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Good Evening parents and students, my name is Ms.

Porter and I am going to be your fifth grade

teacher this year. I would like to openly welcome everyone here tonight.Today doesn’t give us a
chance to get to know each other given the short amount of time we have. Tonight does give us
the chance to put a name to a face and become acquainted. I know I won’t remember everyone’s
name tonight but I am excellent with faces. I am honored to be given a chance to meet and get to
know my students and you the parents over the school year.

I will start by telling you a little about my self. I was born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. My
family includes my fiancé and our four children. I have two boys, two girls, and our dog named
Roscoe. My hobbies consist of styling hair, listening to music, and anything that involves art. In
majority of my spare time I spend with my children. I received my associates degree at College
of Southern Nevada. I obtained my Bachelors in elementary education at Nevada State College.
I’ve always wanted to become a teacher since I could remember. I would say around the age of
five or six I knew what I wanted to become and do. I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to
inspire our youth. I chose this year to teach fifth grade. You’re probably wondering why I chose
to teach fifth grade. Well at this age your children have already begun to develop their own
independence and a sense of who they are. There curiosity and eagerness to learn has also begun
to grow. I’m excited to get to know everyone of you guys here tonight and began our journey to
an awesome learning experience.

I will share with you all my teaching philosophy. I believe my role as teacher is to provide my
students and your children with all the tools possible to reach their highest potential. It is my
desire to create an atmosphere where students will feel safe. I will provide an environment where
students can express themselves, share their feelings, and ideas. It is my duty to continuously
encourage my students to learn, strive for success, and never give up. I believe knowledge is
power and with power anything is possible. I believe the best teachers have the highest
expectations for all their students. Keeping in mind that every student expectations will not be
the same but to know that every student is capable of learning. I desire an environment where my
students and I will be able to communicate and ask questions when feeling unsure of something
without feeling out of place. I will aspire to help each child reach their full potential throughout
this school year.

I believe there are three main styles of learning. Those learning styles include auditory, visual,
and kinesthetic. In my classroom we will be exploring these various learning styles among
others. I believe that every child does not have the same learning style all learning styles should
be applied in the classroom setting being that it is essential for students to reach their best
potential. I know from my own experience while attending school I developed a preference of
learning styles for each subject. My math class required visual presentation and a hands-on
activity. For you parents that have yet to determine what learning style is best for your child
through the activities that are presented in the classroom I will be able to assist in determining
your child’s learning style. I also agree that conducting activities in smaller groups are important
so we at teachers are able to attend to all the needs of our children. It is my goal to apply several
types of teaching methods in my classroom. Methods including audio and video tools, real-world
learning, brainstorming, and working as a team amongst many other methods. Reminding you
that each of your children are unique and requires different styles and learning methods.
My main goal for my students this year is to provide them with the required skills I believe will
be essential for not only junior high school but also throughout life, so they will be able to apply
them in various situations. One of my goals for my students this year is to be able to apply
critical thinking skills. Critical thinking helps to develop language and presentation skills both
skills that I believe are essential in all aspects of life. The five skills that are extremely important
to critical thinking is analysis, communication, problem-solving, creativity, and open-
mindedness . I will be conducting interactive lectures to allow my students to express themselves
and provide feedback on the discussed topics. I expect my students who have not yet found their
voice to have found it by the end of the school year. With that being said there will be a few
required presentations throughout the school year. It is my goal for students will have developed
or began developing self actualization. They will be able to began recognizing their talents and

I believe that you parents should know that we are partners in your child’s education. Bob
Beuprez said, “Education is a shared commitment between dedicated teachers, motivated
students, and enthusiastic parents with high expectations”. With that being said is is essential to
conducting surveys in regards to your child strengths and weakness so that we may identify areas
that may be more difficult than others. I believe this step is a crucial in your child’s learning
process. This step will allow me to assist and identify different approaches to certain subjects or
categories. My goal is to obtain the most knowledge possible about my children so I can create
or continuously improve on my environment to educate my students. It is my duty to make sure
that my students are at their best. Parents I will also provide you guys with contact information
as I feel that our communication regarding your child’s needs regarding academic performance
and progress is essential.

It is my belief in order to have a successful classroom the same expectations apply. My

expectations are simple. I ask that my students come prepared to learn. I also ask that everyone is
respectful and considerate. I believe communication is key. No one shall pass judgment no
matter the circumstances. As a community we shall overcome whatever is the difficulty we face.
Our children are the future and we will stand behind them.

As a teacher I know my philosophy of teaching will change overtime. Each and every year I will
be able to reflect on my classrooms progress and myself. Which will allow me to to edit or make
changes to my educational philosophy. I acknowledge I have yet to be done learning and
experiencing certain situations that will cause for a change in my beliefs and expectations of
myself, my students, and you parents. I am here today to assure you all that my students are my
passion. The goals I set we will achieve as whole. I want you all to know that you are apart of
my classroom community. I look forward to seeing what new adventures that this year will

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