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Taller de inglés.



Tutor: Juan Carlos

Grado: 10 B



Villanueva-Casanare 04 de abril de 2020

1. They ________________________ their parent a gift to celebrate their anniversary.

a. should send

b. ought to send

c. had better send

2. ________________________ call the doctor before the appointment?

a. We should

b. Should we

c. Ought we

3. He ________________________ more attention to what the teacher says.

a. should pays

b. should pay

c. ought to pay

4. We ________________________ an inexperienced waiter for the restaurant.

a. shouldn’t hire

b. not should hire

c. had better

5. I think you ________________________ disrespect your parents; they love you very

a. should

b. shouldn’t

c. oughtn’t to

6. If you don´t feel OK, you _______________________ go to the doctor.

a. should

b. shouldn't

c. had better

7. You _______________________ say that to the police officer. He’ll be angry with you.
a. Had better not

b. Shouldn’t

c. Oughtn’t

8. You _______________________drive carefully on a busy road. The law can punish you
if you don’t do it.

a. shouldn’t hire

b. not should hire

c. had better

9. We _______________________ visit Eric when we are in London.

a. should

b. ought

c. didn’t ought

10. The way I see it, he __________ call his girlfriend so many times every day. She may
think he is crazy.

a. should

b. ought

c. didn’t ought

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