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Julia Weaver

Professor Raymond

UWRT 1104

29 April 2020

Reflection Letter

With this course I have definitely grown not only as a writer but as a person. Because of

the focus of the course being on genealogy I have learned so much about my family that I

wouldn’t have known without the help of this class. I now understand how to dig deeper in my

writing and to search for unanswered questions. All of the writing prompts and feedback given

has taught me to be more specific when mentioning people in writing and how to properly cite

an image. One of the major things I learned over this course was how to embrace technology.

Everything we did throughout this course involved technology, especially with the studios and

giving feedback to the other studios through commenting on their posts. Learning how to

welcome technology really helped with the semester long research needed for the genealogy

project. I would also say that learning how to embrace technology early on in the semester

really helped with the transition to being completely online because of COVI-19.

Some of my favorite things we did this semester are the Artifact presentation, the first

writing prompt, and the studio five. I really enjoyed learning about each person's artifact and the

meaning behind why that artifact was chosen. I also liked learning about my own artifact through

the project. I really liked the very first writing prompt because I got to talk about my inspiration,

my mom. And I liked the studio five assignment because it added some comedy to the

genealogy project. I really enjoyed looking at everyones memes about their personal experience

with the project.

I definitely think the genealogy project was my best work considering how much

research and time I put into the project. Not only do I think it was my best work but I also really

enjoyed the project. Having a project that allowed me to dig deeper into my family history was
Weaver 2

what made it fun. After finishing the project I looked back at everything I discovered that I didn’t

know before and it was truly amazing. I found so much more about my grandpa and his time in

the Navy, my grandma and her work experience, about family traditions and songs, about where

my great and great great grandparents came from. I learned so many awesome things about my

family because of the genealogy project.

After looking back on the class as a whole I feel each writing prompt and studio really

helped with the research of the genealogy project. Each writing prompt and studio help me stay

on track of the topic of the semester long project. I feel that both of these really helped me

gather my thoughts when finalizing the genealogy project. I noticed I was going back to both the

studio’s and writing prompts when putting information in my visual and my written portion of the

genealogy project.

I truly enjoyed this course, learning about my family and others. I liked hearing other

people's stories about their family and traditions and where they came from. Normally in a

college course you don’t really get to know your peers, you just sit in a classroom together. But

this course was different from a typical college course. I felt as if I was learning more about each

classmate every day which was nice. I didn’t feel as if I was just sitting in a classroom, I really

felt engaged and interested in learning more.

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