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Rebekah McCloy

Dr. Ian Nolte

ENG 419

29 April 2020

Revised Poetry Unit Plan Reflection

When I revised my poetry unit plan, I made the changes you suggested on the returned

copy of the unit plan. Mainly, these alterations consisted of adding in more detail than was

originally there. Upon reading your useful comments, I realized that I had been quite vague in

many of my instructions. If these plan were being taught in a real classroom and a substitute

teacher had to fill in on one of the days, they wouldn’t know many of the key details that needed

to be there. They would be able to teach the lesson plan is it is in my mind. This meant, that I had

to add in more detailed instructions that provided some of the questions that would be asked

while the students were having group discussions, class discussions, or were completing

assignments. I also needed to provide more descriptions as to what some of my assignments were

actually having the students do. The main example of this is in my poem analysis worksheet. I

had stated in the original plans that there would be a worksheet for the students to complete

along with a couple of the poems, but I did not tell how these worksheets would be helpful and

what they would entail. This revision had me fixing many of the detail issues that existed in my

poetry unit. Another issue with the plan was that I had put what types of formative assessments

would be used to determine how well the students were accomplishing the learning objectives,

but I had not put why these formative assessments were chosen. In my revised lesson plan, I

gave descriptions on how the formative assessments chosen could be used to assess whether or
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not students were attaining the goals that were laid out by the learning objectives. While there

are certainly more improvements that could be made upon my lesson plan, I feel that the revised

lesson plan is a much better version of the original.

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