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BKA Eastern Europe Grants

Grants covering participating fees, travel costs up to € 200.– and

living costs of € 150.– per week.

Co-financed through funding from the Austrian Federal Chancellery –

Division II Arts and Culture, the International Summer Academy of
Fine Arts awards BKA Eastern Europe grants to art students from
the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Georgia, Croatia, Macedonia,
Moldavia, Montenegro, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine.
Applications should contain the following:
 Application form for a grant

 Brief informative curriculum vitae

 Statement on the reason for applying and what you expect from participation in a
course at the Summer Academy

 Portfolio, approximately 10 photographs of your work (for the courses in

curatorial theory and praxis, writing and blogging, a portfolio is not necessary)

Some 80 grants, usually covering participation fees only, are available for participation
in one of the classes at the Summer Academy. Additional subsidies for travel and living
costs are offered by others.

Closing date for all grant applications is3 April 2019.

Further details and contacts at
Applications should be made, online only, via the Summer Academy.
The grant application also counts as the application for a class, so need not be made
Grants from the Society of Friends of the International Summer Academy of
Fine Arts
Grants covering participating fees only
Applications should contain the following:
 Application form for a grant

 Brief informative curriculum vitae

 Statement on the reason for applying and what you expect from participation in a
course at the Summer Academy

 Portfolio, approximately 10 photographs of your work (for the courses in

curatorial theory and praxis, writing and blogging, a portfolio is not necessary)

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