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Task 3: Use found papers/materials to create a collage

of a Gaudi architectural feature (copy the rainbow chimney below)

Y8 Architecture Project

Mosaic was an important

feature in Gaudi’s work. Using
paper found around your
home create a mosaic like
collaged image of Gaudi’s
rainbow chimney. Think out of
the box – use crisp packets,
old magazines, any piece of
wrapping paper or even paint
and colour in some paper to
Top tips
• Sketch out a simple line
image first
• Small pieces
• Try not to overlap leave a
space between pieces
• Use different colours and
tones of colours to build
your mosaic.
• Take your time Mosaic- a picture or pattern
produced by arranging together
No paper or glue? Then use small pieces of stone, tile, glass,
coloured pencils or felt tips to get
that mosaic effect. etc.

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