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Dear First Semester Nursing Students,

Congratulations for your acceptance into the nursing program, I am sure you worked
tirelessly and invested hours of your time to get here today and that is something to be extremely
proud of. Although, I am sure you have already heard that your work is just beginning and that
this program will test you, not only academically, but mentally. This is definitely a true statement
so I wanted to provide you with some advice on how to achieve success in this program, while
also maintaining your mental stability.
I always used to think that my mental status was depended on my academic success, and
that getting an A on a test equated to stability and happiness. While this may be true superficially
and temporarily, I soon learned that I had it flipped when looking at the long-term impact. My
academic success was actually dependent on my stability and happiness. In this program, you
will be responsible for a work load that has never been put on you previously and it can be
overwhelming, and sometimes downright debilitating. You may think that hoarding yourself in
the library for 12 hours a day is what is needed to get an adequate grade on that upcoming test,
and while that may be true in some cases and should be a priority in your life, it should not be
your only priority. There’s a saying we like to use in 4th semester that says “You cannot properly
take care of patients if you are not taking care of yourself” and I learned to live by this in nursing
school. While academics came first for me, self-care came into a close second because I
understood that one was dependent on the other. Go for a walk. Practice yoga. Meditate. Put on a
face mask. Listen to music. Be kind to yourself and, I promise, this program will be a little more
kind to you.
Your cohort is a resources and is something that you should definitely take advantage of.
STUDY IN GROUPS. I’m telling you, this is one of the most helpful study tools I could
recommend. Learn the material on your own first, but then get together with a group and talk it
out. The tests are not memorization questions, but more so situational so discussing the material
among a group creates the opportunity for critical thinking and multiple perspectives. Although,
don’t just see your peers as an academic resource, but as companions that will support you along
the way. The friends you make in this program will become your best friends and the struggles
that you will persevere through and achieve together will bond you guys in a way that no other
relationship in your life could match. Lean on these friends in times of need during this program,
they are the only people who truly understand exactly what you’re going through and can
provide support that others in your life may be unable to provide.
Last but definitely not least, have fun and enjoy the experience! These next two years will
fly by and be over before you know it so take it all in. Make these times enjoyable and look at all
of the positives around you. Positivity, or lack thereof, can make or break you so go into class
every day with a positive mindset and willingness to learn. Don’t look at clinicals as a tasks to
mark off your planner, but an experience to learn and grow from. Know that the work you put
into this program, is an investment into your future. Laugh, make mistakes, persevere, and
remember that you are going to make an incredible nurse!

Sage Char-Lee

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