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The development of highly magnetostrictive rare earth-iron alloys

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1994 J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 27 1


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J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 27 (1994) 1-11. Printed in the UK


I The development of highly

I magnetostrictive rare earth-iron alloys
D C Jiles
Ames Laboratoryt, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
Received 23 November 1992, in final form 23 August 1993

Abstract. This paper reviews recent developments in highly magnetostrictive

terbium-dysprosium-iron alloys. This includes discussion of domain Structure,
the magnetization process, microstructure, sample preparation, magnetostriction,
effectsof differentchemical compositions on magnetic properties of the alloys,
and possible applications of these materials. It has been found over recent years
that there has been a Steady improvement in material properties, both in terms of
increased strain amplitude and reduction in variability from sample to sample. The
material is now finding applications in magnetostrictive transducers, actuators and
adaptive vibration control systems.

1. Introduction and of DyFez is +2.1 x IO6 J m-3, in comparison KI of

Tbo.3Dyo,FeZ is only -0.06 x lo6 J m-3, which leads to
Although the rare earth metals terbium and dysprosium higher permeability and lower coercivity. Therefore, at
have very large magnetostrictions, as shown in the work room temperature, the properties of this pseudo-binary
of Rhyne and Legvold [I] and Clark et ai [2], they also alloy, particularly the rate of change of magnetostriction
have large anisotropies and low transition temperatures. with field dh/dH, are much better suited for applications
Therefore they are unsuitable as practical materials than those of the binary compound.
in magnetostrictive devices and for applications that Early work on this material by Abbundi and Clark
generally need to operate at ambient temperature under [4] showed magnetostrictions along the [ I l l ] axis as
the action of relatively small fields of a few kiloampkres large as 2000 x at 240 K under a field of
per metre. The ordering temperatures can he raised 1.2 MA m-I (15 kOe), as shown in figure 1. At
by alloying these elements with iron to form the Laves room temperature of 298 K (25 "C) the magnetostriction
phase intermetallic compounds TbFez and DyFez. These under the same field strength was 1640 x From
alloys have high magnetostrictions at room temperature, the shape of the curves, this was assumed to be the
but also have high anisotropy, which necessitates high saturation magnetostriction along this axis, a result
field strengths, typically greater than H = 2 x lo6 A m-' that has been confirmed by subsequent observations.
(25 kOe) to saturate the magnetization as shown by Clark Anisotropy measurements on the alloy by Clark et a1
[3]. Therefore these compounds also remain unsuitable I51 were able to show that the anisotropy constants
as practical materials in devices and applications. were very low (these were later found to be typically
The anisotropy constants of TbFez and DyFez are, KI = -0.6 x IO5 J KZ = -2.0 x lo5 J m-3
however, opposite in sign and therefore the use of an at room temperature, although these values are strongly
alloy consisting of Tb, Dy and Fe formed the next step dependent on chemical composition) while the material
in the search for a practical material for magnetostrictive maintained its high hulk magnetostriction. However,
it was also shown that at low temperatures (23 K <
applications. The pseudo-binary alloy (Tb0,3Dy,,,)Fe~
was first suggested as a likely candidate material in
T < 283 K) the value of Kt is positive, leading to
easy axis alignment along the (100) axes and hence
the work of Clark [3]. At 298 K (25°C) the first
very low magnetostriction. At about 283 K (lO"C),
anisotropy constant Kl of TbFez is -7.6 x lo6 J m-3
KI becomes zero, and above this temperature K I
t Ames Laboratory is operated for the US Department of Energy becomes negative, so that the (111) axes become the
by Iowa State University under contract W-740.5-ENC-82. This directions of easy alignment. This leads to much higher
work was supported by the Office of Basic Energy Sciences. magnetostriction at temperatures above 10"Cand below
Division of Materials Sciences. the Curie temperature of typically 653 K (380°C).

0022-3727/94/010001+11$07.508 1994 IOP Publishing Ltd

D C Jiles

defects found in the material, and were considered to be

the primary cause of high coercivity.
Domain observations can also be made by optical
techniques. This usually involves use of polarized
light as in the magneto-optic Kerr effect. However,
work by Parpia et al [SI has shown that in Tb-Dy-
Fe, the magnetic domains can even be observed directly
in unpolarized light because of the surface distortions
arising from large magnetostriction.
The role of microstructure is of course crucial
in defining the domain configuration in this material,
and consequently in determining the bulk magnetic
properties such as permeability and magnetostriction. It
was observed by Abell and Lord [9] that, although some
understanding of the magnetization mechanism has been
obtained from domain observations, interpretation is
nevertheless complicated by the presence of inclusions,
defects and other metallurgical phases in the material.
0 400 800 1200 It is these effects among others that have impeded
H(M.O!"l technological development of this material because of
resulting variations in magnetic properties from sample
Figure 1. Variation of magnetostriction of Tb0.27Dy0.73Fe2 to sample. The presence of additional phases arises as a
along the 11111 direction with applied field at various result of deviations from the stoichiometriccomposition.
temperatures (after Abbundi and Clark 141).
Subsequent domain observations using optical dif-
2. Domain structure and the magnetization ferential interference contrast microscopy were reported
process by Lord et al [lo]. Here again, as in the work of
Parpia et al [SI, distortion of the single-crystal surface
Despite these improvements in anisotropy of !he alloy resulting from magnetostrictive strains was used to im-
it still required relatively high fields to saturate it, and age the domains. As in the work of Clark et al, the
so in no sense could it be described as a soft magnetic domain configurations could be interpreted in terms of
material. Therefore it was clear that some understanding low energy 71" and 109" domain walls with components
of the magnetization mechanism would be important in of magnetization normal to the surface. Observations
improving the performance of the material in device- by these authors indicated that little change in the do-
related applications. The need for such understanding main configuration occurred for field strengths of up to
was noted for example by Clark et al [6] in their domain H = 32 kA m-' (400 Oe) along the (100) direction
studies on single crystal Tb0,27Dy0.73Fe2, via synchrotron in the plane of the (011) disc specimens, however, at
x-ray topography. Using a (110) oriented disc, they fields of H = 64 kA m-' (800 Oe) significant changes
were able to show that the slow approach to saturation in domain structure were observed. When the field was
resulted from formation of an immobile domain structure applied along the { I l l ) axis in the plane of the (112)
consisting of 109" domain walls between domains disc specimen the domain configuration was found to
oriented along easy (111) axes inclined to the surface change at lower field strengths, which appeared to be
of the disc. The component of magnetization in the about a factor of two lower. In particular, although little
plane of the specimen is the same for each of the change was observed in fields of up to H = 16 kA m-I
domains, and so under the action of an in-plane field (200 Oe) changes occurred at fields above this strength
the structure was immobile for the field strengths used and the specimen appeared to be completely saturated at
in their study, H = 0.239 x lo6 A m-' ( E = 0.3 Tesla). H = 64 kA m-' (800 Oe). A stereographic projection
Their observations indicated that quite rapid changes of the various crystallographic axes onto the (112) plane
in magnetization occurred with field strengths of up is shown in figure 2.
to H = 0.1 1 x IO6 A m-' (1.4 kOe), but, beyond Recent domain observations in Tb0.3Dyo.7Fez
that, the rise to saturation, which occurred at about twinned single crystals by Teter et a1 [ 1 I ] used both
H = 0.32 x lo6 A m-I (4 kOe), was slow. differential interference contrast and x-ray topography.
Further x-ray topography studies of the domain It was shown that good correlation exists between the
structure and defects of single-crystal Tb0,27Dy0.nFe1,95 interpretation of domain observations and the measured
were carried out by Lord et a1 [7]. This study bulk magnetization and magnetostriction when the field
was concerned with a specimen containing a high and strain are along the [112] axis. However, no expla-
density of defects in the form of oxide inclusions and nation of the effects of applied stress and field along this
microcracks. The main conclusion was that this material direction was given. Neither were there results on the
contained a high density of (1 11) Widmanstztten platelet application of field and measurement of magnetostric-
precipitates, which were thought to have the composition tion along the [ I 1 11 direction. This highlights the need
We3 where R is a rare earth. These were the main for the development of quantitative theoretical models to

Highly magnetostrictive rare earth-iron alloys
coefficients AIm and A l l l , or the magnetocrystalline
anisotropy constants Kt and K2.
The main influence of microstructure on magnetic
properties arises through its effects on domain wall
motion. Here the term microstructure is used to mean
the distribution of different phases within the material
and their morphologies. Anisotropy and texture are
therefore separate from microstructure. The distribution
of the different phases can have different effects on the
pinning of domain wall motion. On the other hand, the
distribution of these phases will have little effect on the
magnetocrystalline anisotropy of the primary phase and
so will not greatly influence rotation of the magnetization
direction within domains in the primary phase.
It has been established by Lord et a1 [7] that
Figure 2. Stereographic projection of the (112)plane, the presence of plate-like particles, also known as
showing the various principal crystallographic directions Wiedmansatten zones, adversely affects the magnetic
(after Lord et a/ [IO]). properties of this material. The Wiedmanstatten platelets
are composed of an iron-rich phase of composition
We3. In order to avoid the presence of these
particles, recent material has been produced, which
has a nominal chemical composition (Wex), with iron
slightly lower than the stoichiometric value of x =
2. Suppression of the Wiedmanstatten zones in this
way has led to improved properties. Although it is
felt that the stoichiometric composition is perhaps the
ideal composition, this is difficult to achieve in practice
because of loss of the rare earth components during
A number of microstructural studies of Tb-Dy-Fe
alloys have been conducted. The main concerns have
been to establish an optimum chemical composition of
c110, <Ill> <loo> <Ill>410, the alloys to maximize permeability and rate of change
Figure 3. Torque magnetometer results for a specimen of of magnetostriction with field dh/dH. Abell and Lord
(after Sat0 et a/ [12]).
Tb0.27Dy0.7SFe2 [9] investigated the effects of heat treatment on the
density and distribution of precipitates, and the relation
account for the observed properties, which can be used of these to the magnetization process. This study was
to predict results in situations for which no experimental similar to the earlier study by Joyce et al [13], which
data yet exist. showed that magnetization and magnetostriction of these
The crystallographic orientation of the magnetization alloys were strongly affected by iron content in the range
vectors within the domains is dependent on temperature. 1.7 ix c 2.3. The dependence of magnetostriction on
Results of Sato et al [12] have shown that below 23 K iron content is shown in figure 4. Joyce et al were also
the magnetic moments are oriented along the (1 10) axis. concerned with the coefficient d33. the rate of change
Between 23 K and 285 K they are oriented along the of magnetostriction with field, which also exhibited a
(100) axes, and above 285 K they are oriented along the similar double peak with iron content close to 2.
(111) axes. The torque magnetometer measurements of In the work of Abell and Lord [9], alloys were
Sato et al are shown in figure 3. investigated that had constant rare earth ratio Tb:Dy,
but differing iron compositions in the range 1.4 < x <
2.5. The as-cast microstructures of these alloys were
3. Microstructure radically affected by the iron content. For compositions
with x < 2.0, the second phase was predominantly a
Although the effects of microstructure on extrinsic rare-earth-rich phase, which was present as both intra-
(or structure-sensitive) magnetic properties are difficult and intergranular precipitates. For x > 2.0 there
to describe theoretically, they are very important were acicular particles of the iron-rich phase, which
in determining the bulk magnetic properties such was thought to be We,. In the range 1.9 c x <
as permeability and hence the dependence of both 2.1 WiedmansVdtten-type (plate-like) precipitates were
magnetization and magnetostriction on field. This found to be present at all compositions except x = 2,
remains true even though the microstructure has the stoichiometric composition. Subsequent changes
little effect on the intrinsic magnetic properties such in microstructure of these materials were found for
as saturation magnetization Ms,the magnetostriction compositions in the range 1.7 < x < 2.3.

D C Jiles

- . ~ TARGET


x la9

Figure 5. Variation of the rare earth-to-iron ratio

along the length of a specimen of nominal composition
Tbo.nrDyo.nFel.s (after McMasters et a/ [17]).
1.7 i.6 1'9 2.0 2.1
x (Iron Conlonl) phase, often as Wiedmanstatten precipitates within the
grains, together with large acicular dendrites of We3.
Figure 4. Variation of maximum ObSeNed magnetostrictive
with iron content x (after Joyce et
strain in Tbo.27Dy0.73FeX The x < 2.0 microstructure revealed the presence of the
a/ 1131). rare-earth-rich phase, which accumulated on the grain
boundaries, with some rare earth oxide attached to any
In the study of Tb,-,Dy,Fe2 alloys for y = 0, 0.25, microcracks present within the grains.
0.5, 0.6, 0.65, 0.73, 0.8 and 1.0, it was found that there Jenner er a1 [ 151 have also conducted microstructure
were additional phases present for all values of y except studies on this material, in which they have imaged
y = 0.73. This is somewhat surprising, since at first the domain structures and tried to correlate these with
sight one would expect that the iron:rare earth ratio the microstructure. The study was made with different
alone controlled the presence of additional phases, and Tb:Dy ratios, the specimens having been prepared by
not the terbium to dysprosium ratio. The conclusion contained float-zone growth.
from this investigation was that, when varying the
Tb:Dy ratio, the optimum microstructure appeared to
occur at a chemical composition Tb0.27D0.73FQ. It was
also found that the We2 phase constitutes the matrix 4. Sample preparation
material in all of these cases, and that, for x < 2.0,
secondary recrystallization occurs, involving a small The phase diagrams of the Tb-Fe and Dy-Fe systems are
amount of remaining rare-earth-rich liquid on the grain shown in figure 6. The methods of sample preparation
boundaries, following primary solidification of We2. A of this alloy fall broadly into three categories: (i)
tertiary recrystallization process occurs for x > 2.0 after float zone solidification; (ii) Bridgman growth; and
solidification of We3 and W e phases. (iii) Czochralski growth. Several different methods of
In conclusion, Ahell and Lord deduced that, at sample preparation have been tried. Simple as-cast
least for arc-casting of small ingots, the stoichiometric material prepared by argon arc melting, as in the work
composition Tbo.27D0.73Fe2 seemed to he the optimum of Ahell and Lord [9], can be refined for example by
composition because this gave a single-phase material. the horizontal zone method employed by McMasters
This was different from conclusions reached by others [ 161, or the free-standing float-zone solidification method
using float zoning or Bridgman techniques, in which it as used later by McMasters et a1 [17]. Alternatively,
has been found that the presence of unwanted additional single crystals can be grown by the Czochralski method
phases, in particular We3 platelets, was minimized [IS] or the Bridgman method [19,20]. The best results
by using starting material with x % 1.95. However, have been obtained with the free-standing float-zone
this latter result may simply reflect the loss of rare technique, although some problems still remain, the most
earth material between the starting composition and the notable being the reproducibility of magnetic properties
final composition of the specimen. This is a well- from sample to sample.
known problem in the synthesis of this material and is It has proved very difficult to grow (1 11) direction
demonstrated, for example, in the results of figure 5. oriented single crystals of the material in any but the
Subsequent microstructural characterization of Tbo.2, smallest volumes. This is because on solidification,
Do.7sFe, (1.95 < x < 2.05) was reported by Westwood the dendrites of the material grow naturally along the
er a1 [ 141, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). (1 12) directions with no side branching out of the ( 1 11)
The backscattered electron micrographs with x = 1.95, sheet planes [19], as shown in figure 7. This leads
x = 2.0 and x = 2.05 showed significant differences. to oriented platelets, as shown in figure 8. It would
Once again the x = 2.0 microstructure gave no evidence clearly be advantageous to be able to grow (1 11) oriented
of second-phase material in the as-cast ingots, while single crystals because the magnetostriction is greatest
x z 2.0 showed the presence of the iron-rich We3 along the (111) directions. Under present capabilities it

Highly magnetostrictive rare earthiron alloys

Figure 8. Diagram of dendritic platelets formed in

T&,27Dy0.73Fe2(after Clark et a/ [28]).

material. Verhoeven et al [21] have successfully used

directional solidification, in which the molten material
was poured from the bottom of a crucible into a
cylindrical quartz mould. The quartz mould was pre-
heated but contained a water-cooled copper pedestal at
the bottom. The molten alloy then began solidifying
directionally upwards. Comparisons were made between
the directionally solidified specimens and those produced
by the float-zone technique. The directionally solidified
materials were in general of lower quality (typically
20% lower strain amplitude) than the float-zone-melted

m n
Alomic pensnl Dy~pmsium 5. Thermomagnetic post-process annealing
Figure 6. (a) Phase diagram of the TbFe system. (b)
Phase diagram of the Dy-Fe system. A post-process thermomagnetic anneal has been used
recently to improve further the magnetic properties
by causing preferential alignment of magnetic domains
normal to the unique axis of the specimen. Although the
properties of the directionally solidified material were in
general not quite so good as the float-zoned material,
the process did produce fairly high-performance material
<112> and it seems to be a method that can usefully be used to
optimize the performance-to-cost ratio.
It has been found by Verhoeven et al [22] that a
final anneal of rod-shaped ( 1 12) oriented specimens in
a magnetic field of H = 0.72 x lo6 A m-' (9 kOe)
L A aligned along the (111} direction normal to the rod axis,
Figure 7. Diagram of dendritic growth front along the (1 12) at a temperature of 950°C for 1 h, led to significant
direction in Terfenol (after Verhoeven et a/ 1191). improvements in the magnetostrictive properties of the
bulk material. In subsequent measurements at mom
is only possible to grow large specimens (for example temperature, the magnetostriction at H = 0.2 x
40 mm long x 5 mm diameter rods) with the (112) IO6 A m-' (2.5 kOe) was more than doubled from
crystallographic axis along the growth direction. 800 x to 1990 x as a result of this treatment.
Another problem that arises is twinning of the The interpretation of this interesting result is that the
crystals. The presence of twins is very difficult to magnetic field preferentially aligns magnetic domains
eradicate because of the low energy needed to produce along the (111) direction normal to the unique axis
them. This in itself also leads to a reduction in properties of the specimen. When this alignment of domains is
such as saturation magnetostriction because it is no achieved under elevated temperatures it results in a relief
longer possible to have the optimum [ill] axis aligned of strains. After subsequent cooling followed by removal
along a particular direction throughout the whole solid. of the field any other alignment of the domains will cause
More recent methods of production have sought to an increase in the internal stress in the material as a
find less expensive methods of producing high-quality result of magnetostrictive strains along other directions.

D C Jibs

Therefore, preferential alignment of the domains along

this perpendicular direction remains even after the field i -
li Diu 5W x 10.81 ~ MPa
is removed. However, it is likely that the fractional 33
occupancy of domains in this direction is somewhat I

reduced once the field is removed because of the high 105

magnetostatic energy, which arises from alignment of 14

magnetic moments along the short dimension of a

specimen rather than along the rod axis.

6.Magnetostriction and t h e magnetization 240 0 240

process H W.m.'l

Figure 9. Variation of bulk magnetostrictive strain 1 with

The bulk magnetostriction A is caused by non-180" magnetic field H under variousapplied compressive stress
domain processes occurring during the magnetization levels U (afterJiles et a/ [30]).
process. It is therefore advantageous to arrange for
the magnetization vectors within the domains to align field by an applied stress as shown by Jiles [ 2 6 ] . This
perpendicular to the intended field direction in the deviation from quadratic dependence on M is caused by
demagnetized state. At present material is grown as the magnetocrystalline anisotropy.
twinned crystals with a (1 12) crystallographic direction The highly magnetostrictive behaviour of these
oriented preferentially along the unique axis of the materials is retained at higher temperatures, as discussed
cylinder. Since the magnetostriction is largest along the by Clark and Crowder [27] who measured the properties
(1 11) axes it is widely assumed that the properties of at temperatures up to 375°C.In their paper it was
the material would be improved if the material could be shown that the anisotropy in magnetostriction is very
grown with a ( I 11) crystallographic direction oriented large, A l l , a 50Alw in the related compound DyFez.
preferentially along the unique axis of the cylinder. and therefore, to ensure high magnetostriction, it is
Measurements of the magnetization and magne- essential to operate the material at temperatures at which
tostriction of this and related alloys up to 1980 have the (111) axes are the easy directions, and at which
been summarized in the review article by Clark [23]. the anisotropy constants Kl and Kz are low (to ensure
At that time the value of A L I I was known to be about high permeability). The theoretical limit of the bulk
1640 x however, the value of htw, which is at saturation magnetostriction is $ I I I = 2460 x [281,
least an order of magnitude smaller, was unknown and which can be obtained if all domains are initially aligned
difficulties were encountered in its measurement in the perpendicular to the field axis in zero field (by the
presence of such a large strain along the (1 1 I) axes. effect of the applied compressive stress); if the [ I l l ]
In order to observe the largest bulk magnetostriction axis is aligned along the direction of application of the
in a given specimen, it is necessary to minimize the magnetic field and measurement of strain, and the final
amount of 180" domain wall motion or domain rotation, orientation of moments is in a single domain along the
since these processes make no contribution to the change [ 11 I] direction.
in length of the sample. This can be achieved by Recent improvements in the material have led to an
aligning the domain moments perpendicular to the field enhancement of the magnetostrictive properties. Results
direction using a compressive uniaxial stress. Clark on these have been reported by Clark et al [29].
and Savage [23] were first to report measurements of These high-performance materials exhibit an interesting
the bulk magnetostriction h(= dl/l) under conditions discontinuous variation of magnetostriction with field
of applied stress of up to 24 MPa. This resulted in H. The properties of several specimens of this latest
a greatly enhanced magnetostriction of h = 1450 x material were investigated thoroughly by Jiles et al
at 12.5 MPa and under a magnetic field of [ZO]using simultaneous measurement of magnetic field,
H = 100 kA m-I (1.25 kOe). The increased bulk induction, magnetostriction and Barkhausen effect under
magnetostriction under applied compressive load has on-line computer control [31]. In one specimen, these
opened up a range of possibilities for utilization of these measurements gave a magnetostriction amplitude of
alloys in practical applications such as transducers and (2200 ?c 20) x at a field of H = 240 kA m-I
positioning devices. (3 kOe) under a compressive uniaxial stress of 14 MPa.
Subsequent work by Clark et a1 [25]reported values This result, which is shown in figure 9, was significantly
of magnetostriction of up to h = 1800 x for higher than had been observed under similar conditions
compressive stresses of greater than 20 MPa in fields on previous material, and represents a limiting value for
of H = 160- kA m-I (2 kOe) in oriented twinned magnetostriction measured along the (1 12) direction.
'single' crystal Tbo.z7D0.,3Fe2. It was also found in The change in magnetization when the magnetization
this work that the magnetostriction A under compressive changes from the perpendicular [ l l i ] direction to the
stress deviated significantly from the ideal or theoretical parallel [ 1121 direction is, to a first approximation, given
dependence on M Z , which is expected when all domains by the equation given by Jiles and Thoelke (Journal of
have been aligned perpendicular to the field axis in zero Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, to be published).

Highly magnetostrictive rare earth-iron alloys

160 80 80 160


Figure 11. Variation of magnetoacoustic emission

- signal intensity with applied field H at various applied
80 0 80 compressive stress levels U (afterJiles et a/ [32]).
H W.m"l
both H and B returning to zero as the field is cycled.
Figure 10. Variation of Barkhausen signal intensity with This has been observed in all specimens to date. It
applied field H at various applied compressive stress appears to be due to an irreversible change in the
levels U (after Jiles e t a / [30]).
domain configuration, so that the original demagnetized
domain configuration is never regained in the cyclic
state. However, in the stressed material the situation is
quite different. In this case, the h = 0 state is regained
3 and so there does not appear to be an irreversible change
+ 3hl IIC(COS e,, COS ef,j+l- COS ei,, COS ei,j+l) in the domain configuration. These effects have been
,=I described by Sablik et a1 [33].
x cos +j cos @j+l Recent Barkhausen effect measurements have been
analysed using pulse-height spectrum analysis as in the
where &,, are the angles of initial orientation, and 0f.j work of Jiles and Hariharan [34]. This showed the
are the angles of final orientation. distribution of Barkhausen emission pulse amplitudes,
Assuming values of A l l 1 = 1640 x and AIM) = and provided additional information on the magnetic
50 x the largest change in magnetostriction along properties of materials. In particular it has shown that,
the [I 121 direction occurred for rotation of domains from as the compressive stress was applied to the material,
the [fill or [ I l i ] directions into the [ I l l ] direction. there was a marked increase of Barkhausen activity at
This gave rise to an induced magnetostriction of Ah = 2.5 n Wb s-'. This was the result of increasing the
2190 p strain. When the moments were deflected further domain occupancy of easy directions perpendicular to
in the [ I 121 direction by the action of a stronger field, the fieldstress axis.
the magnetostriction actually declined to 2063 p strain.
Further investigation of this specimen by Jiles, Os-
tenson and Owen [32] indicated that the Barkhausen
spectrum, figure IO, had two peaks in count rate, which
seemed to indicate two principal magnetization mech- 7. Applications
anisms. Magnetoacoustic emission studies, figure 1 1,
revealed additional fine structure within the two count The material is beginning to find applications in
rate peaks, which so far has not been satisfactorily ac- sonar transducers, anti-vibration mountings, positioning
counted for, but may be a result of twinning of the crystal devices, dynamic load detection and magnetometry.
alignment in the specimen, which is known to occur in These applications have been discussed in a recent
all of these specimens. An interesting feature was the review [35]. Applications-oriented measurements of the
behaviour of the magnetostriction of the unstressed ma- materials properties have been made by Pitman eta1 [36l
terial as the field was swept from the demagnetized state and by Pitman [37]. Pitman, for example, has shown
at H = 0 to H = 240 kA m-' (3 kOe) and then cycled that the strain amplitude under bias fields in excess of
at this amplitude. 50 kA m-l (625 Oe) exhibits a peak under an applied
In the unstressed material an unexplained effect has compressive load of 12 ma, as shown in figure 12.
been observed in which the magnetostriction begins at For applications such as low-frequency acoustic
A = 0 in the demagnetized state (H = 0, B = 0) transducers, in which energy conversion is the primary
but after magnetizing it never returns to A = 0 despite concern, the property of principal interest is the

D C Jiles

wain (10.61
.. ....... 0ia3 70 w m

Applied SVBSI IMP4 Applied Field (k”)

Figure 12. Dependence of magnetostrictive strain on Figure 14. Variation of the strain derivative &(= dA/dH)
applied stress at various levels of magnetic field bias (after as a function of applied field H at various compressive
Pitman 1351). stress levels for Tbo.sDyo.7Fer.s(after Jenner et a/ [40]).
field, dA/dH. This is often denoted d , or sometimes d3?,
the value of dA/dH along the unique axis of a cylinder
of the material,
4 3 = ($).
Specimens can be operated close to the maximum
value (dA/dH),, by application of a bias field, supplied
for example by a permanent magnet, so that the largest
magnetostrictive change in length can be obtained
for a small AC field amplitude. In other forms of
detection, in which the change in magnetization is
used to detect a strain, for example in magnetostrictive
vibration detectors, the parameter of primary interest is
the generation coefficient g [39]:

Figure 13. Dependence of the coupling coefficient on

bias field for ( a ) TbonDyo.73Fet.9;
and (b) Tbo,3Dyo,,Fel,s
(after Jenner et a/ [15]).
where M is the magnetization, U is the stress, E is the
magnetomechanical coupling factor k33. This is defined elastic modulus and H is the magnetic field. In these
by the equation applications, the larger the value of g, the more sensitive
the device.
Performance of the Tb-Dy-Fe alloy for DC actuator
devices has been studied under quasi DC conditions
by Jenner er al [40], in which the strain derivative
where po is the magnetic constant (4z x IO-’ H m-l), d3,(dA/dH) and the coupling coefficient k33 were
fir is the relative permeability, E is the elastic modulus, investigated as a function of both magnetic field and
A is the magnetostriction and H is the magnetic field. applied stress, figures 14 and 15. The optimum operating
k:, is the fraction of the magnetic energy which can conditions were found to be dependent on the specific
be converted to elastic energy per cycle in an ideal application, as may be expected. The field strengths
(namely lossless) situation. The value of k33 is optimized at which peaks occurred in (dA/dH) were shown to
by designing materials with a high magnetostriction- vary with stress, and in particular these field strengths
to-anisotropy ratio. Furthermore, k33 varies with bias increased with applied compressive stress, with the
field strength in a given sample, as shown by Jenner largest of the maxima occurring under a stress of 5 MPa
et a1 [15], figure 13. This means that, in order to and a field of 15 kA m-!.
maximize the energy conversion efficiency, transducers In most cases the primary consideration for DC
of the material should be operated undere a bias field applications, such as positioning devices, is the
of typically 50 kA m-l (625 Oe). Values in the range maximum strain A, and the maximum strain derivative
k33 = 0.4-0.75 have been reported [38]. (dA/dH),,. Ideally, these should be as large as
Another parameter of importance for applications, possible and occur at the lowest field strengths possible.
such as magnetostrictive magnetometers, in which the Schulze et a1 [41] have investigated these parameters
sensitivity of strain to applied magnetic field is a primary as a function of stress up to 20 MPa and magnetic
concern, is the rate of change of magnetostriction with field strengths of 18 kA m-’. The largest value

Highly magnetostrictive rare earthiron alloys

Bias lield W m " )

0.2 I
0 40 80
0 40 60 80 100 $20 140 160 180

Applied Field ( W m ) Frequency (kHz)

Figure 15. Variation of the coupling coefficient with Figure 16. Variation of the electrical impedance
applied field H at various compressive stress levels for with frequency for a coil wrapped on a specimen of
Tbo.sDyo.,Fer.s(afler Jenner et a/ [40]). Tb0.27Dyo.73Fe2. The curves show both resonance
(maxima) and anti-resonance (minima) at different
of (dh/dH), reported to date has been 0.312 x frequencies as the bias field was changed. The coupling
A-' m by Verhoeven et al 1221. coefficient can be calculated from the location of the
The composition of the alloys, in particular the iron resonance frequency f and the anti-resonance frequency
fa, as described in the text (after Abell et a/ [42]).
content, strongly affects d33 and can result in changes as
large as a factor of two, as reported by Joyce ef al [ 131.
This means that the field range over which the non-180"
domain processes (magnetostrictive processes) occur is
strongly dependent on the iron content. Optimum
performance is obtained when this range is a minimum,
since this will lead to the largest values of d33. In
comparison the magnetostriction is less sensitive to the
iron content, although it was found to vary by 20% for
iron contents in the range 1.85 < x < 2.10, where the
iron content x is defined by Tb0.27Dy0.73Fex.A further
study of magnetomechanical coupling k33 in these alloys
has been reported by Abell et d [42], in which the
values of k33 were calculated from the measurement of
resonance and anti-resonance in the electrical impedance
of a coil wrapped around the specimen.
The resulting plots of impedance versus frequency at
various bias field strengths are shown in figure 16. The
100 200 300
peaks represent resonance, h, and the valleys represent Bmrfleld (ram-')
antiresonance, fa. The value of kg3 was then calculated Figure 17. Variation of the coupling coefficienth,as
from the equation calculated from the impedance curves, with bias field for
Tb0.27Dy0.73Fe2 (after Abell et a/ [42]).
and skin depth, need to be taken into account. The
performance of the material under these conditions
The calculated values of k33 as a function of bias field has been investigated by Greenough and Schulze 1441,
are shown in figure 17. who have shown the frequency-dependence of both
Savage et al [43], have investigated macroscopic relative permeability and magnetostrictive strain 1451.
strain as a function of magnetic field and applied stress It is clear from this work that, under zero bias field,
in this alloy. From this it was possible to calculate the the dependence of complex permeability on frequency,
external work done by the material. It was found that the based on calculation of the classical eddy current effect,
magnetomechanical coupling coefficient k is inadequate does not lead to the observed result, as shown in
for descriptions of the material performance in high- figure 18, and that therefore some corrections need to
strain applications because k is derived on the basis of be made to take into account the domain configuration.
small strains and the approximations involved do not However, under a bias field of 15 kA m-I, the
cany over to high strains. agreement between the observed complex permeability
For AC applications such as adaptive vibration and the expected value based on classical eddy current
control, additional factors such as eddy current effects calculations is much improved. It is considered that this

D C Jiles

sample. The optimum composition is without doubt

the stoichiometric composition Mez. However, this is
difficult to achieve because of the more rapid loss of the
rare earth elements compared with iron during synthesis.
This means that the final composition of the material
is significantly different from the initial composition.
3 s Too much rare earth gives rise to a rare-earth-rich
....A -*-A
phase, which accumulates preferentially on the grain
boundaries. Too much iron leads to Wiedmanst2tten
precipitates of the RFe, phase within the grains. In
5 both cases, this leads to deterioration of the magnetic
Lap I
properties. The work of Joyce et a1 1131 has shown
that both the strain amplitude (at a given field strength)
Figure 18. Variation of the magnitude and imaginary and the derivative d33 are maximized at iron contents
components of the complex relative permeability with close to the stoichiometric, although a curious double
frequency for Tbo,aDyo,7Fe2 (after Greenough and Schulze peak was reported in both cases. Subsequent work by
Wl). Greenough et a1 [48] also showed that, among a group
is probably due to the slowness of non-180" domain of five specimens with x = 1.87 and eight specimens
processes in responding to higher frequency excitations with x = 1.95, the value of d33 was, with one exception,
because of the magnetostrictive work done in these always higher in the x = 1.95 group. This serves to
processes. confirm the conclusion.
The movement of the surface of a rod of Tt-Dy-Fe In order to further increase the strain amplitude along
under the action of an AC field was subsequently found the unique axis of a (112) oriented cylinder of the
to be non-uniform in the work of Schulze etal [46]. This material, techniques have been developed to enhance
work indicated that the characterization of the strain of the occupancy in the demagnetized state of the (1 11)
the material using a surface strain gauge is not truly axes perpendicular to the cylinder axis. This has been
representative of the bulk response of the material under achieved by annealing the specimens at typically 950°C
AC conditions. in a magnetic field oriented along either the [ 11i] or
the [ i i l ] axes. This increased occupancy of the [ I l i ]
and/or [Til] axes leads to a greater change in strain when
8. Conclusions the domain magnetizations are rotated into the [ 1111 and
later [I 121 axes under the action of an applied field.
This paper has outlined some of the recent developments The result of these processing improvements means
in the highly magnetostrictive terbium-dysprosium-iron that (112) oriented specimens can be produced, which
alloy, and provides a brief update on work conducted exhibit strain amplitudes of up to 2200 x with
since the review of Clark [23]. The main conclusions maximum d33 in the vicinity of 300 nA m-' and with
from this survey of recent work are that several obstacles coupling coefficients of k33 = 0.7.
still need to be overcome before the material will see
widespread engineering applications. These are
(i) to reduce the variability in properties arising from
identical processing procedures, This work was supported by the US Department of
(ii) to understand better the relationship between Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under wntract
structure and magnetic properties of these materials, W-7405-ENG-82. The work was performed at Ames
(iii) to extend the viable range of frequencies by Laboratory.
reducing conductivity, and
(iv) to enhance the magnetostriction amplitude
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