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Centripetal Force: Spinning Disc Top

Submitted by:
Carlo Mariano
Kyle Tapil
Jean Rave Evangelio
Maria Kristina Rey

11- St. Thomas Aquinas

Submitted to:
Ma’am Kathleen Mistades
Centripetal Force: Spinning Disc Top
 To serve as entertainment for kids
 Stress reliever
 Understand the concepts of Centripetal Force
 Understand the concept of how rides in the amusement parks work
using centripetal force

 Centripetal force
 Latin Centrum, “center“ and Petere, “to seek“
 Is a force that makes a body follow a curved path or in this case, to
follow a curved rotating path.
 The centripetal force always points to the center of the circle.
 Refers to the motion of the body and towards the fixed point of the
instantaneous center of curvature of the path.
 The concept actually originated from the native Filipino toy called
trumpo or turumpo.
 Over time, it was probably a natural progression to begin carving
pieces of wood into acorn-shaped toys.

How to manipulate:
 Hold the top portion to put the disc in place.
 Flick your fingers and watch it spin

Scientific Laws and Concepts:

 The scientific law behind this concept happens when you initially spin
the top, you’re turning the top’s stored energy (potential energy) into
energy of motion (kinetic energy). Once you spin the top, the
centripetal force acts out as the net force that keeps the spin top
going in circular motion.
 The top eventually stops spinning because of friction and gravity. The
surface below the top provides friction, eventually causing the
spinning to slow down, and the top begins to wobble. As it begins to
wobble, the top tilts, allowing gravity to pull it over.

 The real life application of this toy is that you will understand how the
spinning toys work, which can be compared to a real life rides in the
amusement parks (e.g: Ferris wheel and Sky Screamer
11- St. Thomas Aquinas

Submitted to:
Ma’am Kathleen Mistades

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