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Delivering Customer Value: Code Wiz Company

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Executive Summary

Code Wiz as a corporation aiming at the expansion of its service to other territories

needs to address the concept of customer value delivery. An organization’s abilities and

potential in become competitive in other markets is entirely dependent on its capabilities in

facilitating customer value. Therefore, in this research paper, Code Wiz’s strategically

approach in meeting this requirement is discussed. A target market's social and cultural

aspects are essential in the facilitation of customer value and growth of a a franchise' in a new

market. , As early the location and adoption of a target market, the context is one of the key

goals for customer satisfaction. Code Wiz will acquire a position in the marketing

by  presenting the latest technology features applied in their education delivery mechanism

that relate to the location's population requirements, both socially and culturally, and as such

customers also try to show specific personal attributes (intelligence, success) through means

of the product. Therefore, this research provides the company with an understanding of the

market with regards to the customer’s perception of value and the competition. Hence it

provides a means to spearhead the expansion, since, Code Wiz will have acquired suscenent

and sufficient knowledge about the demographics of the location, strategies to equip in their

mapping approach and the competition they are bound to face.



The potential of an organization to achieve its objective depends fundamentally on its

capability in effectively coordinating and integrating its resources, operate within competitive

marketplaces, and aspire for creativity to assist in the execution of its marketing strategy.

However, although the foundation for most of this practice relates to experiences with the

company's consumers, this crucial and essential relationship between the two still lacks the

stringency and organization required to evoke the preferences of the clients and to convey

them to the company (Svee, Giannoulis, & Zdravkovic, 2011). Across every organization,

customer value is a necessity in facilitating growth and performance. Therefore, at Code Wiz,

the aspects of customer value are detrimental. The value of a company is important in driving

customer value and promoting its performance across its ideal market (Anderson & Narus,

2020). Many customers are inadequately informed on the approaches in which they can fulfil

their requirements and the worth in the fulfillment even they understand them. Therefore,

from this perspective, Code Wiz, needs to utilize the opportunity and persuade their

consumers on the value of attending to the needs that they aim at fulfilling as an institution

focused on the delivery of robotic knowledge to their students. By engaging their customers

on the importance of their services, the company will eventually grow its competitive

advantage in the market as compared to its competitors. This report is aimed at addressing this

retrospective need for the advancement of customer value across the company.

Location Analysis

Operating in the right location is a key ingredient in the performance of a business as

well as in customer value delivery. Before expanding into a marketplace, the aspect of

demographic factors are important to the business, as such, certain elements such as age,

gender, income, education and work experience within a given population need considering

(Vallabn & Mhlanga, 2015). Therefore, this means that Code Wiz as a technological company

aiming at the education of children in matters pertaining to robotics needs to address the

different geographical factors mentioned. Thus implying that understanding the community of

expansion is important and fundamental in achieving customer value.

Customer value entails meeting the requirements of a given population effectively.

The school’s target market is necessary in affecting the customer value, this is because, once

the company comes into terms with the particular business, it can provide its services

effectively and efficiently. According to Teeboom a affiliate (2018), acquiring

knowledge of a given location, such as the competition, nature of the customer, availability of

transportation, and the availability of a market are detrimental in achieving the objective of an

organization (Teeboom, 2018). Therefore, Code Wiz should focus on the evaluation of the

factors affecting its competitive advantage and the nature of the customer within the particular

location of expansion. Also, as Kaplan and Norton observe, in locating a suitable area for a

business, the potentials of customer retention are important.

Mapping Strategy

While Code Wiz is focused on expanding into other markets, territory mapping is an

important approach. The Franchise mapping strategy provides a business with a strategy

through which it plan on approaches to adopt in drawing up the right sized territories with

suitable target markets for its services. Through the approach, it can equip itself in providing

its customer base services that align to their territories thus achieving the delivery of value.

Strategy integrates long-term financial obligations focused on sustainable sales expansion and

short-term financial obligations aimed at the reduction of costs and increase profitability

(Svee, Giannoulis, & Zdravkovic, 2011). The approach is founded on a distinct and explicitly

outlined value model for the consumer. Value is produced by oriented, efficient and integrated

existing business procedures, divided into several arrays: business administration, customer

relations, development, and legislative-social (internal) functions. The approach comprises of


overlapping, overlapping themes illustrating the most important processes that sustain the

value statement of the customer.

Predicting consumer needs requires addressing in the consumer perception of the

company's mapping strategy. Through the approach, the customer's value proposition is

identified. Kaplan and Norton describe four common methods for identifying the  customer

value delivery aspects  are including Low Total Cost, in which services provided are

compatible, succinct and affordable; Brand Management, through which services extend

over  the existing performance limits into the most appealing; Complete Customer Solutions,

intended at providing consumers the best overall alternative; and System Lock-In, in which

high transaction cos implemented with a focus of maintaining its end-users comprising of the

target market.   

The marketplace is a dynamic environment for companies vying for sales, internal

capital and the attention of their customers. However, one of the main challenging logistical

problems faced by consumers is to identify company territories in a manner that reduces

commercialization but does not render the market economically nonviable (Rietveld, 2016).

The companies that do this effectively become successful. Before Code Wiz enters the

identified marketplace, it should evaluate the location’s saturation data. One of the most

effective strategies in doing this is by an analysis of datasets. Through the use of technology,

Code Wiz can effectively identify locations that are not oversaturated, datasets provides

varying and credible information from different sources illuminating on the saturation concept

of the market (Damn, 2012). Also, the use of word of mouth in evaluating the impact of the

location on its objectives is effective in ensuring an area is not oversaturated with locations.

Getting opinions and comments from the population can work in achieving this aim. A

consumer’s own perspective on the matter ensures that the company is aware of the

approaches that are applicable in promoting and improving consumer value delivery.

Competitive Analysis

Havard, MT and Wentworth are among the schools that operate in similar markets

posing as competitors. In expanding their business into other markets, Harvard, according to

the Harvard Business School website, has focused on identifying potential markets through an

evaluation of the opportunities presented. Through the approach, the school capability in

identifying suitable locations for expansion and achieving customer value delivery is

acquired. Since every new target market is comprised of its service delivery organizations

providing similar services, the organization adopted an indirect assault approach. Through the

strategy, Harvard ensures that it does not challenge the position of the incumbents in the

market (Bryce & Dyer, 2007). However, it adapts into the failures and other strategies that the

incumbents ignored or were unable to adopt, and successfully implement them into attracting

the customer base.


Understanding a marketplace before entering it is important for the future of an

organization and as such, through a thorough evaluation of the elements within it that matter

provides a powerful approach in ensuring customer value delivery. With this in mind

therefore, Code Wiz needs to analyze the location through several approaches as discussed in

this paper in ensuring the achievement of its objective. Customers are an important element to

a business and determining and valuing their needs is a step towards performance and growth.


Damm, Å. (2012). Technology and competitor mapping designed to support

strategic business decisions. World Patent Information, 34(2), 124–127.

Rietveld, J. (2016). Creating Value through the Freemium Business Model: A Consumer

Perspective. SSRN Electronic Journal.

Svee, Giannoulis, & Zdravkovic (2011). Modeling Business Strategy: a Consumer Value

Perspective. Stockholm University. Forum 100, SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden.

Retrieved from: https://www.diva-

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