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Take a few minutes to prepare, so that your next 3 hours are effective:

What am I trying to accomplish?

Why is this important and valuable?

How will I know this is complete?

Any risks / hazards? Potential

distractions, procrastination, etc.

Is this concrete / measurable or

subjective / ambiguous?

Anything else noteworthy?

epare, so that your next 3 hours are effective:
Settings (optional)

What time do you want to start the first cycle?

12 :00 PM

Minutes each cycle? Minutes each break? Cycles total?

30 10 5

Brought to you by your friends at Ultraworking.

First time here? We made this just for you:
0 Watch the walkthrough video

If you dig Work Cycles, the Pentathlon might just change
your life:
0 Tell me about the Pentathlon

Want to share this with a friend? Be a hero and send
them this link:

12:00 PM 12:40 PM 1:20 PM
Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3
What am I trying to
accomplish this cycle?

How will I get started?

Any hazards present?

Energy ...
Morale ...

Completed ...
cycle's target?
Anything noteworthy?

Any distractions?

Things to improve for

next cycle?
1:59 PM 2:39 PM 12:00 AM 12:00 AM
Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7
12:00 AM
Cycle 8
### ### ### ### ###
2 Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 0.8
Energy 0 ### ### ### ###
1 0.4 En
Morale 0 ### ### ### ###
0 Complete0 ### ### ### ### 0
12:00 PM 12:40 PM 1:20 PM 1:59 PM 2:39 PM 12:00 AM 12:00 AM 12:00 AM

Take a few minutes to debrief, so that you can identify and lock-in lessons.

What did I get done this past 3 hours?

How did this compare to my normal

work output?

Did I get bogged down? Where?

What went well? How can I replicate

this in the future?

Any other takeaways? Lessons to share

with others?
### ### ###
0.8 6
Cycle Cycle 7 Cycle 8
Row 2
### ### ###
0.4 Energy
### ### ###
### ### ###
AM 12:00 AM

-in lessons.
Good work today. Questions? Comments? Feedback?

If you loved Work Cycles, check out the [Resources] tab for more goodies.

Helpful resources for achieving your most lofty goals:

Are you planning on doing Work

Cycles again soon?

How's your habits?

Want to find out about new useful

tools and live trainings?

Would you like to have 16 straight

days of peak performance?
Do you pay attention to the details that a
Do youmiss?
like behavioral science, >
Javascript, and optimizing the heck
Would you like to help millions of out >
people unlock their potential and
ieving your most lofty goals:
How are you using Work Cycles in your life?
Let us know, we're here to support:





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