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Name: _________________________________________ 3rd Quarter Worksheet Three

Subject: Chemistry 2019/2020 A.Y Page range 65 - 95
Grade: Seven Section ________ Date: ________________________________________

I. Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is not. Neatness counts
__________ 1. Neutrons are positively charged particles.
__________ 2. Mass number is the sum of the number of protons and the number of
neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
__________ 3. Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons
and neutrons.
__________4. The number of proton and electron is the same for charged atom.
__________ 5. The number of electrons for Calcium ion ( ) is 20.
__________ 6. When an atom is negatively charged, the number of electron is greater than
__________ 7. Noble gases do not exist as diatomic molecules.
__________ 8. The valences for Mg and Ca are the same.
__________ 9. The oxidation number of hydrogen in CH4 is +1.
__________10. The total number of atoms in three moles of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) is 18
II. Match Sub particles in Column "A" with its mass in Column "B". Neatness
_________ 1. Electron A. 1.673 x 10-27kg
_________ 2. Neutron B. 1.675 x 10-27kg
_________ 3. Proton C. 9.11 x 10-31kg
D.1.6 x 10-19coulombs
III. Choose and write the correct answer for the given alternatives on the
space provided. Neatness count.
__________ 1. The isotope of hydrogen with two neutron number is __________.
A. tritium B. deuterium C. protium D. none
__________ 2. Isotopes have the same atomic number but different ______________.
A. physical properties B. neutron number
B. mass number D. all
__________ 3. Which one is the lightest sub-atomic particle?
A. proton B. neutron C. electron D. nucleus

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
__________ 4. If an atom lose electron it becomes __________.
A. compound B. molecule C. anion D. cation
__________ 5. The only element that contains equal atomic number and mass
number is _____
A. sodium B. helium C. lithium D. hydrogen
__________ 6. The atomic view of matter was originated by _________________.
A. Greece B. Egyptian C. British philosopher D. American
__________ 7. Mass number is the sum of neutron number and __________.
A. atomic number B. atomic mass C. proton number D. A and C
__________ 8. The number of electron in is ____________.
A. 1 B. 17 C. 18 D. 16
__________ 9. The amount of charge on an electron was determined by ___________.
A. Rutherford B. Dalton C. Aristotle D. Millikan
__________10. A negatively charged atom is called _______.
A. gas B. molecules C. anion D. cation
__________11. Which one of the following is not a poly atomic ion?
A. B. CO32- C. NH4+ D.
__________12. Which one is a radical?
A. Br- B. Fe2+ C. D. Mg2+
__________ 13. What is the coefficient of potassium after balancing the equation?

A. 2 B. 6 C. 4 D. 3
__________ 14. “The mass of substance before the reaction is equal to the mass of the
substance after reaction?” this is the law of _____________________.
A. constant proportion B. definite proportion
C. multiple proportion D. conservation of mass
IV. Fill in the blank space. Spelling and Neatness count.
1. The number of electrons for nitrogen ion ( ) is ______________
2. The part of an atom discovered by Rutherford was _____________________

V. Give short answer. Neatness counts.

1) Balance the following equation by applying algebraic method?
a. Iron (III) hydroxide + sulphuric acid Iron (III) sulphate + water

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
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Name: _________________________________________ 3rd Quarter Worksheet Three

Subject: Biology 2019/2020 A.Y Page range 70 - 104
Grade: Seven Section ________ Date: ________________________________________

I. Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is not. Neatness counts.
___________1. A flower is the part of the plant that makes the seeds.
___________2. Cross pollination is pollination between flowers of separate plants of the same
___________3. The site of plants in which gas exchange with the environment takes place is
vascular bundles.
___________4. Animals living on land are called arboreal animals.
___________5. Insects are among the diverse groups of animals on the planet.
___________6. Complete metamorphosis is a complete change of from involving four main
___________7. Flowers are the reproductive organs of the gymnosperm.
___________8. Seeds in flowering plants are produced in the stigma.
___________9. In vegetative reproduction, offspring are supported by parents.
___________10. The structure of a flowering plant that transports food from the leaves to the other
parts is phloem.
II. Match the following items. Neatness counts.
___________ 1. Vegetative part of plant A. a flower that has both the male (stamen) and
female (pistil) parts
___________ 2. Pollination B. organisms that synthesize their own foods from
simple in organic substance
___________ 3. Gymnosperms C. plants from unprotected seed, which are not
covered by ovary or fruits.
___________ 4. Autotrophs D. the process of the transfer of pollen grains from
one flower to another flower.
___________ 5. Monocot E. a flowering plants basically with one cotyledon
in their seeds
___________6. Perfect flower F. parts of a plant which are not directly related
to sexual reproductive system
III. Choose and write the correct answer from the given alternatives on the
space provided. Neatness counts.
___________ 1. Which organ of a plant is not part of the shoot system?
A. flower B. stem C. leave D. root
___________ 2. Which of the following is the male part of a flower?
A. stamen B. carpel C. sepal D. petal

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
___________ 3. Vegetative reproduction involving bulbs occurs in ______________.
A. wild strawberry B. banana C. garlic D. ginger
___________ 4. Which of the following plants an example is of decocts?
A. barely B. wheat C. corn D. beans
___________ 5. Which of the following is not a form of vegetative reproduction?
A. runners B. spore formation C. buds D. bulds
___________ 6. Which of the following parts of leaf is also known as the main vein?
A. blade B. petiole C. midrib D. margin
___________ 7. Of the two sperm nuclei produced by every pollen grain, the one that fuse
with polar nuclei, produces ________________.
A. fruit B. endosperm C. pollen tube D. zygote
___________ 8. An insects wing arise from its _________________.
A. head B. abdomen C. cephalo thorax D. thorax
___________ 9. The body part of an insect that contains the reproductive structure is ____________.
A. head B. thorax C. abdomen D. leg
___________ 10. The science of insect is called __________________.
A. cytology B. taxonomy C. entomology D. all
IV. Fill in the blank space with correct answers. Neatness counts.
1. _______________________ are large colorful attractive part of a flower.
2. The pollen tube enters into ovule through the opening of ovary known as
V. Give short answer. Neatness counts.
1) List down the main functions of stem.
a. ______________________________________
b. ______________________________________
c. ______________________________________
d. ______________________________________

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
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+251-118-32-30-60 / +251-113-69-52-09 +251—910-43-54-71 E-mail: -

Name: _________________________________________ 3rd Quarter Worksheet Three

Subject: Physics 2019/2020 A.Y Page range 80 - 113
Grade: Seven Section ________ Date: ________________________________________

I. Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is not. Neatness

__________ 1. Potential energy is energy of an object due to its position.
__________ 2. Lightning is an example of mechanical energy.
__________ 3. Efficiency of machines is η .
__________ 4. A force exerted by the machine is called effort.
__________ 5. The mechanical advantage of a machine refers to the performance of a
__________ 6. The difference between the input work and the output work is the energy
__________ 7. Compound machines are machines made by combining two or more
simple machines together.
II. Match the following items. Neatness counts.
__________ 8. MA A. the ratio load to effort
__________ 9. VR B. the ratio SE to SL
__________10. η C.
__________11. Wout put D. —
__________12. Winput E. the ratio Woutput to Winput
__________13. Waste energy F.
III. Choose and write the correct answer from the given alternative on the
space provided. Neatness count.
__________ 14. The mechanical advantage of a certain machine is 4. What is the effort
required in order to lift a load 2000N?
A. 500N B. 200N C. 250N D. 50N
__________ 15. If MA of a simple machine is greater than one, the machine is ________.
A. energy multiplier C. force multiplier
B. speed multiplier D. distance multiplier
__________ 16. Which one of the following equation correctly defined efficiency of simple
A. η B. C. D.

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
__________ 17. Which one of the following machine is used to split wood?
A. wedge B. screw C. pulley D. lever
__________ 18. Machines enable doing work ________.
A. easier B. faster C. force D. conveniently
__________ 19. According to the law of conservation of energy can be __________________.
A. created but not destroyed C. created but destroyed
B. neither be created nor destroyed D. destroyed but created
__________ 20. If MA of a simple machine is less than one, the machine is ______________.
A. speed multiplier B. force multiplier
C. distance multiplier D. direction change
__________ 21. ___________________ is the ability of a body to do work.
A. Power B. Work C. Energy D. Machine
__________ 22. A 60kg man jumps down from 0.8m table. What is the speed when he hits the
ground (g=10m/s2)
A. 16m/s B. 8m/s C. √ m/s D. 4m/s
__________ 23. A simple machine is able to move a 400N load distance of 20cm when
effort of 20N is moved through a distance of 5m. What is the VR of
A. 2.5 B. 25 C. 0.25 D. 4
__________ 24. Mechanical energy is the sum total of _______ and _______
A. kinetic energy and power B. potential energy and kinetic energy
C. potential energy and work D. all
__________ 25. Which one of the following is not the purpose of machines?
A. multiplying speed B. transferring energy
C. multiplying force D. multiplying energy
__________ 26. The velocity ratio of a single movable pulley is always equal to ____________.
A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4
IV. Work out the following items. Neatness counts.
1. A 500N car is pulled up to 20m plank to a flat from 5m above the ground by an
effort of 150N parallel to the plank. Calculate.
a. VR of the machine
b. MA of the machine
c. input work
d. output work
e. efficiency
f. wastage energy

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
ይህንን ወረክሽት
ከመስራታችሁ በፊት
የተጠቀሰውን ገፅ
ከመፅሐፋችሁ ማንበብ
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ስም: _________________________________3ኛ ሩብ ዓመት ወርክሽት: ሶስት

የት/ት ዓይነት፡ ሥነ ዜጋና ሥነ - ምግባር 2012 ዓ.ም ገፅ 71 - 104
ክፍል: ሰባተኛ ሴክሽን ________ ቀን: ______________________________

ሀ. የሚከተለትን ጥያቄዎች ትክክሌ ከሆነ እውነት ትክክሌ ካሌሆነ ሐሰት በማሇት

መሌሳችሁን በተሰጠው ቦታ ሊይ ፃፈ፡፡ ንፅህና ዋጋአሇው፡፡
__________ 1. በራሱ የሚተማመን ሰው ስሇ ድክመቱና ስሊሇበት እጥረት የሚያውቀው ነገር የሇም፡፡
__________ 2. ኮንትሮባንድ ንግድ ሇሀገር እድገት የተወሰነ ጠቀሜታ አሇው፡፡
__________ 3. የማህበራዊ ጥገኝነት ያሇበት ዜጋ ክብሩን ሇላልች አሳሌፍ ይሰጣሌ፡፡
__________ 4. የተሟሊ አገሌግልትን ሇዜጎች ሇመስጠት የሙያ ስነምግባር ብቻውን በቂ ነው፡፡
__________ 5. ምንጊዜም ቢሆን የግሌ ስራዎች ብቻ የሊቀ ውጤት ሇማስመዝገብ ያግዛለ፡፡
__________ 6. የሥራ ባህሌን ሇማዳበር ሳይሰሩ መብሊትን ማስወገድ ተገቢ ነው፡፡
__________ 7. የሊቀ ስራ ውጤት ከቤተሰብ ይወረሳሌ፡፡
__________ 8. ቁጠባ ሉቆጠብ የሚችሇው በገንዘብ እና በዓይነት ብቻ ነው፡፡
__________ 9. ስግብግብነት ከቁጠባ የተሇየ ጽንሰ ሃሳብ ነው፡፡
__________10. ሇኤች.አይ.ቪ/ኤድስ ዋነኛ መስፊፉያ የሆነው ጉዳይ የግንዛቤ እጥረት ነው፡፡
__________11. የአንድ ሀገር ዕድገት የሚወሰነው ሕዝብ ሇጊዜው በሚሰጠው ግምት ነው፡፡
__________12. በኢ.ፋ.ዴ.ሪ ሕገ መንግስት የተደነገጉ የኢኮኖሚ መብቶች የዜጎችን ተጠቃሚነት ያስቀራለ፡፡

ሇ. የሚከተለትን በ “ሀ” ስር የተዘረዘሩትን በ “ሇ” ስር ካለት አቻቸው ጋር አዛምዱ፡፡

ንፅህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
ሀ ሇ
________ 1. የጊዜ ቁጠባ ሀ. በራስ አቅም መስራት የሚቻሌን ከላሊ
ሰው መጠበቅ
________ 2. ሳይሰሩ መብሊት ሇ. በትንሽ ሰዓት ብዙ ስራ መከወን
________ 3. የኢኮኖሚ መብት ሐ. ዜጎችን ሇበሇጠ ስራ የሚያተጋ
________ 4. ኮንትሮባንድ መ. ባሇሙያው ያሇው አቅም እና ሌምድ
________ 5. በራስ መተማመን ሠ. የጥገኝነት መንስኤ
________ 6. የሙያ ስነምግባር ረ. ስሇራስ በቂ ግንዛቤ መኖር
________ 7. ሇሊቀ የስራ ውጤት ክብር መስጠት ሰ. የሀገርን ኢኮኖሚ ያዋዥቃሌ
________ 8. የሙያ ችልታ ሸ. ዜጎችን እኩሌ ተጠቃሚ የማድረግ ዓሊማ
ቀ. ሙያው የሚጠይቀው ደንብና መመሪያ

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
ሐ. ሇሚከተለት ጥያቄዎች ትክክሇኛውን መሌስ የያዘውን ፉደሌ መርጣችሁ በተሰጠው
ቦታ ሊይ ፃፈ፡፡ ንፅህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
_____ 1. ከተዘረዘሩት መካከሌ የተሇየ ሐሳብ የያዘው የቱ ነው?
ሀ. ቁጠባና ስግብግብነት የአንድ ሳንቲም ሁሇት ገጽታዎች ናቸው
ሇ. ቁጠባን በተሇያዩ መንገዶች ማከናወን ይቻሊሌ
ሐ. ቁጠባ ዛሬን ተቸግሮ ሇወደፉት መሇወጥን ያመሇክታሌ
መ. ሁለም መሌስ ነው
____ 2.ሇሀገር ሌማት እና እድገት እንቅፊት ከሆኑት ውስጥ የማይመደበው የቱ ነው?
ሀ. ቁጠባ ሇ. በራስ መተማመን ሐ. ራስን መቻሌ መ. ሁለም ሠ. መሌሱ የሇም
____ 3. ኤች.አይ.ቪ/ኤድስ፤
ሀ. ማህበራዊ ቀውሶችን ያስከትሊሌ
ሇ. ኢኮኖሚያዊ ችግሮቹ እምብዛም አይደለም
ሐ. ስርጭቱ ቀንሷሌ
መ. ከሰሐራ በሊይ ባለ ሀገራቶች እየተስፊፊ አይደሇም
____ 4. ጠንካራ የስራ ባህሌን ሇማዳበር፤
ሀ. የዜጎች የሥራ ተነሳሽነት መዳበር አሇበትሐ. ዜጎች ሥራዎችን ከመንግስት መጠበቅ አሇባቸው
ሇ. የዜጎች የጥገኝነት መንፇስ መጎሌበት አሇበት መ. ሁለም መሌስ ናቸው
____ 5. ከላልች ሇመማር ዝግጁ የሆነ ሰው፤
ሀ. በራሱ ይተማመናሌ ሐ. ስሇራሱ ያሇው ግንዛቤ ያነሰ ነው
ሇ. ጥገኛ ነው መ. ሀ እና ሐ መሌስ ናቸው
መ. ሇሚከተለት ጥያቄዎች አጭር ማብራሪያ ፃፈ፡፡ ንፅህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
1) የኮንትሮባንድ ንግድ ከሚያስከትሊቸው ችግሮች ውስጥ ሶስቱን ጥቀሱ፡፡
ሀ. ________________________________________
ሇ. ________________________________________
ሐ. _______________________________________
2) ጥገኝነት ምን ማሇት ነው?

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
ይህንን ወረክሽት
ከመስራታችሁ በፊት
የተጠቀሰውን ገፅ
ከመፅሐፋችሁ ማንበብ
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ስም: _________________________________ 3ኛ ሩብ ዓመት ወርክሽት: ሶስት

የት/ት ዓይነት፡ አማርኛ 2012 ዓ.ም ገፅ 86 – 156
ክፍል: ሰባተኛ ሴክሽን ________ ቀን: ______________________________

ሀ. የሚከተለትን ጥያቄዎች ትክክሌ ከሆነ እውነት ትክክሌ ካሌሆነ ደግሞ ሐሰት በማሇት
መሌሳችሁን ፃፈ፡፡ ንፅህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
_________ 1. “ነገ” ይህ ተውሳከ ግስ የተሰጠንን ግስ ከጊዜ አንፃር ያጎሊምሳሌ፡፡
_________ 2. ሀተታ የሚባሇው የአንቀጽ ክፌሌ ዝርዝር ሃሳቦች የታጨቁበት ነው፡፡
_________ 3. አዎንታዊ ዏ.ነገር ምሊሽን የሚሹ ናቸው፡፡
_________ 4. አንቀፆች ተገቢ ማጠቃሇያ መያዛቸው የፅሁፌ ጥራት ማረጋገጫ ነው፡፡
_________ 5. ግጭት በሌቦሇድ ውስጥ ያለ ባሇታሪኮችን መተባበር ያሳያሌ፡፡
_________ 6. ክርክር ከንግግር የቋንቋ ክህልት ውስጥ አይመደብም፡፡
_________ 7. በማወዳደር እና ማነፃፀር ስሌት አንቀጽን መፃፌ ይቻሊሌ፡፡
_________ 8. ጥገኛ መስተፃምር የነጠሊ ዓ.ነገርን ማሰሪያ አንቀጽ ያሰራሌ፡፡
_________ 9. ድርብ ዏ.ነገሮችን ሇመሇያየት ድርብ ሰረዝን እንጠቀማሇን፡፡
_________10. ጭብጥ በተውኔት ውስጥ ያሇን ፌሬ ሃሳብ ይገሌፃሌ፡፡
ሇ. በ“ሀ” ስር የተዘረዘሩትን ቃሊቶች በ“ሇ” ከተዘረዘሩት ተመሳሳያቸውን በመምረጥ
አዛምዱ፡፡ ንፅህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
ሀ ሇ
_________ 1. ቦዘኔ ሀ. በሌክ የተቆረጠ ስጋ
_________ 2. ፀፀት ሇ. ወሬኛ
_________ 3. ሙዳ ሐ. የሣር ዓይነት
_________ 4. ወናፌ መ. ተከራከረ
_________ 5. ገሣ ሠ. ሽታ
_________ 6. ሞገተ ረ. ሥርዓት አሌባ
_________ 7. የመስቀሌ ወፌ ሰ. አቅም አነሰኝ
_________ 8. እጅ አጠረኝ ሸ. ቁጭት
_________ 9. መዘዝ ቀ. ብዙም የማይታይ
_________10. ጠረን በ. ችግር
ተ. እጄን አመመኝ
ሐ. ሇሚከተለት ጥያቄዎች ከተሰጡት አማራጮች ትክክሇኛውን መሌስ የያዘውን ፉደሌ
መርጣችሁ በተሰጠው ቦታ ሊይ ፃፈ፡፡ ንፅህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
_______ 1. በሌቦሇድ ወይም በተውኔት ውስጥ ያለ የታሪክ መነሻ ቦታ እና ጊዜን የሚያመሇክተው
የቱ ነው?
ሀ. ግጭት ሇ. መቼት ሐ. ገፀ ባህሪ መ. ጭብጥ
_______ 2. ከሚከተለት መካከሌ ጠብቆና ሊሌቶ ሉነበብ የማይችሇው የትኛው ነው?
ሀ. ክርክር ሇ. ድርድር ሐ. መጣ መ. ያሇው

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
_______ 3. ሁሇት ነጠሊ ዏ.ነገሮችን አያያዥን በመጠቀም እና በማጣመር ሉመሰረት የሚችሌ ዏ.ነገር
የትኛው ነው?
ሀ. ነጠሊ ዏ.ነገር ሇ. ድርብ ዏ.ነገር ሐ. አዎንታዊ ዏ.ነገር መ. ሐተታዊ ዏ.ነገር
_______ 4. ከሚከተለት መካከሌ ግስን ከሁኔታ አንፃር የሚያጎሊምስ የተውሳከ ግስ ዓይነት የቱ ነው?
ሀ. እዚህ ሇ. ቅድም ሐ. በቀሊለ መ. ትናንት
_______ 5. ንግግር ስናደርግ ሌንከተሇው ከሚገባ ነጥብ ውስጥ የማይካከተተው የትኛው ነው?
ሀ. ንግግርን በምክንያት እና ውጤት ሊይ መመስረት
ሇ. የአድማጭን ስሜት ችሊ ማሇት
ሐ. አካሊዊ እንቅስቃሴን ማድረግ
መ. የተሇያዩ የአገሊሇጽ ስሌትን መጠቀም
መ. ሇሚከተለት ጥያቄዎች አጭር ማብራሪያ በፅሑፌ ስጡ፡፡ ንፅህና ዋጋ አሇው፡፡
1. የሚከተለትን ቃሊቶች ነጣጥሊችሁ ፃፈ፡፡

ሀ. ጠጣርነትና__________________________________

ሇ ኦክስጅን_____________________________________

2. ክርክር ሇማድረግ ከሚያስፇሌጉ መመሪያዎች ውስጥ ሁሇቱን ጥቀሱ፡፡

ሀ. ______________________________________________________________

ሇ _______________________________________________________________

3. ግጭት ምን ማሇት ነው?


April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
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Name: _________________________________________ 3rdQuarter Worksheet Three

Subject: English 2019/2020 A.Y Page range 1 - 44
Grade: Seven Section ________ Date: ________________________________________

I. Match the words under column ‘A’ with their meanings under ‘B’.
Neatness counts.
___________1. Battle A. a large amount
___________2. Retreat B. the ability to do something you know is difficult
___________3. Courage C. a fight between armies
___________4. Control D. to move away in defeat
___________5. Sprint E. to have power over something
___________6. Exceptional F. great courage
___________7. Endurance G. unusual or uncommon
H. to run very fast
II. Choose the correct answer and write the letter of your choice on the
given space provided. Neatness counts.
___________ 1. My car __________________ black last week.
B. painted B. is painted C. was painted D. had painted
___________ 2. In passive sentences the _____________ is the subject of the sentence.
B. doer of the action B. receiver of the action C. action D.
___________ 3. I will not help you if you don‟t tell me the truth. The dependent clause is
B. I will not help you C. if you
C. if you don‟t tell me the truth D. I will not
___________ 4. The root word of the word „Immoral‟ is _________________.
B. immoral B. Im- C. moral D. mmoral
___________ 5. I didn‟t ________________ what she said.
A. here B. hear C. her D. hare
___________ 6. They forgot to take __________________ books.
A. there B. their C. they‟re D. all
___________ 7. The blue car is _______________ the red car.
A. more fast than B. faster than C. the fastest D. fast
___________ 8. This is the _________________ shirt in the store.
A. expensivest B. more expensive than C. most expensive D.
___________ 9. ______________ black cats are running in the field.
A. A B. An C. The D. all

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
___________ 10. When she reaches home, we will give her present. The dependent clause in this
sentence is __________________
A. when she reaches home C. her present
B. we will give her present D. when she
___________ 11. This worksheet __________________ by our teacher.
A. prepares B. prepared C. is prepared D. was prepare
___________ 12. I wanted to travel all summer, _________________ I ran out of money.
A. and B. or C. but D. nor
___________ 13. It‟s made from wheat __________________.
A. flower B. floor C. flour D. flat
___________ 14. They took blood from my ________________.
A. vane B. vein C. vain D. van
III. Decide if the given sentences are passive or active. Neatness counts.
3. The emperor ordered the soldiers to go the battle. ________________________
4. Many people died at the battle. ______________________________
5. She was asked to tell the truth. ________________________________
6. All the chairs were occupied. _________________________________
IV. Change the following active sentence to passive. Neatness counts.
1. She gave me an advice. (write two passive forms)
2. He prepares dinner for the family.
3. The cook mixed the flour and the sugar.
4. The soldiers keep our country safe.

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
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Name: _________________________________________ 3rdQuarter Worksheet Three

Subject: Social Studies 2019/2020 A.Y Page range 71 - 99
Grade: Seven Section ________ Date: ________________________________________
I. Write True if the statement is correct or false if it is not. Neatness counts.
__________ 1.Africa has five different types of natural vegetation.
__________ 2.Equatorial rain forests are known as tropical lowland forest.
__________ 3.Even the climatic condition of desert is not suitable it have large number of
__________ 4.The vegetation found in the Mediterranean region is called maquis.
__________ 5.Almost 90% of the earth‟s surface is covered by water.
__________ 6. Water pollution refers to any undesirable change in the quality of water.
__________ 7.The major cause of erosion in the desert is wind.
__________ 8.Crop rotation improves soil fertility.
__________ 9.Natural resources are interdependent.
__________10.Sheet erosion results in the removal of a uniform depth of soil.
II. Match the following items. Neatness counts.
__________ 1.Equatorial rain forest A. for educational research in animal science
__________ 2.Savannah vegetation B. for fuel wood production
__________ 3.Desert and semi-desert C. elephant, giraffe, zebra
_________4.Mediterranean vegetation D. human being, rat, ape etc…
__________ 5.Tropical highland vegetation E. lion, tiger, hyena
__________ 6.Herbivorous animals F. mountain grass lands
__________ 7.Omnivores animals G. maquis
__________ 8.Carnivorous animals H. xerophytes
__________ 9.Importance of wild animals I. scattered trees & treeless grassland
__________10.Importance of natural J. ebony, mahogany, rose wood
III. Choose and write the correct answers from the given alternatives on the
space provided. Neatness counts.
________ 1.Which one of the following is equatorial rain forest hard wood trees?
A. iron wood B. cactus C. acacia D. grasses
________ 2.________ a vegetation found in the Sahara, Sahel& Kalahari region.
A. Equatorial rain forest C. Mediterranean
B. Tropical highland D. Desert and Semi-Desert

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
________ 3.Which one of the following factor that affects natural vegetation?
A. forestation degradation C. impeded forest regeneration
B. deforestation D. all are answers
________ 4.Why people hunt wild animals?
A. because of seeking for meat C. because of seeking for fur
B. because of seeking for fuel wood D. „A‟ and „B‟
________ 5.Gulf of Guinea for West Africa ____________ is for Eastern Africa.
A. gulf of Aden B. gulf of Bablmendeb C. gulf of Suez D. none
________ 6.Which one of the following is the use of water?
A. domestic use C. economic values
B. navigation purpose D. all are answer
________ 7.Which one of the following is the cause of urban air pollution?
A. burning solid wastes C. burning fossil fuels
B. industrial fuel burning D. all are answers
________ 8._________ is planting trees in a place where there is not forest before.
A. Agro-forestry C. Afforestation
B. Reforestation D. Filter system
IV. Give short answers for each of the following. Neatness counts.
1. Write the major methods of preventing air pollution.
a. ____________________________ c. __________________________
b. _____________________________ d. __________________________
2. What is the difference between renewable and non-renewable resource?

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
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Name: _________________________________________ 3rd Quarter Worksheet Three

Subject: Mathematics 2019/2020A.Y Page range 113 - 142
Grade: Seven Section _______ Date: ____________________________________________________

I. Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is not. Neatness counts.
__________ 1. Pie Chart can be used to show continuous data.
__________ 2. The range of a set of data is the difference between the highest value
and the lowest value.
__________ 3. Median is the product of all values divided by the number of values.
__________ 4. Mode is the sum of maximum and minimum values.
__________ 5. Circle graphs are also called pie charts.
II. Choose the correct answers from the given alternatives and write the letter of
your choice on the space provided. Neatness counts.
_________ 1. On a final quarter test six students scored 30, 14, 25, 15, 14 & 4. What was the
median score?
A. 13 B. C. D.
_________ 2. The mean of 4, 8, 9, 12 and is 8, what is the value of ?
A. 7 B. 8 C. 12 D. 16
_________ 3. In a class of 27 students the highest score in biology test was 28 and
the lowest was 14. What was the range?
A. 13 B. C. D. 19
_________ 4. If Dina scored 85, 84 and 95 on the first three maths tests. What must she
score on her fourth test in order to bring her average (mean) score to be 90?
A. B. 90 C. 99 D. 96
_________ 5. If the mean of A and B is 15, the mean of B and C is 12 and the mean of A, B
and C is 14. What is the mean of A and C?
A. B. 15 C. 16 D. 17
III. Work out the following questions. Neatness Counts.
1. Find the median, mode, mean and range of these sets of data.
a) 124, 642, 1024, 120 b. 68, 128, 68, 75 C. 78, 66, 98, 98

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
2. The mean of six numbers is 25, and the mean of four numbers is 24. What is the
mean of all the numbers?

3. The pie chart (circle graph) shows the number of voters for three candidates
Aguma, Abrehet, and Bruhalem in Kolfe Keraniyo sub city election. If there were
2400 voters, how many votes were cost in favour of:
A. Aguma
B. Abrehet Aguma
Bruhalem 2400
C. Bruhalem 30


4. Write at least three ways of collecting data.

5. The following line graph shows the weights of members of tomorrow‟s teachers club in East
African community school measured to nearest kg, then find;
a. The number of club members that weigh 30 kg ______________
b. The number of club members that weigh 40 kg ______________
c. The number of members of the club __________________

0 30 40 50 60
Weights in kg

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”
Read chapter 4 to 8
of the Novel before
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Name: _________________________________________ 3rd Quarter Quiz 2

Subject: Composition 2019/20A.Y
Grade: Seven Section ________ Date: ________________________________________

Grade 7 The Pearl Quiz 2

I. Choose the correct answers from the given alternatives. Neatness counts.
______1. What happened in the night at Kino and Juana's?
A. Someone broke in and stole the pearl.
B. The doctor came back to treat Coyotito.
C. The baby got sick again.
D. Someone broke in and tried to steal the pearl.
______2. What did Kino do with his pearl to ensure its safety?
A. Dug a hole and hid it C. Had Juan Tomas keep it for him
B. Had Juana hide it in her shawl D. Put it in the bank
______3. What injury did Kino sustain in the night?
A. He scraped his knuckles on a rock. C. He hurt his foot.
B. Someone cut him with a knife. D. He was hit in the head.
______4. In the description of the pearl buyers, what do we find out about the market in
Stone Town?
A. The pearl dealers are fair. B. The market is fixed.
C. The buyers get together and set prices to cheat the village men.
D. The pearl dealers represent the free and open market.
______5. What bad thing happened to make Juana want to throw away the pearl?
A. She decided that wealth only brought evil.
B. Her family had been attacked.
C. Someone comes to steal the pearl. Kino knifed him, but Kino got knocked over
the head with something.
D. All of the above
______6. "Why should he, when he had more than he could do to take care of the rich
people?" Who is this quote talking about?
A. The Priest B. The Doctor C.The King of Spain D.The Pearl Buyer
______7. "The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom." To what is this quote
A. The town's greed C. The scorpion
B. The doctor's deception D. The priest's deception
______8. Who goes with Kino to sell the pearl?
A. a procession of neighbors and townspeople C. family only
B. Kino's best friend D. an agent
______9. What did Kino's father teach him about going to the capital to sell pearls?
A. The capital is where you get your best price
B. It is a sin to try to leave your station in life
C. The dealers in the capital are crooked
D. The journey to the capital is long and expensive
______10. How much did the first buyer suggest to pay for the Pearl?
A. 250 Pesos B. 1500 Pesos C. 2000 Pesos D. None is correct

April Character Count Trait “Caring” “Being considerable, kind, compassionate and generous”

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