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Recent Advances in Computed Tomographic Technology

Cardiopulmonary Imaging Applications
Azadeh Tabari, MD,*w Roberto Lo Gullo, MD,*w Venkatesh Murugan, MD,*w
Alexi Otrakji, MD,*w Subba Digumarthy, MD,*w
and Mannudeep Kalra, MD*w

CT hardware include changes in x-ray tube power, detector

Abstract: Cardiothoracic diseases result in substantial morbidity elements, scanning speed, and dual-energy scanning capa-
and mortality. Chest computed tomography (CT) has been an bilities. Software advances have been led by introduction of
imaging modality of choice for assessing a host of chest diseases, iterative reconstruction techniques (IRTs) that allow radi-
and technologic advances have enabled the emergence of coronary
CT angiography as a robust noninvasive test for cardiac imaging.
ation dose reduction and/or image quality improvement.
Technologic developments in CT have also enabled the application
of dual-energy CT scanning for assessing pulmonary vascular and X-Ray Tube Capabilities
neoplastic processes. Concerns over increasing radiation dose from Modern MDCT scanners enable faster scanning,
CT scanning are being addressed with introduction of more dose- which require delivery of higher tube current over short
efficient wide-area detector arrays and iterative reconstruction scanning time. Previous CT scanners were limited in their
techniques. This review article discusses the technologic innova- ability to quickly dissipate the heat generated in the x-ray
tions in CT and their effect on cardiothoracic applications. tubes, as production of x-rays is an inefficient process.
Key Words: chest computed tomography, cardiopulmonary, Almost 99% of the incident electrons at the anode are
advances either scattered or contribute to heat generation within the
x-ray tube. The reduced gantry rotation time in modern-
(J Thorac Imaging 2017;32:89–100) day CT scanners (for rapid scanning) is another major
factor for need of powerful x-ray tubes.1 Increasing the
x-ray tube power leads to overheating of the tube.
One vendor has updated its x-ray tube (Performix;
S ince its invention in 1971, technologic advances in
computed tomography (CT) have expanded its appli-
cations in the chest and heart. In the past 20 years, the
GE) for efficient heat dissipation during scan acquisition
with an efficient electron collector system. To overcome the
number of CT examinations has increased by about 10% scattered electrons that impinge on the x-ray tube wall,
annually. Advances in hardware as well as in image electron collector systems have been introduced in the past.
reconstruction and processing have enabled faster scanning These systems consist of an anode and a cathode assembly
at lower radiation dose for contemporary multidetector- designed in such a way as to collect and deflect the scattered
row CT (MDCT) scanners. Hardware advances in CT electrons. The strategies to be employed for heat dissipation
technology have resulted in the introduction of several new from the electron collector include using chambers of cir-
MDCT scanners with incremental capabilities of greater x- culating coolant fluid and increasing the area over which
ray tube power, faster gantry rotation times, wide-area and the collected electrons are swept over by increasing the
dose-efficient detector array systems, as well as dual-energy coiling in the collector. Effective heat dissipation ensures
capabilities with single-source, twin-beam, and sandwich minimal off-focal radiation and enhanced tube life.2
layer detector systems. The most notable software advances Some new x-ray tubes (iMRC; Philips) have improved
have come in the form of dual-energy image processing, anode bearings and coolant system to decrease tube over-
iterative reconstruction, and automatic kV selection tech- heating. This new tube is purported to have higher focal
niques, which have proven to be key in several emerging spot power density and a current density of over 1 A/mm2
and established indications for cardiothoracic imaging. We to ensure that the energy of the emitted photons is relatively
review recent technologic advances in CT and literature close and reduces image noise. The unipolar high-voltage
pertaining to their role in cardiothoracic imaging. supply used in this tube helps in efficient cooling of the
anode (the cathode is held at earth potential; hence the
majority of heating occurs at the anode, which is taken care
RECENT ADVANCES IN CT TECHNOLOGY of by the newer cooling elements).3
In this section, we discuss advances in the hardware Some new x-ray tubes (Vectron; Siemens) enable the
and software aspects of CT technology. Improvements in use of substantially higher–tube-power CT scanners
(2 1300 mA). This enhanced power is extremely important
From the *Department of Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital;
in the context of dual-energy CT acquisitions to generate an
and wHarvard Medical School, Boston, MA. x-ray flux of adequate power at low values of tube potential
The authors declare no conflict of interest. (the least possible is 70 kV). Another important require-
Correspondence to: Azadeh Tabari, MD, Department of Imaging, ment in dual-energy CT is the spectral separation of the
Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA 02114 (e-mail:
acquisitions to sufficiently differentiate structures based on
Copyright r 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. attenuation characteristics at differing values of tube volt-
DOI: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000258 age. The improved photon separations ensure that spectral

J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017 | 89

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Tabari et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017

overlap is minimal, thereby achieving better contrast. Some scintillator, analog digital converter, and photodiode are
of the modern CT systems now allow tube potential to up separate components, which results in higher electronic
to 70 kV, which helps achieve both contrast volume and noise. Another vendor (GE) has introduced miniaturized
radiation dose reductions.4 detector modules to reduce electronic noise by 25% to
The Toshiba x-ray tubes (MegaCool) use a copper improve image quality and reduce artifacts from low-signal
alloy to absorb recoil electrons and reduce unwanted off- conditions (such as a very low dose or a very large patient).
focal x-rays. Additional features minimize focal spot Along with increase in detector width in the z-axis,
movement with bearing supports at both ends of the anode there has also been some improvement in the gantry rota-
axis ( tion speed in all modern MDCT scanners, both of which
dose/hardware.html#hardware01). facilitate faster scanning. The new wide-area detector CT
(GE Revolution, 2560.625 mm) comes with a 280-ms
Changes in Detector Elements and Shorter rotation time, capable of scanning up to 16 cm in 1 gantry
Scan Times rotation. The third-generation dual-source CT (Force,
Innovations in detector capabilities in CT have Siemens) is equipped with a 6-cm detector width but a
resulted in improved scan coverage per gantry rotation, and faster 250-ms rotation, which gives a 66-ms temporal res-
detector efficiency. Although the detectors used in clinical olution for cardiac CT. Improvement in temporal reso-
CT systems have not become finer than 0.5 mm along the lution of MDCT scanners now enables coronary CT
z-axis in the last decade, the detector width along the z-axis angiography in patients with rapid and irregular heart
has increased markedly. Development in wide-area detec- rates.5,6
tors enabling >40-mm coverage per rotation was led by the Caruso et al7 have demonstrated that technologic
320-section MDCT with 0.5-mm detector row-width from advances in CT help in evaluation of cardiac function.
Toshiba, enabling up to 16 cm per gantry rotation. Ability to image the entire heart in 1 cardiac cycle with a
Recently, Philips and GE introduced scanners with 128 and wider-area detector (256 to 320 detector rows) MDCT, with
256 detector rows enabling 8- and 16-cm coverage, respec- or without faster temporal resolution of dual-source
tively, with 0.625-mm individual detector row-width. MDCT, also enables dynamic CT myocardial perfusion
Siemens’ new third-generation dual-source CT scanner has imaging to distinguish between reversible and irreversible
a 6-cm detector (96 rows 0.6-mm detector row-width for hypoattenuating myocardial perfusion defects. Wide-area
each detector array) width but enables fast scan coverage detector CT and those with fast acquisition times also help
due to use of double helices and higher pitch values owing in optimal evaluation of the entire thoracoabdominal aorta
to the presence of 2 x-ray tubes and detector arrays. including the femoral arteries for planning of percutaneous
Wide-area detectors (4 to 16 cm) help in faster cover- transfemoral aortic valve replacements without the need for
age through the heart in fewer cardiac cycles and with less a large volume of intravenous contrast medium.8
slab artifacts. In fact, the 16-cm MDCT scanners (with 256 Faster scanning is advantageous for avoiding motion
to 320 detector rows) enable imaging of the entire heart in a artifacts in children with suspected or known congenital
single gantry rotation and cardiac cycle. With single rota- cardiac abnormalities. Koplay et al9 have reported that use
tion coverage of the heart, there are no slab artifacts of prospective ECG-gated high-pitch dual-source MDCT in
associated with the use of smaller detector area MDCT that pediatric congenital cardiovascular abnormalities provides
need >1 heart beat to cover the entire coronary arterial acceptable image quality at very low radiation dose.
circulation even in patients with higher or irregular heart
rates, with less radiation burden to patients. For patients Automatic Exposure Control (AEC) and
with lower heart rate (typically 65 bpm or under), the dual- Automatic kV Selection
source MDCT scanners can also image the entire heart with AEC techniques have been in use in MDCT scanners
a high nonoverlapping pitch of up to 3.4:1 in a single heart for more than a decade. Several studies have reported
beat. advantages of AEC over use of fixed tube current10 for
There have been improvements in detector efficiency. radiation dose optimization in chest CT scanning.
For example, the gemstone detectors (garnet-based detec- Recently, some vendors (ie, GE, Siemens) released
tors) from 1 vendor (GE Healthcare) enable faster scanning organ-based tube current modulation (OBTCM).3,4 This
and kV switching, which enables the scanner to acquire technique enables users to reduce the radiation dose to
dual-energy data sets. These detectors have four times radiosensitive organs such as the thyroid gland when per-
faster recovery time compared with some other detectors. forming chest CT. Most radiation to these anteriorly
Another vendor (Siemens) utilizes an ultrafast ceramic located organs in supine patients results when the x-ray
material (gadolinium oxysulfide) in its detectors, which tube is anterior to the patient. The OBTCM turns off the x-
have a faster recovery time as well. Philips’ nanopanel ray tube during a part of the gantry rotation to reduce the
spherical detector technology maintains electrical con- radiation dose to these sensitive organs while increasing the
tinuity along the edges of the detector elements to decrease tube current in the remaining projection to maintain con-
the gaps between individual detector rows, which results in stant image quality.
loss of image quality in the conventional CT detectors. This A recent study involving 1263 women undergoing
technology allows the edges to contribute to signal from chest CT reported that OBTCM can help in significant
adjacent detector elements. reduction in radiation dose (up to 16%) to the breast
Concomitant improvements in data acquisition sys- compared with constant tube current, although a sub-
tems have resulted in improvement in CT radiation dose stantial portion of the breast may lie beyond the region of
efficiency. For example, the stellar detector (Siemens) dose reduction with OBTCM.11
reduces electronic noise by combining an analog digital With the availability of higher-power x-ray tubes capable
converter chip with the photodiode into 1 chip to generate a of operating at higher tube current, there has been an increase
direct digital signal. In conventional CT detectors, the in the use of lower kV for performing contrast-enhanced CT.

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J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017 Recent Advances in CT Technology

Some vendors (CarekV, Siemens; kV Assist, GE) have

released automatic kV selection techniques that allow the TABLE 1. Commonly Used Iterative Reconstruction Algorithms
Commonly Used by the Vendor
scanners to automatically select the most optimal kV based on
specified CT examination (for example, noncontrast, post- Adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction GE Healthcare
contrast, or CT angiography protocol) and size estimation of Model-based iterative reconstruction GE Healthcare
the patient from the planning radiograph. These techniques Sinogram-affirmed iterative reconstruction Siemens
(SAFIRE) Healthcare
help maintain or improve the contrast-to-noise ratio of the
Adaptive iterative reconstruction 3D Toshiba
images while maintaining or reducing radiation dose. Several (AIDR 3D) Healthcare
recent studies have noted a reduction in radiation dose with iDose4 Philips
the application of these techniques.12,13 Although most Healthcare
MDCT scanners allow the selection of 3 to 4 different kV (80
to 140 kV at increments of 20 kV) for CT scanning, some
recent MDCT scanners (eg, Force; Siemens) allow a wider
selection of kV (70 to 150 kV at increments of 10 kV) for use with steps of 1 for SAFIRE and ADMIRE; Siemens; 1 to 7
with the automatic kV selection technique. with steps of 1 for iDose; Philips) (Figs. 3, 4). With
increasing strength of IRTs, there is greater image noise
Solutions for Irregular Heart Rate reduction and variable change in image appearance. Con-
Several vendors have introduced specific software sequently, lower radiation dose or larger subjects may need
algorithm to address the issue of irregular heart rate in higher strength of IRT as compared with CT examinations
cardiac CT. One vendor utilizes the Snapshot freeze tech- at higher dose or in smaller subjects.
nique (GE), which uses information from adjacent cardiac Although there are plenty of studies comparing dif-
phases within a single cardiac cycle to characterize and ferent IRTs,18–35 there is no consensus on the best IRT and
compensate for coronary motion. The technique estimates its settings for different patient types and clinical indica-
the motion pathway of the coronary arteries and velocity tions. A recent meta-analysis on IRT reported the potential
from adjacent cardiac phases to determine the expected for radiation dose reduction with improved image quality
target phase for each vessel. Another vendor has introduced compared with FBP-based image reconstruction.23 Several
an advanced arrhythmia rejection or compensation algo- studies from multiple vendors demonstrate that it is possi-
rithm (Adaptive Cardio Sequence; Siemens) for compen- ble to reduce radiation dose below 1 mSv for IRT-enabled
sating gradual changes in heart rate during cardiac CT. chest CT for evaluation of lung nodules and for lung cancer
During ectopic beat or widely irregular rhythm, this algo- screening.19 In fact, some studies have reported the possi-
rithm automatically pauses the scanning and scans the bility of reducing the radiation dose for evaluation of lung
patient at the same table position once the cardiac rhythm nodules to <1/10th of a mSv with use of IRT.20 High
has become regular.14 inherent tissue contrast between the pulmonary nodules
and the air-filled lungs help reduce radiation dose for chest
IRT CT even with FBP techniques, but availability of IRT has
Image reconstruction for x-ray CT can be generally helped denoise the images further compared with FBP and
classified into 2 major categories: analytical reconstruction also reduce some artifacts related to extremely low–
and iterative reconstruction.15 The analytic reconstruction radiation-dose scanning. Radiation dose reduction has
techniques based on filtered back projection (FBP) make also been reported for evaluation and quantification of
several presumptions to expedite image reconstruction, emphysema using IRT.21 For CT angiography studies of
which are prone to increased image noise and artifacts, coronary arteries as well as other thoracic vessels (pulmo-
particularly at low radiation doses. In contrast, IRTs nary arteries, pulmonary veins, and aorta), noise reduction
(Table 1) create images based on repetitive cycles of com- capabilities of IRT have enabled increasing use of lower
parison between the calculated projection data and an kV, which helps improve the image contrast while offering
estimated data set using actual projection data sets and opportunities for reducing the injected contrast volume.22
accurate scanner properties. This enables the IRTs to In our practice most CT angiography studies in the thorax
reduce image noise and improve image quality, which in are now performed at 80 to 100 kV using IRT. Use of
turn allows users to reduce the radiation dose.16 Two broad higher kV (120) can be limited to larger or obese patients.
categories of IRTs in commercial use include pure and Along with the benefits of IRTs for image quality
hybrid IRTs. The latter involve blending of IRT data sets improvement at low radiation dose, it is important to
with FBP to maintain image noise and appearance similar realize that there are some trade-offs associated with
to that of FBP-based images.17 Hybrid IRTs are the most IRTs.23,24 These include change in image appearance and
commonly used techniques in contemporary MDCT scan- blocky appearance of structures on IRT images as com-
ners as they are much faster and similar in appearance to pared with those in conventional FBP. Some prior patient
conventional FBP images as compared with pure IRT. studies have reported loss of visibility of lung fissures with
Although pure IRTs (such as GE Veo) have greater noise use of IRTs, although the detection and conspicuity of lung
reduction and artifact suppression capabilities, these tech- nodules and abnormalities was unaffected.24 Finally,
niques are computationally intensive, taking several although sub-mSv radiation doses are achievable with IRTs
minutes to reconstruct a single image series, and result in for lung nodule follow-up and lung cancer screening, non-
images with distinct image appearance. pulmonary soft tissues (such as mediastinal or chest wall
Most IRTs come with a menu of options for use of soft tissues) are often limited at such doses despite high-
IRT, which may be on a percentage scale (such as 0% to strength IRTs.25 These caveats imply that IRTs must be
100% with steps of 10% for ASiR; GE) (Fig. 1), categories “fine-tuned” for individual practices, preferences, and
(such as weak, standard, and strong for AIDR 3D; Tosh- clinical protocols. A recent study of 4 different CT vendors
iba) (Fig. 2), and nominal scale (such as strength of 1 to 5 has reported up to about 10% to 60% noise reduction with

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Tabari et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017

SD-FBP SubmSv-FBP SubmSv-ASIR70 SubmSv-VEO

CTDIvol 13 mGy CTDIvol 0.5 mGy CTDIvol 0.5 mGy CTDIvol 0.5 mGy


FIGURE 1. Transverse chest CT images of a 71-year-old male patient depict a right upper-lobe solid noncalcified lung nodule (arrow) in
(A) standard FBP (CTDIvol*, 13 mGy), reduced-dose FBP (CTDIvol, 0.5 mGy) (B), ASIR (CTDIvol, 0.5 mGy) (partial IRT at 70% blending)
(C), and VEO (CTDIvol, 0.5 mGy) (full model–based IRT) (D) images. *CT Dose Index Volume. ASIR indicates adaptive statistical iterative
reconstruction; VEO, valence electron only.

5 different IRTs when CT scanning was performed in the the electrons from the innermost shell when an incident photon
dose range of 1.3 to 1.5 mGy.26 In our institution, most with energy higher than a certain threshold strikes the atom. The
cardiothoracic CT examinations are performed with about displaced electrons are then replaced by electrons from outer
40% to 50% strength of ASiR (GE), S2 or S3 strength of energy levels, producing characteristic radiation. The latter
SAFIRE (Siemens), or iDose 2 or 3 (Philips) to avoid depends on the effective atomic number and the electron density.
undue change in image appearance relative to FBP. At higher x-ray energy levels, the most common
interaction involves transfer of x-ray photon energy to
Spectral CT Technology electrons in the outer shells and change in the direction of
CT attenuation characteristics of tissues vary with the x-ray photons (Compton scattering). At lower x-ray photon
energy levels of incident photons. The same tissues can have energy, photoelectric absorption is much higher. In dual-
different attenuation characteristics at differing values of photon energy CT, the differential interactions of 2 x-ray energies
energies. With dual energy CT (DECT), the scanner acquired form the physical basis for decomposition of images into
additional information from interactions between the tissues and 2-basis materials (eg, iodine-calcium, iodine-water, and
x-rays, which include photoelectric absorption and Compton calcium-water) as long as their atomic numbers are not the
scattering. Photoelectric effect is the process of displacement of same.


9.7 mGy 1.1 mGy 0.5 mGy


FIGURE 2. Transverse chest CT images of a 69-year-old female patient scanned at 3 different dose levels (CTDIvol,* 9.7, 1.1, and
0.5 mGy, respectively). Tiny pulmonary nodule in the left lower lobe (arrow) is equally well seen on FBP (9.7 mGy) as on reduced-dose
AIDR 3D (1.1 and 0.5 mGy) images. *CT Dose Index Volume. AIDR 3D indicates adaptive iterative dose reduction.

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J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017 Recent Advances in CT Technology

SD-FBP SubmSv-FBP SubmSv-Safire level2 SubmSv-Safire level3 SubmSv-Safire level4

CTDIvol 6 mGy CTDIvol 0.4 mGy CTDIvol 0.4 mGy CTDIvol 0.4 mGy CTDIvol 0.4 mGy


FIGURE 3. SAFIRE versus FBP images of a 67-year-old male patient who underwent standard (6 mGy) reduced-dose chest CT (CTDIvol*,
0.4 mGy). Transverse chest CT images at standard dose (FBP, A), and reduced dose (FBP [B], SAFIRE [level 2] [C], SAFIRE [level 3] [D],
and SAFIRE (level 4) [E]) demonstrate the left lower lobe pulmonary nodule (arrow) equally well along with other anatomic details of the
lungs. *CT Dose Index Volume.

Different vendors use different proprietary methods to 83 ms). It is possible to have better control over radiation
acquire DECT data. The rapid kV switching (GE) method dose with this technique as AEC can be used for individual
uses a single x-ray tube with rapidly alternating voltage tubes separately. Prior studies have shown that DECT
(< 0.5 ms) between 2 values to generate projection images performed with this technique is dose neutral to single-
from x-rays of different energies. This technique only ena- energy CT.29,30 As one detector assembly is smaller than the
bles 140 and 80 kV settings with fixed tube current. The other, the field of view is rather limited (about 33 to 35 cm)
exposure time is adjusted in such a way that the 80 kV for DECT. With adequate centering, the entire lungs can
projection accounts for 65% and the 140 kV projection generally be included in this field of view. The limitation of
accounts for 35%. As the kV switching happens in a very field of view does not apply to a recently introduced twin-
short duration, the projection data are treated as coinci- beam dual-energy technology (Siemens) to acquire DECT.
dental both temporally and spatially.27,28 This allows for This technology entails the creation of 2 x-ray spectra from
calculation of material density, which is unique to single- a single x-ray source with 2 different materials’ filter (gold
source (rapid kV switching) DECT scanning. On the other for low-energy x-ray spectrum and tin for high-energy x-ray
hand, AEC cannot be used with rapid kV switching. spectrum) before reaching the patient. Full 50-cm field-
Instead, users have to select a vendor-specified fixed tube of-view DECT and AEC are possible with this technique.
current preset based on the body region, which can increase Layered detector systems (sandwich detectors; Philips)
the radiation dose associated with this technique of DECT involve spectral separation at the detector level with a single
as compared with single-energy CT. x-ray tube. In these detectors, scintillators of varying pho-
Dual-source MDCT (Siemens) scanners use 2 separate ton sensitivity are stacked in layers and are used for
x-ray tubes and detector assemblies to generate 2 different resolving spectral differences and to generate DECT pro-
projection data sets. These 2 data sets are acquired with a jection data. This method permits the use of AEC with
very small difference in acquisition time (usually 75 or DECT scanning. As the technique does not require

SD-FBP SubmSv-IMR SubmSv-iDose SubmSv-IMR SubmSv-iDose

CTDIvol 5.7 mGy CTDIvol 0.9 mGy CTDIvol 0.9 mGy CTDIvol 0.4 mGy CTDIvol 0.4 mGy


FIGURE 4. Ground-glass nodule in the right upper lobe (arrow) is equally well seen on transverse chest CT images of an 87-year-old
male patient reconstructed with FBP (CTDIvol*, 5.7 mGy [A]), as well as reduced dose IMR (0.9 mGy [B], 0.4 mGy [D]) and iDose
(0.9 mGy [C], 0.4 mGy [E]). *CT Dose Index Volume. IMR indicates iterative model reconstruction, iDose iterative reconstruction.

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Tabari et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017

modification in acquisition protocols, all CT examinations anatomic information on coronary artery stenosis and
on these scanners have DECT data sets.31 functional significance of coronary lesions without the need
Most vendors allow application of IRT on the DECT for additional image acquisition, radiation burden, or
image data sets to improve image quality. Two standard administration of contrast agent.39,40 Although the accu-
approaches have been used for the generation of DECT racy of CT-FFR versus FFR estimated from invasive cor-
images. In the first method of raw data processing (GE), onary angiography has been established in prior multi-
corresponding projections are subtracted, and the differ- center studies,41–43 the current implementation of CT-FFR
ence is reconstructed using FBP to generate the DECT requires a pristine CCTA data set and long computational
images. The image domain method (Siemens) involves time.
generation of standard CT images and then uses the dif-
ferences in Hounsfield units from corresponding voxels to
There are over 15 different types of DECT image-
processing algorithms, with the most common being opti- Coronary CT Angiography in High Heart Rates
mization, differentiation, and quantification algorithms. In and Heart Rate Variability
optimization algorithms (used to generate virtual mono- Faster acquisition times with modern MDCT allow for
energetic images), the density of voxels in Hounsfield units good image quality in patients with high heart rate or
at the 2 energy levels is used to extrapolate and produce arrhythmia. Previously, these patients were scanned with
images at the specified virtual monoenergetic levels (40 to retrospectively gated CCTA, but this was associated with a
190 keV). The low keV images (such as 40 to 60 keV) have relatively high radiation dose. With the new-generation
better contrast (especially good for CT angiography). The scanners and suitable reconstruction methods, diagnostic-
high keV images (such as >100 keV) have lower noise and quality CCTA can be obtained in such patients without
less contrast streaking artifacts.33 Virtual monoenergetic substantial increase in radiation dose. For example, recent
images can be obtained with either image-domain or studies have reported that diagnostic-quality prospectively
projection-domain methods.34,35 triggered CCTA can be obtained with 320–detector-row
Differentiation algorithms are used to differentiate MDCT (scan coverage of 16 cm per gantry rotation allows
structural constituents of a voxel. In this method, a slope of imaging of the whole heart in a single heart beat) in patients
the densities (in HU) at the 2 x-ray energy levels is used as with chronic atrial fibrillation as compared with CCTA in
the basis for differentiation of 2 substances. In other words patients with regular heart rhythm.34 Compared with a 16–
densities above and below the slope are color coded for the detector-row MDCT, the 320–detector-row MDCT pro-
purpose of differentiation. The resultant data sets provide vided far superior results in patients with chronic atrial
virtual noncontrast images (with subtraction of iodine from fibrillation.35 Another study performed on coronary artery
the other tissues) or iodine or contrast-enhanced image bypass grafts using a 256-slice MDCT scanner has reported
(with subtraction of water-based soft tissues from iodine- that graft image quality is not influenced by the absolute
enhanced tissues). The iodine map images can help deter- heart rate but it was influenced by heart rate variability
mine iodine-based contrast enhancement in different tis- Z1 bpm.36 In this study, a total of 78 patients with
sues; for example, with the pulmonary blood volume 254 coronary artery bypass grafts (762 graft segments)
application mode 1 can assess the pulmonary parenchymal were scanned with 270-ms rotation, prospectively
enhancement (similar to perfusion images from the nuclear electrocardiogram (EKG)-gated 256–detector-row MDCT
perfusion scan).36 Quantification algorithms typically use 3- scanner. Diagnostic quality was limited in only about 4%
material decomposition, where 1 material is quantified on of coronary segments, as compared with 22% reported for
the basis of 2 previously defined slopes based on density 16– and 64–detector-row MDCT.44 Likewise, other studies
differences. The materials for the quantification usually are have also reported that newer MDCT scanners have the
the intravenous contrast agents. For example, in the lungs potential to detect coronary arterial stenosis of >50% and
(soft tissue, air, and iodine-based intravenous contrast), the >75% in patients with high (> 65 bpm) or irregular heart
differences in densities between air and soft tissue at the 2 rates with the same image quality of patients with lower and
energy levels are interpreted as displacement along the regular heart rhythm of <65 bpm.45
second slope (iodine). These deviations are color coded to Another study with a single-source, 256-slice MDCT
reveal relative concentration of iodine in the voxel. Whereas (Brilliance iCT; Philips Healthcare) has reported no com-
optimized algorithms generate gray-scale images, the other promise in the diagnostic accuracy of coronary CTA per-
2 algorithms generate color-coded images. formed without beta blockers for heart rates Z90 bpm.5
On third-generation dual-source 192–detector-row
CT-based Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) MDCT scanners, recent studies have reported the feasibility
In patients with moderate luminal narrowing, the FFR of prospectively triggered, high-pitch protocols (up to 3.2:1)
estimated from invasive coronary angiography can help for evaluating coronary arteries in heart rates of up to
determine the hemodynamic significance of coronary artery 70 bpm regardless of the presence or absence of heart rate
stenosis and in making decisions regarding revasculariza- variability.46 On previous generations of dual-source
tion (such as insertion of coronary stents). The FFR rep- MDCT scanners, this scanning mode with high pitch was
resents the ratio of average coronary artery pressure distal limited to patients with lower heart rate (typically
to stenosis to the average thoracic aortic pressure measure <65 bpm) and lower heart rate variability.47,48
during highest coronary blood flow. The importance of The other technique of step and shoot or nonhelical
FFR has been recognized in several studies.37 mode of acquisition of prospectively triggered CCTA is also
Noninvasive estimation of FFR (CT-FFR) can be being increasingly used in patients with higher or irregular
derived from CCTA data using concepts of fluid dynamic heart rate. An advanced arrhythmia rejection algorithm has
modeling.38 CCTA and CT-FFR can provide combined been used in conjunction with prospectively EKG-triggered,

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J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017 Recent Advances in CT Technology

axial CCTA in patients with ectopic or widely irregular heart rate of <60 bpm.57 With the application of IRT
heart rhythm to compensate for changes in the heart rate (ADMIRE; Siemens), diagnostic quality was further
and repeat scanning over the scan position affected by these increased to 96% of patients. Indeed, IRTs have been
fluctuations in heart rhythm.49 A recent study has reported shown to decrease image noise in CCTA compared with
that use of arrhythmia rejection algorithm (Adaptive Cardio FBP algorithms, thereby offering diagnostic quality in low-
Sequential Flex mode; Siemens) with prospectively EKG- dose CCTA protocols.54
triggered axial CCTA in end-systolic phase provides better
diagnostic quality as compared with imaging in diastolic Contrast Volume Reduction for Cardiothoracic
phase.50 CT
Another vendor uses Snapshot Freeze (GE) to reduce Contrast volume reduction for CT scanning may be
the effect of cardiac motion on the ability to visualize cor- important for patients with compromised renal functions in
onary arteries. This technique enabled an improvement in whom noncontrast CT or other imaging modalities may not
image quality and interpretability of CCTA in patients provide information that a contrast-enhanced CT scan can.
scanned with prospectively EKG-triggered CCTA as well as As scanners have become faster with dual-source or wide-
retrospectively gated CCTA examinations.51 area detectors, there has been a decrease in contrast volume
requirement for CCTA. Furthermore, increased use of
Cardiothoracic CT at Reduced Radiation Dose lower kV (r100 kV) can enable reduction in rate and/or
As stated in prior sections, thoracic CT applications volume of injected contrast volume for both chest and
have benefitted in terms of radiation dose reduction with cardiac CT angiography examinations. Cakmacki et al have
availability of IRTs. In fact, pulmonary nodule follow-up reported the use of 40 mL of contrast material for combined
CT and low-dose CT for lung cancer screening can now be CT angiography of pulmonary arteries and the thoracic
performed at radiation doses well under 1 mSv with use of aorta at 80 kV in patients with high risk for contrast-
these reconstruction techniques. induced nephropathy.58,59 The study was performed with a
Several technologic innovations described in prior 128-section MDCT (Siemens Definition AS + , Siemens
sections have enabled dose reduction for CCTA as well. Medical Solutions, Forchheim, Germany); the reported
CCTA has emerged from being one of the highest– tube current was 150 effective mAs.
radiation-dose CT examinations to one among the Faggioni and colleagues have reported that 40 mL of
lowest–radiation-dose examinations, thanks to these 320 mg iodine/mL contrast material at 80 kV can provide
advancements. similar contrast enhancement for CTA of pulmonary
Compared with the retrospectively gated CCTA in arteries as compared with a similar volume of 400 mg
which the x-ray tube is always on during the entire duration iodine/mL contrast material. The study was performed with
of the cardiac cycle(s) over the scan acquisition period, with a commercially available 64-MDCT scanner (LightSpeed
prospectively triggered CCTA the x-ray tube is switched off VCT; GE Healthcare). Scanning parameters reported
during certain periods of the cardiac cycle (systole or dia- included tube voltage of 80 kV, tube current modulation of
stole) to reduce radiation dose. With prospectively triggered 50 to 300 mA, detector configuration of 64 0.625 mm,
EKG-gated CCTA, it is possible to reduce the radiation beam pitch 0.984:1, and tube rotation time of 0.5 s.59,60
dose by up to 70% as compared with the retrospectively A study by Wuest et al evaluated the aortic root
gated CCTA for evaluation of coronary arteries (Fig. 5).52 anatomy and vascular function using ECG-triggered high-
A recent study in 150 patients (with heart rate >75 bpm) pitch (pitch = 3.4) spiral dual-source CT with minimized
undergoing CCTA has shown that prospectively triggered (40 mL) volume of contrast agent. The scanner used was a
CCTA in end-systole can provide diagnostic quality in second-generation dual-source CT system (Somatom Defi-
patients with high heart rate as in such patients the diastolic nition Flash; Siemens Healthcare, Forchheim, Germany).
period is substantially smaller while the systolic period of This study showed that high-pitch protocol allowed for
cardiac cycle remains relatively unchanged. preprocedural CT evaluation of TAVI with low volume of
Increased use of 80 to 100 kV for CCTA as described contrast agent while preserving the diagnostic image
above has enabled substantial radiation dose reduction as quality.61
compared with 120 kV.39,53 Prior studies have reported a Compared with legacy MDCT scanners (eg, 4–
31% to 38% dose reduction at 100 kV compared with detector-row MDCT) requiring up to 140 mL of contrast
120 kV without compromising the image quality and the volume for CCTA, 80 to 100 mL contrast volume is suffi-
rate of diagnostic examinations.40 CCTA at 80 kV has also cient for 64-MDCT, and <80 mL contrast volume is
been reported extensively in the literature, particularly in practical for more advanced MDCT scanners.38,61 Recent
nonobese patients,54,55 with up to 70% decreased radiation studies suggest that injection protocols with contrast vol-
dose at 80 kV compared with CCTA at 120 kV.56 Use of umes of about 40 to 50 mL can provide sufficient coronary
lower kV helps reduce radiation dose with preserved arterial enhancement for CTCA on 64-MDCT62,63 and 320-
interpretability, but with an increase in image noise, which MDCT.64
can limit its use particularly in obese or larger patients On dual-source CT as well as wide-area detector CT
without associated increase in the tube current to offset the (such as 256 or 320 detector rows), the ultrashort acquis-
increase in image noise associated with lower kV. Avail- ition time helps reduce the volume of contrast material for
ability of more powerful x-ray tubes (eg, in third-generation diagnostic opacification of coronary arteries. Effect of
dual-source MDCT [Force; Siemens]) with tube currents up lower contrast volume on image quality with high-pitch,
to 1300 mAs at tube voltages of 70 kV has further expanded prospectively EKG-triggered dual-source MDCT of the
the use of lower kV for CCTA. Recent studies have coronary arteries has been reported in prior studies; coro-
reported that 70 kV at 450 mAs can substantially reduce the nary attenuation cutoff limit of 300 HU in coronary arteries
radiation dose while maintaining the diagnostic quality of can be obtained with 30 mL in women and with 40 mL of
CCTA in 92% of patients below 100 kg and with a regular contrast material in men.65 However, use of such low

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Tabari et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017

FIGURE 5. An 81-year-old man underwent CT angiography of the heart and the thoracoabdominal aorta to assess for feasibility of
percutaneous transfemoral aortic valve replacement on a second-generation dual-source 128-section multidetector-row CT. The aortic
root and heart were imaged with systolic prospectively triggered EKG-gated technique while the remainder of the thoracoabdominal
aorta was assessed with high-pitch scanning (pitch 3.2:1). Transverse image (A) demonstrates aortic valve and coronary artery calci-
fication. The volume-rendered image (B) demonstrates scattered atherosclerotic disease of the thoracic and abdominal aorta with a
small sacular aneurysm of the distal abdominal aorta.

contrast volume with this technique is limited to patients diagnostic quality with 80/100 kV using 60 mL of con-
with low heart rates (< 65 to 70 bpm) in whom high-pitch trast.66 The study recommended the use of 80 kV for
prospectively EKG-triggered CCTA can be performed with patients with body mass index from 23 to 25 kg/m2 and
acceptable diagnostic accuracy. 100 kV for those with body mass index >25 kg/m2.
Availability of algorithms for use of lower kV in As described in the preceding sections, application of
CCTA as well as automatic kV selection techniques also lower kV for CCTA has also been aided by the availability
enable reduction in contrast volume for CCTA. Most of x-ray tubes with higher mA thresholds as well as by the
patients with body mass index r30 kg/m2 can be scanned denoising capabilities of advanced IRTs, which helps offset
at 80 to 100 kV for CCTA, which can facilitate the use of the increase in noise with use of lower kV.
lower contrast volume in these patients. Use of lower kV
not only improves the image contrast but also helps reduce Thoracic Oncologic Applications of DECT
the radiation dose with CCTA. Although most scanners Until the 1990s, pulmonary nodules were imaged with
enable up to 80 kV as the lowest tube potential, some 2 kV settings, a technique that was later widely discredited.
scanners now enable scanning at 70 kV. A recent study has A single-phase, postcontrast DECT can simultaneously
reported that combining 70 kV with prospectively EKG- help assess calcification (from virtual unenhanced images)
triggered high-pitch CCTA can provide diagnostic infor- and the degree and pattern of contrast enhancement in
mation with only 30 mL of contrast in patients with body pulmonary nodules. Prior studies have assessed the use of
mass index <23 kg/m2, which is comparable to the dual-phase DECT for characterization of pulmonary


FIGURE 6. A 79-year-old man underwent DECT of the chest for evaluation of pulmonary embolism. Lung window image (A) dem-
onstrates 2 subpleural opacities in the left posterior costophrenic recess. The medial opacity (arrow) demonstrates no contrast
enhancement in the mediastinal window (B) with lack of iodine enhancement on the pulmonary blood volume image (C), which is
larger than the size of the medial opacity—features compatible with pulmonary infarct given the presence of occlusive left lower lobe
segmental pulmonary embolism. The lateral opacity (star) shows contrast enhancement (B) and increased iodine uptake (C) consistent
with focus of atelectasis.

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J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017 Recent Advances in CT Technology


FIGURE 7. A 58-year-old woman with compromised renal function (estimated glomerular filtrate rate of 28 mg/mL) underwent dual-
energy CT pulmonary angiography on a dual-source 128-section multidetector CT (Siemens Definition Flash) using 15 mL of intra-
venous contrast (Iopamidol, 370 mg%). Transverse images (A and B) demonstrated optimum contrast enhancement in the pulmonary
arteries and cardiac chambers. Note the small nonocclusive filling defects (arrows) in bilateral lower lobe pulmonary arteries suggestive
of pulmonary embolism.

nodules.67 These studies have reported that the malignant whereas xenon ventilation CT can be used to generate a
nodules retain more contrast on delayed DECT images ventilation map.75,76 Even without the ventilation CT with
acquired at 180 s delayed DECT as compared with benign xenon, DECT can provide useful information on pulmo-
nodules, which demonstrate early contrast washout. nary parenchymal enhancement, which helps identify per-
Kawai and colleagues have also reported the useful- fusion defects and pulmonary infarcts.73,77 The iodine
ness of DECT in a small study of 24 patients with ground- images are necessary to exclude unrelated defects in
glass opacities. The authors found contrast enhancement in pulmonary embolism, including artifacts, pulmonary
22 adenocarcinomas on iodine map images but not in sequestrations, and parenchymal diseases such as emphy-
patients with pulmonary hemorrhage or inflammatory sema or cysts (Fig. 6).73,78
masses.68 Although encouraging, larger multicenter trials The combination of iodine-density images with CTPA
are needed to establish the veracity of these findings for can have 100% positive and negative predictive values in
characterization of ground-glass opacities. Initial studies diagnosing pulmonary embolism. A normal iodine map can
have also shown potential for dual-phase DECT for dif- rule out a pulmonary embolism with high negative pre-
ferentiating benign from malignant mediastinal masses.69 dictive value.73,79 In addition, recent studies have demon-
The iodine concentration on both early-phase and delayed- strated that contrast volume can be substantially reduced
phase postcontrast DECT was higher in malignant masses for evaluation of CT pulmonary embolism using the DE-
as compared with that in nonmalignant masses in the CTA technique (Fig. 7).80
mediastinum. Both studies had a small sample size, neces- Virtual noncontrast images obtained from DECT
sitating the need for larger-sample–sized, multicenter CT can help in the detection of intramural hematoma in aortic
studies to confirm these findings. dissection as well as in the monitoring of aortic endo-
DECT can help in primary staging of tumors, in grafts.73
assessment of the vascularity of lesions on iodine map Recent studies suggest the feasibility of single-phase
images, in assessment of angiogenesis in thoracic meta- DECT angiography to detect endoleaks.81 Detecting aortic
stases, and in assessment of lung function.70,71 DECT of the endoleaks can be improved with increase conspicuity of
chest can also help in therapy monitoring by enabling iodine with iodine images and low keV monochromatic
objective, easy, and fast parameterization of the tumor size images.82 Subsequently, in patients who underwent post-
and contrast medium uptake in 1 step. Recent studies have endovascular aneurysm repair and might need lifelong
reported better delineation between lymph nodes and follow-up examination, the total amount of radiation dose
thoracic vessels on low keV virtual monoenergetic images.72 can be reduced with single-phase DECT angiography.83

Thoracic Vascular Applications of DECT

MDCT pulmonary angiography has limited ability in CURRENT LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE
detecting small segmental and subsegmental emboli. Virtual INNOVATIONS
monochromatic images at lower keV (< 40 to 60) increase Despite several technologic advantages, there still
the image contrast and enable analysis of peripheral remains a rather large room for improvements in current
pulmonary arteries and more confident evaluation of sub- state-of-the-art MDCT scanners. From the standpoint of
segmental pulmonary embolism.73,74 Recent studies have spatial resolution, the ability to resolve smaller airways and
demonstrated the utility of virtual monochromatic images at interstitial pulmonary structures remains elusive and would
40 keV for evaluation of subpleural arteriole enhancement.73 require at least 2- to 4-fold improvement in current resolution.
Applying DECT angiography (DE-CTA) for the Improvements in spatial resolution will also help CCTA to
evaluation of perfusion defects in cases of pulmonary better quantify luminal stenosis and tackle at least a part of
embolism can make it possible to replace nuclear medicine– the calcified and stent-related blooming artifacts that neg-
based ventilation and perfusion scanning. DECT iodine atively affect the interpretation of the coronary arteries and
map demonstrates the distribution of pulmonary perfusion, their luminal patency. The ability to visualize smaller

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Tabari et al J Thorac Imaging  Volume 32, Number 2, March 2017

coronary arteries and collateral circulation will also benefit CONCLUSIONS

from such improvements in MDCT capabilities. Recent technologic advances in MDCT have led to
Coronary calcium still remains a major limitation in notable improvements in both cardiac and thoracic appli-
CCTA. Calcium in coronary plaques creates a “blooming” cations of CT. From availability of faster and more pow-
artifact, which produces a falsely enlarged appearance of the erful MDCT scanners to DECT technologies, these
plaque from partial-volume averaging effects, thereby over- advances have enabled a host of potential improvements
estimating the severity of stenosis and leading to potential in cardiothoracic applications of CT, spanning from
false-positive results. Blooming artifacts from heavily calcified improved diagnostic quality, reduced contrast volume, to
plaques degrade the accuracy of CCTA to the point that reduced radiation dose.
measurement of luminal stenosis often becomes impossible.
A number of studies have specifically addressed the REFERENCES
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