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The Registry Preschool Credential

Self-Assessment: Diversity
Be concise in answering the statements/questions in each box. The NAEYC criteria for National Accreditation is the basis of this
self-assessment to demonstrate alignment with the Standards and to familiarize students with this national accreditation process.

Give examples of situations that show you treat all children with equal respect and consideration.
During group times I allow every child that wants to speak the chance to speak. With our jobs chart, we
have a list where we check off what job each child does that day, so another child has to opportunity to
do it the next day. This helps give each child one chance until they have gone through all the jobs, so
every child gets their chance. When children come up to me saying someone pushed them down or
anything, I will hear from both or all children involved so I do not just favor one child over the other.

Give examples of situations where you offer activities and talk to children to build positive self-
identity and valuing of differences in children.
We have many art activities that help children build a positive self-identity. We did one art project
where kids made themselves and then I asked them what they wanted to be when they grew up, and
most is not all of them were different. We talk about valuing differences a lot when the children aren’t
being nice towards others or when we have a lesson that has to do with the topic.

Give examples of situations where you are aware of and avoid using stereotypes in language
references – firefighter instead of fireman, etc.
An example of a time I avoided using stereotypical language was when we had a visit from the police
station. I had called them police officers instead of policeman or woman. I explained to the kids that
anyone can be a police officer, and that’s why they are called police officers. We also did the same
when the firefighters came to visit with the firetrucks.

Give an example of a situation where you did or would intervene when children might tease or reject
When I hear children during play times say things like, “you can’t play because you’re a girl” or “I
don’t like your shirt so go away” I step in and explain to that child that they can play where ever they
would like to play and if they decided to still be mean, they can clean up and find something else to do.
I explain that it is not nice to be mean towards other people and ask they would feel if someone said
that to them.

Give some examples of what you would consider to be stereotypical language or bias toward or
against a child or group, and how you might respond if you saw or heard these from adults or children
in your classroom.

I would consider stereotypical language or bias towards children when adults talk to them in a very
high voice or dumb it down for the kids. This dampens their education because they deserve to be
talked to as any other individual and they need to constantly learn new words and vocab. If I saw this
then I would walk up to the individual and child and talk to the child as I was talking with the adult.

The Registry Preschool Credential
Self-Assessment: Diversity
Describe the materials provided in the preschool environment to address a range of diversity (dolls,
play props, books, pictures, posters, play food, clothing items, etc.) Explain how the materials reflect
the lives of the children and families in your program as well as the diversity found in society,
including gender, age, language, and abilities – no stereotypical representations (images of members of
ethnic groups in only traditional garb or only females in nurturing roles, only males as construction
workers or doctors, etc.), reflect range of diversity, especially children and families in the program.
Give examples of materials that could be added.

We have many different items that address diversity inside the classroom. Some of these include,
multi-cultural dolls, diverse books, pictures and poster exhibiting diversity on them, and dress up
clothing. It more closely relates to the lives of the children and families because children are
encouraged to bring in items from their house to add to our classroom to help make a more diverse
environment. It does relate to society as well because different genders are portrayed, there are
language posters on some walls, and it many different ages are shown throughout the classroom as
well. Some things that could be added are more diverse thing dealing with abilities inside of the
classroom. This could be toy wheelchairs or pictures. Another thing is more and new dress up clothes
because ours are dated and need to be replaced.

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