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MS Excel: Worksheet Formulas - Listed by

Learn how to use all Excel worksheet formulas entered in the
formula bar. Worksheet formulas are built-in functions that are
entered as part of a formula in a cell. These are the most basic
functions used when learning Excel.

Below is a list of Excel worksheet formulas sorted alphabetically. If

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Lookup/Ref Functions

ADDRESS (WS) Returns a text representation of a cell address

AREAS (WS) Returns the number of ranges in a reference
CHOOSE (WS) Returns a value from a list of values based on a given position
COLUMN (WS) Returns the column number of a cell reference
COLUMNS (WS) Returns the number of columns in a cell reference
Performs a horizontal lookup by searching for a value in the top row of the
value in the same column based on the index_number
HYPERLINK (WS) Creates a shortcut to a file or Internet address
INDEX (WS) Returns either the value or the reference to a value from a table or range
INDIRECT (WS) Returns the reference to a cell based on its string representation
LOOKUP (WS) Returns a value from a range (one row or one column) or from an array
MATCH (WS) Searches for a value in an array and returns the relative position of that item
OFFSET (WS) Returns a reference to a range that is offset a number of rows and columns
ROW (WS) Returns the row number of a cell reference
ROWS (WS) Returns the number of rows in a cell reference
TRANSPOSE (WS) Returns a transposed range of cells
Performs a vertical lookup by searching for a value in the first column of a
value in the same row in the index_number position

String/Text Functions

BAHTTEXT (WS) Returns the number in Thai text

CHAR (WS) Returns the character based on the ASCII value
CLEAN (WS) Removes all nonprintable characters from a string
CODE (WS) Returns the ASCII value of a character or the first character in a cell
CONCAT (WS) Used to join 2 or more strings together
CONCATENATE (WS) Used to join 2 or more strings together (replaced by CONCAT Function)
CONCATENATE with & (WS) Used to join 2 or more strings together using the & operator
DOLLAR (WS) Converts a number to text, using a currency format
EXACT (WS) Compares two strings and returns TRUE if both values are the same
FIND (WS) Returns the location of a substring in a string (case-sensitive)
FIXED (WS) Returns a text representation of a number rounded to a specified number o
LEFT (WS) Extract a substring from a string, starting from the left-most character
LEN (WS) Returns the length of the specified string
LOWER (WS) Converts all letters in the specified string to lowercase
MID (WS) Extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position)
NUMBERVALUE (WS) Returns a text to a number specifying the decimal and group separators
PROPER (WS) Sets the first character in each word to uppercase and the rest to lowercase
REPLACE (WS) Replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters
REPT (WS) Returns a repeated text value a specified number of times
RIGHT (WS) Extracts a substring from a string starting from the right-most character
SEARCH (WS) Returns the location of a substring in a string
SUBSTITUTE (WS) Replaces a set of characters with another
T (WS) Returns the text referred to by a value
TEXT (WS) Returns a value converted to text with a specified format
TEXTJOIN (WS) Used to join 2 or more strings together separated by a delimiter
TRIM (WS) Returns a text value with the leading and trailing spaces removed
UNICHAR (WS) Returns the Unicode character based on the Unicode number provided
UNICODE (WS) Returns the Unicode number of a character or the first character in a string
UPPER (WS) Convert text to all uppercase
VALUE (WS) Converts a text value that represents a number to a number

Date/Time Functions

DATE (WS) Returns the serial date value for a date

DATEDIF (WS) Returns the difference between two date values, based on the interval spec
DATEVALUE (WS) Returns the serial number of a date
DAY (WS) Returns the day of the month (a number from 1 to 31) given a date value
DAYS (WS) Returns the number of days between 2 dates
DAYS360 (WS) Returns the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year
EDATE (WS) Adds a specified number of months to a date and returns the result as a ser
EOMONTH (WS) Calculates the last day of the month after adding a specified number of mo
HOUR (WS) Returns the hours (a number from 0 to 23) from a time value
ISOWEEKNUM (WS) Returns the ISO week number for a date
MINUTE (WS) Returns the minutes (a number from 0 to 59) from a time value
MONTH (WS) Returns the month (a number from 1 to 12) given a date value
NETWORKDAYS (WS) Returns the number of work days between 2 dates, excluding weekends an
NETWORKDAYS.INTL (WS) Returns the number of work days between 2 dates, excluding weekends an
NOW (WS) Returns the current system date and time
SECOND (WS) Returns the seconds (a number from 0 to 59) from a time value
TIME (WS) Returns a decimal number given an hour, minute and second value
TIMEVALUE (WS) Returns the serial number of a time
TODAY (WS) Returns the current system date
WEEKDAY (WS) Returns a number representing the day of the week, given a date value
WEEKNUM (WS) Returns the week number for a date
WORKDAY (WS) Adds a specified number of work days to a date and returns the result as a
Adds a specified number of work days to a date and returns the result as a
YEAR (WS) Returns a four-digit year (a number from 1900 to 9999) given a date value
YEARFRAC (WS) Returns the number of days between 2 dates as a year fraction

Math/Trig Functions

ABS (WS) Returns the absolute value of a number

ACOS (WS) Returns the arccosine (in radians) of a number
ACOSH (WS) Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
AGGREGATE (WS) Apply functions such AVERAGE, SUM, COUNT, MAX or MIN and igno
ASIN (WS) Returns the arcsine (in radians) of a number
ASINH (WS) Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
ATAN (WS) Returns the arctangent (in radians) of a number
ATAN2 (WS) Returns the arctangent (in radians) of (x,y) coordinates
ATANH (WS) Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a number
CEILING (WS) Returns a number rounded up based on a multiple of significance
CEILING.PRECISE (WS) Returns a number rounded up to the nearest integer or to the nearest multip
COMBIN (WS) Returns the number of combinations for a specified number of items
COMBINA (WS) Returns the number of combinations for a specified number of items and in
COS (WS) Returns the cosine of an angle
COSH (WS) Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number
DEGREES (WS) Converts radians into degrees
EVEN (WS) Rounds a number up to the nearest even integer
EXP (WS) Returns e raised to the nth power
FACT (WS) Returns the factorial of a number
FLOOR (WS) Returns a number rounded down based on a multiple of significance
INT (WS) Returns the integer portion of a number
LN (WS) Returns the natural logarithm of a number
LOG (WS) Returns the logarithm of a number to a specified base
LOG10 (WS) Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number
MDETERM (WS) Returns the matrix determinant of an array
MINVERSE (WS) Returns the inverse matrix for a given matrix
MMULT (WS) Returns the matrix product of two arrays
MOD (WS) Returns the remainder after a number is divided by a divisor
ODD (WS) Rounds a number up to the nearest odd integer
PI (WS) Returns the mathematical constant called pi
POWER (WS) Returns the result of a number raised to a given power
PRODUCT (WS) Multiplies the numbers and returns the product
RADIANS (WS) Converts degrees into radians
RAND (WS) Returns a random number that is greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1
RANDBETWEEN (WS) Returns a random number that is between a bottom and top range
ROMAN (WS) Converts a number to roman numeral
ROUND (WS) Returns a number rounded to a specified number of digits
ROUNDDOWN (WS) Returns a number rounded down to a specified number of digits
ROUNDUP (WS) Returns a number rounded up to a specified number of digits
SIGN (WS) Returns the sign of a number
SIN (WS) Returns the sine of an angle
SINH (WS) Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number
SQRT (WS) Returns the square root of a number
SUBTOTAL (WS) Returns the subtotal of the numbers in a column in a list or database
SUM (WS) Adds all numbers in a range of cells
SUMIF (WS) Adds all numbers in a range of cells based on one criteria
SUMIFS (WS) Adds all numbers in a range of cells, based on a single or multiple criteria
SUMPRODUCT (WS) Multiplies the corresponding items in the arrays and returns the sum of the
SUMSQ (WS) Returns the sum of the squares of a series of values
SUMX2MY2 (WS) Returns the sum of the difference of squares between two arrays
SUMX2PY2 (WS) Returns the sum of the squares of corresponding items in the arrays
SUMXMY2 (WS) Returns the sum of the squares of the differences between corresponding i
TAN (WS) Returns the tangent of an angle
TANH (WS) Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number
TRUNC (WS) Returns a number truncated to a specified number of digits

Statistical Functions

AVEDEV (WS) Returns the average of the absolute deviations of the numbers provided
AVERAGE (WS) Returns the average of the numbers provided
AVERAGEA (WS) Returns the average of the numbers provided and treats TRUE as 1 and FA
AVERAGEIF (WS) Returns the average of all numbers in a range of cells, based on a given cri
AVERAGEIFS (WS) Returns the average of all numbers in a range of cells, based on multiple c
BETA.DIST (WS) Returns the beta distribution
BETA.INV (WS) Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function
BETADIST (WS) Returns the cumulative beta probability density function
BETAINV (WS) Returns the inverse of the cumulative beta probability density function
BINOM.DIST (WS) Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability
Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution
BINOMDIST (WS) Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability
CHIDIST (WS) Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution
CHIINV (WS) Returns the inverse of the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribu
CHITEST (WS) Returns the value from the chi-squared distribution
Counts the number of cells that contain numbers as well as the number of
COUNTA (WS) Counts the number of cells that are not empty as well as the number of val
COUNTBLANK (WS) Counts the number of empty cells in a range
COUNTIF (WS) Counts the number of cells in a range, that meets a given criteria
COUNTIFS (WS) Counts the number of cells in a range, that meets a single or multiple criter
COVAR (WS) Returns the covariance, the average of the products of deviations for two d
FORECAST (WS) Returns a prediction of a future value based on existing values provided
FREQUENCY (WS) Returns how often values occur within a set of data. It returns a vertical ar
GROWTH (WS) Returns the predicted exponential growth based on existing values provide
INTERCEPT (WS) Returns the y-axis intersection point of a line using x-axis values and y-ax
LARGE (WS) Returns the nth largest value from a set of values
Uses the least squares method to calculate the statistics for a straight line a
describing that line
MAX (WS) Returns the largest value from the numbers provided
MAXA (WS) Returns the largest value from the values provided (numbers, text and logi
MAXIFS (WS) Returns the largest value in a range, that meets a single or multiple criteria
MEDIAN (WS) Returns the median of the numbers provided
MIN (WS) Returns the smallest value from the numbers provided
MINA (WS) Returns the smallest value from the values provided (numbers, text and log
MODE (WS) Returns most frequently occurring number
MODE.MULT (WS) Returns a vertical array of the most frequently occurring numbers
MODE.SNGL (WS) Returns most frequently occurring number
PERCENTILE (WS) Returns the nth percentile from a set of values
PERCENTRANK (WS) Returns the nth percentile from a set of values
PERMUT (WS) Returns the number of permutations for a specified number of items
QUARTILE (WS) Returns the quartile from a set of values
RANK (WS) Returns the rank of a number within a set of numbers
Returns the slope of a regression line based on the data points identified by
SMALL (WS) Returns the nth smallest value from a set of values
STDEV (WS) Returns the standard deviation of a population based on a sample of numb
STDEVA (WS) Returns the standard deviation of a population based on a sample of numb
STDEVP (WS) Returns the standard deviation of a population based on an entire populatio
Returns the standard deviation of a population based on an entire populatio
logical values
VAR (WS) Returns the variance of a population based on a sample of numbers
VARA (WS) Returns the variance of a population based on a sample of numbers, text, a
VARP (WS) Returns the variance of a population based on an entire population of num
VARPA (WS) Returns the variance of a population based on an entire population of num

Logical Functions
AND (WS) Returns TRUE if all conditions are TRUE
FALSE (WS) Returns a logical value of FALSE
IF (WS) Returns one value if the condition is TRUE or another value if the conditio
IF (more than 7) (WS) Nest more than 7 IF functions
IF (up to 7) (WS) Nest up to 7 IF functions
IFERROR (WS) Used to return an alternate value if a formula results in an error
IFNA (WS) Used to return an alternate value if a formula results in #N/A error
IFS (WS) Specify multiple IF conditions within 1 function
NOT (WS) Returns the reversed logical value
OR (WS) Returns TRUE if any of the conditions are TRUE
SWITCH (WS) Compares an expression to a list of values and returns the corresponding re
TRUE (WS) Returns a logical value of TRUE

Information Functions

CELL (WS) Used to retrieve information about a cell such as contents, formatting, size
ERROR.TYPE (WS) Returns the numeric representation of an Excel error
INFO (WS) Returns information about the operating environment
ISBLANK (WS) Used to check for blank or null values
ISERR (WS) Used to check for error values except #N/A
ISERROR (WS) Used to check for error values
ISLOGICAL (WS) Used to check for a logical value (TRUE or FALSE)
ISNA (WS) Used to check for #N/A error
ISNONTEXT (WS) Used to check for a value that is not text
ISNUMBER (WS) Used to check for a numeric value
ISREF (WS) Used to check for a reference
ISTEXT (WS) Used to check for a text value
N (WS) Converts a value to a number
NA (WS) Returns the #N/A error value
TYPE (WS) Returns the type of a value
Financial Functions

ACCRINT (WS) Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest on a periodic b
ACCRINTM (WS) Returns the accrued interest for a security that pays interest at maturity
AMORDEGRC (WS) Returns the linear depreciation of an asset for each accounting period, on a
AMORLINC (WS) Returns the depreciation of an asset for each accounting period, on a prora
DB (WS) Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the fixed-declining balance m
DDB (WS) Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the double-declining balance
FV (WS) Returns the future value of an investment
IPMT (WS) Returns the interest payment for an investment
IRR (WS) Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows
ISPMT (WS) Returns the interest payment for an investment
MIRR (WS) Returns the modified internal rate of return for a series of cash flows
NPER (WS) Returns the number of periods for an investment
NPV (WS) Returns the net present value of an investment
PMT (WS) Returns the payment amount for a loan
PPMT (WS) Returns the payment on the principal for a particular payment
PV (WS) Returns the present value of an investment
RATE (WS) Returns the interest rate for an annuity
SLN (WS) Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the straight-line depreciation
SYD (WS) Returns the depreciation of an asset based on the sum-of-years' digits depr
VDB (WS) Returns the depreciation of an asset based on a variable declining balance
XIRR (WS) Returns the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows that may not be

Database Functions

DAVERAGE (WS) Averages all numbers in a column in a list or database, based on a given cr

Returns the number of cells in a column or database that contains numeric
DCOUNTA (WS) Returns the number of cells in a column or database that contains nonblank
DGET (WS) Retrieves from a database a single record that matches a given criteria
DMAX (WS) Returns the largest number in a column in a list or database, based on a giv
DMIN (WS) Returns the smallest number in a column in a list or database, based on a g
DPRODUCT (WS) Returns the product of the numbers in a column in a list or database, based
DSTDEV (WS) Returns the standard deviation of a population based on a sample of numb
DSTDEVP (WS) Returns the standard deviation of a population based on the entire populati
DSUM (WS) Sums the numbers in a column or database that meets a given criteria
DVAR (WS) Returns the variance of a population based on a sample of numbers
DVARP (WS) Returns the variance of a population based on the entire population of num

Engineering Functions

BIN2DEC (WS) Converts a binary number to a decimal number

BIN2HEX (WS) Converts a binary number to a hexadecimal number
BIN2OCT (WS) Converts a binary number to an octal number
COMPLEX (WS) Converts coefficients (real and imaginary) into a complex number
CONVERT (WS) Convert a number from one measurement unit to another measurement uni

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