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Journal of Plant Biology (2020) 63:63–71


Enhanced Drought and Salt Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis

by Flavobacterium crocinum ­HYN0056T
Jeong‑eun Kim1 · Og‑Geum Woo1,2 · Yoowon Bae1 · Hye Lim Keum3 · Sunglan Chung4 · Woo Jun Sul3 ·
Jae‑Hoon Lee1 

Received: 21 November 2019 / Revised: 26 December 2019 / Accepted: 3 January 2020 / Published online: 21 February 2020
© Korean Society of Plant Biologists and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2020

Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are indigenous to the plant rhizosphere and largely affect many events occur-
ring during the plant life cycle, through either a direct or an indirect mechanism such as regulation of hormonal balance,
facilitation of nutrients uptake and improvement of stress tolerance. Since drought stress, a representative abiotic stress,
is one of the main reasons limiting plant growth, the identification of useful PGPB involved in drought stress resistance in
plants and its application into the agricultural field could be utilized as a strategy to facilitate crop productivity. To obtain a
useful PGPB that is involved in drought stress resistance, we checked the expression patterns of drought-inducible marker
genes such as RD29A and RAB18 in Arabidopsis after application of 16 Flavobateria obtained from various environmental
sources. After screening, a PGPB known as Flavobacterium crocinum ­HYN0056T, which contributes to more than twofold
upregulation of drought-inducible marker genes, was finally selected for this study. Application of H ­ YN0056T enhanced the
tolerance against both drought stress, possibly via induction of stomatal closure, the highly related salt stress, in the pres-
ence of ­HYN0056T. Moreover, treatment of H ­ YN0056T under drought and salt stresses resulted in enhanced upregulation
of various drought- and salt-inducible genes in Arabidopsis. ­HYN0056T was responsible for the development of lateral roots
under nonstress condition, implying that it may be involved in effective uptake of water/inorganic nutrients. Based on these
results, we suggest that this bacterium could be used as a useful biocontrol agent to improve plant productivity, especially
under drought/salt stress conditions.

Keywords  Flavobacterium crocinum ­HYN0056T · PGPB · Drought stress · Salt stress · Arabidopsis


PGPB largely affect plant growth via both direct and indirect
Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this mechanisms (Backer et al. 2018). PGPB directly improve
article (https​://​4-020-09236​-8) contains plant growth by regulating the level of various phytohor-
supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.
mones, increasing siderophore production and enhancing
* Woo Jun Sul nutrient availability via nitrogen fixation and phosphorus/ iron solubilization (Glick 2012; Vejan et al. 2016). Moreo-
* Jae‑Hoon Lee ver, enhanced tolerances to biotic and abiotic stresses of plants by PGPB indirectly promote plant growth (Vejan et al.
2016). The beneficial role of PGPB for plants is potentially
Department of Biology Education, Pusan National achieved by production of phytohormones such as IAA,
University, Busan 46241, Korea
cytokinin and abscisic acid (ABA), production of bacterial
Department of Integrated Biological Science, Pusan National exopolysaccharides and ACC deaminase, and regulation of
University, Busan 46241, Korea
the level of various organic compounds such as proline, free
Department of Systems Biotechnology, Chung-Ang amino acid and sugar (Kumar and Verma 2018).
University, Anseong 17546, Korea
Plants consistently encounter various abiotic stresses
Underwood International College, Yonsei University, such as drought, salt, heat, cold, UV-B and heavy metals
Seoul 03722, Korea


64 Journal of Plant Biology (2020) 63:63–71

throughout their life cycles, and these stresses adversely In this study, we have found a PGPB, Flavobacterium
influence plant development, growth and productivity (Zhu crocinum ­HYN0056T, whose application enhanced the tol-
2016). Among these stresses, especially water-deficit stress erance against drought and salt stresses in Arabidopsis. Its
resulting from drought and high salinity is a major factor treatment also resulted in upregulation of various drought-
that decreases crop productivity on irrigated lands (Cushman and salt-inducible genes in Arabidopsis. As well as improv-
and Bohnert 2000). By 2050, both stresses are projected to ing the tolerance to drought and salt stresses, F. crocinum
adversely affect crop productivity on more than 50% of all ­HYN0056T also positively regulated the developmental pro-
arable lands (Vinocur and Altman 2005). Therefore, under- cess of lateral roots. Collectively, these findings show that
standing the detailed process of plant response to such abi- F. crocinum ­HYN0056T, investigated herein, is an effective
otic stresses is essential to ameliorate their adverse effects PGPB for improving plant growth under unfavorable envi-
on the growth and productivity of useful crops. Properly ronmental conditions, and is therefore a promising candidate
addressing this issue has rapidly raised the potential value to as a useful biological resource for agricultural applications
be gained by applying PGPB, which contribute to resistance into crop plants.
against the stresses, into agricultural fields.
Several studies have investigated the PGPB involved in
tolerance to drought and salt stresses in diverse plant spe- Results and Discussion
cies (Kumar and Verma 2018). Burkholderia phytofirmans
PsJN and PGPB strain IG 3 (Klebsiella sp.) improved wheat Identification of a Flavobacterium that Upregulates
growth by alleviating harmful effects under drought condi- Drought‑Inducible Genes in Arabidopsis
tions (Naveed et al. 2014; Gontia-Mishra et al. 2016). Four
PGPB strains (including Pseudomonas fluorescens, Entero- To identify a Flavobacterium strain that contributes to the
bacter hormaechei, and Pseudomonas migulae) isolated tolerance of plants to drought stress, we used 16 Flavoba-
from foxtail millet (Setaria italica L.), a drought-tolerant teria obtained from various biological resources (Table S1)
crop, positively regulated seed germination and seedling (Shin et al. 2014, 2017; Choi et al. 2017; Baek et al. 2018).
growth under drought stress conditions, possibly by pro- For screening the related PGPB, microbes were appli-
ducing a high level of exopolysaccharide (Niu et al. 2018). cated into the soil around the growth area of Arabidopsis
Furthermore, inoculation of several drought-tolerant Bacil- as a model plant and the transcript levels of drought stress
lus spp. mitigated negative effects from drought stress, by marker genes such as RD29A and RAB18 in the resulting
reducing the activity of various antioxidant enzymes in Arabidopsis were checked. During the screening process,
maize (Vardharajula et al. 2011). Inoculation of Azospiril- among candidate microbes whose application resulted in
lum brasilense Sp 245 also ameliorated the drought toler- upregulation of the drought-responsive genes by more than
ance of Arabidopsis and this response was correlated with two times under nonstress conditions, one stain Flavobac-
an increased level of ABA in Arabidopsis by the microbial terium crocinum ­HYN0056T (KY077156), which has been
treatment (Cohen et al. 2015). On the other hand, Pseu- reported by Baek et al. (2018), was selected for this study.
domonas putida N21 and three Pseudomonas (MK1, Mk20
and Mk25) improved plant growth under salt stress condi- Strain ­HYN0056T Improves the Drought Stress
tion in wheat and mungbean, respectively, via their ACC Tolerance of Arabidopsis
deaminase activities to lower ethylene level (Zahir et al.
2009; Ahmad et al. 2011). In addition, Bacillus amylolique- ­ YN0056T triggered upregu-
Since the inoculation of strain H
faciens NBRISN13 conferred salt stress tolerance through lation of the drought marker genes, we next checked whether
modulation of the gene expression profiles in rice, and this bacterium could alter the sensitivity in response to
Hartmannibacter diazotrophicus ­E19T positively regulated drought stress. As shown in Fig. 1a, the survival rate of
the growth of barley under salt stress condition via its ACC mock-treated plants after drought stress was 10%, while that
deaminase production (Nautiyal et al. 2013; Suarez et al. of ­HYN0056T-treated plants was 52%, indicating that the
2015). Although several studies have shown that PGPB from application of ­HYN0056T increases the drought stress toler-
diverse genera are widely involved in the responses of host ance of Arabidopsis. Since the sensitivity to drought stress
plants exposed to drought and salt stresses (Vurukonda et al. is highly related to the stomatal aperture of plant leaves in
2016; Ilangumaran and Smith 2017), the reports on the role many cases, the stomatal aperture of Arabidopsis followed
of the genus Flavobacterium (a genus of gram-negative and by mock or H ­ YN0056T treatments was investigated. The
rod-shaped bacteria), which has been noted as one of PGPB, stomatal aperture of ­HYN0056T-treated plants was only
for plant responses to drought and salt stresses have been about 42% of that of mock-treated samples (Fig. 1b). Taken
limited (Gontia-Mishra et al. 2016). together, these data show that strain H ­ YN0056T could

Journal of Plant Biology (2020) 63:63–71 65

Fig. 1  Enhanced drought and salt tolerance of Arabidopsis least 117 stomata for each sample were measured in three independ-
by strain ­ HYN0056T application. a Increased survival rate of ent experiments. The average value of stomatal apertures from mock-
­HYN0056T-treated Arabidopsis under drought stress condition. treated samples was considered to be 1.0. c Enhanced salt tolerance
Values indicate the means ± SD (n = 3). A Student’s t test was con- of Arabidopsis by ­HYN0056T application. The images were retrieved
ducted to identify significant differences between mock-treated and 12 days after the final salt treatment. Values indicate the means ± SD
­HYN0056T-treated samples; **P < 0.01. b Enhanced stomatal clo- (n = 3). *P < 0.05
sure of H ­ YN0056T-treated Arabidopsis plants. The apertures of at

improve the drought stress tolerance of Arabidopsis, pos- Strain ­HYN0056T Did Not Affect the Sensitivity
sibly through induction of stomatal closure. of Arabidopsis to UV‑B and Heavy Metal Stresses

Strain ­HYN0056T Improves the Salt Stress Tolerance Several reports show that a diverse range of abiotic stress
of Arabidopsis signalings could crosstalk through mediation of phyto-
hormones and converge at a certain point in the stress
The drought- and salt stress-signaling pathways largely signaling networks (Larkindale et al. 2005; Fujita et al.
share the protein components that are used to overcome 2006; Bandurska et al. 2013). Moreover, the application of
such stresses (Lee and Kim 2011). Since strain H ­ YN0056T Paenibacillus yonginensis ­DCY84T as PGPB into a plant
altered the sensitivity to drought stress in Arabidopsis, we commonly enhances its tolerance against a diverse range
investigated if the tolerance against salt stress could be of abiotic stresses such as salt, drought and heavy metal
­ YN0056T in the plant. Figure 1c shows that the
altered by H stresses (Sukweenadhi et al. 2015). These findings raise a
survival rate of Arabidopsis co-incubated with ­HYN0056T possibility that strain ­HYN0056T might be involved in the
was 1.8 times higher than that of the mock-treated one in the tolerant process against a wide range of abiotic stresses.
presence of salt stress, indicating that ­HYN0056T is able to For UV-B or heavy metal stress treatments, mock- or
enhance tolerance against salt stress in Arabidopsis. Appli- ­H YN0056 T-treated Arabidopsis plants were exposed to
cation of drought and salt stresses into plants commonly UV-B light of 20  μmol  m −2  s −1 irradiance or 250  mM
triggers accumulation of endogenous ABA, and the result- ­Al2(SO4)3, respectively, and their phenotypes were moni-
ing elevated ABA level is largely responsible for transduc- tored. As shown in Fig. 2a, b, UV-B and aluminum (heavy
ing both stress signalings into downstream processes that metal) stress challenges did not lead to phenotypic change
display the stress tolerance response (Agarwal et al. 2006). between ­HYN0056T- and mock-treated samples, indicat-
Therefore, the biological role of strain ­HYN0056T to endow ing that it did not alter the sensitivity of Arabidopsis to
drought and salt stress tolerance may be involved in the those stresses.
increase of ABA accumulation in plants and/or alteration of
plant sensitivity in response to ABA.


66 Journal of Plant Biology (2020) 63:63–71

Fig. 2  Comparison of UV-B (a) and heavy metal (b) stress responses between mock-treated and ­HYN0056T-treated Arabidopsis plants. The
images were taken 3 days after UV-B treatments and 7 days after the final treatment of heavy metal

Application of Strain ­HYN0056T Under Drought genes, the expression patterns of various drought- and salt-
and Salt Stress Leads to Enhanced Upregulation responsive genes were monitored in the absence or presence
of Various Drought‑ and Salt‑Inducible Genes of drought/salt stresses. As shown in Fig. 3a, ­HYN0056T
in Arabidopsis enhanced the upregulation of several drought-inducible
genes such as RD29A, RAB18, ADH1 and NCED3 under
To check if drought- and salt-stress tolerant phenotypes of drought stress condition, correlating with enhanced drought
­ YN0056T are
Arabidopsis induced by application of strain H tolerance by ­HYN0056T. Since the drought-inducible genes
functionally related to the expression of the stress-related used in Fig. 3a have also been known as ABA-inducible

Fig. 3  Enhanced upregulation of several drought- and salt-respon- ducted to identify significant differences between mock-treated and
sive genes in strain H­ YN0056T-treated Arabidopsis plants, under ­HYN0056T-treated samples; *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001. b
drought and salt stress conditions. a Expression patterns of various Expression patterns of various salt-responsive genes in the absence
drought-responsive genes in the absence or presence of H ­ YN0056T, or presence of H­ YN0056T, under (−) or ( +) salt treatment. Eleven-
under (−) or ( +) drought treatment. Eleven-day-old Arabidopsis day-old Arabidopsis plants were treated with mock or ­HYN0056T.
plants were treated with mock or ­HYN0056T. After 14  days, Arabi- From 1 week after inoculation with bacteria, the plants in a pot were
dopsis plants were kept in the air until loss of approximately 20% exposed to 50  ml of either a 250  mM NaCl solution or water, two
of the total fresh weight or without drought stress. The expression times at a 3-day interval over the following 3 days. The samples were
levels of various genes were normalized using the expression levels harvested 3 days after the final treatment. The average value of each
of ACTIN2. The average value of each gene expression from mock- gene expression from mock-treated samples under (−) salt condi-
treated samples under (−) drought condition was considered to be tion was considered to be 1.0. Values represent means ± SD (n ≥ 6).
1.0. Values represent means ± SD (n ≥ 4). A Student’s t test was con- **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001

Journal of Plant Biology (2020) 63:63–71 67

genes, the enhanced tolerance could be mediated through investigated whether strain ­HYN0056T affects the growth
ABA-dependent process. This explanation is supported by pattern of Arabidopsis under nonstress conditions. Although
the data that ­HYN0056T enhances the ABA-induced sto- ­HYN0056T triggered the increased tolerance to drought
matal closure (Fig. 1b). Moreover, it triggered upregulation stress mediated by ABA, its application did not alter the
of NCED3, a representative ABA biosynthesis gene (Tan germination pattern, which is also regulated by ABA, under
et al. 2003), in the presence of drought stress, showing that normal growth condition (Fig. 4a). As shown in Figs. 3a and
its role for drought tolerance is connected to the increase of S1, ­HYN0056T induced the upregulation of ABA-responsive
endogenous ABA level in Arabidopsis (Fig. 3a). Consistent genes such as RD29A and RAB18, but not NCED3, AAO3,
with the data that strain ­HYN0056T contributes to the salt- ABA1, ABA2 and ABA3 as ABA biosynthesis genes in the
stress tolerance of Arabidopsis, its application also led to absence of drought stress, implying that the strain may be
the hyper-induction of several salt-inducible genes such as involved in the enhancement of ABA sensitivity, and not
RD29A, RD17, RAB18 and WRKY8 under salt stress condi- in the accumulation of ABA under nonstress conditions.
tion (Fig. 3b). Moreover, a part of downstream signaling components par-
ticipating in the ABA-mediated germination process in ABA
Strain ­HYN0056T Treatment Leads to an Increase signaling are different from those in the ABA-mediated
in the Number of Lateral Roots in Arabidopsis drought response, indicating that the two processes are both
partially overlapping and partially distinct from each other
Since several studies have suggested that PGPB strains that (Finkelstein et al. 2005; Kim 2006; Yoshida et al. 2010;
endow plants with tolerance to abiotic stresses could also Kim et al. 2016). Based on these results, we cannot exclude
be involved in the regulation of plant growth, we firstly the possibility that the enhanced ABA-sensitivity triggered

Fig. 4  Growth pattern of Arabidopsis by strain ­ HYN0056T appli- weights from control plants was considered to be 1.0. Values indicate
cation. a Germination pattern of control and H ­ YN0056T-treated the means ± SD (n = 7). **P < 0.01. c Comparison of primary root
Arabidopsis plants. Seeds were germinated on MS plates in the lengths between control and H ­ YN0056T-treated Arabidopsis plants.
absence or presence of ­HYN0056T, and then further grown for the Five-day-old seedlings grown on MS plates were transferred on MS
indicated times. Germination rates were determined with an aver- plates in the absence or presence of ­HYN0056T, and then further
age of ≥ 100 seeds from each of three replicates. Values are rep- grown for the indicated times. Values indicate the means ± SD (n ≥ 3).
resented as means ± SD (n = 3). b Comparison of fresh weights of d Increased number of lateral roots in ­HYN0056T-treated Arabidopsis
shoots and roots between control and H ­ YN0056T-treated Arabidop- plants. Five-day-old seedlings grown on MS plates were transferred
sis plants. Six-day-old seedlings grown on MS plates were trans- on MS plates in the absence or presence of H­ YN0056T, and then fur-
ferred on MS plates in the absence or presence of H ­ YN0056T, and ther grown for the indicated times. Values indicate the means ± SD
then further grown for 12 days. The average value of shoot/root fresh (n ≥ 4). **P < 0.01


68 Journal of Plant Biology (2020) 63:63–71

by ­HYN0056T in the absence of drought stress may not be two beta-ketoacyl synthase, and one StlD/DarB family
effective or sufficient for altering the germination process. beta-ketosynthase.
Although ­HYN0056T did not affect the growth of aerial Flexirubin is the yellow-orange pigment produced by bac-
parts, its application slightly increased the root fresh weight teria from Bacteroidetes phylum, especially, genera Flexi-
(Fig. 4b). Furthermore, the microbial application increased bacter, Flavobacterium, Cytophaga. Because of a limited
the number of lateral roots, but did not increase the primary distribution among bacteria, flexirubin has acted as a chemo-
root length (Fig. 4c, d). Since the primary root lengths were taxonomic marker for the bacteria of the Bacteroidetes phy-
comparable between control and ­HYN0056T-treated plants, lum (Schöner et al. 2014; Fautz et al. 1979). Several studies
the increased root fresh weight mediated by H ­ YN0056T have reported on the biological activity of this pigment, such
may have been caused by the increased number of lateral as antimicrobial activities and antioxidant activities (Rad-
roots, at least in part (Fig. 4c, d). A diverse range of PGPB hakrishnan et al. 2016; Umadevi et al. 2013). By controlling
strains have been implicated in root development and growth other bacteria in the soil or reducing stress, flexirubin, as the
(Zamioudis et al. 2013; Zhao et al. 2016; Zhou et al. 2016; bacterial secondary metabolite, may be involved in plant
Lu et al. 2018). Furthermore, it has been suggested that root growth and thus is worthy of further experimental studies
weight is increased under drought stress condition, and that (Kumar et al. 2015).
drought resistance varieties display improved root develop-
ment relatively to susceptible varieties, which supports the
connection between drought stress response and root devel- Concluding Remarks
opment (Naseem et al. 2018). Similar with the results from
F. crocinum ­HYN0056T, Bacillus megaterium BOFC15, In this study, we found that strain H ­ YN0056T is responsi-
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 and Azospirillum bra- ble for enhancing tolerance of plant to abiotic stresses such
silense Sp 245 increase the tolerance to drought stress and as drought and salt. In spite of its marked contribution to
root growth, including lateral root development (Cohen et al. resistance against drought and salt stresses in Arabidop-
2015; Zhou et al. 2016; Lu et al. 2018). These results imply sis, the detailed action mechanism of H ­ YN0056T for the
that increased lateral root formation by ­HYN0056T may related response of the plant is still limited. The interaction
be correlated to improved tolerance against drought stress. of PGPB with host plants affects a variety of plant processes
Enhanced lateral root development induced by H ­ YN0056T is covering nutrient uptake, phytohormone levels and meta-
expected to improve the assimilation of water and inorganic bolic processes in plants. Therefore, monitoring alteration
nutrients, which might help to properly cope with an unfa- at the levels of gene expression and protein accumulation in
vorable environment from drought and salt stress conditions. Arabidopsis by the application of H ­ YN0056T could provide
The initiation and development of lateral roots are triggered a proper answer to further understand its detailed role as a
by auxin (Boerjan et al. 1995), and the growth of lateral root PGPR. To utilize a selected PGPR as a useful biological
by PGPB could be regulated via auxin produced by PGPB resource in agricultural fields, our further study will focus on
and/or plant auxin level altered by PGPB (Dodd et al. 2010). elucidation of the possibility that ­HYN0056T affects growth,
Based on these previous findings, the possible involvement productivity and abiotic stress tolerance of useful crops.
of auxin in the enhanced lateral root development displayed Several studies that PGPB that positively affect growth and
in ­HYN0056T-treated Arabidopsis will be investigated in stress tolerance in Arabidopsis also endow the similar effects
our upcoming study. to other crops raise a possibility that the biological role of
­HYN0056T could be applied to crop plants (Zhu et al. 2015;
Identification of Secondary Metabolite BGCs Sukweenadhi et al. 2015, 2018; Trinh et al. 2018). Bras-
in Strain ­HYN0056T sica crop, a plant genus to be most closely related to Arabi-
dopsis, could be a suitable target to check the possibility
Genomes of strain ­HYN0056T have a potential to produce of ­HYN0056T as a suitable biological tool for agricultural
secondary metabolites, including arylpolyene/resorcinol, applications.
betalactone, lanthipeptides, NRPS/T1PKS, and terpenes.
Among those, carotenoid, flexirubin, and colanic acid was
assigned to the terpene cluster type, arylpolyene/resorcinol Materials and Methods
cluster type, NRPS & T1PKS cluster type, respectively
against MIBiG (Minimum Information about a Biosyn- Plant Materials and Growth Conditions
­ YN0056T genome
thetic Gene cluster) database. The strain H
possessed 55 genes that had 94% genes similarity to the Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Col-0 was used for this study.
flexirubin cluster. The following four genes were predicted The seeds were surface-sterilized with 75% ethanol and
to be core biosynthetic genes: one acyl-carrier-protein, 0.1% Triton X-100 for 5 min, stored at 4 °C for 3 days for

Journal of Plant Biology (2020) 63:63–71 69

stratification, and then grown on 1 × Murashige and Skoog were performed as previously described (Kim et al. 2016).
(MS) agar medium including 1% sucrose and 0.8% bactoagar They were conducted with the Solg™ 2 × real-time PCR
(pH 5.8) under long-day condition (16 h light/8 h dark) in a Smart Mix (SolGent) according to the manufacturer’s pro-
controlled-environment chamber at 23 °C. For the stress tol- tocol and the Rotor-Gene Q system (Qiagen). Relative gene
erance assays, analysis of stomatal apertures and qRT-PCR expression fold was obtained by the delta–delta Ct method.
analysis, the seedlings grown on MS plates for 10 days were Data were normalized to an internal control gene, ACTIN2.
moved into a pot filled with horticultural soil mix (cocopeat The information of primer sequences for the analysis is
51.5%, peat moss 10%, vermiculite 13%, perlite 15%, zeolite shown in Table S2.
10%, humic acid 0.1%, fertilizer 0.4%) and further grown
under long-day condition at 23 °C. Secondary Metabolite Biosynthetic Gene Clusters
(BGCs) Analysis of Strain ­HYN0056T
Bacterial Culture and Application into the Plants
The whole-genome sequence of strain ­HYN0056 T was
Strain ­HYN0056 was grown on R2A agar media over- obtained from the RefSeq database (O’Leary et al. 2015)
night at 28 °C. After collection, the cultured ­HYN0056T under accession number CP029255.1. To predict the sec-
were diluted to an ­OD600 of 0.04 (stress tolerance assays and ondary metabolite BGCs of H­ YN0056T, the antibiotics, and
qRT-PCR analysis) or 1.0 (shoot/root growth analysis and secondary metabolite analysis shell, antiSMASH v5.0 (Blin
germination assay) with MS liquid. The resulting bacterial et al. 2019) was conducted using standard parameters.
diluent was supplied into MS plate or soil around Arabidop-
sis growth area. Statistical Analysis

Abiotic Stress Treatments Statistical calculations were performed using GraphPad

QuickCalcs calculator (https​://www.graph​​
Eleven-day-old Arabidopsis plants were initially treated calcs​/).
with mock or strain H ­ YN0056T, and then used for further
treatment of various abiotic stresses. For drought stress, two Acknowledgements  We thank Dr. Hana Yi for kindly providing ten
Flavobaterium strains ­(EM1308T, ­EM1321T, ­HYN0048T, ­HYN0049T,
weeks after H­ YN0056T treatment, the plants were kept with- ­HYN0056T, ­HYN0059T, HYN0086, LPB0074, ­LPB0076T, HYN0034).
out irrigation for a further 10 days, followed by re-watering This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of
for 2 days. For salt stress, from 1 week after inoculation Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (no.
with the bacteria, each plant in a pot was exposed to 50 ml 2019R1F1A1041226), and by the Strategic Initiative for Microbiomes
in Agriculture and Food, Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural
of either a 250 mM NaCl solution or water, three times at Affairs, Republic of Korea (916007021HD040).
3-day intervals over the following 6 days. For UV-B stress,
after 13 days of the bacterial inoculation, the plants were Author Contributions  WJS and JHL conceived the study. WJS and
treated with UV-B light of 20 μmol m−2 s−1 irradiance for JHL designed the experiments and analyzed the data. JK, OGW, YB
the indicated times. For heavy metal stress, 11-day-old and HLK carried out the experimental work and analyzed the data.
OGW and JHL revised the manuscript. JHL wrote the manuscript with
plants treated with H ­ YN0056T were exposed to 250 mM contributions of WJS and SC.
­Al2(SO4)3 solutions, twice (at 14th and 21st days after bac-
teria inoculation). Compliance with Ethical Standards 
Stomatal Aperture Analysis Conflict of interest  All authors have approved the manuscript and de-
clare no conflict of interests.
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