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Other than creating stress that is harmful to your brain, cell phones can also affect your

brain, which alters your sleep routine. At night, we often have the urge to stay on our phone a

little bit on our bed before we go to sleep. From a passage from a book called “​Journal of

Adolescent Health​”, Volume 64, Issue 1, from pages 124-130. It explains how people’s sleeping

quality is affected by cell phones and how cellphones affect human bodies. In the passage, the

authors explain how cell phones affect teens when they use it before they go to sleep is to

conduct an experiment, the experiment is using actigraphy in a sample of 98 adolescents ages

between 14–18 and recording the result. The authors conclude, “A subset of participants (n = 63)

reported the frequency with which they used their cell phone before bed and the extent to which

they thought this smartphone usage was disruptive to their sleep” (Tashjian et al.). Cell phones

do have an effect on human brains, which influences their sleep duration; this phenomenon can

be explained from this experiment about teens that use cell phones before they sleep to display

lower sleep time. Using your phone can have a negative impact if not managed carefully; people

should understand the effect that cellphones can do to your brain.

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