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The law was born in the Neolithic period where conflicts arise between people
and the right is born as a means of defending their lands.
the peninsulas of northern migrants are known as the Celts who are imposing
their culture and language, other migrants such as the Phoenicians,
Carthaginians and Romans were part of this colonization, during this period
arise the first movements of the development of law with the arrival of Roman
law than in the historical basis of Western law.
the Roman law is the one that gives the base of the history of the right since of
this the civil legislation in Europe and Latin America is born, although no
longer this current one continues invoking in the courts, by the students of the
Another important aspect is the influence of morality in the history of law, on
this the majority of the peoples have based themselves to inspire their right.
In the same way, the codification of juridical nomena and jurisprudence is
important in the history of law; in this way the right is cemented with the
creation of the codes and their organization by subject.

People important
 Ulpiano: he commented the sources of law of the time: laws, senate
consults, edicts of praetors and aediles and offered guides for the
imperial magistrates. His work "The Institutions" was the starting point
of Roman Law to the point that the third part of the Compilation of
Justinian drinks from his work.
 Justiniano: Tauresium, May 11, 483 - Constantinople, November 14,
565 • Roman Emperor who compiled all Roman law from the Perpetual
Edict of Hadrian and created the code of Justinian (Corpus Iuris Civilis)
which was the legal basis of the Roman Empire and of the whole West.
 Hugo grocio: Philosopher and flamenco jurist who laid the foundations
of International Law ("De iure belli at pacis", 1625), stating that it is
based on the Right of People and this derives from reason and "would
exist even if God did not exist".
 Montesquieu: French political thinker and magistrate is considered the
father of the theory of the division of powers of the State that inspires
the modern Constitutions ("The spirit of the laws", 1748).
 Augusto comte: He was born on January 19, 1798 and died on
September 5, 1857 French thinker, father of positivism. Creator of the
discipline of sociology. From 1817 he joined the socialist Saint-Simon,
for which he worked as secretary until his break, After this break,
Comte began a stage that he described as "brain hygiene" to get away
from the influence.
 Cesare beccaria: Italian philosopher and jurist inspired modern criminal
law by introducing rationality in the definition of crimes and humanity
in the execution of sentences, against the cruelty of previous stages. For
him, "society has the right to defend itself against criminals with
proportional penalties that must never achieve the deprivation of life".
(Of crimes and penalties, 1764).
 Hans Kelsen: Member of the Austrian Constitutional Court raised his
"Pure Theory of Law" in the pillar of the current Positive Law, as a
closed system and without resorting to hypotheses or values of Natural

 Robert alexy:
 Jurgen habermas
 Ronald dworkin

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