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As information system use becomes more widespread and more individuals and

organizations rely on the internet as a means of conducting business, it becomes ever more
important to assure that the internet is a place where privacy is protected. Additionally, as
organizations rely more on information systems, they become vulnerable to attacks on these
precious technologies. Ethics is the branch of philosophy that deals with the determination of
what is right or wrong, good or bad. To behave ethically is to live one’s life in accordance with a
set of ethical principles, which are based, ultimately, on moral values. It is critical for
information systems professionals to understand this concept and realize that it is the users of the
technology who make the ethical decisions. When information systems personnel engage in
unethical behavior, the entire organization suffers. (Essays, UK, 2018).

No single code of technology ethics can fit all contexts and practitioners; organizations
and professions should therefore develop explicit internal policies, procedures, guidelines, and
best practices that are specifically adapted to their own activities and challenges. Some of the
best practices to ensure that a company acts ethically with its information systems are outlined
below. It is important to keep ethics in the Spotlight—and out of the compliance box. Ethics is a
pervasive aspect of technological practice. Because of the immense social power of technology,
ethical issues are virtually always in play. We often focus too narrowly on whether we have
complied with ethical guidelines, and we forget that ethical issues concerning technology don’t
just go away once we have diligently performed our own particular tasks. It is essential to think
about what happens to devices, software, hardware, or data after it leaves our hands. We need to
keep in mind the full context in which the technology we are working on exists now, and for
what purpose, as well as keep in mind where the technology we handle today will be going
tomorrow. When developing technology, keep in mind how the stakeholders’ expectations of a
particular product may diverge from reality. (SCU, 2018).


Essays, UK. (2018). The Ethics In Management Information Systems Information Technology
Essay. Retrieved from
SCU. (2018). Best Ethical Practices in Technology. Retrieved from

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