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Children in Poverty need

assistance; Students at
App State you can help!

Alex Browser, Claire Rembowski,

Lathan Kiser, Reagan Houchard
Our Message
Poverty has large impacts on a
child’s development and also
affects the opportunities they
experience. It is important for
the students at Appalachian
State to become aware of
poverty’s effects, so they can
help break the cycle.
Poverty impacts children’s…
Individuals that are living in poverty puts you at a
disadvantage for being able to participate in
Education recreation and leisure and activities, essential for the
Students in poverty receive physical health of children. These opportunities help
lower test scores and perform other children thrive in their adverse environments
academically lower in both through teaching them essential skills.
reading and math. They also
face food insecurity, the state
of being without reliable access to a
sufficient quantity of affordable,
Mental Health
nutritious food. When a child goes The impact that poverty can
hungry, it interferes with their have on a child’s mental health
educational development. is large. It can include speech
disorders, anxiety, depression, Children in poverty are more likely to live within an
behavioral issues, unmaintained environment that include a number
development disorders, health of possible dangers such as mold, lead, or asbestos
issues later in life, and physical from old and outdated building techniques.
growth delays.It is said that, Overcrowded and insufficient conditions are
children suffer the most from associated with higher rates of depression and
the blows of poverty. hostility.
and so much more.
How can you Help!
● Volunteer as an afterschool tutor in Watauga County!
● Work at the ASU CDC, child development center.
● You can donate food and time to the local food drive at the Hospitality House.
● Volunteer to build houses with Habitat for Humanity.
● Find other ways to simply offer support and spread awareness.

Together, we can fight against

the impacts of poverty!
Poverty’s Impact on College Students
Poverty not only affects children,
but college students as well.
Appalachian State offers a variety
of resources to it’s students, such
as free counselling services and
free food resources.

If you are apart of the

Appalachian community in need
of assistance, don’t hesitate to
use these resources!
Breaking The Cycle of Poverty

Let’s put an end to

the “Poverty Cycle”
simply by focusing
on our children!

“The Cycle of Poverty is the trap that holds back

millions of individuals from reaching their full

Appalachian State University. (2020). About the Food Resource Hub & Free Store. In the University Sustainability.
○ Chambers, Earl, et al. “The Link between Housing, Neighborhood, and Mental Health.” How Housing Matters, 2020,
○ Chaudry, Ajay. “Poverty Is Not Just an Indicator: The Relationship Between Income, Poverty, and Child Well-Being.” Child
Poverty–Destruction Of The Nation's Human Capital, Academic Pediatrics, 1 Apr. 2016,
○ Child Poverty. (n.d.). Retrieved from
○ Divisions of Student Affairs. (2020, March 23). Individual counseling. Counseling and psychological services. Retrieved from
○ “Poverty and Health.” The Health Foundation,
○ Poverty and its Effects on Children: Children's Bureau. (2020, January 8). Retrieved from
○ Poverty's Impact On Missouri's Children. (2015, August 6). Retrieved from
○ The best way to eradicate poverty in America is to focus on children. (n.d.). Retrieved from
○ The Problem. (n.d.). Retrieved from
○ Valdez, Roger. “Want The Poor To Afford Housing? Build More Housing.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 6 Mar. 2017.
○ Watauga County, NC. (n.d.). Retrieved from
○ Watch, & By. (n.d.). Facts About Child Poverty in the U.S.A.: Children International: US Poverty Facts. Retrieved from
○ Wincki, J. & Jemison, K. (2003). Food insecurity and hunger in the kindergarten classroom: Its effect on learning and growth. Contemporary
Economic Policy, 21(2), 145–157. doi:org/10.1093/cep/byg001.

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