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Changes in Culture

and Society
Learning Objectives:
• describe the construction of society through
the hidden rules of society;
• analyze the different forms of interaction
present in society; and
• interpret the key sociological theories
regarding the possibility of society.
• What is society?
• What are the classical theories of
the origin of society?
• What makes society possible?
What is Society?
 It is formally defined as constituting a fairly
large number of people who are living in the
same territory, are relatively independent of
people outside their area, and participate in
a common culture.
Structural Functionalism
 looks at social order
 argues that society is
made possible by
cooperation and
 sees society as a system
with parts, and these
parts have their respective
functions to perform
Conflict Theory
 Marxist-inspired perspective
 sees society as an arena
 refers to the endless conflict
between the different classes in a society
arising out of inequalities and scarcity of
 it invokes the social processes rather than
functions and interdependence
Symbolic Interactionism
 This theory states that the meaning we ascribe to
objects, processes, ideas, concepts and systems
are subjective.
 Symbol – A symbol is something that represents
an object, emotion, process, etc., in the real world.
 Interaction—The interactionist perspective refers
to how the meaning of a symbol is interpreted and
modified through a creative process of social
Bloomer’s Three Tenets of Social
Interactionism by Herbert Blumer
1. We act based upon the meaning we give
2. We give meaning to things based on our
social interactions.
3. The meanings we give things can change.
 Rules are guides in the performance of roles
and in everyday actions and interactions.
 Rules are essential in the everyday conduct
of the members of society.
 Our lives are more meaningful by unwritten
Culture and Society
What is Culture?
 Culture is that complex whole which includes
knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom,
and any other capabilities and habits acquired
by man as a member of society. –E.B. Tylor
 It is the way of life, especially the general
customs and beliefs, of a particular group of
people at a particular time.-Cambridge
English Dictionary
What is the relationship between culture and
 “A society is an organized group of
individuals. A culture is an organized group
of learned responses.” –Ralph Linton
 A society cannot exist apart from culture. No
culture can exist except as it embodied in a
human society; no society can operate
without cultural directives.
 Culture and society are interdependent.

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