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Cassidy Bruen

Internet Resource Inventory

The Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine is an online resource for teens/adolescence.
This website provides numerous resources to better help individuals treat or ‘get through’ to this
targeted age group. These targeted resources include: support groups, peer networking
groups, helpline, treatment locators that focus on this age group, advocacy opportunities, and
how to best use social media to help educate teens on substance abuse.

The way in which I would utilize this website for the audience here (teens/young adults) is I would
focus on the resources provided. Specifically, the online video testimonials and utilizing social media
to engage this population more on advocacy. Additionally, I would focus on the support groups that
seem to better utilize technology (podcasts, online meetings, and social media) as these groups are
more likely to resonate with this age group.

2) is a resource that tries to help improve the Nation's health. While focusing
on not only Identifying the different nationwide health improvement priorities but also increasing
public awareness/understanding of health, disease, and disabilities that substance abuse
poses. The overall objective of this website is to help reduce substance abuse to protect the
health, safety, and quality of life for all, especially for children.

The way in which I would utilize this website for use would be to focus on the emerging issues.
THis website helps focus you on what the issues are now. Substance abuse issues are always
evolving with different generations and the problems 10 years ago are not the problems facing
today’s youth.


This website focuses on the umbrella term “addiction”. Addiction is different not only for every
individual but also there are numerous kinds of addictions that each require a unique
breakdown. This website focuses on the idea that addiction is a disease and is a complex

I would utilize this website to focus on the fact that addiction is not a made up condition but
rather a mental disorder that can be treated through different avenues. I believe that this
website would be best when needing to provide facts to an individual and answering the bigger
question “What is addiction?”.

This resource focuses on three key items: substance use, substance misuse, and substance
disorders. It further describes how we are currently dealing with a large substance misuse
problem in today's society and that this misuse is significantly affect our health care financially.
This website focuses on the idea that not just the term addiction is harmful but substance
misuse is the bigger issue and cost this country a lot of money.

I think the best way to utilize this website is to focus on the financial end of things. This resource
does a fantastic job breaking down the numbers and no longer looking at just the word addiction
but also misuse.


This websites focuses on prescription opioids as this is a major issue facing individuals today.
When you are prescribed something one believes that since it was prescribed to them that they
cannot become addicted. However, that is not the case. Even when prescribed by a doctor one
needs to be aware of the signs of addiction. This site helps one understand how to best
navigate this.

I would use this site to help my students understand that just because a doctor said to use this
medicine does not mean that you can take as much as you want or how you want. I would help
ensure that you will need to chat with your doctor before use so that you truly understand all the

The American Psychological Association (APA)focuses on substance use disorders. The APA
advocates for federal policies that take into account the science behind addiction and further
advocates for more research to better understand the addiction and treatment. This website
shows the evolution of policies and the newly designed programs to fight opioid addiction.

This website ensures that one is the most up to date on the always evolving policies and
individualized resources to help fight this addiction. I think it is also helpful to show that we are
constantly trying to better understand this disorder and come up with the best techniques for


The American Society of Addiction Medicine is a society founded with over 6,000
physicians, clinicians, and associated professionals in the field of addiction medicine.
Their goal is to increase access and improve treatment, education, and appropriate care
for addiction.

I would utilize this website for its “policy tracker” this helps tracks legislation on addiction
and provides an interactive map.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention website focuses on high risk substance use
among youth. This website focuses on the idea that most adults that are addicts become
addicts at a young age, even if they did not realize this at the time. That if we address these
issues early instead of waiting for a problem to occur we could see a decrease in addiction in

I would utilize this website for information on how best to address the warning signs in teens.
This site also provides links to brochures that you can share with not only teens but also parents
on how they can address these high risk behaviors with their own children.


Navigating treatment is not always easy and can be a complex path especially when dealing
with youth/teens. Realizing that a teen is addicted is just the first step and when thinking of
“what next” can be extremely overwhelming. There is no one-size-fits-all solution here, however,
this website tries to help create a roadmap for treatment.

I would use this website for a better break down of treatment. Utilizing the roadmap that helps
break down treatment in a more simplified version.


This website the center of addiction helps break down the term addiction and show that
addiction is not invincible and that we as a society can and will fight this. It states that the
solution lies with prevention, treatment, and government action. This website helps show if we
come together as a unit we will be able to combat addiction.

The way in which I would use this website is to not only break down addiction but also break
down the different preventive measures for teens, women, and in adults as every group is

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