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Analysing an Artwork

Understanding why artworks look like they do and how they are
constructed. Demonstrating your understanding both visually and
in written form.

How to: Step by Step Analysis

1. Choose the image you want
to anaylse. Describe what you see, point out what you know.
2. Print it out- large enough to
see properly.
3. Stick it in place on your page.
4. Write the name of the artists,
the title of artwork and the
date underneath the artwork
or as a title for the page.
5. Use the Visual Literacy sheet to
help you ‘talk’ about the
artwork by responding to as
many questions as you can…
6. Start with ‘what do you notice
first when you look at the
7. Work through the HOW, WHAT
and WHY section, describing
what you see and explaining
what you know. You do not
Consider: completing the artist research page before attempting
need to use full sentences. analysis; making rough notes first; plan the layout of your page; fill
8. Give your own justified opinion gaps with enlarged copied sections; don’t panic about points you
don’t know how to respond to.
Presenting your Analysis
Examples of different styles A combined example of all styles
Notes from
observation Drawn
Handwritten sections

Visual layout reflects

Typed understanding of style

Visual notes

• Make sure the page is neat and legible.
• What you see and describe should be backed up by
your artist research.
• Make important notes BOLD.
• Include *visual notes about colour and techniques.
• Creatively present backgrounds and layouts to mimic
the style of the artist/artwork.
• Fill the page- the more notes and visual information on
the page the more knowledge is demonstrated
*visual notes are drawn sections of the artwork
Analysis of Artwork:

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