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The Marlow Review



00 NAMI Launches Move for
Mental Health Campaign

The state chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is

launching the Move for Mental Health Campaign to emphasize the
importance of mental health amidst the global pandemic and beyond.
Throughout the month of May, which is National Mental Health
Awareness Month, Oklahomans are encouraged to share how they
move, where they move, and who they move with and sport team
colors as they move.
“Each week, we’ll have a different theme,” Bost said. “We hope in
the end to see creative ways people are choosing to exercise - mind,
body and spirit.” On May 30, Oklahoma mental health advocates in-
vite Oklahomans to participate in NAMIWalks Your Way, a physical
walk with an online spin.
“NAMIWalks is normally a time for individuals and families impact-
ed by mental illness to come together with advocates to celebrate treat-
ment and raise awareness of the connection between mental health and
physical health,” Bost said. “We can’t be together this year, so we’re in-
viting participants to make the walk their own and share that experience
online using social media hashtags #NAMIOklahoma #MoveForMental-
Health #MentalHealthForAll. We hope this will give participants a sense
of connection at a time when people are truly craving that connection.”

Property of OPS News Tracker and members of the Oklahoma Press Association.

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