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User Side Factors

Download Speed
This can influence the amount of efficiency and time of a website in a variety of
ways. It can cause the website to take longer to load and process activities that
the user requests for if the user has a low download speed. That is a factor on the
user's side and can affect the site the user wants to navigate. Slow Downloads
create a lengthy wait period for the page to launch, and it would take longer and
annoying for the user to perform things such as processing images, using the
hyperlinks and browsing the sites.

Persona Computer Performance Factors

The user device specification will affect website efficiency the user is searching
for. There are various specifications that may affect the output of a website:

The browser of your preference will have an impact on the efficiency of the
websites you want to access. Many browsers are performing better than other
browsers and Google Chrome is currently the most common to be used for
searching on the Internet. Internet Explorer is sluggish to launch and is potentially
behind Chrome for suitability of surfing.

Processor Speed
The processor speed can affect the efficiency of websites. A greater speed
processor would enable the machine to perform tasks more quickly by managing
websites, cookies, etc. In order to load flash animations and videos more
efficiently on web sites faster processing speed is required. 

Cache Memory
Cache memory is the backup memory of the computer. Many of the temporary
stuff websites have to run can be avoided by a device with bigger cache capacity.
Websites carry out cookies, passwords and other files as you visit this page. More
of these will be stored by a larger cache memory that will enable faster access
and better website performance.
Server-Side Factors

Available Bandwidth
Bandwidth is the amount of data traffic downloadable per second from a website.
This data traffic appears to work as any traffic we have an understanding of, if
there are plenty of cars on the street, you will go much slower than if you were
the only car on the road. The same thing happens with the flow of data when
several users are visiting a page at once as each user has a limit on the amount of
data that is accessible at a certain time. 

Web Server Capacity

Every web data is stored on a cloud server, and every web server can send and
receive information in a certain amount of time. The website can upload, process
and obtain this information quicker as the consumer is visiting a database. That
also leads to improved loading times for the consumer and the websites that the
users are attempting to reach. Once that information is obtained, the database
can submit, process and obtain that information.

Number of Hits
There is minimal impact on web page efficiency based on the amount of web page
hits. If several users are on the same webpage all at once, the servers can be
crowded and web performance can be reduced. There are several web servers
ready for such hurdles and larger servers are already in place to handle several
visits all at once.

Executions to be Performed before Page Load

Until the webpage is fully loaded, each webpage will perform many operations.
These can involve the loading of images, animations, cookies, etc. The more
operations that are required prior to the complete loading of the web page, the
longer it takes. This affects overall website efficiency because loading each page
can take longer.
File Types

Photos with the bitmap format are saved in order to keep a computer in mind
with each type of pixel stored. The most popular types of bitmap images are .gif
and .bmp that usually have big size files and slow down the webpage download

Compared to Bitmap files, vector files are compressed and usually reduced file
sizes. A popular type of Vector image is .pdf, and involves compressed images
with a reduced file size in comparison to .gif and .jpg. The load times with Vector
pictures on your web page are less slow than with Bitmap.

Wav files are one of the most popular audio files used on web pages. Wav files
are not compressed audio files therefore, the web page loading times can
be significantly slower. 

MP3 files are compressed audio files and they're typically better and much more
common than Wav files. Although the sound of the compressed files is typically
poorer, audio is barely noticeable in comparison with the Wav format. MP3 files
are still adversely affecting a webpage, but because they are compressed, they
are less slow than using a Wav format.
Security Risks
Hacking is a specific word for unauthorised users who plan to exploit device and
internet programme faults. It attempts to get into the machine to find personal
details on the device owner to make use of this knowledge for stealing of
identification and other harmful purposes. For malicious purposes, hackers can use
the knowledge they obtain, mostly for data theft and fraud. This makes it necessary
for consumers and businesses to consider strong anti-virus protection and
protections against hackers for their applications.

Identity Theft
Identification theft is used by malware users to gather sensitive details from people
utilising tools such as trojans to steal their identification and allow use of it for their
own gain. They can obtain identification through passports or other means of
verifying the identification of a individual, and will use them to open the bank
accounts on behalf of themselves, raise money and commit theft from their bank
accounts. Theft of identification will lead users and businesses to lose a lot of money,
which makes defending themselves from such fraudulent users very necessary.

Phishing describes how to take a secure website, for example an online banking
account login page, and copy it in full to a website with nearly the same address. The
website asks the user to sign in, and the website will show a tab telling the user that
the website is updated for repair after they have signed in with their name and
passwort. In the meantime, details from users is redirected to fraudulent users from
another nation who use it to sign up for their online banking.

Virus applications and malware installed on a device are dangerous. The app is
programmed to capture user identification and data and is used to capture records,
typically on bank accounts, utilising the stolen information. Some viruses are key
loggers that log the keystrokes using the mouse. In fact, this helps the malicious
software owner to decide the password while using the device.
Security Protection Mechanisms

Firewall is part of a network which blocks unauthorised access. It is a system that
makes or rejects network transmissions according to a series of laws. It is really
critical if you have a hardware firewall (this may be the router) and a software
firewall whether you are a web company or another enterprise, because it can
prevent virus transmission through the network. While operating a network of
machines, it is vital for you. But it does not spread to the others as one machine is

Secure Socket Layers (SSL)

Secure Socket Layers is a protocol to the internet that provides a safe link to another
user through online communication. This is achieved by encryption which would test
each user and the system owner which helps minimising the usage of malicious apps.

Adherence to Standards
Good passwords often play a crucial role in defence, as a strong password is more
challenging to crack and reduces the system's capacity to break down. A secure
password will include over eight characters in length both letters and numbers,
upper as well as lower case letters and characters such as $ and #.

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