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Your Name ____Kristen Eldredge___ Observation Site _____Online____ Grade/ Age Level ___Unknown______
The Educational Setting (20 pts)
Describe the physical setting of the classroom.
The classroom is very open and allows room for the kids to walk around and have space to play.
There are chairs for the kids and the teachers so they are able to sit together.
Plenty of different toys for the children to play with and choose from.

Give your opinion about the setting. Like it/Dislike it? Why? What would you change?
I like this classroom. They have everything set up with the children in mind so they are able to play and have space to have fun and
learn. I wouldn’t change anything in the room.

On the back, draw a sketch of the classroom.

How has the teacher created a “caring community”? (Comment on the teacher/student relationship, social- emotional
The teachers have created a caring community. You can see that each student has a special relationship with each of the teachers.
You can also see that the teachers are supportive of all of the students learning needs and differences.

Rules and Routines (20 pts)

List the classroom/ school rules. Reflect on these rules. (i.e. Are the rules posted? Who do you
think wrote the rules? Good/bad?)
Taking turns, walking feet, be kind, inside voice.
I think the teachers worked together to make rules to help keep
kids safe.

List any classroom/ school routines you observe. Ones you liked/ disliked? Why?

Reading time, activity time. Not really, just observed them they each were unique to the

Classroom Management (20 pts)

3 Strategies that I saw the teacher use Effective? Why/ Why not?
1. The teacher stuck to what she was Y or N This allows the children to see that they are all equal.
saying for all of the students.
2. She picked a different child each Y or N This allows each child to have a turn talking.
3. Using the tone of voice in which Y or N By modeling it, it shows the children an example.
she would like the children to use.

Reflections (10 pts) (Typed in paragraph form) Using a classroom discussion or your reading from the text, think about something
you observed and relate it to your learning. How are they connected?


Your Name ____Kristen Eldredge___ Observation Site _____Online____ Grade/ Age Level ___Unknown______

Transitions in the Classroom (60 Pts) (typed in the attached chart)

Find and record 6 transitions used in PreK – 4th grade settings. Be as specific as possible. (Do not say, “sang a song..” Instead, say,
“They sand Lunchtime is Time to Eat as they got ready and lined up for lunch.”)
A. 3 transitions must be from your observation placement.
B. 3 transitions must be from your textbook or an outside source (give credit where it is due, please.)
C. For each transition, include the following:
a. Where did you see/find it (source)?
b. Is it an effective technique? Why/why not? Discuss developmental appropriateness.
c. What learning is promoted while using this transition?
d. A reflection on the transition: Would you use it? Why/why not? Comment on child development theory in your

Reflections (10 pts) (typed in paragraph form)

A. Describe in detail a highlight of your observation time. This might include a successful or interesting strategy, a humorous story, a
particular student’s discovery (confidentiality!), something that relates to a discussion we had in class, something that relates to a
chapter you read, something you want to know more about, etc.
B. Describe in detail one challenge. This might be about a student that concerns you, a behavioral/ class management situation,
something the teacher said or did that was unusual/sad/frustrating, or something you’d do completely differently.


Ex. Sang “Clean Up, Saw this on my 1st day When a bell rand, all Organization, responsibility, For preschoolers and
Clean Up” as center time at Head Start- York children began singing & timing, respect for each Kdgn, I would probably
was ending and story cleaning up. It took less other and property, use it. It’s catchy, easy
location. than 3 mins to get memorization of a song. song and can be repeated
time was going to begin.
everything back in place. These are skills found in the until all children are
All were engaged and busy PA early learning standards where they need to be.
with their own jobs. No (Approaches to Learning Physical and Language
issues! Songs are and Language and Literacy) development are enhanced
appropriate to use with with this transition.
She prompted that they “Video Observation” She first said where Would use this on a
were getting ready to go Video they were going to transition that might
make things and prepare them. Then said need to be slow to take
instructed to tip toe. a transition to get them time.
She had them do a stand “Phonics first” Video Having them stand up Could use this if the
up activity and then had first to get them ready transition was close to
them tip toe to their for the next transition. the area.
Had them look at her to “Phonics first” Video Eyes on her, then she Helpful to children who
listen for transition used hand movements are visual.
to say stand up, push in
chair and tip toe.
Popsicle sticks “3 Minutes in head When a student was This helps the kids
start” Video called they get a stick to have a visual.
put in a jar
Morning routine “Head Start teaching Finding their name and Yes, this helps them
training” Video putting it in their answer identify their name and
for the question of the answer a question.
Time Warning “Head Start teaching Three minute warning, Yes, they learn that
Training Video” bell ringing. when she says three
minutes that they bell
will be ringing for a
one-minute warning.


Your Name ____Kristen Eldredge___ Observation Site _____Online____ Grade/ Age Level ___Unknown______
Instruction (40pts) (Typed in the chart)
List 3 instructional activities/ Small groups, whole class, or What are the students How is learning being
lessons you observed. individually? What format? learning or supposed to be evaluated? (formal/informal:
learning? observation, questioning, art
ex. Teeth brushing Ex. Small groups of 4-6 project, writing, quiz)
children, actual practice. ex. Should be learning how
to brush their teeth correctly, ex. Informal: teacher
self-help/ life skill. observation, some
questioning and assistance as

1 Vocabulary Whole class They are learning new words The teacher is asking open
together as a class. questions.

2 Phonics Whole class They are learning the sounds Using flash cards; asking what
of each letter. they remember, and “writing”

3 Self- care Small groups Learning how to scoop and They learn how to pass the
pour for meals. bowls and scoops.

Write 3 questions that you heard the teacher ask the Using Bloom’s Taxonomy of questioning, which level is each
children. question?

Ex. What day is it? Remembering:

1 What is the color? 1 Remembering

2 How many? 2 Analyzing

3 What do you like? 3 Charting

If you could change the way any of the instructional I would take notes at least 2 times a week when I observe
activities were taught, what would you change and why? each child with this task until I see that an individual is
consistently (2 weeks) brushing correctly. This way I have
Ex. I would change the way the teeth brushing was recorded of what I saw, what I asked, how I corrected. Etc.
Changing how long it is
I would change some of the reading time activities; some seem
very long but that all depends on the age.

Reflections (10 pts) (typed in paragraph form)

How has this experience influenced your thoughts about becoming a teacher? Is it to be written with a personal reflective tone and
show original thought and “voice”. Be specific. Please do not say, “I had fun. It was a good experience.” Dig deep and be honest!

Professionalism (10pts) For all logs: 10=0-2 errors, 5=3-5 errors, 0=>5 errors

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