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MK English Conversation – Meeting 14 – Conditional Clauses


Answer the question below the dialogue!

Dialogue 1.
Jessy : Well it’s an amazing Sunday, isn’t it? 

Justin : Yeahh it’s true, and this weekend will be our last amazing weekend. 

Jessy : Why? 

Justin : Because next week we gonna have a final exam. Haa. I am afraid if I can’t pass the

Jessy : No, you will.  If you study with all of your effort, you will definitely pass the

Justin : hahaha yaah I know, but feel lazy to study that hard. 

Jessy : Then if you do so, you know the answer. 

Justin : (Bubbling)….  I won’t pass the exam if don’t study hard. ..

Jessy : There you got it. 

Justin : Ok, I’ll do my best. Because  I will have a big party if I pass the exam. 

Jessy : Waoww don’t forget to invite me, huh! 

Question : What are they talking about ?

Answer :

Dialogue 2.
Janet : Have you ever imagined living abroad? 

Dessy : That is one of my goal of my life. 

Janet : Which country do you want to live? 

Dessy : If I can speak English better, I will go to England. 

Janet : But you can speak English, can’t you? 

MK English Conversation – Meeting 14 – Conditional Clauses

Dessy : I can but I need a lot of improvement to prepare my IELTS score. 

Janet : How many score that you have to achieve? 

Dessy : 7.5.  If I get that score, I will go to England. 

Janet : Terrific! Awesome! 

Dessy : How about you Jane? What is your plan? 

Janet : I have dream to live in Japan. 

Dessy : Do you also need IELTS to go there? 

Janet : Nope, I just need to learn Japanese language and do some other requirement.  I will
go to Japan if I speak Japanese well. 

Dessy : Yayyy, do better for our brighter future. 

Question : What are they discuss about ?

Answer :

Question : If you gave 3 wishes from God that will fulfilled suddenly in your
real life, what top 3 things would you wish for ? :D

Answer freely but don’t forget about the grammar and tenses: …

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