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Worksheet 1.

There is / There are

1. Write affirmative sentences using there is or there are.
1. _____There are______________ five shops.
2. _____There are______________ a lot of restaurants.
3. _____There is______________ a building.
4. _____There are______________ some parks.
5. _____There is______________a library.
6. _____There is______________a bus station.
7. _____There is______________a sports centre.

2. Write the sentences in exercise 1 into the negative form.

1. _____There are not five shops_________________
2. _____There are not a lot of restaurants_________
3. _____There is not a building__________________
4. _____There are not a some parks_______________
5. _____There is not a library____________________
6. _____There is not a bus station________________
7. _____There is not a sport centre_______________

3. Write the sentences in exercise 1 into the interrogative form. Add short answers
about your city.
1. ______Are there five shops_____________in your city? __Yes , there are____
2. ______Are there a lot of restaurants_______in your city? __No, there aren’t ____
3. ______Is there a building_______________in your city? ___No, there is______
4. ______Are there some parks______________in your city? ___Yes, there are____
5. ______Is there a library_________________in your city? ___Yes, there isn’t _____
6. ______Is there a bus station____________in your city? ____Yes, there isn’t _____
7. _____Is there is a not a sport centre______in your city? _____Yes, the isn’t ______
4. Choose the correct words.
1. There’s / There are a TV.
2. There’s / There are four chairs in the living room.
3. Is there a / Are there any windows in the kitchen?
4. Is there a / Are there any teacher in the classroom?
5. There isn’t / There aren’t any pencils on the table.
6. There isn’t a / There aren´t any milk in the fridge.
7. Is there / Are there a bookcase?

5. Complete the questions and short answers using the correct form of there is or there
1. _______Is there _____________a tree in this park? No, ____there isn’t ____________
2. _______Is there _____________an internet café in your city? Yes, there is________
3. _______ Are there _____________any hospitals near hear? No, __there aren’t _________
4. _______Are there_____________any buildings next to your school? Yes, _there aren’t __
5. _______Is there _____________a shop in this street? No, ____there isn’t ____________
6. _______Is there _____________any cinema in your town? Yes, __there are_________
7. _______Is there _____________any students in the school? No, _there aren’t _________
Put the words into the correct columns. Make the word plural as necessary. Look at the examples

Money dollarchild view music job news scenery suitcase happiness luggage table journey furniture
electricity progress battery advice bottle tip report trash information banana

Dollars Money

Children Happiness
Views Music
Jobs Information
News Journey
Scenery Electricity
Suitcase Progress
Luggage Advice
Was / were


Complete the sentences with was / were.

1. How many people ___WERE_______ at your house last weekend?

2. The book wasn´t difficult It __WAS________ easy.

3. Those __WERE________ my best jeans.

4. Dinosaurs ______WERE____ prehistoric animals.

5. __WERE________ your friends at school yesterday?

6. Sandra ___WAS_______ not at school yesterday.

7. You __WERE________ nasty to me!

8. __WERE________ your grandparents designers.

9. John and I ___WERE_______ in the garden.

10. __WERE________ your parents in the restaurant?

Yes, they __WERE________ .

11. My grandmother ___WAS_______ a nurse. She wasn´t a doctor.

12. I ___WAS_______ thin when I was 6 years old.

13. When I ___WAS_______ younger, I played with teddy bears.

14. We __WERE________ away on vacation last month.

15. __WERE________ you at the cinema last night?

16. Ten years ago, I ___WAS_______ a baby.

17. __WAS________ the exam difficult?

18. The film __ WASN'T ________ (not) exciting. It was boring.

19. __WERE________ there many people at the party?

20. __WERE________ the girls in the park? No, they __________ .

21. Her name wasn´t Kate. It __WAS________ Isabel.

22. Paco wasn´t happy. He __WAS________ sad.

23. __WERE________ the boys at the football game?

Yes, they __WERE________ .

24. The books __ WEREN'T ________ (not) on the shelf.

They were in the bookcase.

25. __WAS________ Tom at a concert? Yes, he __WAS________ .

Complete the sentences with was / were.

1. It wasn´t my dad´s birthday on Sunday, it __WAS________

on Saturday.

2. The exercises weren´t easy, they __WERE________ difficult.

3. My grandfather wasn´t a writer, he ___WAS_______ a composer.

4. My cousins weren´t at the park, they __WERE________ at the cinema.

5. Last night I wasn´t at home, I _____WAS_____ at a party.

6. ___WAS_______ the weather good yesterday?

7. What _____WERE_____ your first class this morning?

8. __WAS________ her sister at the party.

9. Who ___WAS_______ his favorite film star?

10. Where ___WERE_______ you last night?

11. __WERE________ they interested in rap music?

12. Where ___WERE_______ you yesterday?

13. I ___WASNT_______ (not) at home last night.

14. ___WAS_______ your teacher at school? No, she __ WASN'T ________ .

15. Why ___ WASN'T _______ (not) Marta at school?

16. We ___ WEREN'T _______ (not) at a party last week.

17. ___WERE_______ you at a concert last night?

18. The students __WERE________ in London last summer.

19. __WAS________ it sunny yesterday?

20. ___WAS_______ Meg at the library? No, she __ WASN'T ________ .

21. The Beatles__________ a pop group.

22. __WERE________ your teacher ill yesterday?

23. We ___WERE_______ at a party last week.

24. My mum __ WASN'T ________ (not) at work yesterday.

25. __WERE________ you cold last night?

Complete the sentences with was / were.

1. It ___WAS_______ six o´clock when we got home.

2. ___WERE_______ you still in bed when I phoned?

3. Edison __WAS________ a famous inventor.

4. The weather __WAS________ fine this morning.

5. He ___WAS_______ sick yesterday.

6. Beethoven ___WAS_______ a German composer.

7. There __WERE________ a lot of people at our party yesterday.

8. Don´t blame him. It ___WAS_______ my mistake.

9. He ____WAS______ not well yesterday.

10. __WERE________ you at the party yesterday?

11. Sam __WAS________ second in the race, ____WAS______ she?

12. Jack __ WASN'T ________ (not) in London.

13. We ___WERE_______ on the same school team.

14. Betty __ WASN'T ________ (not) at the cinema.

15. We __WERE________ the champions last year.

16. Victoria __ WASN'T ________ (not) in the UK.

17. Mom and Dad __WERE________ on vacation last week.

18. Sally and Mark __WERE________ (not) at home.

19. There __WAS________ a small lake here many years ago.

20. There ___WAS_______ any clouds in the sky.

21. My friend __WAS________ ill yesterday.

22. They __WERE________ third in the race.

23. Mom ____WAS______ angry when she saw the broken vase.

24. The Romans ____WERE______ brave soldiers.

25. It ___WAS_______ very wet on Monday.

Complete the sentences with was / were.

1. Picasso ___WAS_______ a great artist.

2. She ___ WASN'T _______ (not) at home, she was at school.

3. ___WERE_______ you at the park? Yes, I ___WAS_______ .

4. Bill Gates __WAS_____ a student at Harvard University.

5. I ____WAS______ in bed at 9 o´clock this morning.

6. The math questions ___ WEREN'T _______ (not) easy, they were difficult.

7. She __WAS________ reading in bed at 11 o´clock last night.

8. The room ___WAS_______ (not) big, it was small.

9. _____WAS_____ it sunny yesterday?

10. Einstein __WAS________ a great mathematician.

11. ___WERE_______ English you favorite subject last year?

12. It __ WASN'T ________ (not) cold, it was hot.

13. I _WAS_______ with my friends in the park.

14. The English exam ____ WASN'T ______ (not) difficult, it was OK.

15. Alexander _____WAS_____ in a cinema in Oxford.

16. __WAS________ it a good film?

17. Lamberto __WAS________ with his family in Norway.

18. ____WERE______ they at home? No they _____ WEREN'T _____ .

19. ____WERE______ your friends in Málaga? Yes, they ____WERE______ .

20. _WERE_________ you a good student last year? Yes, I ___WAS_______ .

21. Silvia and her sister ____WERE______ at the zoo.

22. John and Teresa ___WERE_______ on holiday in France.

23. __WAS_______ your sister at home? Yes, she ______WAS____ .

24. _____WERE_____ famous people always good at school? No, they __ WEREN'T ______

25. __WAS________ Antonio Banderas in Málaga last summer?

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