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The Fever
Shawn was walking home as perspiration drenched on his shirt. He trudged
home under the merciless afternoon sun. The humidity in the air made the weather
hot. He couldn’t stand the heat as it was so intense. When he looked up the sky, he
saw the sun was smiling cheerfully in an azure blue sky. He wanted to walk quickly
because he did not want to be outside in the scorching heat, his bag which weighed
like a tone was slowing him down.
Finally Shawn reached his home. Shedding the burden of the bag, he quickly
laid in the sofa. After a few minutes, he guzzled down a bottle of cool refreshing
drink from the fridge. He stood in front of a colossal electric fan desperate for cool
air. He turned the fan on full blast to cool himself from the scorching heat before
plumping himself down on the couch and dozed off.
When Shawn’s mother came home, she tried to wake him up. However, Shawn
remained motionless. His mother touched his forehead to check his temperature. It
was very hot. Without further delay, his mother started sponging his forehead in
attempt to cool his fever. He was shivering and started to break out in cold sweat.
He was feeling groggy. When he came to, he was lying on the bed and his mother
was sitting next to him. After taking the medicine, his fever subsided.

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