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Post-partum haemorrhage Causes and risk factors

PPH is commonly due to one or a combination of four processes
Soma Mukherjee referred to in the ‘4Ts’ mnemonic:
• tone (post-delivery poor uterine contraction)
Sabaratnam Arulkumaran • tissue (blood clots and/or retained products of conception)
• trauma (genital tract)
• thrombin (coagulation abnormalities).
Common risk factors for PPH are an over-distended uterus due
to fetal macrosomia, multiple pregnancy and polyhydramnios.
Antepartum haemorrhage, chorio-amnionitis, coagulation dis­
orders, fibroid uterus, induction of labour, instrumental delivery,
Abstract obesity, pre-eclampsia, previous Caesarean section delivery, pre-
Obstetric haemorrhage accounts for 25% of maternal deaths in develop- vious history of PPH, primigravidity, prolonged rupture of mem-
ing countries and post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) is the most common branes and/or labour are also considered to be risk factors.
type. It accounts for 10.6% of all direct maternal deaths in the UK and, There is a trend in the UK towards delaying child-bearing.
according to the recent Confidential Enquiries into Maternal and Child Increased maternal age, Caesarean and instrumental deliveries
Health report, it is the third most common cause of maternal mortality. and placenta praevia increase the incidence of PPH. An increas-
The enquiry concluded that a number of these deaths were avoidable ing number of multiple pregnancies due to assisted reproduction
and highlighted ‘doing too little too late’. can also result in an increased incidence of PPH.
Failure to assess the clinical picture, underestimating blood loss, PPH can occur in women without identifiable risk factors. In
­delayed treatment, lack of multidisciplinary team work and failure to absolute numbers, more women without risk factors have atonic
seek timely senior help are some of the issues highlighted. Clinicians PPH as compared with those with risk factors.
should be aware of appropriate surgical measures and the timing of
­interventions. Effective team work, pooling of resources and the pres-
ence of a ‘rapid PPH response teams’ can improve outcome.
The blood vessels supplying the placental bed pass through an
Keywords balloon tamponade; blood transfusion; haemostasis; interlacing network of muscle fibres of the myometrium. Myo-
­postpartum haemorrhage; surgery; uterotonics metrial contraction causes placental separation and causes blood
vessels to constrict. This haemostatic mechanism or ‘living liga-
tures’ control the bleeding from the placental bed when the pla-
centa separates. Uterine atony results in a failure of these ‘living
ligatures’ to stop the bleeding. The active management of the
Post-partum haemorrhage (PPH) refers to an estimated blood third stage of labour is associated with a reduction in the risk of
loss in excess of 500 ml following a vaginal birth and a loss PPH and less need for blood transfusion by enhancing the above
greater than 1000 ml during a Caesarean section. Major haemor- physiological process.
rhage is defined as an estimated blood loss of more than 2500 ml Mild shock occurs when 20% of the blood volume is lost,
or the transfusion of 5 or more units of blood or treatment of resulting in decreased perfusion of non-vital organs and tissues
­coagulopathy. (i.e. bone, fat, skeletal muscle) with pale and cool skin. When
These values are arbitrary as visual estimation of blood loss is 20–40% of the blood volume is lost, moderate shock occurs with
not reliable. Patients with a low body mass index have a lower decreased perfusion of vital organs (i.e. gut, kidneys, liver), oli-
blood volume of 70 ml/kg and anaemic women have fewer guria and/or anuria, a drop in blood pressure, and mottling of
reserves to withstand blood loss and hence will decompensate the skin in the legs. When 40% or more of the blood volume is
sooner. Thus, a useful definition takes into account any blood lost, severe shock occurs resulting in decreased perfusion of the
loss that causes a major physiological change like a fall in blood heart and brain, agitation, restlessness, coma, echocardiogram
pressure, as the risk of dying from PPH depends on the amount and electroencephalogram abnormalities, and finally cardiac
and rate of blood loss and the woman’s health. arrest.
PPH is classified as primary and secondary. Primary PPH
occurs within 24 hours of delivery and secondary PPH after
Prevention of PPH
24 hours and within 6–12 weeks post-partum.
Only 40% of women who develop PPH have an identifiable risk
factor. Women with risk factors should be delivered in centres
Soma Mukherjee MBBS MRCOG is a Lecturer in the Department of with transfusion and intensive care unit facilities. The Royal
Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St Georges Hospital, University of College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG) urges early
London, London, UK. or prophylactic interventional radiology for the prevention and
management of PPH in high-risk cases and recommends strate-
Sabaratnam Arulkumaran MBBS MD PhD FRCOG is a Professor at the gies for the management of unpredicted PPH.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, St Georges Hospital, Prevention of PPH includes antenatal risk assessment and
University of London, London, UK. treatment of anaemia or other health problems so that women

OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 19:5 121 Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

are healthy enough to withstand PPH, as well as appropriate

intra-partum and post-partum management. The International
Confederation of Midwives and the International Federation of A management algorithm – HAEMOSTASIS – has been proposed
Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) have together launched a to aid stepwise management of atonic PPH. The following section
world-wide programme to promote active management of the has been adapted from: Chandraharan E & Arulkumaran S. Man-
third stage of labour for all women. Active management con- agement algorithm for atonic postpartum haemorrhage. J Psycho-
sists of interventions designed to facilitate placental delivery by som Obstet Gynaecol June 2005: 106–112 and Doumouchtsis SK,
improving uterine contractions and preventing PPH by averting & Arulkumaran S. Postpartum haemorrhage: changing practices.
uterine atony. These measures include administration of utero- In: Recent Advances in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Vol 24. Dunlop
tonic agents, controlled cord traction and uterine massage after W, Ledger WL (eds). London: The Royal Society of Medicine
delivery of the placenta, as deemed appropriate. This approach Press Ltd; 2008. pp. 89–104.
reduces the risks of PPH, anaemia, requirement for blood transfu-
sion, prolonged third stage of labour and use of therapeutic drugs HAEMOSTASIS algorithm
for PPH. It is recommended that active management should be General medical management
routine for women in maternity hospitals and there is no evi- H Call for help
dence to suggest that this recommendation should not include A Assess (vital signs, blood loss) and resuscitate
low-risk births at home or in birth centres. E Establish aetiology, ecbolics, ensure availability of blood
Oxytocin is used routinely in the active management of the Establish aetiology: ‘4Ts’ – tone, tissue, trauma, thrombin
third stage of labour. It is routinely administered for the prevention Ecbolics (syntometrine, ergometrine, bolus syntocinon)
and treatment of PPH as a first-line agent as it is effective within Ensure availability of blood and blood products
2–3 minutes after injection and, as it has minimal side effects, it M Massage the uterus
can be used in all women. If oxytocin is unavailable, ergometrine O Oxytocin infusion, prostaglandins (intravenous, rectal,
maleate 0.5 mg intramuscularly, ergometrine with oxytocin 5 IU/ml ­intramuscular, intramyometrial)
(syntometrine) or misoprostol 0.4 mg orally can be used.
Misoprostol – which is a prostaglandin E1 analogue – can be Specific surgical management
administered by oral, sublingual and rectal routes. The main side S Shift to operating theatre – bimanual compression anti-
effects are diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting. Rectal misoprostol shock garment, especially if transfer is required
causes less shivering and pyrexia, than oral misoprostol. A recent T Tissue and trauma to be excluded and proceed to tampon-
Cochrane review on the use of prostaglandins for the prevention ade with balloon or uterine packing
of PPH concluded that neither intramuscular prostaglandins nor A Apply compression sutures
misoprostol are preferred to conventional injectable uterotonics S Systematic pelvic devascularisation (uterine, ovarian,
as part of the management of the third stage of labour especially quadruple, internal iliac)
for low-risk women. I Interventional radiology, uterine artery embolisation
Carbetocin is a long-acting oxytocin agonist and has been S Subtotal or total abdominal hysterectomy
used for the prevention of PPH. The advantage of intramuscular
carbetocin over intramuscular oxytocin is its longer duration of H – Call for help
action. It induces a prolonged uterine response post-partum, both Major PPH must be managed appropriately by a multidisciplinary
in amplitude and frequency of contraction. Carbetocin is associ- team. Consultant obstetricians, anaesthetists, haematologists,
ated with reduced need for other uterotonic agents and uterine midwives, theatre staff, blood bank, hospital porters and even
massage, and there are no differences in side effects between the intensive care/high dependency unit staff should be alerted.
carbetocin and oxytocin.
FIGO recommends that skilled birth attendants should use A – Assess (vital signs, blood loss) and resuscitate
physiological (or expectant) management of the third stage if Early recognition, prompt resuscitation and restoration of the cir-
oxytocin or misoprostol are unavailable. culating blood volume are the components in the management of
In 2006, the World Health Organization held a technical con- PPH. General resuscitation measures include assessment of the
sultation on the prevention of post-partum haemorrhage and it haemodynamic status by monitoring the patient’s vital param-
recommends the following. eters (level of consciousness, blood pressure, pulse and oxygen
• Active management of the third stage of labour should ­include: saturation).
administration of an uterotonic soon after the birth of the baby; Accurate estimation of the blood loss warns of impending
delayed cord clamping; and delivery of the placenta by controlled haemorrhagic shock. Different methods of estimation have been
cord traction followed by uterine massage. evaluated and guidelines to improve accuracy of the visual esti-
• Active management of the third stage of labour should be mation of blood loss have been suggested. Two large bore can-
­offered by skilled attendants, as potential risks such as uterine nulae are inserted and blood samples taken for full blood count,
inversion, may result from inappropriate cord traction. group and save and cross-match, coagulation screen and renal
• Oxytocin should be offered for the prevention of PPH in pref- and liver profile.
erence to oral, sublingual or rectal misoprostol. Fluid resuscitation in PPH is often conservative because of
• In the absence of active management of the third stage of underestimation of blood volume and rapid blood loss. It is
labour, an uterotonic drug (oxytocin or misoprostol) should be important to remember that symptoms of hypovolaemia are
offered. often delayed due to compensatory mechanisms as these women

OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 19:5 122 Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

are fit and young. Concerns that fluid overload will lead to pul- If bleeding continues, blood transfusion must be commenced
monary oedema and cardiac failure, may be misleading. A loss if the estimated blood loss is over 30% of the blood volume or
of 1 litre of blood requires replacement with 4–5 litres of crystal- if the patient is haemodynamically unstable despite aggressive
loid (0.9% normal saline or lactated Ringer’s solution) or col- resuscitation. Group O, Rhesus-negative blood should be trans-
loids until cross-matched blood is made available, as most of the fused until grouped and cross-matched blood is available.
intravenous fluid shifts from the intravascular to the interstitial Coagulopathy may be due to a number of factors: disseminated
space. intravascular coagulation (DIC); depletion of clotting factors
within blood clots (‘washout phenomenon’); dilution of clotting
‘The golden first hour’ factors with crystalloid fluid resuscitation; lack of clotting factors
Severe haemorrhage leads to cardiovascular failure if not diag- in stored blood; hypothermia; and acidosis secondary to hypoxia.
nosed and treated effectively. As the severity depends on body Dilutional coagulopathy occurs when about 80% of the original
weight and metabolism and haemoglobin levels, emergency blood volume has been replaced. One litre of fresh frozen plasma
measures should be initiated if the estimated blood loss is more should be administered (15 ml/kg) with every 6 units of blood
than one-third of the woman’s blood volume (blood volume transfused. Platelet concentration should be maintained at more
[ml] = weight [kg] × 80) or more than 1000 ml or a change in than 50 × 109 per litre or more than 80–100 × 109 per litre if
­haemodynamic status. surgical intervention is likely. Cryoprecipitate (which provides a
As more time passes between the onset of severe shock and more concentrated form of fibrinogen) and other clotting factors
effective resuscitation, the chances of survival decrease because (VIII, XIII, von Willebrand factor) may be required if there is DIC
metabolic acidosis sets in. The ‘golden first hour’ is the time or if the fibrinogen level is less than 10 g/l.
at which resuscitation must be commenced to ensure the best
chance of survival. The probability of survival decreases sharply M – Massaging the uterus
after the first hour if the patient is not effectively resuscitated. Bimanual uterine massage (vaginal hand in the anterior fornix
For the general acute management of PPH a ‘rule of 30’ has and abdominal hand on the uterine fundus) is a very effective
been proposed. If the patient’s systolic blood pressure (SBP) falls measure and reduces bleeding even if the uterus remains atonic,
by 30 mmHg, heart rate (HR) rises by 30 beats/min, respiratory allowing resuscitation to be effective and, thus, reducing further
rate increases to >30 breaths/min and haemoglobin or haema- blood loss.
tocrit drop by 30%, and/or her urinary output is <30 ml/hour,
then the patient is most likely to have lost at least 30% of her O – Oxytocin infusion, prostaglandins
blood volume and is in moderate shock leading to severe shock. Oxytocin, can be given as a slow intravenous bolus (5 units) or as
The use of the ‘shock index’ (SI) is invaluable in the monitoring an infusion (40 units in 500 ml of 0.9% normal saline, infused at
and management of women with PPH. It refers to HR divided by the a rate of 100–125 ml/hour) in order to maintain uterine contrac-
SBP. The normal value is 0.5–0.7. With significant haemorrhage, tion. There are no absolute contraindications, but an antidiuretic
it increases to 0.9–1.1. The change in SI of an individual patient effect with volume overload can develop with high cumulative
appears to correlate better in identifying early acute blood loss than doses. If the uterus remains atonic after initial oxytocic therapy,
the HR, SBP or diastolic blood pressure used in ­isolation. syntometrine or ergometrine can be repeated.
Ergometrine is an ergot alkaloid and hypertension and cardiac
E – Establish aetiology, ecbolics, ensure availability of blood disease are contraindications due to the possible development of
• Establish aetiology: 4Ts – tone, tissue, trauma, thrombin severe hypertension and myocardial ischaemia.
• Ecbolics (syntometrine, ergometrine, bolus syntocinon) Carboprost is a prostaglandin F2 analogue administered
• Ensure availability of blood and blood products intramuscularly or intramyometrially. It is a second-line agent
A systematic assessment to identify the cause of bleeding for uterine atony (0.25 mg repeated every 15–20 minutes to a
is made using the ‘4Ts’ mnemonic. Thorough assessment of maximum dose of 2 mg). It is known to be 80–90% effective in
the uterine tone is followed by uterine massage and adminis- decreasing blood loss due to PPH in cases that are refractory to
tration of uterotonic agents if the uterus is atonic. Exploration oxytocin and ergometrine. It is contraindicated in asthma as it
of the uterine cavity under anaesthesia is essential to exclude is bronchoconstrictive and other side effects include diarrhoea,
or remove retained placental tissue and membranes. If bleed- vomiting, fever, headache and flushing.
ing persists despite a well-contracted uterus, examination under Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin E1 analogue and has
anaesthesia must include looking for cervical tears or tears in been used in the management of PPH. Placebo-controlled ran-
the vaginal vault, as these may involve the uterus and/or broad domised trials compared misoprostol with placebo and showed
ligament and may be the cause of retroperitoneal haematomas. that misoprostol use was not associated with any significant
Pressure and/or packing are useful to achieve haemostasis and reduction of maternal mortality, hysterectomy, additional use of
to prevent haematoma formation. Suspect a coagulation defect uterotonics, blood transfusion, or evacuation of retained prod-
if retained tissue or trauma is excluded and bleeding continues ucts. Misoprostol was associated with a significant increase of
despite a well-contracted uterus. maternal pyrexia and shivering. However, an unblinded trial
Uterine atony is the most common cause of PPH. Medical showed better clinical response to rectal misoprostol than a
management consists of oxytocin 10 units by slow intravenous combination of syntometrine and oxytocin. A recent Cochrane
injection, ergometrine 0.5 mg by slow intravenous injection, review concluded that the addition of misoprostol with oxy-
methergine 0.2 mg intramuscularly, oxytocin infusion, 15-methyl tocin is superior to the combination of oxytocin and ergomet-
PGF2 intramuscularly or intramyometrially, or misoprostol. rine alone for the treatment of primary PPH. As the peak serum

OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 19:5 123 Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

c­ oncentration of oxytocin is much smaller than oral misopro- that uterine packing is a safe, quick and effective procedure for
stol, which reaches its serum peak concentration at 20 min, a controlling PPH.
combination of these two agents can provide a sustained utero- Successful use of uterine balloon tamponade has been reported
tonic effect. using a number of devices, including a Bakri balloon, a condom,
A number of case reports of empirical ‘off-label’ use of recom- a Foley’s catheter, the Rusch urological hydrostatic balloon and
binant activated factor VII show that it may be an alternative the Sengstaken–Blakemore oesophageal catheter (SBOC). The
haemostatic agent when the standard treatment is ineffective. SBOC has been the most frequently used and reported device.
The Scottish Confidential Audit of Severe Maternal Morbidity Overall, the reported success rates vary between 70% and
recommends that, if conservative measures fail to control haem- 100%. Uterine tamponade with the SBOC has been described as
orrhage, surgical haemostasis should be commenced ‘sooner a prognostic test in obstetric haemorrhage. The ‘tamponade test’
rather than later’. Other reports from the RCOG recommend that has had a positive result of >87% for the successful manage-
obstetricians must consider all available interventions to stop ment of PPH in these studies.
haemorrhage including B-Lynch suture, uterine artery embolisa- The ‘tamponade test’ arrests bleeding in most women with
tion or even radical surgery. severe PPH and allows the obstetrician to identify women requir-
Recommendations have been made that all hospitals with ing a laparotomy. This method has the advantages that: (i) inser-
delivery units should aim to provide an emergency interventional tion is easy and rapid with minimal anaesthesia; (ii) it can be
radiology service as these have the potential to save the lives of performed by relatively inexperienced personnel; (iii) removal is
patients with massive PPH. painless; and (iv) failed cases can be identified rapidly. The early
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists use of balloon tamponade results in reduced total blood loss and
suggests that uterine tamponade can be effective in decreasing haemorrhage-related maternal mortality. No immediate prob-
haemorrhage secondary to uterine atony, and procedures such as lems (such as bleeding and sepsis) or long-term complications
uterine artery ligation or B-Lynch suture may be used instead of (such as menstrual and fertility problems) have been reported in
the need for hysterectomy. In patients with stable vital signs but women who have undergone uterine tamponade.
persistent bleeding, arterial embolisation is suitable, especially if
the rate of blood loss is not excessive. A – Applying the compression sutures
If the patient is stable and bimanual compression of the uterus
S – Shift to operating theatre (anti-shock garment, especially if has successfully achieved haemostasis, then compression sutures
transfer is required and bimanual compression) may be of value. Various modifications have been reported to the
In home births and midwifery-led units, transfer to a centre with original B-Lynch suture technique (Figures 1 and 2). The major
greater facilities is indicated at this stage. A new type of non- advantages are easy application of such sutures and preservation
pneumatic anti-shock garment (NASG) can reverse the effect of fertility. The disadvantage is the need for laparotomy. Recog-
of shock on the body’s blood distribution by applying external nised complications include erosion through the uterine wall,
counter pressure to the legs and abdomen and returning blood pyometra and uterine necrosis.
to the vital organs, thus keeping the woman stabilised until she
reaches a hospital.
A pilot study showed that in women in whom the NASG
was used, compared with women in a control group, bleeding
decreased by 50% in those experiencing various forms of obstet-
ric haemorrhage (e.g. post-abortion complications, PPH or rup-
tured ectopic pregnancy). The use of this device could be critical
in reducing maternal mortality in low-risk areas where reaching
a health facility could take time.

T – Tissue and trauma to be excluded and proceed to tampon-

ade with balloon or uterine packing
Continuous bleeding indicates transfer to and evaluation in the
operating theatre. Examination with appropriate lighting, equip-
ment, analgesia and assistance permits assessment of the uterine
tone and excludes retained tissue and trauma. Bimanual uter-
ine compression helps to control bleeding while monitoring and
resuscitation continues and preparations are made for further
Uterine packing has always been considered effective, quick
and safe for controlling PPH. The use of uterine packing in the
management of PPH fell into disrepute in the 1960s following
concerns that it: (i) was potentially traumatic and time-consum-
ing; (ii) might conceal ongoing haemorrhage; (iii) might pre-
dispose to the development of infection; and (iv) represented a Figure 1 The B-Lynch suture. Reproduced with permission from Sapiens
‘non-physiological approach’. More recently, studies concluded Publishing, 2006.

OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 19:5 124 Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Tubal Branch of the ovarian artery

Uterine artery

Figure 3 Quadruple ligation. Reproduced with permission from Elsevier

Publishers, 2008 (Chandraharan E & Arulkumaran S. Surgical aspects of
postpartum haemorrhage. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics
and Gynaecology, 2008).

the procedure has the potential to preserve fertility. Prophylactic

embolisation has a role in an elective Caesarean section when
the placenta is thought to be morbidly adherent.
Complications include haematoma formation, infection, con-
trast-related side effects and ischaemia, resulting in uterine and

Reproduced with permission from Sapiens Publishing, 2006.

a Cho’s multiple square technique. b Vertical and horizontal
compression sutures. Internal
iliac vein
Figure 2

S – Systematic pelvic devascularisation

Pelvic devascularisation requires laparotomy, and progressive,
step-wise devascularisation, whereby the uterine, ovarian and
internal iliac arteries are ligated (Figure 3). Internal iliac artery iliac artery
ligation (Figure 4) is effective in arresting bleeding from within
the genital tract, however, it takes time, is technically challeng-
ing and carries the risk of injury to neighbouring structures.
Prerequisites include a haemodynamically stable patient, spe-
cialist surgical expertise and a patient’s desire to preserve her
future fertility. The reported success rates are between 40% and
100%. When arterial ligation fails, hysterectomy follows and has Ligation of anterior division
a higher morbidity compared with those patients undergoing of internal iliac artery
hysterectomy without previous attempts at arterial ligation.
Figure 4 Internal iliac artery ligation: anatomy of the lateral pelvic wall.
I – Interventional radiology and uterine artery embolisation Reproduced with permission from Elsevier Publishers (Chandraharan E
Arterial embolisation under fluoroscopic guidance was first & Arulkumaran S. Surgical aspects of postpartum haemorrhage, Best
described in 1979. The success rate is as high as 70–100% and Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2008).

OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 19:5 125 Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

bladder necrosis. Specialised equipment and an interventional Further reading

radiologist with a great degree of expertise are prerequisites for ACOG Practice Bulletin. Clinical management guidelines for obstetrician-
this procedure. gynecologists. Number 76. October 2006: postpartum hemorrhage.
A recent systematic review failed to demonstrate that any Obstet Gynecol 2006; 108: 1039–1047.
one method for the conservative management of severe PPH Chandraharan E, Arulkumaran S. Management algorithm for atonic
was superior to another. The review recommended that uter- postpartum haemorrhage. J Paediatr Obstet Gynaecol 2005; 31:
ine balloon tamponade should be considered as the first step in 106–112.
the management of intractable PPH, which is not due to genital Chandraharan E, Arulkumaran S. Surgical aspects of postpartum
trauma or retained tissue, and which does not respond to medi- haemorrhage. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynecol 2008;
cal treatment. The choice of measures employed depends on the 22: 1089–1102. Epub 2008 Sep 14.
available facilities and the degree of ongoing bleeding, the esti- Dildy 3rd GA. Postpartum hemorrhage: new management options.
mated blood loss and the haemodynamic state of the woman. Clin Obstet Gynecol 2002; 45: 330–344.
Doumouchtsis SK, Arulkumaran S. Postpartum haemorrhage: changing
S – Subtotal or total abdominal hysterectomy practices. In: Dunlop W, Ledger WL, eds. Recent Advances in
Subtotal or total abdominal hysterectomy is usually a last resort Obstetrics and Gynaecology; vol 24. London: The Royal Society of
in the management of PPH and must not be delayed if the conser- Medicine Press Ltd, 2008, pp. 89–104.
vative measures have failed to control it. Subtotal hysterectomy Doumouchtsis SK, Papageorghiou AT, Arulkumaran S. Systematic review
may not be effective when the source of the bleeding is in the of conservative management of postpartum hemorrhage: what to do
lower segment, cervix or vaginal fornices. Hysterectomy is asso- when medical treatment fails. Obstet Gynecol Surv 2007;
ciated with numerous postoperative complications (e.g. bowel 62: 540–547.
injury, fistula formation, pelvic haematoma, sepsis, urinary tract Mousa HA, Alfirevic Z. Treatment for primary postpartum haemorrhage.
injury, vascular injury). The resultant loss of child-bearing and Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2007; (1): CD003249.
its psychological consequences must not be underestimated. Penney G, Kernaghan D, Adamson L. Scottish confidential audit of severe
All these surgical techniques (uterine tamponade, devasculari- maternal morbidity. 3rd annual report 2005. Edinburgh: Scottish
sation, compression sutures and hysterectomy) require the ready Programme for Clinical Effectiveness in Reproductive Health, 2005.
availability of specific instruments and equipment. For this, an Ramanathan G, Arulkumaran S. Postpartum hemorrhage. J Obstet
obstetric haemorrhage equipment tray on labour ward facilitates Gynaecol Can 2006; 28: 967–973.
prompt surgical management of severe obstetric haemorrhage, Saving Mother’s Lives. Reviewing maternal deaths to make motherhood
and reduces the need for blood transfusion and hysterectomy. safer. 2003–2005. The seventh report of the confidential enquiries
into maternal deaths in the United Kingdom. London: CEMACH, 2007.

PPH is a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Iden-
tification of risk factors antenatally and intra-partum is useful
in the prevention and treatment of PPH. Catastrophic and life-
­threatening haemorrhage is often unpredictable. Prompt resusci- Practice points
tation of the patient with effective restoration of the circulating
blood volume and identification of the cause of bleeding should • Specific management of controlling PPH should go hand in
be performed in a multidisciplinary team setting. Rapid and hand with fluid, blood and clotting factor resuscitation
prompt treatment measures should be instituted in a step-wise • Every unit should have a protocol to manage PPH in a
manner using the algorithm ‘HAEMOSTASIS’ and assessment stepwise manner
tools such as the ‘rule of 30’ and the ‘shock index’. Protocols for • Medical management should precede surgical management
the prevention and management of PPH should be constantly • Simple surgical management (tamponade, brace sutures) is
updated in every maternity unit. The training of all members of less time-consuming, can be done with minimal training and
staff in the management of this common obstetric emergency is effective in more than 80% of cases
should include regular ‘fire drills’. ◆

OBSTETRICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE 19:5 126 Crown Copyright © 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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