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Supergirl - PL 13

Strength 18, Stamina 12, Agility 4, Dexterity 4, Fighting 8, Intellect 7, Awareness 4, Presence

All-out Attack, Eidetic Memory, Improved Initiative 2, Move-by Action, Power Attack, Ranged
Attack 4, Takedown 2, Teamwork

Acrobatics 4 (+8), Athletics 4 (+22), Intimidation 4 (+8), Perception 4 (+8), Persuasion 4 (+8),
Technology 8 (+15), Treatment 4 (+11), Vehicles 4 (+8)

Comprehend: Comprehend 2 (Machines / Electronics)
Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Stamina 11 (+11 STA)
Enhanced Ability: Enhanced Strength 18 (+18 STR)
Enhanced Trait: Enhanced Trait 4 (Advantages: Eidetic Memory, Improved Initiative 2, Move-
by Action)
Eye Beam Link: Visual Cosmic Communication 3 (Rapid, Subtle: encrypted)
Immunity: Immunity 12 (Aging, Life Support, Sleep)
Movement: Movement 1 (Space Travel 1: within solar system)
Protection: Protection 6 (+6 Toughness; Impervious [14 extra ranks])
Quickness: Quickness 8 (Perform routine tasks in -8 time ranks)
Regeneration: Regeneration 3 (Every 3.33 rounds; Persistent)
Senses: Senses 23 (Accurate: Hearing, Acute: Scent, Analytical: Hearing, Analytical: Vision,
Darkvision, Extended: Hearing 2: x100, Extended: Vision 3: x1k, Extended: Scent 2: x100,
Microscopic Vision 4: atom-size, Penetrates Concealment: Vision, Ultra-hearing)
. . Eye Heat Beams ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 2/r+14]; Increased Range: ranged, Multiattack,
Penetrating 13, Precise)
. . Flight: Flight 13 ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 2/r+1], Speed: 16000 miles/hour, 30 miles/round;
. . Freeze Breath I: Cumulative Cone Area Affliction 13 ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 3/r], 1st
degree: Hindered, Impaired, 2nd degree: Immobile, Disabled, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 23;
Cone Area: 60 feet cone, DC 23, Cumulative, Extra Condition; Limited Degree)
. . Freeze Breath II: Cumulative Affliction 13 ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 3/r], 1st degree:
Hindered, Impaired, 2nd degree: Immobile, Disabled, Resisted by: Fortitude, DC 23;
Cumulative, Extra Condition, Increased Range: ranged; Limited Degree)
. . Freeze Breath III Create Ice: Create 13 ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 2/r+2], Volume: 8000 cft., DC
23; Increased Duration: continuous, Innate, Tether; Source: Water)
. . Freeze Breath IV Cooling: Burst Area Nullify 13 ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 3/r], Counters: Heat,
DC 23; Burst Area: 30 feet radius sphere, DC 23, Selective)
. . Power-Lifting: Enhanced Strength 13 ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 1/r], +13 STR; Limited to
. . Super-Breath: Cone Area Move Object 13 ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 2/r], 200 tons; Cone Area
2: 120 feet cone, DC 23, Selective; Limited Direction: Towards or away, Limited Material: Air,
Reduced Range: close)
. . Super-Inhalation: Cone Area Nullify 13 ([0 active, 0/40 PP, 3/r], Counters: Gases, DC 23;
Cone Area 2: 120 feet cone, DC 23, Simultaneous; Reduced Range: close)

Initiative +12
Freeze Breath I: Cumulative Cone Area Affliction 13 (DC Fort 23)
Freeze Breath II: Cumulative Affliction 13, +8 (DC Fort 23)
Freeze Breath IV Cooling: Burst Area Nullify 13 (DC Will 23)
Grab, +8 (DC Spec 28)
Super-Breath: Cone Area Move Object 13 (DC 23)
Super-Inhalation: Cone Area Nullify 13 (DC Will 23)
Throw, +8 (DC 33)
Unarmed, +8 (DC 33)

Native Language

Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 15, Toughness 18, Will 8

Power Points
Abilities 64 + Powers 214 + Advantages 9 + Skills 18 (36 ranks) + Defenses 11 = 316

Supergirl is the teenage cousin of Superman. A few years ago he had a vision while meditating
that there had been another like him, a Kryptonian sent back in time. She had been older and
had been meant to look after and raise him, but she had never reached Earth. After this
revelation he felt her absence and began to mount long range expeditions across space and
time to try and find out what happened to her. Eventually he found her drifting in suspended
animation in a crystal in a rift in space. He bought her back to Earth and revived her in the
Fortress of Solitude. She was confused and remembered little of her previous life on Krypton,
though it slowly came back to her as she discussed it with Kal-El. She has the same powers
and is training to be a superhero like him. Superman also insists though that she attends
school and learns to live in contemporary Earth culture, since they are going to be here for
the indefinite future.

Superman is not entirely sure though that Supergirl is a real person. He has never been sure
whether Krypton was real or not and her existence gives him doubts. Could his powers have
created her because he wanted her to exist? Much of what he can do is still mysterious to him
even after years of study. Her memories of Krypton are vague and she has to be prompted on
a lot of it. She blames this on the long period spent in stasis but he is not so sure. He keeps
his fears to himself, it doesn't matter where she came from, she is here now and he loves her
and will protect her.

Supergirl is an active superhero but does not as yet often work alone. Superman insists that
there are other people around her to keep watch on her and guide her actions. This is often
him but she prefers the company of teens like her. She wants to be a member of the Teen
Titans, as much to be close to the gorgeous Nightwing. The Green Lantern Hal Jordan is also a
crush of hers, they had an adventure out in space together recently and she got a bit flirty.
He kept in mind that a) she is technically underage and b) Superman is her guardian. In civil
life she lives with a human family he has arranged to foster her, he thinks this better than
living with his own family. He does not want her focusing too much on him and his activity as
Superman, she should know what it is like to live as a native of Earth as he did growing up.

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