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NIM : 8196175004

Senin, 7 Oktober 2019

Referred : mention or allue to (Verb)
Emerge : move out of or away from something and come into view (Verb)
Rearing : bring up and care for (a child) until they are fully grown (Verb)
Codified : arrange laws or rules into a systematic code. (Verb)
Extensive : obtaining a relatively small crop from a large area with a
minimum of attention and expense (adj)
Wisdom : the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment;
the quality of being wise. (Noun)
Staffed : provide (an organization, business, etc.) with staff (Verb)
Enhance : intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent
of. (Verb)
Colleague : a person with whom one works, especially in a profession or
business (Noun)
Resource : thing that can be used for help when needed (Noun)

Selasa, 8 Oktober 2019

Loiter : Stand or wait somewhere especially with no obvious reason
Lorry : motor vechicle for carrying heavy loads by road (noun)
Ribbon : narrow strip of material used to tie things or for decoration (noun)
Revulsion : Feeling of disgust or horror (noun)
Pinch : Press something tightly between your thumb and finger (verb)
Thumb : Short thick finger apart from the other four (noun)
Piper : Person who plays music on a pipe or the bagpipes (noun)
Viscous : Thick and sticky (adj)
Curiosity : strong desire to know about something (noun)
Emulsifier : Substance that is added to food to make the different substances
combine to form a smooth mixture (noun)

Rabu, 9 Oktober 2019

Monsoon : win which blows, bringing heavy rains in the summer (noun)
Revolve : go round something in a circle (Verb)
Rhubard :Thick reddish stems that are cooked and eaten like fruit (noun)
Vinyl : Kind of strong flexible plastic (noun)
Snuggle : Lie or get close to subject for warmth or affection (verb)
Impair : damage something or make something worse (verb)
Carnage : killing of a lot of people (noun)
Enfold : hold subject in your arms (verb)
Manifold : of may different types (adj)
Mangle : cut or twist something so that it is badly damaged (verb)

Kamis, 10 Oktober 2019

Arbitrary : Based on chance, not reason (adj)
Extinction : A situation in which a plant, an animal stops existing. (noun)
Boundary : A real or imagined line that marks the limits (noun)
Haggle : to argue with subject to reach agreement especially about the
price (Verb)
Marrow : a large vegetable that grows on the ground (noun)
Cling : To hold on tightly to subject (verb)
Demise : The end or failure of an institution (Noun)
Wired : Connected to a system of computers (adj)
Bark : A short loud sound made by a gun or a voice (noun)
yield : produce or provide something (Verb)

Jumat, 11 Oktober 2019

Irrespective : Not taking (something) into account; regardless of. (prep)
Employ : Give work to (someone) and pay them for it. (verb)
Echo : A sound or sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves from
a surface back to the listener. (noun)
Acquire : Buy or obtain (an asset or object) for oneself. (verb)
Require : Need for a particular purpose. (Verb)
Obscure : Not discovered or known about; uncertain (verb)
Friction : The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving
over another. (Noun)
Encounters :Unexpectedly be faced with or experience something. (Verb)
Revulsion : Feeling of disgust (noun)
Colloquially : In the language of ordinary or familiar conversation; informally.

Sabtu, 12 Oktober 2019

Tearing : Violent; extreme. (Verb)
Violent : Using or involving physical force intended to hurt,
damage, or
kill someone or something. (adj)
Involving : Have or include (something) as a necessary or integral part or
result. (verb)
Insatiable : Of an appetite or desire) impossible to satisfy. (adj)
Rigid : Unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible. (adj)
Extend : make something longer or larger . (Verb)
Arbitrary : Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason
or system. (Adj)
Axis : An imaginary line about which a body rotates. (Noun)
Deafen : Make it difficult for subject to hear (verb)
Rarely : Not very often (adv)

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2019

Pattern : Reguler way in which something happends or is done (noun)
Revive : become or make something become (verb)
Vying : compete with subject (verb)
Servant : Person who works in subject’s house (noun)
Taint : Spoil something by adding a bad quality (verb)
Effrontery : Behaviour that is confident and rude without shame (noun)
Ricksaw : small light vehicle with two wheels that is pulled by subject
walking (noun)
Sneer : Show that you have no respect for subject or something by your
expression (verb)
Wary : Looking out for possible danger or difficulty (adj)
Encroach : go beyond what is right or natural (verb)

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