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Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________

Read each story then answer the questions.

Blake's Blouse
Blake is wearing a blue blouse. Her blue
blouse has black buttons. Her blue blouse
looks good with her blonde hair. Blake spills
black ink on her blue blouse while blowing
bubbles. Blake puts bleach on her blue
blouse. The blot of ink is gone and Blake's
blue blouse looks new again.

1. What is the color of Blake’s blouse?

2. What happened while she was blowing bubbles?

3. What did Blake put on her blouse?

©Donna Zerda
Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________
Read each story then answer the questions.

Cloudy Day
Clarita's alarm clock went off at seven o'clock.
Clarita saw grey clouds above the cliff outside
her window. Clarita went to the library but it
was closed. Clarita went home instead to clean
the house. Clarita washed some dirty clothes.
It was a tiring day so it's time to watch
television with two clowns clapping together.

1. What time did Clarita wake up?

2. What did Clarita see outside her window?

3. What did Clarita watch?

©Donna Zerda

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