that it can lessen the possible harm
towards each other. With proper formation, I hope the devotees could experience more
the love of God in their lives and realize their faith in Jesus.

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