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Arriving the first time before the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (RIMYI) I

have not even seen the OM that

yet sat in the center gates I crossed almost religious way ...

Much emotion overwhelmed me when I discovered the scene.

My eye was first attracted by the semicircular yellow building, protected by statues of
Hindu gods: Hanuman, Ganesha, Patanjali ...

Struck by the profusion of flowers in the flower beds, I advanced myself to the end of the
aisle where a huge bottlebrush (Callistemon) surrounded by bamboo produced a cool shade.

I seemed to be elsewhere, away from city noise and pollution.

Once registered my shoes, I finally entered the hall not without some timidity.

Guruji: Portrait of a Yogi (Chapter

2: Tolerance) Soon, curiosity prevailed: Guruji, everywhere! In photo, statue, and diplomas and other
awards presentations throughout the stairwell.

Translation of "Light on Life"

In the bottom of the lobby, sat another Guruji ... the real, in the flesh.

Sri TKV Krishnamacharya

I dared greet him from afar, while "insiders" would talk to him.

citations The next day, the registration formalities have been completed, I was able to climb into
the practice room which seemed to be a huge mess.

But soon I saw that everyone had a place, rhythm ... and equipment !!!

Thus began my first experience of yoga with the Iyengar family in Pune.

I have also rubbed shoulders among practitioners of all nationalities involved in our future
meetings Atoury Christian Pisano.

We invite you all to follow his teaching tours for the weekend of 6 and 7 October 2007.

Nathalie CLAUDEL

With thanks to Iyengar Yoga Yoga News and Rahasya, to allow us these translations

The sheet # 4
With Stephanie Quirk

Stephanie opened during the Friday evening based on reading 4 sutra of " Yoga Sutra of Patanjali "

This course brought together a part of the teachers, and the other practitioners with problems of shoulders and / or difficult to perform inverted
postures. This was within the specialized course and adapted. As was to also consider the presence and expectation of teachers, this course was
not an ordinary character! Stephanie's approach was not to give a set of "recipes" for such and such a person, but rather to educate teachers and
students on the quality of practice and the notion of karma ( If the coming pain can be softened, see avoided, through practice, there is no way to
avoid the experiences with impressions accumulated in past lives). This is the basis of karma or universal law of cause and effect referred to by
Patanjali in Yoga Sutra:

• II.12: The accumulated imprints of past lives, rooted in afflictions, will be tested in the present and future lives.

• II.13: As long as the shares are root, it determines the class in which one is born, the life and the life experience that was.

• II.14: According to the virtuous kind, bad or mixed our actions, our quality of life and the characteristics of our birth will be felt as pleasant or

• II.15: The wise man knows that the fluctuations, the qualities of nature and the unconscious imprints shades even enjoyable experiences of
sadness, and sticks away.

While reading the yoga sutra is sometimes difficult, it is useful to know the relationship between our practice
of yoga and philosophical system contained in Yoga Sutra and in the samkhya.

This session Friday night will probably be enlightened teachers on how to tackle the difficulties with their
students in the practice of inverted postures (without a solid job on the shoulders, these positions remain
inaccessible!) And has given the desire to we refer to the founding texts of yoga that we indicate that this
demanding path must

lead us to liberation afflictions.

The sheet # 4
During these two days, Stephanie addressed postures known by the largest
number of praquants but by making technical details that few had already had
the opportunity to practice. No one had any doubt as to the meaning of the
internal stretch legs Tadasana, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana or Adho Mukha

To avoid falling into the automation of practice, a trap that awaits the yogi,
Stephanie proposed catch unusual postures that opened perspectives for new
studies. His use of materials and space surprised some practitioners!

The room where we practiced, open up for space, has taken the shape of a large room of "game", littered with cubes and cylinders colored foam
previously neatly stacked in a corner!

Everyone brought her into contact Stephanie realizes the quality of trade that is taking place. A question never left unanswered, and this response is
always a source of reflection. Stephanie always refers to his experience of ten years lived with Guruji, Geeta and Prashant Iyengar. An inexhaustible
mine of knowledge she shared willingly and we have great pleasure to return at a future meeting Tours yoga.

The purpose of our association is to meet, we met around a nice Indian meal on Saturday night. This time of sharing "off the yoga mat" is always
appreciated by all and allows us to get to know.


The sheet # 4
Guruji: Portrait of a yogi
Chapter 2 : Tolerance
Guruji: Profile of a yogi: Iyengar Yoga News 7-Autumn 2005- Richard Agar and Kirsten Ward
Translation: Audray Oudin, Lydia Drivière Lucas

Here is the second part of the series of articles devoted to Guruji: tolerance. Our goal is to help you better understand what
the man Guruji. His life is a shining example for that strives to follow the path of yoga. As Geeta said, it is not enough to
imitate Guruji in his posture, we should also be inspired by his personality, his devotion to yoga and philosophy of life. This
article highlights its impartial attitude towards all, irrespective of political affiliation, social or cultural and explains why his
teaching comes to overcome the barriers of caste, religion and other forms of bigotry.

Yoga aims to make men happy. Around the world, we are all suffering as Hindus, to Westerners as the Indians and open to all that was
from the same evils; whether physical, moral, psychological or inaccessible and misunderstood by the majority. Today, it is obvious
emotional. Yoga is at the head and heart, it is therefore for all humanity. that women can practice yoga, which was certainly not the case when
Yoga is based on universal ethics and the concept of universal Guruji was young, though Indian history into account women yogi. In
consciousness. Guruji has developed his practice by following these
principles thus making

1936, Indian society in general was conservative. Women and men do

his ap- toyaient not freely in public, and it would have
overall near. It does not exclude
"The sun shines par- been difficult for an adult man to teach them
anyone on the basis of nationality, yoga. That is why, Krishnamacharya, the guru
gender, caste, religion etc. For him,
yoga is a gift available to all. all it does not shine
Guruji, chooses a young student, a teenager, to
teach a group of women who expressed interest
here and there. Similarly, in yoga in a series of conferences in northern
Raised in a traditional society, Guruji Karnataka. Despite his conservative upbringing,
has never failed to respect the
Yoga is for everyone Guruji has become a leader of modern times in
traditions and customs, but he never teaching yoga to women, opening even later
left them appear in his way of teaching mixed courses.
yoga. world"

This attitude, which could be Yogacharia BKS Iyengar.

considered by
some as radical, shows a generosity of spirit can transcend the Teach together with Hindus and non-Hindus is an innovative and
traditions when necessary. From the start he addressed to women as enlightened attitude. Among his more former students of Parsis and
well as men, the poor and the rich, the non-Hindus Muslims and has never made a difference between anyone. In an article

The sheet # 4
newspaper of 20 August 1984, he said " Early in my career, I was (LOYRT) to provide aid to the population was entirely Muslim. The
innovative. I have taught yoga to women when Indian society was still courses are conducted in their prayer room, because on the outside,
predominantly Orthodox and I had Muslim students then Hindus and there was only rubble. Is not this an example that shows that yoga can
Muslims rarely rubbed. " After the 2000 earthquake in Gujarat, Guruji has bring us all together, despite our differences and the troubled times in
sent teachers to "Light On Yoga Research Trust» which we live?

Guruji also played a primary role in the transmission of yoga in the West. He traveled in western countries while it was still quite unusual and difficult for a
believing Hindu. Unfortunately, he had to experience racial discrimination. In 1954, the United Kingdom, he could not reach that bar reserved for colored
people in the hotel where he was staying. In 1956, he was subjected to racist and segregationist attitudes that permeated the US at that time. In

1968 was denied the right to enter South Africa. It rose against all this because he refused to be considered a citizen of second class and finally won this
battle. Then he had to turn against the Indian government did not want to let him out of the country. Despite having suffered the humiliation of racism and
the caste system, he never inflicted other such treatment.

Today, thanks to this openness, everyone, regardless of sex, religion or

nationality can practice yoga and even remove some consideration. Among

Yoga teachers
Iyengar, there are Hindus, Jains, Zoroastrians, Muslims, Catholics,
Protestants, Jews and Buddhists. Some women have become highly
respected teachers.

Guruji's approach is entirely based on the precepts of yoga and he explains

it very eloquently in 1993 in an interview with Mary Dunn. At the question : " How
do you see in the West, the role of yoga in the future? " He answers :

"No, I will not make any distinction between Western yogis and Oriental
yogis. When we practice yoga, we are yogis. Whether East or West, the
fullness (really) knows no sharing. You can not mean that self-realization is
of Western origin

or Oriental. A yogi is a yogi. He has no border at all. And since it has no borders, he sees all men as his equals and wants to help. So I think that there is
absolutely no difference. " And when it is a question about the integration of women of different castes and nationalities, he said " Yoga is universal. It is for
everyone. That's why I developed, irrespective of sex, caste or social status, and this has attracted thousands and thousands. This is a service I rendered
to all humanity. "

The sheet # 4
plomatique to yoga the message can be heard. In a village in Rajasthan,
teachers LOYRT met a very conservative Jain community and had to
start listening to their rules. For example, villagers were taken aback to
have a woman teacher. In addition, a stepdaughter had no right to sit in
front of his stepmother so that at first, they did not attend classes.
However, gradually it was possible to change habits, and finally they
were able to attend classes along with their beauxpères! In fact, the men
came more and more courses taught by a woman, and women were
more likely to attend classes taught by men! At first the women had in
wearing the veil while at the end of the week, on their own initiative, they
wore pants and T-shirts! Citing the example of elderly ladies who wear
shorts to yoga as they belong to a conservative environment, Rajvi
Mehta, a teacher, said: " Guruji has allowed people to see beyond their
appearance ".

Between the late fifties and early sixties, Indian newspapers have begun
to present him as the teacher of kings and queens because it met the
demands of many aristocrats, artists and wealthy celebrities. He has
been trying to become the guru of an elite but he is not lured by wealth,
fame or socializing. He also opened teaching yoga to least influential
people and the poorest.

In October 2004, we have yet witnessed this unbiased approach. The

For years, he taught for free at the orphanage in Bombay. It Australian national cricket team was in India to play against the Indian
encourages, who asked how to best use the money from the profits team, and their drummer, Justin Langer, who was wounded, was
made, to teach yoga to free the unemployed. * RIMYI tariffs are very presented at the Institute with her yoga teacher and therapist. While
low, even for Indian standards, making education affordable to all. Guruji had helped the Indian national cricket team, he did not ask better
During the general and therapeutic courses, all practitioners are treated than cure as Langer! In a country of cricket lovers, you can not find more
equally; the rickshaw drivers, servants, politicians, police officers and impartial attitude! Guruji met and many politicians rubbed shoulders,
before which he made yoga demonstrations. Politicians of all Indian
parties, came to visit the RIMYI, including the Indian Prime Minister and
congratulated him. He also received praise from the Soviet and Chinese
political leaders as well as Jacques Chirac when he was mayor of Paris.
However, it has never been influenced.
the industrial and learn
train together including Westerners. In RIMYI, the original center of each
is not just a problem. The sweeper who works for the Iyengar family
following medical courses and receive the same attention as other
patients. Whoever comes before Guruji Geeta or with difficulty knows he
will be helped with equal generosity. However, at the same time, Guruji
remains sensitive to traditions. Although Indian society has evolved
since his youth, tradition is still very strong in some areas. Guruji
advises to go so di-

In RIMYI, it is possible to meet people from all backgrounds and despite

all the differences, it rubs very naturally, as part of a family with a shared
interest yoga. these meetings

The sheet # 4
enrich us and make us know people that we would never have met excludes no one. Although we have not experienced the difficult early
otherwise. Teaching Guruji has surpassed the barriers of caste, social period, do not forget that it is only thanks to visionaries like Guruji, yoga
classes and nationalities. It teaches the universal aspect of yoga, is not is now accessible to all.
bound to any doctrine,

For more information on the beginnings of Guruji and the universal aspect of yoga read "the tree of yoga" (Buchet Chastel) and 'Astadala yogamala Vol 1 "

* RIMYI: Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute (Ramamani is the name of the wife of Guruji, died immediately after the laying of the first stone of the Institute The
Institute was inaugurated in 1975.).

In the sheet number 3, we had given the desire to read the latest book by Guruji: "Light on Life".

Francophones can rejoice, the translation has just been published under the title: "The path to inner peace - journey to
wholeness and light" in InterEdition No. Isbn 978-2-10-050867-9 (see press press on our site ATOURY

If you also have the book "Iyengar Yoga - intitiation to 23 classical postures" edited by the mail book No. Isbn 2-7029-0592-7, you
have two hands, modern reliable tools to advance in the way of Iyengar yoga .

Happy reading and good practice

The sheet # 4
Sri TKV Krishnamacharya

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

We suggest you get to know one BKS Iyengar Appoints guru that is to say
his yoga master, Mr. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya.
Guru is a common Sanskrit word meaning "master."

Mr. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya was born in South India (Karnataka) in 1888 and died in 1989 at the age of 100 years. His father was a scholar of Veda religious
and poetic texts that form the first literary documents of India, and it teaches Sanskrit at a young age. At 18, he left Mysore, where his family lives, to
study in Varanasi today Varanasi.

His studies focus on classical subjects he studies Sanskrit grammarians with one the most prominent of the time and logic. During a second visit to
Benares, in 1914, he mainly studies the six darshana ( philosophical texts), that is, the six streams of Vedic philosophy (yoga

samkhya are among those darshana).

During this study period, he continued to practice yoga that his father had taught him, with teachers who recognize its qualities in this area and ask
him to teach their own children.

He often travels in the Himalayas and finally settled for seven years with Sri Ramamohan Brahmachari, a yoga teacher who lives in a cave at the foot of
Mount Kailash. There he studied the "Yoga Sutra of Patanjali" asanas, pranayama and therapeutic aspects of yoga. As per tradition, at the end of his
studies, he asked how to fulfill what he has learned and the answer is " Take woman raising children and teaching yoga "

He returned in southern India, is studying Ayurveda ie traditional medicine of India, and continues its logical Vedic studies. In 1924, he was 36, the
Mysore Maharajah who practices yoga to cure many health problems, ask him to open a yoga school. He taught there until 1955.

It was in 1934 that BKS Iyengar, weakened by poor health, joins with hope to heal. His teacher, then he called his guru Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya
was also his brother-since he married one of his sisters.

After the independence of India, Krishnamacharya lost its financial support in the person of the Maharaja of Mysore and settled in Chennai, formerly
Madras, where he taught until the end of his life. Described as a teacher very strict and intimidating, it is also recognized as a Yoga Instructor while he
was still considered a student trying to "study, explore and experiment."

The sheet # 4
Quotations of BKS Iyengar
(Yoga Rahasya, Vol 13 No. 1, 2006)

- The will is nothing more than enthusiasm to do.

- The actual concentration is a continuous thread of consciousness.
- Your body is the child of the soul, feed and train your child.
- Rigidity is insensitivity.
- The action is a movement made with intelligence.
- Sensitivity is the clarity of perception that allows the judicious and precise action.
- Learn to find the same comfort in discomfort.
- True meditation is when the knower, knowledge and the known become one.
- It is easy to reach, difficult to maintain.
- The asanas are "descriptions" not "requirements"

Quotes Geeta Iyengar

(Yoga Rahasya, Vol 13 No. 2, 2006)

- Yoga is the process of internalization, not the externalization process.

- Sirsasana is through the posterior face of the body, Sarvangasana is by its front face.
- Yoga allows us to face happiness as in misfortune with equanimity.
- In the asanas, aim for quality not quantity.
- The sadhana Yoga begins with the body and ends with self-realization.
- Consistency in practice leads to better results.
- Start is easy but to continue is difficult.
- Yoga is primarily a process of self-enrichment culture.
- The yoga practiced without heart is not spiritual.
- Do not despair if a asana escapes you, keep practicing and flexibility will come in time.

- A strong and healthy body is the first step to meditation.

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