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Avarice Corrupt echelon in investigation department of Police

Writer is a practicing lawyer.

Investigation department in Police is having a strategic role in controlling crimes in society. It is

a pertinent fact that investigation officers role is quiet dubious because they exploit powers, use
them against the victims of crime and gain financial tangible, intangible benefits. Investigation
officers in Police facilitate Criminals in a supportive and strategic way, which can be seen and
proved whenever analyzed keenly in many cases. The question is how these Police officials still
have the courage for corruption after implementation of so much restriction and control on
corrupt manipulated ways used by them in corruption.

We can see investigation department resources, how Police has so low sub standard facilities and
forensic support for investigation. Question raise here is how they are managing and surviving in
pathetic circumstances. But analyzing keenly can help us to understand that this nefarious sordid
echelon in this department is because of this low sub standardized system which acts as the
shield whenever they are targeted by anti corruption elements. Because they having excuse of
not having state of the art facilities to reach the true culprit so they by using traditional methods
raising corruption echelon.

According to experts from law profession mostly judiciary depends on the Police investigation
file due to shortage of time and pressure from higher justice system, which leads to opportunity
for the Police nefarious elements to do corruption. One more fact, in our Criminal procedural
code Police is having so much embellished unnecessary powers. Which not only supporting them
to complete their nefarious acts, under the umbrella of justice system but also laying foundations
for destruction of peace elements in society.

If someone try to raise any allegation against the corrupt Police officials he can be nominated in
any FIR (First information report) in which culprits are anonymous. I have many friends who
were targeted by investigation officers (IO) because they raised their voice against these
nefarious groups in this department. Mostly corrupt Police official nominate in different cases
whoever try to proceed according to law against them. And the charges imposed by corrupt
Police officials can be involvement in murder cases, theft or robbery cases, terrorism, frauds and
scam gangs.

There are settled corruption rates of many corrupt Police officials, during investigation to
manipulate investigation in favor of the one with benefits. They professionally ask for bidding
and whoever bid more for their favor is the one, who not only win in dispute but also create
hurdles for other party in case. If they pursue further through other ways to reach justice. Rates
in corruption can drift and overlap accordingly with change in interests from higher authorities in
Police. Mostly investigation department’s officer blame senior officials and Civil services
qualified authorities but the reality is adverse to their statement. Because corruption roots belong
to these Investigation Sub inspector and Assistant Sub inspectors, because they are the ones
which by approaching high command offer them nefarious plans to manipulate matters and gain
in interests.

Manipulation of fact in criminal case can always be seen by investigation officers, question is
why? They have only one task to investigate and present facts in front of court. Why they try to
be the arbitrator? They should have no authority because that’s the point from where they get
support in corruption. And this act as shield for the corrupt Police officials and they know how to
manipulate this for their own benefit. Police officials by acting nefariously by being the
arbitrator and gain from parties and the investor party to case which invest more is the winner

Pakistan’s Police system is having lack of ethical values and training which acts as the reason
behind this problematic view. The question is why Police officials are having so much avarice?
Why they are having will to demoralize their stance of serving people? Why they having the
greed which force them to be the businessmen in uniform rather than a public servant? Why
higher authorities in Police act as the hub of support to corruption? Why civil services qualified
officers have the position to force the investigation according to their stance? Why Police acting
as the worst nightmare for the one who is victim of crime? Why criminals by having support
from Police acting like the one with power to manipulate anything in their favor in justice
We can see how person with no intention and dramatically involved in any criminal matter is
blackmailed by investigation officers, just because they need to gain some financial benefits.
And in case of no cooperation in corruption innocent can be declared culprit in Police
investigation report. Question raise here is why National Anti Corruption Bureau not starting the
accountability of Police officials, with big bank balances in accounts and assets on the name of
their family. I personally knew few Police officials having five to six children surviving only on
pay having expenditures like ministers of cabinet, earnings like businessmen and having past of
belongingness from a family which was living below the poverty line.

Ironically most of the investigation departments Police officials are having thinking of mafia
which only operates to earn money and have no interest in welfare of society. They have no idea
what their future generations going to face because of their nefarious acts. We can have many
examples of nefarious Police officials but most prominent from one of them was Abid Boxer.
Who tried to act for his own benefits only and is now example for those who are trying to reach
on the level of power and wealth which is stated as symbol of pride.

We can see recently respected Chief Justice of Pakistan took notice personally of the incident in
which Police officer was beaten by lawyers in court. Many facts were not highlighted and from
those facts one is that Police officer was a lawyer’s son and nefariously supporting the case in
which his father was proceeding in court. According to the Police officials standing nearby who
acted to save the Police officer from lawyers knew that the incident occurs because of corrupt
practice in investigation. We do not know what’s going to be the result of this case but one thing
is confirmed Police officer, who is the lawyers son going to face corruption charges due to being
the investigation officer in case which is proceeded by his father in court as a counsel.

According to experts mostly Lawyers and Police officers opposing each other on many grounds
and the sole reason behind this rivalry is investigation officer’s nefarious act of manipulation of
facts in criminal cases. Lawyers after appointed represent their parties sides of case (petitioner or
defendant) in courts but corrupt investigation officer choose the side with benefits which creates
hurdle for justice system to act accordingly with law against culprits. Because of investigation
officers dubious investigation in criminal case hard core criminals are set free and escape from
justice system.
Now we are having government with slogan of “Naya Pakistan”. Let’s see how much reform for
the betterment of people going to be done. But still the question is: There is no hope left after
eras of false commitments from governments, so what reforms going to take place and what
results are going to be after reforms. Naya Pakistan is slogan bringing hope to supporters of
Imran but no hope is in the mind of masses like before.

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