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Name: Baliling, Aizel M.

Course & Year: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science IV

Mental Awareness and Mental Assistance Movement (MAMA Mo)
Mental Awareness and Mental Assistance Movement is a social movement that advocates for the
prioritization of the mental health of its participants, and people in the society. The importance of
mental health cannot be overstated as it significantly impacts overall well-being and quality of
life. Mental health encompasses emotional, psychological, and social well-being, influencing
how individuals think, feel, and act. Mental Awareness and Mental Assistance Movement can be
interpreted in its literal abbreviation. MAMA Mo – an organization that is just like a mother
(Mama), that will provide you comfort, understanding, and patience. It is a safe place where you
are heard.

The Mental Awareness and Mental Assistance Movement (MAMA Mo) is founded on the
ideology that mental health is a fundamental right its awareness and assistance should be
accessible to all individuals. Mental health is a fundamental right because it promotes human
dignity, autonomy and self-determination, quality of life, productivity and participation,
prevention of harm, equality and non-discrimination, legal and ethical obligations, community
well-being, and personal fulfillment and happiness. It advocates for a society that values mental
health, promotes understanding, and provides necessary support to those in need.

The core concept behind the Mental Awareness and Mental Assistance (MAMA Mo) movement
is to create a culture where mental health is openly discussed, understood, and supported. It aims
to raise awareness about mental health issues, reduce stigma, and ensure that individuals have
access to the assistance they require for their mental well-being.

1. To promote mental health awareness;
2. To provide assistance to mentally challenged or problematic individuals;
3. To campaign for policies and practices that prioritize mental health support in all sectors of
1. Education and Awareness Initiatives: The movement will launch educational campaigns to
increase mental health awareness, educate the public about mental health conditions, and reduce
stigma surrounding mental illness. This may include workshops, seminars, and social media
2. Access to Mental Health Assistance: "Mental Awareness and Mental Assistance" will focus on
ensuring that individuals have access to mental health assistance when needed. This may involve
establishing helplines, support groups, and partnerships with mental health professionals to
provide guidance and support.
3. Advocacy for Mental Health Rights: The movement will advocate for the rights of individuals
with mental health conditions, including the right to quality mental health care, support services,
and accommodations in various settings such as schools and workplaces. This advocacy may
involve lobbying policymakers and raising awareness about mental health rights.
4. Community Support and Empowerment: "Mental Awareness and Mental Assistance" will
work to create a supportive community where individuals feel empowered to seek help, share
their experiences, and advocate for mental health awareness. This may involve organizing
support groups, community events, and mental health awareness campaigns.
5. Collaboration and Partnerships: The movement will collaborate with mental health
organizations, healthcare providers, advocacy groups, and community leaders to amplify its
impact and create a network of support for individuals facing mental health challenges. By
working together, the movement can advocate for systemic changes that benefit the mental health
of all individuals.

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